Fall In Love With A Substitute

Chapter 105: Stand-in white moonlight (28)


the reason...

Song Piantao has only two tasks this time: to make both the emotional line and the plot line reasonable.

This is a very broad statement, and it does not indicate how long and what degree of "reasonableness" to achieve. While giving Song Piancho a considerable degree of freedom, it also makes her not know when the end point is. Explore on your own.

After Song Piantao expelled Xi Henglian and his family from the Song family's family recognition banquet, 09 told her that her task progress was immediately updated from 52% to 70%.

Song Piantao analyzed it. This time, the family recognition banquet, firstly, the matter of letting her return to the Song family was settled, which promoted the progress of the plot task.

The second is to make the relationship between her and Xi Heng, the two "protagonists" in the original text, clearer, split more openly, and have a clearer emotional line.

Song Pianjiao also guessed that Xi Heng must be hit hard by the family banquet. Maybe the big change in the protagonist's mentality will also promote the mission.

According to this change, Song Pianjiao can deduce that if the task is to be completed as soon as possible, the key lies in Xi Heng.

Now, it's only 30% away from the end.

Not to mention, there is also a stable state where the efficiency mode can be turned on. Song Pianjiao didn't forget that she was forced to turn on the efficiency mode in the previous world, and was directly forced to quit by the fast crossing.

If Xi Heng was quickly resolved and the matter settled, Song Piantao was almost certain that the world would reach a stable state.

At that time, it is bound to separate from Qinglu again.

At this moment, Nie Lingbo was looking at Song Piantao, waiting for her answer with a smile.

Xi Zihua also looked at Song Piantao with excitement and surprise in his expression. He didn't seem to have thought that he would be so unforgiving that he would choose to destroy everything Xi Heng had.

And in Song Pian's mind, 09 was talking:

"According to the analysis results, it is recommended that you choose to complete the task as soon as possible, which is more conducive to the improvement of the score."

Song Pianjiao was still a little swaying, but after the words in 09, he completely decided on a path.

"I prefer to let Xi Heng learn a lesson slowly." Song Pian said, speaking to 09 with a smile as always, but his eyes were stagnant.

09 has always been quiet and well-behaved. Although he has an extremely flexible image and personality, he never talks much in a small world, let alone advises on tasks.

09 represents the fast crossing, Song Pian has never forgotten.

The days she can stay in the fast-paced game are too short to even have a chance to understand it in depth.

Song Piantao's lost memories and past, the anomalies that happened in the small world, the differences after the information was gathered, every thing that made Song Piantao's heart skip a beat, and even the existence of Qinglu, a new human being, were reminded all the time. Song Pian, it's not that simple.

They were like white, transparent, and thin as a needle thread, stuck in the small world, waiting for Song Pian to follow the clues and retrieve everything she had forgotten.

At this time, 09 abnormally suggested that Song Pianjiao end the mission as soon as possible, and Song Pianjiao could not fulfill her wish.

She is even more looking forward to what will happen if she doesn't follow the arrangement of the fast-paced game—

If you want to see more unknown things, Song Piantao must do this.

As expected by Song Pian, 09 accepted her reason. Even though this reason was very emotional and had a lot of room for refutation, 09 was extraordinarily obedient to shut up, and Song Pian took this to heart.

After dealing with 09, Song Piantao's eyes met with Nie Lingbo, saying:

"Don't you want to use Xi Heng to practice my hands? If it is solved too quickly, it will not be effective."

Only then did Nie Lingbo smile more earnestly:

"Well, let's take it slow."

Xi Zihua watched from the side, and suddenly felt that this scene was like a big lion teaching a little lion to hunt in the animal world.

And Xi Heng, the herbivore with a combat power of only 5, was used as a parenting tool by the lion family.

"Too cruel." Xi Zihua praised.

The Xi Heng family, who is used as a parenting tool, is difficult to describe in words these days.

In the eyes of outsiders, they lost all face after being thrown out by the Song family. Business cooperation is all under contract, and the liquidated damages are placed there. Although the Song family has said something, no action has been taken. Everyone is waiting to see the next move of the Song family.

Seeing that half a month has passed, it has been calm, and various voices have come out.

"Song Sen probably didn't pay attention to the Fu Siyuan family, so he forgot about it."

"How can I forget? Don't forget, Xi Heng is not as simple as being rude. What did he do to Song Sen's daughter? Xi Heng still has the idea of using love to get rid of nepotism. Now Miss Song has made it clear that she hates him, now Well, he must have suffered later."

"Then why hasn't the Song family moved?"

Yes, why hasn't the Song family moved

This question also haunts the hearts of Fu Siyuan's family, Fu Siyuan, Bai Rong, Xi Heng, they have never asked each other this question, but whenever they look at each other, the panic, tension and uneasiness in each other's eyes are suppressed. A bird's eye view.

Why hasn't the Song family moved!

It was like a sharp blade hanging over the Xi family's head. The tip of the blade flashed like snow. When the wind blew past, you could hear the humming that made people's heart tremble, but it didn't fall.

At first, Fu Siyuan dared to go to his daughter Xi Zihua, and he told her to go to Nie Lingbo to talk about it.

Later, he watched Xi Zihua ignore him, and even showed disgust, and went to Nie's house, even Song's house again and again, Fu Siyuan actually began to be afraid of this daughter—

Whenever he saw or heard from Xi Wei that she went out, Fu Siyuan's liver trembled.

But the more Fu Siyuan didn't want to hear it, the more the news got into his ears.

Until he received a call from Xi Wei again, listening to the soft female voice saying:

"There are two things today. The Song family introduced a big customer to Zihua. Fortunately, the order has already been signed. Zihua is a small company that is playing and playing. Who would have thought of getting up..."

"Don't talk about it, Xi Wei!" Fu Siyuan's brows jumped, and people were also frightened, "Don't mention Xi Zihua to me again, don't mention the Song family to me again! Don't you know what happened? Do you wink? , I think you are intentional!"

Xi Wei on the other end of the phone smiled softly.

"Yes, of course I am. Fu Siyuan, Mr. Fu, after so many years, I can finally see you in ruins."

Fu Siyuan choked with a gloomy breath in his throat, what is Xi Wei saying

"... Xi Wei?"

At the other end, Xi Wei did not intend to explain to him, and said to herself:

"The second thing today, Zihua's marriage has been decided. I'll let you know."

In the end, Xi Wei's calm and dignified tone came to an end. She was well-bred at the end, and finally she was willing to reveal a trace of resentment and the joy of getting revenge.

"Zihua's wife, you know it too."

"Xi Wei, what do you mean—"

Fu Siyuan shouted to the phone in a panic, but the other end had already hung up the phone mercilessly. His words were cut off by the beeping sound, and his breath was stuck in his throat.

Is Xi Zihua's marriage set? At this juncture

Fu Siyuan desperately searched for the relationship network in his mind, who is it? Those cousins of Nie Lingbo? Are you still determined, in order to deal with Xi Heng, tied to the Song family's boat

The more he thought about it, the more restless he became, but Ren Fu Siyuan never thought that Xi Zihua's marriage was actually taken from Xi Heng by Xia Lei.

No one would have thought that the first person to attack the Xi family was the Xia family who had a marriage contract with Xi Heng.

At first, they looked down on the Xia family, but when the Xia family proposed to break the engagement and switch to Xi Zihua, the Fu Siyuan family was blown up.

Fu Siyuan raised his eyebrows upside down, his eyes widened, and he didn't have the elegant demeanor he used to do in the past:

"That's how your Xia family went back on their word? How can my son be inferior to Xi Zihua? I've seen it today!"

Bai Rong hated the Xia family in her heart, but she understood that the most important thing at the moment was to keep the marriage, she barely maintained a deadly smile and said:

"It's almost getting married, what is wrong with our Ah Heng, Miss Xia, you can mention it—are those women outside? Those are all things to keep and play, Miss Xia Er doesn't like it, which makes Ah Heng completely cut off. Now, I will be devoted to Miss Xia Er in the future."

Xi Heng, the person whose fiancee was robbed, was the most humiliating, but at the same time, his heart was strangely calm—

The Song family's revenge finally came.

He didn't care about Xia Lei, he was thinking of another person who was higher and higher.

But the bloody facts reminded him that, let alone Song Pian, Xia Lei, who he thought was unworthy of him, now kicked him like a dog and wanted to marry Xi Zihua.

It's like standing in line. Xia Zhang chose Xi Heng in the past, and now he switched to Xi Zihua, which is self-evident.

Xi Heng wanted to stand up and roared "Don't bully the poor," but his reason told him that this was a game of capital, not an illusory life in the novel.

A coveted Xi Zihua and the Xia family joined forces, and it has already caused Xi Heng to be in trouble.

Behind them, there were two majestic and dangerous peaks that appeared and disappeared from time to time, and a stone was thrown at them, enough to smash Xi Heng into full of holes.

Xi Heng could see clearly, but his heart was also heartbroken.

His blood-related sister, his fiancee, his white moonlight, and his beloved woman.

They stood in one place and dealt with themselves with their hands together, in order to ruin his reputation and never turn over.

Xi Heng's chest was suffocated, as if a needle was piercing his temple, and his limbs were cold. He braced himself and stood up to say something to Xia Zhang and Xia Lei.

But looking at Xia Zhang who didn't take their family's protest seriously at all, Xi Heng took a breath, looked away, and decided to talk to Xia Lei, who had been absent-mindedly looking at her phone.

He walked up to Xia Lei and looked at her condescendingly, but before speaking, he saw Xia Lei's mobile phone interface—

Is she shopping on Taobao

At this time, this woman is actually shopping on Taobao? ?

Xi Heng almost lost his temper.

He didn't want to say anything, picked up his suit jacket and rushed out of the house.

Bai Rong shouted anxiously from behind, "Son? Where are you going, son? Come back."

Xia Lei paid for herself with her sister and emptied the full shopping cart, and said to Bai Rong without looking up:

"Oh, Aunt Bai, Xi Heng suffered such a big blow. You have to let him vent. The child can't be tied, and it's not a dog."

Bai Rong's eyes flashed with anger.

Would you mind saying that? Who hit my son like this? Not you and your sister!

Bai Rong's heart was sour and bitter. Looking at her angry and incompetent husband, and then at the Xia family who were able to do it with ease, she knew in her heart that there was no room for them to disagree on this matter today.

Standing in the stagnant home, she suddenly remembered the coffee shop that afternoon, Song Pian said to her word by word:

"Don't worry, Madam Bai, I will be fine."

"You can't imagine better."

It turned out to be a prophecy.