Faking Straight

Chapter 92


After reaching the capital star, they rushed to meet Colonel Romond.

As far as meritorious deeds were concerned, everyone was well prepared. They should not have been brought by Colonel Romond himself, but Romond asked them to follow him closely.

"Enter the palace at eight o'clock tomorrow morning," Colonel Romond said solemnly. "There are also many media present at the scene to broadcast. You don't have to be nervous, and you must not make mistakes."

Such a great achievement was awarded to the scene, and many people on Xingwang will pay attention.

Such a scene can already make them nervous for some people who are not high-ranking officials, and the Dream Team is still only an adult, still young, Romond and Weiss are afraid that they will not be able to hold the scene.

But they were worried in vain. The whole dream team had a big heart, and they would not be so nervous that they would be rude after going through so much.

Sure enough, the next day's trip to the palace went very smoothly. King Kate lost his eyes from smiling when he watched the Dream Team salute him, not only because of their military exploits, but also because of their talent for scaring people to death.

Such talent needs to be carefully cultivated. He has already discussed with Prince Niko. The dream team still needs to return to Chengyang Military Academy for further studies. At the same time, supplemented by military training, it is bound to make this team of young people a strong guarantee for the empire as soon as possible. .

Because of the peculiar nature of the Empire's mission, the citizens of the Empire did not know what the Dream Team had done for a whole month before, and they didn't know what the Dream Team had done until now when the military merit was awarded.

For a time, my mood was complicated, and I felt mixed and excited.

Even if they knew that this team was definitely not in the pool, they didn't expect their path to be so fast and wild.

In each live broadcast, the members of the Dream Team all had stern expressions and were extremely serious.

Their attitude towards His Majesty the Emperor was respectful and courteous, and when they stood up straight, their shoulders were flat and their backs were straight.

Only then did people realize that they really looked like adults.

It is the pride of the empire to be trusted and admired.

His Majesty the Emperor conferred upon them the rank of captain.

At the same time, someone on the Star Online also posted the mental strength values of their third test.

Like a drop of water rolling into hot oil, a landslide and tsunami are triggered.

In just over ten minutes, the Dream Team was level with Yumonweis. Both of them were present, but they didn't seem surprised.

If they count the military merits, they know that the dream team is more than that, and they have such strength, sooner or later they will become the marshals of the empire to guard the peace of the entire empire.

Strength, luck, opportunity.

They broke out at the right time and deserved the right reward.

Yumon and Weiss don't even think that's enough.

His Majesty the Emperor feels the same way, but the Dream Team is still too young, and there are still more opportunities for meritorious service in the future, and there will be more room for improvement after the starting point is lower.

He also has to think about his son, and the higher rank should be given to him by the next one.

After the Dream Team thanked His Majesty, the camera around them couldn't stop snapping photos of them. The Dream Team's expression was more serious, and they looked all cool boys, very handsome.

"Hey, how long are they going to shoot us."

In the teammate channel, it is another style of painting.

"It's about to go to the next item, but Ling Nian, the princess is watching you."

The members of the royal family were all present. His Majesty the Emperor sat on the left and right of the prince and the princess. The princess was wearing a long aqua blue dress and sat in a high position with a gentle smile.

But her eyes were erratic, her ears were pink, and she couldn't take her eyes off Ling Nian's body.

Ling Nian's face became even stiffer, and it looked very difficult to approach.

The princess doesn't look as coquettish as Cenan, nor as cute as Swarin.

But... the tips of his ears are reddish.

As a princess, can you stop staring at him

One ceremony after another, Prince Nico was in a good mood and kept a sincere smile.

Prince Yin Sa snickered and whispered, "Brother, you really look like a cat that stole fish."

"If I can pick up a few more talents like this, I'll be more than willing to be described as ugly by you," Nico laughed. "You might as well pay more attention to Abe, your sister's behavior is very wrong."

The gossip media also noticed that the princess was wrong. The camera kept turning around her and the dream team, and everyone's eyes were full of excitement.

Still a story between the royal family and the future pillars of the empire

After the merits were awarded, the Dream Team was taken out of the palace along with the guards, and in front of the palace gate, there were already many media reporters who had been waiting here early.

Their interviews were broadcast live on the whole network, and everyone rushed to the Dream Team, hoping to get exclusive information, "We found that the Princess's eyes have been on the Dream Team throughout the ceremony. An expression of affection?"

"Have you ever thought about marrying the royal family?"

"According to the release of relevant departments, Mr. Li Zuoxing's mental strength value is as high as 10,000, is this true?!"

"I was promoted to captain as soon as I joined the army. How do you feel about this?"

Long guns and short guns come with all kinds of problems.

The Dream Team hadn't dealt with this kind of situation, but Weiss had told them before that it just required walking out of the crowd smiling and not answering any questions.

That's what they did.

The newly promoted captains were a head taller than the surrounding reporters, and their steps were strong and fast.

The audience watching this scene was full of emotion.

It seems that their participation in the strongest team competition has just ended. At that time, the children who were smiling and distorted by the ghost story in the live broadcast have only been seen for more than a month, and they have changed into a different look.

The camera can only follow their backs, and everyone is watching their backs.

Wearing a tall and straight military uniform, every step forward, the footsteps are firm.

They suddenly had the feeling that they were watching them go down the legendary road.

One of the reporters who followed behind suddenly raised his voice, "Mr. Li Zuoxing, consultant Mr. Cheng! May I ask if you know of a website about your relationship!"

The consultant sneered in his heart, isn't it the sex-transformed version of the website

His footsteps stopped suddenly, and he came back to his senses with shock in his eyes.

Li Zuoxing also stopped abruptly, looked at him, and immediately covered his expression, turned back and asked, "What website?"

The only known sex transfer website, the content in it is all about Wasser and Li Zuoxing, not consultant Cheng and Li Zuoxing.

The reporters who shouted at them ran to them panting, raised their brains, and projected them in the air, "That's it, the people in here are crazy, and the writing... The writing is all about the love between you, God...they can actually write about the love of the two of you."

The reporters who followed one after another exploded all at once, probing their heads to look at the projection, their expressions ranging from astonishment to inconceivable, from suspecting that something was wrong with their eyes to numbness.

Can make the audience on the star network happy.

Because of the angle, they can't see the content of the projection, and they are still complaining about the reporter's writing skills.

[What is love? What's going on with this reporter, can't he even speak? ]

[Friendship can be mistaken for love by his mouth, hahahaha, I laughed so hard]

And on this website they don't know, every article is all about consultants Cheng and Li Zuoxing.

Consultant Cheng felt that the blood supply to his brain was insufficient, his breathing became heavier, and he involuntarily pulled on Li Zuoxing's clothes.

Li Zuoxing was calm and tentatively clicked on a link.

The names of Li Zuoxing and his advisor Cheng were all over the screen in their eyes.

The surrounding people unconsciously probed closer, wanting to know what was written above.

No sex, no women dressed as men, just two men.

Li Zuoxing closed this link and opened another forum-style post.

[Stunning discovery of peerless love, who said there is no love between boys and boys? 】

The first floor and the second floor... Up to the tenth floor, there are all pictures that the landlord did not know where they came from. The protagonists of the pictures are all Li Zuoxing and his consultant Cheng, and several of them are still very intimate photos.

The person who peeked at the projection glanced at the photo and then at the title, and his expression gradually became weird.

The body reacts faster than the brain, and they have raised the machine and aimed at the projection.

The next moment, the audience before the live broadcast also saw the above.

Li Zuoxing kept his mind, he continued to row down, but the building turned in a strange direction in the middle.

The commenters were actually torn up, and the two parties who were torn also brought a Li Zuoxing, one is the CP fans of Woser and Li Zuoxing, and the other is the CP fans of consultant Cheng and Li Zuoxing, and they tore hundreds of them. Building, it's just a bloody storm, a bloody storm.

Li Zuoxing and advisor Cheng, "… "

The teammates who were so nervous that they were afraid of being seen, "… "

What is this stuff

[Hehehe, where did the consultant come here, don't swipe around every day, Woser has announced the ownership of Li Zuoxing, it's enough that you can also use this teammate to hype. ]

[The signs of male-male love are Star Thief Wasser and Li Zuoxing, I don't recognize the others, and the landlord please know that the two of them are just teammates, and the kiss is only for rescue, smile]

[Wother still has fans? An old man in his 30s or 40s has the face to get involved with Li Zuoxing? Please, please take a look at the photo, the feeling of consultant Cheng and Li Zuoxing in the picture and the look at each other in the live broadcast, they are a pair, okay? You look at the age of the consultant, and then look at Wother, Worther is just a robbery villain]

[Wother himself said that he only regards Li Zuoxing as his opponent. Where do you get the confidence to say that Woser and Li Zuoxing are a pair, what is it that Li Zuoxing loves only Woser? ]

The two sides were torn apart fiercely, and the expressions of the people at the scene were complicated.

I just can't speak.

What a love triangle this is!

Oh my God!

Brotherhood changes, star thieves compete, who is the first match and who is the third party, and the old age of Woser eats tender grass...

The reporters were so excited that they hurriedly pointed the camera directly at Li Zuoxing and consultant Cheng, and wanted to take pictures of their real expressions.

Advisor Cheng coughed twice in embarrassment, and his face thinned again, dyed a little red.

He really plays two roles, and anyone who knows the truth can appreciate his shame.

But when this expression is put on the camera, it is intriguing.

It can be understood as the embarrassment of seeing the rumors about myself and my brother, or the shyness of the fact being exposed.

The media reporter, who has always been sensitive to entertainment news, was stunned and stared at the two parties concerned, but the gossip mood overwhelmed the shock that there was actually love between the two boys, "Please answer me directly. Is this the truth!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Li Zuoxing, what kind of relationship do you really have with Wasser?"

"Mr. Cheng, is your relationship with your teammates pure? Do you hate Wasser?"

"Has Wasser ever used threats against you to force you to leave Mr. Li Zuoxing's side?"

[Depend on! ]

Xingxing started cursing, [I was originally a pair with Li Zuoxing, and Sexing CP is the founder! What does this reporter mean, I Washerhead? ]

Before most of the netizens came back to their senses, the CP fans of the two parties had already arrived on the battlefield for the first time and showed their amazing combat effectiveness.

Their jaws are about to fall to the ground! Stunned watching these people count the white bars and brush the information for a second.

This creates an illusion for citizens across the star network.

It seems that the whole world knows that Li Zuoxing, advisor Cheng and Wasser are a love triangle, but they don't.

It seems like the whole world knows that men and men can fall in love, as if men and men fall in love is just a normal thing... only they don't know.

The people in the palace immediately learned what was happening outside.

Yumeng's expression couldn't help but become subtle.

Prince Nico noticed his change and said with great interest, "Captain Yumon, do you know anything?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness," You Meng said lightly, "Wother once left a text of Mai Dexing on Li Zuoxing's waist..."

Others are also interested, "What is the text?"

"This place belongs to me," It's hard to say such a blunt and shameful word. You Meng coughed and added, "Wother wants to make Li Zuoxing his own."

The expressions of the members of the royal family changed slightly, but I didn't expect Wother to be so shameless.

"This fellow Worther," His Majesty the Emperor shook his head and muttered in a low voice, "I'm so old that I still want old cows to eat tender grass."

They still eat the tender grass of their empire.

Romond's expression was ugly, "I will never allow Wother to shoot people under my hands!"

But he's not allowed to have a fart, can he stop Wasser

Star Online.

The increasing number of messages from the CP fans of the two parties can already reflect the large number of them, and the people who are still in shock subconsciously think that they are ignorant.

No one was surprised, and I was the only one who was surprised, wouldn't it be embarrassing

Their thinking became more and more biased, they skipped the most important and controversial points, and finally began to become curious, so who is Li Zuoxing a pair

Li Zuoxing didn't want to tell them who he was dating, he only knew that he had a headache right now.

Looking at these remarks, they are all quarreling with sincerity. After all, no one would believe that Cheng, the consultant of the Dream Team, and Wasser, who has been famous for more than ten years of star thieves, are the same person.

In short, he was forced into a love triangle involving only two people.

While playing a robbery with Woser, and pretending to be a sadomasochist with a consultant.

He raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, feeling that he could win a Best Actor Award.

Advisor Cheng glanced at him several times.

The reporter next to him did not give up and asked, "If what the website says is true, then Mr. Li Zuoxing, may I ask your teammate advisor Cheng and Star Thief Wasser, who do you prefer?"

is a good question.

All of a sudden, Li Zuoxing was pushed to the cusp of the storm.

Advisor Cheng's eyes dimmed and squinted at him.

He also wondered, adviser Cheng and Wasser, who his little sun would prefer.

The faint surging emotions in him made Li Zuoxing feel that he would fall into a blackened state at any time.

Li Zuoxing, "… "

Isn't it all you fucking.

The author has something to say:

Li Zuoxing: Torment