Faking Straight

Chapter 84


The sound of a warning sound of an intrusion spread throughout the underground base.

The people of the combat unit were standing by, but the atmosphere in the research room was extremely relaxed.

This is the makeshift site of the "heart of the moth," where no one can ever walk past the stacks of weapons and jammers.

The researcher turned on the jammer within a radius of 20 meters, and the movements were skilled, "There is always something that doesn't know whether to live or die to disturb our research."

"I heard that people from the empire have sneaked in," another person continued. "Is the empire ready to rise up? Haha, guess how long they can last this time."

"It's too much," the researchers sneered. "After the Empire's Marshal Maca leaves the battlefield, the entire Empire will only become our territory."

The experimental subject was sitting on the side, he had been injected with Nan, this special element can make his body grow rapidly, and after it was completely digested, the researchers would inject him with NK-03.

And now it has almost been digested. Although the alarm is still on, the people in the research room ignored it and took out the stored NK-03. The colorless and transparent test tube medicine looked unremarkable.

"After you take the medicine, you will feel extremely painful," the researcher said to the subject. "After sticking to it, you will feel that your heartbeat stops and your body temperature loses. At this time, you must firmly believe that you are still alive and survive the suspended animation. After that you're halfway there and Nan will help you survive."

The subject nodded, eyes blank, the researcher was about to open the test tube of NK-03, but suddenly smelled blood.

They followed the smell of blood, and a bullet-like size suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of the experimental subject in front of them, and dark blood was slowly flowing from this hole.

Their carefully prepared experimental subject died.

The researcher holding NK-03 subconsciously took two steps back, with panic on his face, "What's going on!"

"Why did he die, man! Come on! Where's the rescue capsule!"

"We only have one bottle of Nan! It's already given to him, he can't die!"

The alarm sounded louder and louder, and the noisy sound came from the corridor. The researcher looked around vigilantly, but saw something violently attacked and slammed into the special glass of their research room.

They looked at it closely, horrified, and staggered back. This turned out to be their worm industry companion!

The corpse was covered in blood and slid from the glass to the ground, making a harsh sound.

The researchers followed the body and looked forward. The corridor leading to the research room was already covered in blood, and the bodies lying on the ground were all theirs.

"Who, who is here," the researcher hurriedly confirmed that the jammer shields had been opened. "Everyone, don't worry, whoever is here can't hurt us."

"Inform someone again! We are researchers, and now someone has broken into this place. Are the others dead?"

As the pharmacy research team, they have never seen anyone break into the underground base. At this moment, it feels very unreal, and the surrounding corpses seem to be hallucinations.

They called the combat unit, but no one received the communication.

"Take the NK-03! Hide it in the lockbox!"

Someone ordered sharply, "Where's the poison gas developed before, let it out!"

"We must let this daring and mindless person come and go!"

The panicked people kept saying cruel words, as if this really made the intruders know they were afraid.

"Let who come and go?"

A low, hoarse voice sounded clearly in their ears, "It's not a small tone, assholes."

The sand-like sound quality was like the sound of the scythe of the god of death, and suddenly these people froze in place.

They were all too familiar with whose voice it was.

Worther took his men, stepped over the blood and corpses, and walked towards them.

The researcher who opened the password box opened the box with a panicked expression and wanted to put NK-03 in. The next moment, the mental power wandering in his ear fiercely penetrated his heart.

The NK-03 dropped from his hand was wrapped in the spiritual power of the consultant, and sent to the master's direction.

Worser's white mask was already stained with blood, and the blood that came all the way made him look like a Rakshasa.

Obviously he could use a more gentle way, but he let his body bathe in blood.

The researcher was shocked, it was really Wasser...

Worther is a dangerous and attractive figure to the citizens of the Empire, but to the star thief, he is a terrifying and diabolical fellow.

What's more terrifying is that all their jammers and shields are useless against this demon, how much stronger he is than before.

Wasser got the NK-03 and looked at its color against the light, "So it's in your hands."

"When I drank this thing, I didn't notice it looked like this," Wasser chuckled. "I got the thing, and it's you next."

One of the researchers picked up the newly developed medicine. The new type of medicine extracts the elements from NK-03, which is highly poisonous. With a trembling voice, he threatened, "Stop."

Wasser really stopped.

But before the researcher was lucky, his head had been penetrated by a sharp mental force.

In the next second, all the researchers in the entire laboratory were dead.

In the eyes of others, the mysterious and treacherous "worm heart" has all died out under the hands of Wasser.

Nord they couldn't believe it, "This is the end?"

Wasser's hand holding NK-03 had blue veins, but he chuckled, "Of course."

After taking the medicine, the next step is to "die".

Li Xingxing.

How could I sacrifice so much for you so willingly.

It's been a long time since I saw Wother's great power, and his subordinates were slow to discover... The adults seem to have become stronger.

"Next is the biggest worm," Wasser turned, and his subordinates quickly followed, he murmured, his voice so low that only he could hear, "Kill him and it's over."

The subordinates behind him walked with ease, with a proud smile on their faces.

They followed Vosser, not knowing that they were following death.

Wasser is a loner, but there are always people who are fascinated by his charisma and devoted themselves to him.

They had followed Vosser for many years, did many things, and did not give up when Vosser was dying.

Wasser admits that he was extraordinarily selfish.

If he wants to abandon the identity of Walther, he must abandon everything in this identity, including these subordinates.

The pace of progress was slow and rhythmic, but his eyes were terrifyingly deep.

What he wants to kill is not only the leader of the insect industry, not only himself, but also these subordinates who trust him so much.

Advisor Cheng faced others with all ruthlessness and indifference, and the only tenderness was given to Li Zuoxing and his teammates.

Anyone can say that he is indifferent and call him cruel, but only those who are in his heart will know what a consultant can do for a person.

There was ice in Walther's eyes.

But the person who appeared in front broke all his coldness, leaving him stunned in place.

Li Zuoxing stood in the middle of the corridor and looked at him.

His eyes were awake, and there was no sign of being hypnotized.

Wasser stopped and looked at each other from a distance of more than ten meters.

"You—" The voice was dry and hoarse, revealing emotions that shouldn't be expressed by Wasser, and Wasser closed his eyes, his tone became frivolous and perfunctory again, "I can meet you wherever I go, my good boy. ?"

Li Zuoxing had dry skin on his lips, and a sense of anxiety overflowed from every strand of hair, but after he saw Wasser, he was silent instead of speaking.

Under his line of sight, Wasser became flustered visibly, and took a few steps forward, "Why don't you speak?"

The silence between those who love each other is a dull knife pulling on the heart.

Finally, Li Zuoxing spoke. His voice was not loud, but in the silent corridor at the moment, everyone could hear his voice.

"Consultant is done," he said.

Three words popped out one by one.



His breathing stopped, his heart stopped beating for a short while, and there was something strangling on Wasser's neck, making it difficult for him to even breathe.

He paused for a long time before laughing again and pretending to be interested, "What, what did you call me?"

Li Zuoxing lowered his eyes, then raised his eyes, and said again, "Consultant."

Advisor Cheng never knew what he was going through.

His mental strength couldn't overwhelm Consul Cheng's, and he was defenseless. At the beginning, Li Zuoxing was indeed successfully hypnotized by Consul Cheng.

But when he heard that he was going to let Worther die, the mental power boiled like hot water, and the endless fear and anger made him break free from hypnosis.

In the process, in the process of breaking free from his bondage, no one could understand his feelings.

There is no danger and pain, but it is a very clever torture.

His lover was going to do something stupid for him, but he could only freeze in place and desperately shouted "No!" in his head.

After getting rid of hypnosis, Li Zuoxing kept looking for Wasser, the feeling that he was so anxious that his footsteps were fluttering, he never wanted to experience a second time in his life.

Wasser's heart sank completely.

Li Zuoxing didn't know what he was thinking, and looked at him with deep eyes.

Advisor Cheng's previous performance all showed that he didn't want Li Zuoxing to know that he was Worther's secret.

Li Zuoxing then acted as if he didn't know, and he pretended to be very real.

But now, this guy has to throw away this identity for him, take risks, or experience death without knowing the truth.

Who the fuck made him do this? !

Taking a deep breath, Li Zuoxing turned around, "Let's go, go and deal with them first."

After solving the problem of the bug industry, they solve their problem.

What is Osser dying with blood, and Advisor Cheng just wants to be his hero.

Well, he found someone, before it all happened.

Li Zuoxing walked quickly, his fingers clenched tightly, and without saying a word, he followed his mental strength to the place with the strongest defense.

The people from the insect industry that he met along the way were either seriously injured or killed by him, because the dream team's strength exceeded the insect industry's expectations, and the entire hotel had fallen into chaos.

Jiyu's mental power came from his ears, "We found Wes, but we didn't find the list."

"We are going to the top floor now," Li Zuoxing said with an expressionless face, "the list may be here."

"Do you need us to rush over?"

Wasser was in a trance, following behind him as helplessly as a child who had made a mistake.

His subordinate, Nord, said in a low voice, "Insect Industry attaches great importance to this experiment. Most of the star thieves are here. You have killed all of them in the underground base, and now only the top floor has the most people. "

Wasser's breathing became heavy.

Because his subordinates said these three words in front of Li Zuoxing.

But Li Zuoxing didn't show anything, and only continued to use his mental power to talk to Jiyu, "No, you continue to search downstairs, and I will call you if there is any danger."

Li Zuoxing knew that his expression and tone were wrong, but he was not in the mood to change it now.

As his closest lover, Wasser realized for the first time that Li Zuoxing could be so angry.

But why is his star so angry

Wasser smiled wryly. Wasn't it because the advisor achievement was Wasser, and Wasser was the advisor

A military cadet who knows everything like the back of his hand, a star thief who roams the interstellar space and does all kinds of bad things.

The last thing Worther wanted him to know was finally known to the other party.

In silence, they had come to the top floor. Li Zuoxing didn't talk nonsense. His mental power penetrated through the limbs of the enemy, and locked them to the ground with blood.

The lethality of mental power became the greatest, he stepped on the mourning enemy who fell to the ground, and continued to move forward with a cold face.

Nord looked at Li Zuoxing dumbfounded.

Is this guy so awesome

Wasser followed him closely.

Unlike his method of killing people, even now, Li Zuoxing has not left many lives in his hands.

That's the difference between the two of them.

They gradually approached the heavily protected room on the top floor, and as they got closer to the room, Li Zuoxing's actions became more difficult.

The dense array of mental power jammers interrupted the smoothness of his use of mental power. He simply did not use mental power. He took the weapon specially developed by Ling Nian from his waist and shot it at the crowd gathering place.

With a sound of "Boom", a path was split among the enemies.

"..." Wasser opened his lips, Li Zuoxing had already walked three meters away.

"Follow up," Li Zuoxing noticed that he had stopped in place, "Advisor Cheng, follow me."

Wasser, who was stabbed to the heart by his first and last name, followed silently.

He suddenly felt extremely aggrieved.

Even though Li Zuoxing was still in front of him to block all dangers for him, he was still aggrieved.

This emotion was inexplicable, and it was very skillfully rushing towards the bridge of his nose.

want to hug.

The atmosphere of the two big men around them was wrong, and Nord, who was the younger brother, was even more trembling.

However, anyone can take the lead, because there was no difficulty along the way, and Li Zuoxing, who was in front, broke the door of the room on the top floor with one foot.

A ferocious beam of energy rushed towards him instantly, hitting the two layers of shields again.

Wasser ignored all the jammers, put a protective cover on his dear, and looked at Li Zuoxing worriedly.

Li Zuoxing looked at him and suddenly said, "Do you know why I don't even blink my eyes?"

"Because I know you'll stop me," he continued. "Advisor Cheng, Wasser, that's called trust."

The movements of his hands continued, and while looking at Wother, he raised the muzzle and shot into the door fiercely.

The author has something to say: Wen Cheng thinks that Xingxing can't accept his identity as Wasser, so he plans to abandon the matter about Wasser. He is really cold, and he really intends to kill his subordinates together.

Xing Xing thought that his previous performance never wanted him to know that he had two identities, so all Xing Xing pretended not to know what he meant.

Hey, the misunderstanding of the young couple just happened

ps: Don't look forward to the war, no one is his opponent with the strength of Wasser