Faking Straight

Chapter 78


After realizing that it was a female voice, the six people in the room instantly felt their scalps go numb.

Even if it was a consultant, his heart shrank.

When did someone enter the house

"Why don't you talk?" The little girl kept laughing crisply, "Sister, why do you think they don't talk anymore?"

Another laugh sounded, and the voices of the two little girls turned out to be the same, "Sister, they are going to send us to school tomorrow, I don't want to go to school, they are really annoying."

The Dream Team immediately took a defensive posture and looked straight at the sound.

The old bedboards creaked with their movements, like they were about to collapse in the next second.

Standing beside the bed were two girls who were just over the edge of the bed. They were tied with double ponytails and dressed in bright red dresses. Something was smeared on their faces. They were white and scary, but their mouths and cheeks were as red as blood.

The dream team has a painful expression, and if you don't know how to make up, don't wear it.

"Haven't you heard that men and women don't kiss each other?" Li Zuoxing's forehead was bubbling with blue veins. "What are you trying to do when you break into a man's room in the middle of the night?"

The two little girls looked at each other and actually walked out the door.

Only then did they discover that their walking posture was wrong, that their limbs and heads were inconsistent, as if their heads were reversed, the front became the back, and the back was the chest.

"… "

Everyone went to cover Xinan's mouth at the same time, and Xinan, who was covering his mouth and nose with several hands, struggled with his hands and feet, and almost didn't roll his eyes.

After the two little girls completely walked out of the room, they let go of Xinan. After being caught in such a way, Xinan didn't shed any tears. He shivered and hugged himself, "Are those two children alive or dead just now? of?"

"Whether they are dead or not, we must treat them as living people."

After Li Zuoxing said this, he jumped out of bed to see if the door was closed by the little girl.

Advisor Cheng got out of bed one step ahead of him, and closed the closed door completely with a calm expression, "There is nothing outside the door, don't be afraid."

The brothers looked at him warmly with the eyes of a man, "Wencheng, you are too manly and handsome!"

Li Zuoxing took a step behind him and smiled as he watched him come back, "Think about it carefully, this is just a virtual world, and everything in it is an image simulated by data, isn't it that scary anymore?"

"...It's useful," Ling Nian, "the most useful thing is to think about the scenes of other groups."

It is clear that he is also suffering many disasters. Thinking about the situation of other groups, this group of people laughed again with schadenfreude.

At least they still have Li Zuoxing, who told the ghost story first, and the daring consultant Cheng. From this perspective, the advantage of their group is really greater than the sky.

Fortunately, there is no live broadcast in the virtual world. They don't need to care about the image at all. If you are scared, you will be scared. The people around you who know you are ugly are your own family.

For the next night, they didn't sleep, guarding against the unknown horror, but the night passed and they were more energetic than sleeping.

Without accurate timekeeping tools, they didn't know it was the next morning until the old man knocked on their door again.

After completing the task of sending the little girl to school, and staying up until the afternoon, you can leave the world.

They were mentally prepared and went out of the room.

The old house was still dim and dim, and the old man hid in the corner, "It's five o'clock now, you guys should send my two granddaughters to school."

It was still gloomy and dark, Swarin looked at the house without the smell of fireworks, and asked, "Are they not eating?"

"I'm blind, so I can't cook," the old man smiled. "If you are kind, take them through the market and buy them a bunch of candied haws."

The two little girls were already waiting outside, their bodies are back to normal now, as if the mismatch the Dream Team saw last night was just an illusion, they giggled after hearing that there were candied haws to eat," Great, great, we're going to eat candied haws."

Swarin: "...what is candied fruit, is it delicious?"

Li Zuoxing just remembered that when the day meteor was telling ghost stories, he seemed to have talked about this candied haws.

The organizer is also too local.

"You haven't eaten sugar gourd," the two little girls looked at Swarin sympathetically, "Okay, then you can buy yourself a bunch too."

This Li Zuoxing said that you can't eat what ghosts give, Swarin remembered it clearly, and politely declined: "No, I won't eat it."

The little girl's expression darkened instantly, and they approached Swarin step by step, "Why don't you want to eat candied haws, candied haws are so delicious."

Swarin, who was about to cry in fright, stammered and explained: "Our boys can't eat sweets for a few days a month."

The little girl stopped and looked at each other suspiciously, "Sister, it seems that there is such a saying?"

Another little girl tilted her head, "Sister, this sentence sounds familiar."

"That's fine," they said in unison, "then don't eat it."

Swarin breathed a sigh of relief, as did the Dream Team behind him.

"The car is there," the old man's voice sounded from the room, "Young man, there are two cars here, you have to take my granddaughters, you must take them to the school, remember, in one car, Only four people can sit."

This is the third time she has said this. The teammates looked at each other and nodded solemnly.

Two vehicles similar to tricycles were parked on both sides of the gate. Li Zuoxing sat in the driver's seat of one of them, and the consultant Cheng Cheng sat in the open space behind.

Swarin's eyes lit up and he got into the car neatly. Advisor Cheng glanced at him admiringly. He gradually found the joy of showing affection.

The other three had to squeeze into another car.

The two little girls sat up respectively, and in the driver's seat behind was Xinan, who followed Li Zuoxing's way to control the car, humming and vowing to be side by side with Li Zuoxing.

"Don't be afraid," Li Zuoxing felt helpless seeing his cowardice, "Are you still from our Chengyang Military Academy?"

The consultant added a knife slowly, "Baby Xinan, do you need to come to Dad's arms?"

Swarin covered his mouth for fear of laughing.

Li Zuoxing Yaner was bad, he looked at consultant Cheng, "You call him baby, then what am I?"

Advisor Cheng was obviously taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly said, "No, no, I'm just joking with him, of course you are my only treasure."

"But this title is not the only one." Li Zuoxing looked at the road ahead with a sad tone, "I am not the only one."

The advisors became a panicked group and hugged his neck from behind, "Zuo Xing..."

Swarin did not spare their every move, and his face was flushed.

"They really love, don't they?"

The two little girls also stared at them without blinking, nodding frantically when they heard the words, unable to look away at all.

Li Zuoxing was hugged by him, and his fair and elastic arms were wrapped around his neck.

If you ignore the background of this world and ignore the tricycle under you, it will really be a beauty of a luxury car.

The corners of his mouth twitched, he quickly hid his smile, and said glumly, "Huh?"

"Xingxing," the consultant's voice became lower, his tone was prolonged, and he mastered the ability to act like a coquette, "Xingxing."

The big guys on the Dream Team got goosebumps all over.

I couldn't help but looked at Advisor Cheng a few times in a weird way, why didn't I see that Advisor Cheng still had this hobby.

Li Zuoxing couldn't hold back his laughter, and as soon as the laughter came out of Consultant Cheng Cheng's face, he bit his ear, "Liar to me?"

Gently biting and grinding with his teeth, Swarin and the two little girls saw golden eyes.

Ji Yu bumped into Ling Nian and motioned him to look at the little girl in the car.

Ling Nian nodded thoughtfully at him.

There was a little girl guiding the way along the way, and in the middle of the way, there was fog around them, and shadowy figures began to sell in the fog. It was obvious that there was no one but them on the road, but the noise was very lively. .

"Ah, our candied haws!"

The two little girls jumped out of the car and ran into the thick fog, "Let's go buy candied haws!"

The fog looked ominous, and the Dream Team tacitly stopped in place. After a while, one of the little girls got into Xinan's car with a candied haws. "Let's go, go."

Xinan subconsciously began to pedal, "Where's that kid?"

The little girl in the car said, "She's in the back."

Li Zuoxing and the three of them were still parked in place, suddenly they felt very wrong, and shouted to the people in front, "Xinan - stop!"

Xinan slammed on the brakes and looked back blankly.

The little girl in the car urged, "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to be late, please send me to sign up."

Ji Yu and Ling Nian looked at her and didn't think anything was wrong. After looking back again, they suddenly saw that the two girls had just walked out of the fog holding candied haws.

Their pupils tightened and they turned their heads sharply, but the little girl in the car was gone, as if a fourth person had never been in the car.

them:"… "

The cold sweat on the top of the head began to break out.

If they just left directly, only four people can sit in a car, they can only take one more little girl with them, and they fail to send the other one to school, what will happen to them

Xinan reversed the car again, and the three of them, Li Zuoxing, who stayed where they were, looked at each other with fear.

"Is this true?" Ji Yu couldn't hold back, and asked the little girl who climbed into the car, "Are you real?"

The little girl's dark eyes rolled a few times and giggled, "Guess what."

Ling Nian jumped out of the car, held down Li Zuoxing and Consul Cheng's heads, and let them kiss each other on their lips.

"Ah!" The two little girls covered their faces excitedly, then stared openly from their fingers.

"It's true," Ling Nian breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the sky, "It's been almost half an hour, let's hurry up."

Li Zuoxing, who was kissed by the head, and his advisor Cheng: "..."

Simply, there were no accidents on the next journey. Before long, a primary school gate with "Xinxing" appeared in front of them.

The gate is worn, the iron gate is rusted, moss grows in the damp corners, and there are several conspicuous bloodstains.

"We're here," the little girl got out of the car and handed them out two bells and whistles. "This is our tuition fee, you can leave after paying for us!"

They took the money, and the two little girls held hands. After looking at them, their eyes were fixed on Li Zuoxing and advisor Cheng.

Li Zuoxing and his advisor Cheng had a bad feeling.

"You promise us a request," the little girl said in unison, "and we'll tell you a secret."

Li Zuoxing took a deep breath, saw through these rotten girls, and didn't want to speak at all at this moment.

Advisor Cheng couldn't help but asked first, "What's the requirement?"

The two little girls looked at each other, cracked a big smile, and the red syrup on their lips dripped from the corners of their mouths, "We will see you kiss and hug without clothes!"

The author has something to say: Li Zuoxing: I knew ( ̄- ̄)

Consultant Cheng: We are an emotionless ghost-measuring machine