Faking Straight

Chapter 81


The star thieves discovered the role of NK-03 behind the danger one step ahead of them.

Based on this recording and some of the known chemical elements of NK-03, the researchers discussed a surprising result.

After taking NK-03, there will be three kinds of results. The first type of toxin that cannot bear the drug will die directly. The second is to fall into a state of suspended animation, but after waking up, it cannot resist the effect of NK-03 and also die. And the third type, a blessing in disguise, escaping from the dead, may be able to get unprecedented benefits.

"But so far, there has never been an example of the third type," Weiss sighed. "The insect industry has killed many people for this."

"So they have a cooperative relationship with Jindi, just to get different races from different planets to conduct experiments to find out which of their genes is more resistant to the strength of NK-03," Li Zuoxing said blankly, "Is that right?"

It was rare for him to look like this, and the consultant looked at him several times, thinking that Li Zuoxing would be even more handsome this time.

Then one glance after another made Li Zuoxing's originally tense mood no longer tense.

Weiss nodded silently.

The atmosphere in the conference room became solemn. Whether it was soldiers or cadets, they were all people who put their responsibilities into their bodies throughout their lives. It was their responsibility to protect the citizens of the empire. However, the reality was often more cruel. The empire was too big and the planets were different. It is impossible to protect the safety of everyone on every planet.

"You said that the CD took Nan," consultant Cheng finally recovered from his boyfriend's handsome face, he looked at the screen and stared at the photo above, "The short recording I just listened to has shown that they have found a way to survive. Have you found out the race of those who have faked death?"

"No," Wu Lan, who was in charge of following up on the news, shook his head regretfully, "They have protected this news very well."

The consultant didn't say anything.

However, Li Zuoxing secretly added a narration to his heart: stupid imperial people.

Obviously, the insect industry stole Nan for the experimental subjects to use to enhance their physical strength, which increased their survival rate after taking NK-03.

The only consultant in the world who has taken NK-03 and made a profit from it, has his legs crossed and his chin covered to hide his smile.

Do they think anyone is eligible to take NK-03

Fortunately, the two newly extracted bottles of Nan from the Empire have already been obtained by him.

"It's more interesting," Weiss sighed deeply, feeling his head hurt. "After this Nan was stolen, the Empire developed another batch, and then..."

Ling Nian couldn't hold back his venomous tongue and said, "You wouldn't want to say that this batch was also stolen, would you?"


Seeing the naked embarrassment on the faces of the three officers, the Dream Team collectively wrote speechless, "...It doesn't matter.

How can I feel more embarrassed? Weiss coughed a few words and forcedly explained: "The second time was stolen by Worser, and no one in the interstellar can prevent it."

It's the wife's job again.

Li Zuoxing had to fight for his wife, "Why did you think it was Wasser?"

"Because Wasser left his personal mark," Weiss said, his teeth itch when he spoke of the star thief, "It's so arrogant!"

Okay, I can't fight for it.

Marks are thrown away, and things are high-profile and publicized.

After Weiss shared the information with them, he thoughtfully left them time to ease the news, and sent someone to send them to the room.

Not long after returning to the room, Naan hurriedly sent a message to Li Zuoxing, "Look at Xingwang, where the strongest team competes, their forum is actually slandering the relationship between you!"

Destroy the relationship

They frowned and took a look at the forum, and the top-ranked title read: [What is the reason for the teammates maliciously pressing their heads in photos circulating inside the Dream Team game? Take you to reveal the hidden secrets of the dream team - the broken friendship of teammates]

When he opened it, the first big picture that caught his eye was the picture of Ling Nian kissing Li Zuoxing and his advisor Cheng to measure the ghost.

"Cough," Ling Nian blushed and pressed his fist to his lips, "I'm sorry."

Ji Yu frowned, his white face stained with anger, "It's too much!"

The games in the virtual world are obviously not broadcast live. Where did these photos come from? Do the organizer's staff so disrespect other people's privacy

There is no rule in the competition rules that you can leak internal photos at will!

The photo selected is the one where they sent two little girls to buy candied haws on their way to school.

Because of Ling Nian's sudden action, the two of them obviously couldn't regain their senses. Their lips were pressed together, and the flesh on their faces was squeezing cutely. , how did I kiss you?" doubts.

Looking super cute and pure, even because of Ling Nian's expressionless face and the merciless gesture of putting his hands on their heads, it seemed a bit funny.

The person who posted the post is obviously a headliner. Anyone who sees this photo will not think of the words "broken love". It is estimated that Naan sent them a message notification nervously after seeing the headline.

The kissing photos of myself and my boyfriend are being viewed by others...

Consultant Cheng glanced at the number of page views, which had reached 10.8 billion.

For the eight major galaxies, this number is a drop in the bucket, but for a post, this is too hot to be hot.

The landlord should be an internal employee. He originally just wanted to share a funny photo in his opinion. No one knows why it became so popular.

[Ah ah ah ah! ]

[Ah ah ah ah! ]

[I can't talk anymore, what's wrong with me, am I sick! ]

[Posted! ! ! Get out of here! ! ! One picture is not enough! ]

[What are they doing? Do you guys always play like this? ]

[This picture really hit my point inexplicably. Look at their stares. Oh my god... just like a new born animal, the wet and loving eyes are so heartwarming]

[I'm very excited about both of them, isn't it a little too much? ]

The person who posted the post was called hundreds of times, and he was frightened by the heat and sent out more than a dozen photos in an irrational situation.

You must know that these information cannot be made public. This is only a basis for assisting the team's ability and proof that they have not cheated.

The more Li Zuoxing slid down, the darker his face became.

He raised his head and glanced at the advisor in pairs, neither of whom had a good-looking expression.

Of course, I won't be happy if my private photos are passed on. Take a look at the photos posted by this person below. There are all kinds of intimate photos, and the downloads of each picture are amazing.

Li Zuoxing turned off his brain and contacted the organizer directly.

Two minutes later, this post has been deleted, and the employee who sent internal information without authorization has been found.

The organizer promised compensation and would take this matter seriously, but they couldn't control the heat that had spread on the Star Online.

After getting a reply, they thanked Naan.

Naan was in a complicated mood, "...I've finished reading those photos."

…even all preserved under the trend of some force.

"You..." she, "forget it."

After hanging up the communication, Xinan muttered: "It's really hard to guess the little girl's mind."

Ji Yu nodded in agreement.

But what Naan wanted to ask was nothing more than the relationship between Zaixing and Wencheng.

Girls are more sensitive than them. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have thought that Li Zuoxing and advisor Cheng would be together.

The army's spaceship was very fast, and when it was about to reach the star of Tona, Weiss took them for a mental test.

This was their first mental power test after taking the energy spar, and the group was eager to try it. The results of the test are also particularly amazing. For example, Swarin, his already high mental power has reached more than 6,000.

More than doubled, this is the charm of the energy spar.

And the next Ling Nian, Xinan and Jiyu, the mental power of the three of them, the minimum is more than 5000.

This data startled Weiss, "Is Chengyang Military Academy raising its standards again?!"

"No," Xi Nan smiled, "we are a special case."

After all, the energy spar they take is diluted, and few people are proud of this achievement. Anyone who takes energy spar can grow rapidly, and they have only more than doubled.

When the lieutenant of the colonel saw the value of Zuo Xing's mental strength, he would be shocked and speechless.

There is also Wen Cheng, they don't have a specific concept of the strength of the consultant Cheng from the beginning to the end, but they vaguely know that the real strength of the consultant Cheng must be higher than what he has shown.

I am afraid that no one in the entire spaceship can compare.

Weiss can at least maintain the calm on the face, so as not to look ashamed, "Then next, Li Zuoxing?"

What is the concept of five thousand? What is the concept of six thousand

Have these children not fully used their mental powers yet? Or are they not using their mental power more efficiently

Look at how strong they are when they kill the sword shell beast, but they are not so abnormal! Even Colonel Romond, who has fought countless times, is only at the level of 6,000!

How does Chengyang Military Academy teach!

Weiss was full of regrets for wasting talent, and excited to discover Puyu.

It's okay, it won't increase the attack power of the spiritual power. They can teach it, and it is their people who have been taught.

Thinking of this, the eyes staring at the Dream Team became even hotter.

Another six thousand!

He could already imagine the expression on his face when he handed this data to the colonel and the prince. They couldn't believe it.

Prince Nico is really lucky. As soon as he cultivates the army, he can get so many good seedlings with terrifying strength.

Li Zuoxing calmly put his hand on the test machine while watching. This machine is an intermediate test machine. The top data on it is no more than 8000. The officers who came to watch the test all widened their eyes.

Stare straight at the data, not missing a single change.

But the above value rushed to the top, and a harsh warning sound was issued.

Not enough data to test.

The officers present were silent.

After a while, Weiss calmed down, and he instructed his subordinates in a trembling voice, "Bring me another tester."

The subordinates left quickly, their footsteps messy.

In the entire empire, the entire empire, only two people will use the advanced tester.

Star thieves are also very rare, they only know Wother.

And now, the Empire is about to have a third person.

No wonder, no wonder Wasser sees him as a future rival, and they're idiots still questioning that Wasser was just trying to divert their attention.

When they thought Li Zuoxing was like that, Wasser had already seen his great potential.

Divert your eyes! And let Li Zuoxing be a fart bait!

Such talents should be well protected and used to deter those who have dissent!

God, Weiss' brain is blank, he doesn't know what he's thinking, only after Li Zuoxing and the others looked at it, did he reluctantly regain his senses, pretending to be unpredictable, "Your mental strength is so high, how do you use it? It came out without this strength?"

"Lack of actual combat," Li Zuoxing summed up honestly, "I don't know how to use mental power to make it more lethal."

"We're still only condensing weapons to hurt people." Swarin bowed his head embarrassedly.

Xinan clenched his fist to show him, his fist was burning with mental power like fire, simple and honest, "I can only use my fist."

Ling Nian and Ji Yu were directly embarrassed to say anything.

Ruthless things!

Weiss closed his eyes in pain, "Don't talk about it."

It's all because we didn't test your mental strength earlier.

However, if they were tested early, this group of people would not be taken by Colonel Romond, and they might not even belong to Prince Nico.

Sure enough, good people will be rewarded.

Weiss, who was nicknamed "Laughing Tiger", sighed inwardly.

The author has something to say: I didn't expect you to be so reluctant to let me woo woo

Don't worry, I still have a lot of manuscripts, and there will be a lot of extras, and I will write them slowly. Xingchengcheng will accompany you for the New Year.

I haven't written enough of my sweet interaction, and I haven't written enough of the horse!

It's all my fault that the author can't speak clearly, forgive me, I forgot that I saved the manuscript and haven't sent qaq

ps: Because I was too busy to code words a few years ago, so the manuscripts can only be updated daily! love you heart