Faking Straight

Chapter 75


Heroes are saddened by Beauty Pass.

There are countless tragedies about love circulating in the interstellar space. When a star thief falls in love with a person, most of the endings are tragic.

Advisor Cheng scoffed at this.

He is Walther, a star thief known for his ruthlessness. Love is worthless, even ridiculous, in his opinion.

After taking NK-03 and becoming younger, I felt the taste of love for the first time in thirty-eight years, but they were right, when a star thief fell in love with someone, pain and torture would always be by his side.

Advisors have grown to experience the pain.

Incomprehensible, repressed pain.

He forcibly threatened Li Zuoxing, made him not allow him to reject him, and continued to tease him as Wasser... Many secrets were taken alone, and he didn't even know whether Li Zuoxing still liked girls.

An eighteen-year-old boy, without knowing anything, was dragged into the abyss of another road by the consultant.

The sourness of the relationship was all the result of his coercion.

The picture of Li Zuoxing and the imperial princess embracing and dancing again touched the beating nerves of Advisor Cheng.

He didn't know what he could do.

The human heart can never be forced.

Facing the words of consultant Cheng, Li Zuoxing was obviously a little caught off guard.

Are consultants upset

It sounds - incredible.

He would be uneasy.

Prince Nico's gaze at Li Zuoxing was no longer simply an appreciation of his future capable men, but added some critical examination and temptation, "Do you have a girlfriend now?"

"Yes," Li Zuoxing replied immediately, "there is a lover who is in a relationship."

Lover can also be translated as "lover" in Interstellar.

This is a more cherished word than "girlfriend".

Nicole glanced at his sister, but saw that there was no surprise or sadness on her face, he regretted: "Really, it seems that you and your lover get along very well, I'm very curious about Chengyang Military Academy's How do students get along with their girlfriends, would you mind telling me?"

Advisor Cheng raised his head to look at Li Zuoxing with a forbearance in his eyes.

His actions were hidden among his teammates, because the entire Dream Team couldn't help looking at Li Zuoxing.

Look and see, one is more true than the other.

They controlled themselves not to show contempt, pretended not to know that Li Zuoxing had also embarked on the old path of becoming a consultant, and pretended to use falsehoods to reject the peach blossoms they didn't like.

This is in front of His Majesty the Emperor!

A way of telling lies where both learned.

Now that Prince Nico has asked such a detailed question, how should he answer

"Get along sweetly," Li Zuoxing smiled involuntarily, "If I talk to you in detail, I guess I won't be able to stop."

"It looks like you like her very much." Nico asked with interest.

The restless fire ignited in his heart. Imperial citizens would never lie in front of His Majesty the Emperor. Advisor Cheng closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the inside had calmed down.

No matter what answer Li Zuoxing had, there was only one result for him.

Li Zuoxing picked up the wine glass in front of him and suddenly laughed. This smile was short-lived, but it contained countless softness, "I like it very much."

Then clink glasses and drink them all.

Advisor Cheng was stunned for a while, then turned to ask the person next to him, "He said he likes his lover."

Ji Yu's expression was complicated, and he whispered: "Let's not break it, it seems that Zuo Xing doesn't want to fall in love yet."

"You dare to tell a lie in front of the emperor, Zuo Xing is really bold."

The consultant was pounding heartily, unable to hear what Ji Yu was saying, and had already asked Li Zuoxing, "Do you really like your lover?"

The teammates held their foreheads in pain.

It's over, it's over, you have to expose the lies of the star.

They wanted to help change the subject, Ling Nian chatted with the princess across from him expressionlessly, trying to attract attention, "The color of this dish is very similar to your blonde hair."

Her Royal Highness's expression was reserved and indifferent, but a blush appeared on her fair face, "Thank you for your praise, the color of this dish is very similar to your eyes."

Ling Nian nodded, "Thank you."

Ji Yu saw that he was going to be in a cold place, and quickly connected, "The scenery in the palace is beautiful, which makes people linger."

Their rescue was not considered considerate by the parties, because Li Zuoxing opened his mouth, and he looked into the eyes of consultant Cheng and answered the question.

"My lover is sweet from the inside out, and I've lost myself in this sweetness."

The fire was so fierce that it burned the whole person's heart.

The consultant pursed his lips and looked romantic, but he always seemed to be a little silly.

In a word, heaven and hell, let him instantly go from the polar ice to the warm zone.

Li Zuoxing poured him a glass of sweet wine, placed it in front of him, and teased, "Ask Cheng, why do you smile so beautifully."

"Fuck off," Cheng Cheng glanced at him and lip-mouthed, "You will sleep to death tonight."

"Young people's topic," Colonel Romond said to His Majesty the Emperor, smiling, "Your Majesty, we can't get in."

Kate laughed a few times, "It's rare to relax. I'm not like you, Romond. I'm always interested in young people's topics."

After a harmonious meal, the Dream Team did not leave immediately. His Majesty Kate left everything to his eldest son, and Prince Nico led them into the conference room with Colonel Romond.

Colonel Romond didn't give them time to adapt, so he threw out a stack of documents, "The information you shared with Yumon, he handed it over to me. Young people, big heads like Jindi are arrested by My army does it, such a task is dangerous and involves a lot, although it costs a lot, but it is also promoted quickly."

The Dream Team looked up at him, waiting for his next words.

Colonel Romond raised his eyebrows, "After investigation, Jindi is involved in a larger star thief organization and the entire network of racial trafficking. These people are too mysterious, and more detailed investigation is needed. But it must be To say the last sentence, although it is the clues you discovered, it is difficult for you to end up with the final military exploits, or in other words, even if it falls on you, it is not a military exploit worth telling."

"And this matter is closely related to you," Prince Nico said: "By the way, this opportunity is rare."

"You must also know that Chengyang Military Academy has been training Prince Nico's army since this session," Romond changed his posture comfortably, "First of all, you are just barely enough to enter my army. The standard, but Prince Nico wants his young army pillar to grow rapidly, so I will not be picky. After you get the first place in the strongest team competition, the military department will invite you to join me in advance. army."

After the army found out that Jindi was involved in Juguang, Prince Nico knew that this was an opportunity for a quick promotion. He couldn't bear to let the dream team who discovered the clues miss the opportunity in vain, but also in order to allow his power to grow. Faster, so they won the opportunity to enter Romond's army, and dealt with Jindi and the strength behind him.

The opportunity for promotion is just around the corner. After entering the army, they will be given special care, and they can still study key courses at Chengyang Military Academy. This move is just for them to earn military merit in an open and honest way, as subordinates of the Romond army.

The Dream Team was suddenly shocked by this news.

"Who is the star thief organization behind Jindi?" Li Zuoxing asked.

Colonel Romond glanced at him incredulously, "Wother..."

Advisor Cheng frowned immediately, and Li Zuoxing said without hesitation, "Impossible."

Romond smiled again, and then slowly said: "It's really not Osser, don't be nervous young man, it's another famous star thief organization, insect industry, have you heard of it?"

Li Zuoxing, who had been tricked by him, smirked and didn't speak.

Everyone in the empire knows that the star thief organization, the insect industry, is the biggest rebel to overthrow the empire's rule. They are just like their names, they are the worms of the empire. .

The six members of the Dream Team were silent, and Advisor Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Insect industry has disappeared from the interstellar in recent months," Romond, "I thought before that they and Vosser lost both, otherwise who can explain how the two sides disappeared at the same time? But recently Vosser has appeared. , and after that, the insect industry followed suit."

"The worse news is that the insect industry has collected a lot of medicinal elements, and they have formed a team specializing in research and development of banned drugs, which we call the 'worm heart'."

"The short name is," the colonel clasped his hands in front of him, "CD."

After coming out of the conference room, it's time to say goodbye and go back to school.

Her Royal Highness said goodbye to them, and the advisor glanced at her with a half-smile. In order not to cause misunderstanding, Li Zuoxing stayed away from Ling Nian, and it became clearer who Her Majesty the Princess was looking at.

"..." Ling Nian suddenly felt that all his teammates were looking at him, he looked left and right, and then he met the princess's gaze.

The princess didn't know how shy her expression was now, so she kept her face as an imperial princess, "You can call me Abe when we meet next time."

Ling Nian waited for Ji Yu to speak. Ji Yu was equivalent to a diplomat among them. Who knew that his teammates were all looking at him with schadenfreude, as if they were waiting for him to speak.

Ling Nian's face was expressionless, but his voice was a little stiff, "Okay, Your Royal Highness."

"Say good night to you in advance." Her Royal Highness hurriedly looked down at the ground, her hand holding the skirt turned white with tension.

"Good night." This was also the first time Ling Nian said good night to someone of the opposite sex.

The two of them froze into stone, and the awkward atmosphere could spread ten meters around, and the dream team watching the excitement secretly held back their laughter.

Li Zuoxing put on consultant Cheng's shoulder and couldn't laugh, "Look, the princess is not interested in me, what is interesting about her is Ling Nian."

Consultant Cheng snorted, "It's still a little insightful."

Know that he can't choose his little sun.

After saying goodbye to the princess, they were considered to have stepped into the spaceship for the return journey.

Regarding the invitation from the military after the end of the strongest team competition that Romond said, they had no reason to refuse, nor did they think of rejecting it at all.

When Li Zuoxing first saw the scene of racial trafficking, he made up his mind to eradicate this phenomenon, and this opportunity came.

— but only if they are the No. 1 team in the strongest team competition.

Xinan still remembers the love words Li Zuoxing said in front of the emperor, "Where did you come from, your girlfriend, Zuoxing, you are the first person I have ever seen who dared to lie in front of the emperor, tsk tsk tsk, amazing. "

"Ask Cheng Ye, did you guys discuss it last night?" Ji Yu laughed, "The same reason was used, but fortunately it wasn't discovered by Prince Nico."

Li Zuoxing suddenly became enthusiastic, "If I said, the lover that Wencheng said was me, and the lover I said was Wencheng, what do you think?"

The advisor was stunned for a moment, but he followed suit, paying attention to the expressions of his teammates.

The teammates were stunned for a moment, and laughed at will, "Hahahaha, you don't have to fight like this, Hahaha!"

"Why did you even lie to us hahaha, we won't expose you to His Majesty the Emperor, we still don't know if you are a couple, is it possible that some of you are disguised as men? Hahahaha I'm sorry, I can't stop. "

"Okay, you are good lovers, you are not brothers, my face hurts when I smile."

Li Zuoxing and advisor Cheng turned dark together.

After the space transition, they laughed until they returned to the dormitory. After finally stopping, it was time to sleep.

Li Zuoxing still remembered to give the consultant medicine, and after taking a bath, let him lie on the bed.

Advisor Cheng froze as soon as his fingers touched it, and he didn't know whether he was expecting injury or not, "How is it?"

"It's completely fine," Li Zuoxing checked it carefully, with a complicated mood, "there is no sign of swelling."

In this case…

Advisor Cheng pushed him on the bed reflexively, sat up, and apologized, "I'll have to hurt you again tonight."

Li Zuoxing pulled his head down and gave him a lingering kiss, his words interrupted in the kiss, "Young people can't indulge."

"You are the land," the advisor frowned, "it will only exhaust me, there is no ploughing of the land."

He rubbed it twice, and sure enough, the unbroken ground beneath him had already responded.

How can the feeling of trembling from the head to the face down from the soul, how can it be only last night.

Li Zuoxing was amused by his statement, he couldn't bear it any longer, he took the innocent old man in his arms, and said in his ear, "Have you found out yet? Ask me? I'm the one taking the initiative. "

"You are the land, and I am the cow who will die of exhaustion."

His voice was lowered, and his ears were numb. Consul Cheng remembered his rapid breathing last night, and smiled inscrutable on his face, thinking that only a boy of this age would care so much about who is having sex with whom. Down.

"Okay, you're the initiative," the good boy who met him, the consultant, "you're the best."

The kiss was soothing, but it always felt a little perfunctory.

"You still don't believe it," Li Zuoxing bit him, "I'm telling the truth."

The consultant Cheng smiled, "Zuo Xing, you are still too simple."

The too simple Li Zuoxing looked at him and felt that the consultant was actually deceiving himself.

Advisor Cheng's hand was ready to move, "Don't be shy, let me come this time..."

A sincere confession always makes people emotional. At the dinner party, when Li Zuoxing said he liked it, the consultant Chengcheng wanted to crush him under him.

As it is now, the rhythm is controlled by him, and his mental power is entangled in Li Zuoxing's limbs, so that he can only lie down obediently and watch.

Jing Zong's brain was overturned, and his reason was overturned, but at the last moment, the door was quickly knocked, and Ling Nian's surprised voice sounded, "Ask Cheng Zuo Xing! That CD, the code I cracked has the CD written on it. Two letters!"

Ji Yu and Xinan had been woken up by him and were looking at the original document, "Yes, there is."

Inside the house, Li Zuoxing and advisor Cheng Zheng were sweating profusely.

When I do it again, it still hurts, and the other party hurts.

At the critical moment, you can't go back, you can't go forward.

Ling Nian's knock on the door became stronger and stronger, but the people inside didn't respond at all. He tentatively grabbed the door handle and twisted it, but it opened.

How urgently did these two meet, and they didn't lock the door

The three people complained in their hearts and walked in carelessly.

As soon as the door lock rang, the advisor pulled up the quilt to cover them both.

But agitated, he forgot to keep his strength and sat down completely.


He groaned, his face pale in pain.

Li Zuoxing sucked in a breath of cold air, forcibly broke free of his mental power, and was about to pick him up when consultant Cheng's eyes revealed some cruelty, "No need."

This pain is nothing, a real man is not afraid of blood, but is afraid of losing face.

In front of Li Zuoxing, consultant Cheng didn't care about the pain.

Li Zuoxing still forcibly wrapped the quilt and carried him down by the bed, "Don't do this, I feel bad."

In front of his teammates, he placed a soothing kiss on the forehead of the consultant, making sure that the two of them didn't reveal anything, before he looked at the teammate whose jaw was about to drop, "Ling Nian, you're talking about cracking. The pharmacist's code, right?"

What password are you talking about at this time

Ling Nian's mind went blank. They didn't see what they were doing, but they saw Li Zuoxing kissing consultant Cheng's forehead. Under the flash of lightning, he remembered what Li Zuoxing said on the spacecraft.

The pupils gradually tightened, and the voice tightened, "You... are you together?"

Ji Yu and Xinan looked at him in shock, and immediately turned to look at Li Zuoxing and advisor Cheng.

The consultant Cheng, who was lying on the bed with peace of mind, was scorched outside and tender inside by Li Zuoxing's words "I feel distressed".

Even if his teammates knew about it, he felt extremely stable when he looked at Li Zuoxing next to him.

Li Zuoxing looked firm, and he nodded.


The teammates gasped in shock, but subconsciously closed the door to activate their mental power to prevent outsiders from listening.

Ling Nian was the first to scold him in a rage. He was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck. The handsome guy who had always been indifferent was now completely set on fire, "You guys are intimate in the house, don't you know how to lock the door? If it wasn't us who came in. What should you do if it's someone else? Can you grow your brains and add a little bit of precaution to your brains that have no nutrition and love?!"

His hands were shaking in anger.

If that happens, if someone sees it and spreads it out...

What should they do.

"You guys," Ji Yu couldn't help taking a step forward with complicated eyes, "You guys are really... together?"


"It's good..." Ji Yu didn't know what he was talking about, but he was afraid that if he said it a second too late, Xing Xing and Wen Cheng would be sad, and he said indiscriminately, "You guys are very worthy, so it's true Together, it’s okay, it’s okay, don’t worry, we are supportive, Xingxing and Wencheng, trust us, we will always support you.”

Xinan also nodded tightly, his head was about to fall, "Don't be sad, we can totally accept it! Really! It's just... It just doesn't respond for a while, it doesn't mean it can't be accepted!"

They looked anxious and moved quickly.

If there's anyone else in the world that makes them feel bad, it belongs to the teammates.

But that would have been a paradox because the teammates wouldn't make them sad.

Li Zuoxing's heart was warm, but his eyes were slightly sour.

He turned around and hugged Consul Cheng, buried his face in his chest, hiding the tears of the fierce man at this moment.

The consultant patted him on the head, looked at his teammates with a smile, and said sincerely, "It's good to have you here."

A few big boys were blushed by these words, and they came over and hugged them through the quilt.

Li Zuoxing stared at the quilt on the consultant Cheng's body, and immediately pulled him wherever there was a tendency to fall, but he himself, with half of his chest exposed, didn't take it seriously at all.

In fact, I still dare not look at my teammates, for fear that they will laugh at me and be ashamed.

The teammates let him go in a tacit understanding, wondering how they got together, but it is hard to say now, they have already decided, and they must ask questions tomorrow.

Boys and boys.

They never thought that there would be such a match, but if it is put on consultant Cheng and Li Zuoxing, there is a different kind of harmonious match.

They were still a little surprised.

It was such a relationship.

It can still be so.

They also remembered a time when they were very fond of teasing Li Zuoxing.

Oops, now that I think about it, I'm a little embarrassed.

And now looking at the intimate picture of Zuo Xing and Wen Cheng, they actually think this picture is beautiful.

The whole dream team's painting style is like magic.

After the warm scene, they continued with the question just now.

The pharmacist's password was clearly written, "NK-03, CD", NK-03 was the name of the medicine that the consultant was looking for at the time, and the two letters CD, they originally thought it was the abbreviation of a certain name, now It was only discovered that this might be the research group in the Insect Industry Star Thief Group.

Although things are getting more complicated, at least some things are getting clearer.

The author has something to say: Hahaha came out of the closet