Faking Straight

Chapter 91


Li Zuoxing had a smile in his eyes, and when he looked at the consultant, he was finally able to recover from his daze.

"I..." He was emotional, and was just as speechless as Li Zuoxing, "I like you too."

Compared with the clumsiness of the mouth, the expression of spiritual power is more straightforward. They are intertwined on the bottom of the sea, shining silver-white shining in the ice blue and fire red space.

The spiritual power that blends with each other bypasses Li Zuoxing and advisor Cheng, bypasses Lingnian Xinan and Jiyu Swolin, bypasses the little mermaid and jellyfish, and vents his happiness in the depths of the huge seabed.

The teammates all laughed like fools.

Li Zuoxing also grinned, "Yeah."

Advisor Cheng looked at him, the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily, then the arc became bigger and bigger, and he began to laugh brilliantly.

Inseparable, whether the other party left him, or he left the other party.

Unless there is no such person as advisor Cheng in the world, even if the world is destroyed, advisor Cheng will be with Li Zuoxing.

in his arms until death.

The good times passed quickly, and while the Dream Team got carried away, they finally got a call from the military.

Go to the capital star and follow Colonel Romond to wait for His Majesty's summons.

They got on the spaceship to the capital star. This was not the first time they went to the palace. The teenagers were not nervous, but felt sad about the end of the journey.

They stayed in Haibaixing for the longest time, and took the little mermaid to eat everything they could eat. All the time, his eyes glowed, and he shouted "big brother" one by one.

Li Zuoxing is the eldest, advisor Cheng is the eldest brother, two future pillars of the empire, a well-known Wother, the little mermaid is really awesome.

This little guy was brought up and down by them to play, and he was raised in vain and fat. The mermaid finally found their cub in the huge ocean a week later. After seeing the current situation of the little mermaid, they thanked the dream team. for a long time.

The Dream Team looks serious on the surface, but actually feels guilty.

Because they have never brought a baby, they just think the little mermaid is cute and fun, plus they are all newbies, and there are not many bumps in the beginning. Fortunately, the skin of the mermaid is not as fragile as it looks, and a group of old men have rough hands. There wasn't a single wound on the foot.

When saying goodbye, the little mermaid burst into tears, saying "big brother, big brother" every mouthful, just as sad as when she was separated from her parents.

Li Zuoxing and his advisor Cheng promised to see him many times. The mermaid family grows slowly. Maybe the next time they meet, the little mermaid will still be so young.

It's nice to be able to experience the beauty of the world slowly.

On the return flight, the teammates finally showed their welcome ceremony.

At that time, the consultant Cheng was taking a shower in the bathroom, and Li Zuoxing leaned against the door to accompany him to divert his attention, so that he could ignore the sound of his teammates tiptoically preparing things.

The consultant thought that there was only Li Zuoxing in the room, and the content of his words became more and more bold. He became addicted to molesting Little Sun, and some topics involved inappropriateness for children, which made people blush.

Li Zuoxing coughed several times. If his teammates were not there, he would have flirted with him naked long ago. Now he can only answer implicitly, "I like everything about you."

"Always say something specific," said the advisor Cheng's voice mixed with water and laughter, "Which part makes you more fond of it? I'll pay more attention to it."

The teammates' ears pricked up, and their expressions said "I don't listen, I don't watch you," but every time they passed by the bathroom door, they slowed down.

The room has been filled with flowers and candles, drinks and cakes, and the hot and fragrant food bought from the spaceship restaurant.

The fragrance was isolated by the spiritual force, but Li Zuoxing's nose couldn't linger a sweet smell of wine.

Not from their direction, but from the bathroom.

He smiled, "How can I choose, is it okay to tie for the first place?"

His teammates gave him a look of disgust.

The little friends who blushed when they first saw their love words have now evolved into thick-skinned ones. When they said such blatant love words, they still disliked Li Zuoxing's not being hot enough.

Li Zuoxing gave them a playful look and continued to cover.

Advisor Cheng hummed, "Zuo Xing, don't perfunctory me."

He didn't seem satisfied with his tone, but the scent on the tip of the nose was actually sweeter.

Since the confession, the consultant has always tasted sweet and savory every day, and the fragrance is different every day. This guy is happy for this.

Of course, Li Zuoxing, who smelled his fragrance, also maintained a super good mood every day. Even if he was busy exercising for a long time at night, he did not show any signs of fatigue. He was so full of energy that the consultant became real and began to suspect that he was the only one. A cow to be exhausted.

It's cool when it's cool, and it's on the bottom. The consultant is really cool. He doesn't care, but feels extremely satisfied.

Living with such a person, being let down everywhere, doted on secretly and openly, Li Zuoxing, although helpless, enjoys it very much, but a big man, in order not to have to compare, Li Zuoxing dotes on him extraordinarily arrogant.

Mixing oil with honey, mixing honey with oil, a meaty pair.

The teammates put things with a blank face, they have no romantic interest, and they eat and drink in place, which is cool.

But they haven't completely finished, and the consultant has already finished taking a shower and intends to push the door out.

"!" The teammates were startled and hurriedly gestured to Li Zuoxing.

What the hell! What the hell!

Stop him, don't let him come out early!

Li Zuoxing was ordered in danger, and quickly called to stop, "Ask Cheng, wait a moment."

Advisor Chengzhen stood still and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and the teammates didn't dare to move, for fear that he could hear that there were still people in the room.

"I'll go in and wash with you," Li Zuoxing had no choice. "Would you like to accompany me to wash again?"

"Bathroom..." Consul Cheng looked at the whole bathroom, obviously misunderstood what Li Zuoxing meant, he stood at the door with his chest folded, with a smile on his face, "Baby Xingxing, do you want to come with me in the bathroom?"

Teammates: "… "Hey.

Li Zuoxing was embarrassed by their gaze, "...I didn't."

I didn't mean it that way, I just offered to take a shower together.

"Aren't you curious about what I like most about you? I'll go in and show you."

He opened the door in front of him and slammed into it, moving quickly, he didn't see the outside from the inside, and he didn't see the inside from the outside. After a while, the sound of water sounded, and the two of them chatted and laughed softly in the bathroom. They couldn't hear it clearly in the sound of water. The teammates wanted to hear it but didn't dare to get close, and their curiosity died.

Falling in love is such a state, they can be considered to know, not to mention, when this group of single dogs watch them make out, they really feel jealous and envious.

They haven't lost their first kiss yet, they've been kissing each other many times over there, and the reality is so sad and heart-stopping.

Taking advantage of Li Zuoxing's sacrifice to hold off the consultant Cheng, the teammates speeded up and finally got everything done after ten minutes.

This feeling of preparing a surprise for others also made them nervous, staring at the bathroom door, feeling a little embarrassed when the door opened.

Will consultant Cheng be surprised? Will it be very moving? Will he like these

If they are so moved that they cry, they won't forget to take a black photo. Well, they can just force him to hand him a tissue to wipe his tears.

However, they thought so much, but the reality was that Li Zuoxing and his advisor Cheng came out kissing each other. They were wearing bathrobes, their black hair was dripping with water, and their steps were staggering. After walking out the door, one of them pressed the other against the wall and kissed.

Teammates: ... hehe.

Li Zuoxing finally remembered that he still had a task on his body. Just as he was about to get up, he was pressed by the consultant on the neck again, and he chased after him to ask for a kiss. When this was finally over, the blue veins on the heads of the teammates would burst out. .

They sat behind the dining table with grim expressions on their faces, and the consultant looked up and was startled by their expressions without any preparation, "… "

The turbulent heart was broken.

The expressions are constantly changing, why are they here.

Advisor Cheng recovered from the intense kiss and saw the arrangement of the entire room. The food on the dining table was still hot, exuding a tempting fragrance. He noticed something in his heart and couldn't help but look at Li Zuoxing, "This is..."

But Li Zuoxing just smiled, didn't speak, and pulled him to sit down at the table together.

There is a lot of food on the table, but most of them are the delicacies made by the consultants, and some of them cannot be cooked by the chefs and can only be topped with other food.

Wine is also the wine that consultant Cheng likes. Family-like teammates and loved ones are sitting beside them, full of heart.

Consultant Cheng began to recall what day it was today.

Li Zuoxing and his teammates looked at each other, picked up the cup and touched a cup when he was suspicious, and each shouted loudly: "Congratulations on the establishment of the Dream Team for six months!"

Oh, consultant Cheng suddenly realized, with a smile, he also picked up the cup and touched it, the moment his cup touched the others, everyone said in unison, "Congratulations to Woser for joining the dream team of six. moon!"

The consultant trembled.

He looked at them in shock.

The teammates squinted their eyes and laughed while covering their stomachs at his surprised expression.

"We've seen it long ago, the fool asked."

"What are you pretending to be? What if you're Woser? It's you who get along with us. It doesn't matter to us who you are."

"Although we scolded Walther many times... ahem, don't mind."

"Anyway, it doesn't matter if it's consultant Cheng or Werther," his teammates clink with him one by one, "don't be afraid, we'll all support you."

Consul Cheng couldn't hold the wine glass in his hand, Li Zuoxing took it and filled him with a bowl full of dishes.

The teammates talked a lot, hiding their concern in a way of watching the fun, "You won't cry, will you? Are you really crying?"

"Cry a fart," the consultant Cheng raised his head and raised his chin, with a rare arrogance full of youthful spirit, "Give me a drink, you won't go home if you don't get drunk!"

After he finished saying this, he drank it first, and his teammates, not to be outdone, picked up their wine glasses and followed.

Food and wine, teammates and Li Zuoxing.

The stone that has been pressed on the heart for a long time was removed by the teammates, and the consultant is successful. How can you be

It's as beautiful as a dream.

If it was a dream, he would never want to wake up.

Putting down the wine glass, Li Zuoxing also felt a lot.

But after a while, he had put down these useless emotions and played games with his teammates wholeheartedly.

Even teammates and lovers, they don't save face when they play. After a few rounds, everyone has a few strange black line drawings on their faces. The handsome guy's face turns into a funny face. Teammates with blind faces.

Even the face of consultant Cheng was inevitably drawn with two thick eyebrows by Xinan, which was simply funny.

But Xinan is even worse, because he is stupid, and there is no place to draw on his face. He will definitely be regarded as mentally retarded if he goes out like this.

The group of people looked and looked with dark faces, but in the end they couldn't hold back, and they fell on the chair with a smile.