Faking Straight

Chapter 76


When talking about business, the teammates were still a little unresponsive.

Their eyes would unconsciously swept to the two people sitting on the bed one after the other, only to realize that they didn't seem to be wearing clothes.

But for boys, it seems normal to sleep without clothes on...

Every time Li Zuoxing and his advisor Cheng moved, every time they touched each other, even if their arms collided inadvertently, they could successfully gather their eyes at the point of contact.

Look, hands meet hands!

God, their faces are so close together!

This is about to be kissed!

Cheng and Li Zuoxing, advisors with keen senses, were staring at them more and more stiffly, "NK-03 is a forbidden drug developed by the empire..."

The tone is getting slower and slower.

Originally very thick-skinned, those who dared to steal in front of their roommates would feel embarrassed after a long absence. Before the announcement was made, they were daring for fear that the world would not know, but after the announcement, they were under the eyes of teammates. Tie your hands and feet.

The two of them shared the same quilt. Li Zuoxing had scratches on his back and a layer of hickeys on the front. He started to feel uncomfortable afterwards.

Glancing at each other with crackling lightning, he quickly turned his eyes away before his teammates caught sight of him.

A thin layer of red gradually appeared on Consul Cheng's face, and Li Zuoxing's hand under the quilt was hooked together, and the palm of his hand was itchy.

The teammates also used serious business to cover up their gossip hearts, "Isn't the meaning recorded on the pharmacist's paper that the CD bought the NK-03 from him?"

Look, look, the consultant is blushing...

They looked under the quilt and imagined a picture of long legs intertwined.

Their faces were even redder than the advisors had become.

Li Zuoxing recovered from the embarrassing situation of the fierce man crying. He is really the most serious person in this group. After thinking about it, "I don't understand the role of NK-03."

In the whole world, I am afraid that only the consultant pair NK-03 knows best.

"Ah?" The teammates quickly returned to their senses, "Yes, yes, we don't understand either."

Li Zuoxing wondered, "Why are you blushing?"


I made up some pictures of brothers and brothers making out, they were embarrassed and shameless.

"Cough," Ling Nian raised his voice, "Sleep tonight and talk about it tomorrow."

Ji Yu took the two of them and walked out the door, so embarrassed that they wanted to find a crack on the spot to get in, "Good night, Xingxingwencheng, you two have a good rest, and we will discuss it tomorrow."

The three of them closed the door as soon as they went out, looked at each other, and suddenly laughed.

"They kissed the forehead when we went in, didn't they?"

"If they've been together before," Ji Yu, "then asked Cheng to bite out that tooth mark on Zuo Xing's neck this morning?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them turned red, and went back to the room awkwardly, unable to think about this issue any more.

Li Zuoxing was still stunned for a long time in the room, "Didn't you say you want to discuss serious business?"

Advisor Cheng couldn't help laughing, and hooked him for another kiss. When his lips and teeth were touching, his words were teasing, "Baby, I'm gone, let my brother love you again."

"Don't move," Li Zuoxing stopped the elder brother, "I'll see if I'm injured."

The next morning, the teammates who woke up early bought breakfast and called Swarin over, planning to give him a precaution in advance.

Those who have teammates are happy. Swarin said goodbye to his roommates who had not woken up, and happily went to find teammates for breakfast.

The three Ji Yu hesitated for a long time, but they told him directly, "Zao Xing and Wen Cheng are together."

Heenan added: "The lover kind of being together."

Swarin was stunned, holding the food in his hand and holding it in front of his mouth.

His teammates were apprehensive about his reaction and a little gloating.

This stupid look must have been what they looked like last night when they heard the news.

But Swarin's expression was calm after he reacted, "I'm happy for them."

Sinan, "Aren't you surprised?"

"Brotherhood," Swarin said earnestly, repeating what his roommate had said, "if a brother needs it, be a brother's woman if necessary."

This detached consciousness suddenly shook Ling Nian and the three of them to the ground.

Swarin's roommates didn't even know how much of a thought frenzy a casual joke had brought to the Dream Team.

"That's great," Swarin said with a small smile, "I can watch the sweet daily life of Zuo Xing and Wencheng in the future."

"They both look really blushing, don't they?"

The three people who were still shaken in place murmured, "Blushing and heartbeat?"

"They're still in the same room," Swarin thought for a moment. "I don't know when they started liking each other. I'm very interested in it. I always feel that a room is the opportunity for them to fall in love with each other."

Ji Yu and Xinan, who were also in the same room, looked at each other subconsciously, suffocating.

Xinan howled, "I won't like your Jiyu! Don't covet my strong body!"

Jiyu's temple began to bulge, "Do you think I would like a crybaby bag that lets me follow around to help wipe my tears?!"

"I'm not a crybaby!" Xinan's eyes filled with tears, "Don't call me a crybaby!"

Ji Yu sighed, took out a handkerchief from his arms, and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a gesture between rude and gentle, "Don't cry."

Xinan snatched the handkerchief and squatted in the corner, wiping tears, but the majestic back looked pitiful.

Swarin and Ling Nian sat at the dining table and looked at the two of them, watching whoever spoke, their eyes circling in sync. Ji Yu didn't notice their gazes, and after sighing, he walked over and squatted beside Xinan, speaking skillfully to coax him.

"Tsk," Ling Nian looked away and suddenly had the illusion that he was a treasure. After seeing Swarin, his eyes flashed with vigilance, "You don't like me, do you?"

Swarin's eyes were blank, and his mouth was still chewing food subconsciously. After eating this mouthful, he asked, "What?"

"..." Ling Nian felt that he who said that sentence just now must be mentally retarded, "It's nothing."

"The princess likes you," Swarin thought for a moment. "I like you too, but for my teammates. If you want, I can—"

"I do not need!"

Ling Nian interrupted him without hesitation, with a firm expression, "Thank you, it's enough to like your teammates."

Swarin thoughtfully, said slowly, "Are you setting up a flag?"

The whole living room was red and turkey flying.

When Ling Nian's forehead was bubbling, Li Zuoxing and his advisor Cheng finally walked out of the room.

With steam on their faces, they walked into the living room one after the other, "Good morning."

Vibrant and sunny, with a bright smile, Swarin first said his best wishes to them, "Ask Cheng, Xingxing, I hope you will always be together. Always be happy and happy."

He said it solemnly, which undoubtedly brought a good mood for the day, and the consultant Cheng had a spring look on his face, and solemnly replied: "I will spoil him well."

Li Zuoxing's expression was lazy and full of contentment. He bent down and approached the consultant's ear, jokingly said, "Brother, then you must spoil me well."

"I spoil you," the consultant Cheng smiled, "don't worry and wait."

Swarin watched their interaction with bright eyes, and felt that the air was filled with a sweet smell, which made people feel good.

This kind of look makes people want to fall in love... Ling Nian coughed, stabilizing the image of a handsome and cold guy.

A group of people finished their breakfast with a smile.

After dinner, it's time to discuss the game.

The next game of the strongest team game will come two days later. Fortunately, it is a game in the virtual world, which saves them from the pain of back and forth, and can prevent any accidents from happening again.

They are now really afraid that an accident will happen when they go out.

"I don't know what form of virtual world it will take," Li Zuoxing, "adventure, escape, mission... what else?"

"The brains of the strongest team competitions should be much more serious than those of the Hanging Garden," Ji Yu hoped that there would be no more appearances of Princess Youmeng and Princess Lingnian. The same virtual world in the ghost story of the star, right?"

Li Zuoxing looked at him without words.

"..." Facing this familiar scene, the teammates felt their fists itch.

Swarin couldn't help laughing, "This must be a flag."

Only then did Ji Yu react, and he didn't dare to speak with a bitter face.

Seeing him like this, Xinan is still righteous, with a fearless expression on his face, "Even if it is a virtual world themed by horror stories, we are not afraid! Anyway, there is Xing Xing, and he knows these stories best!"

He was the one who was most afraid of ghost stories in the group. Li Zuoxing sighed, "If it is really the theme of ghost stories... Think about it and you will know the difference between telling a story and telling a story."

But you still have to be prepared. Jiyu, the crow's mouth, said that there is no chance of luck.

They knew how accurate Jiyu's flag was, and what he said could not be swallowed by Jiyu. For the next two days, Li Zuoxing took the lead to practice survival routines in ghost stories for his teammates.

Forcing Xinan to listen to many ghost stories in the dark night, Xinan's tears have spilled over Jiyu's five or six handkerchiefs.

Two days passed quickly, and in the last hour before the game, Li Zuoxing emphasized, "You can't go to the toilet alone, you can't take a shower alone, you can't look under the bed, don't even knock on the door or call your name in the middle of the night. reason."

Advisor Cheng nodded, smiling with obvious anticipation, "I will follow you all the time."

"We'll also follow your star," Xi Nan said quickly, with a sad face, "Ask Cheng, don't fall in love first, let's eat together, take a bath, and go to the toilet together? Time in the virtual world. It's two days and one night, and people are afraid."

In fact, I am a little scared, and the unknown always makes people feel insecure.

If it is really that kind of world that Ji Yu said, who knows if the weapons of the organizer will be useful or not, just listening to the story will make the scalp tingle, really in that kind of world... Well, I still feel that Somewhat exciting.

Ji Yu kept some face for himself, "It's not necessarily what I said."

"I hope so," Ling Nian was searching for information, trying to find the talisman that Li Zuoxing said in the story to deal with ghosts, "but the good thing is, the organizer has only heard a few stories, and their logic is not strong. In the virtual world, I guess it will only be a four-dimensional difference."

But before the game, it's useless to say anything.

The school's robot delivered the magnetic cards for the competition. They inserted the virtual helmets, looked at each other, and brought pain to their heads.

The author has something to say: Babies, my progress is going to speed up!

The dream team is so cute, I will write more stories about the whole dream team in the future