Fall In Love With A Substitute

Chapter 28: Xiao Fu Die (28)


"Brother Shen, look, is this person Song or Song Pian?"

Shen Yu, who was closing his eyes and resting in the nanny's car, showed an impatient look, and said angrily:

"Why mention that woman!"

The whole crew of "Zhao Niang" was unlucky, and it touched his bad head. Since Lin Qinglu's incident ended, he lost overseas resources even if he lost overseas resources. Since he finished the film, he never wanted to hear from the crew again.

"Brother, look!" The assistant put the phone on his face.

Shen Yu couldn't focus his eyes, took the phone off his face with a hiss, and took a closer look.

"… "

He wouldn't admit the face in the photo, even if he died, that woman, Song Pian, transformed herself into the CEO of Yuehui? !

When the car arrived at Xingyao, Shen Yu rushed to Jijing's office:

"Have you seen the news? I have a hunch that this woman must have something else to do with Lin Qinglu!"

"Need your hunch?" There was another person in the office, unexpectedly Ye Zixuan.

Sitting on the sofa, she sneered at her former dog licking: "Lin Song's CP fans all over the Internet knew it before you."

Shen Yu only saw her and sneered: "What are you proud of?"

"Anyway, I didn't lose the gold master."

"You don't like to get close to people, why—"

"Stop arguing." Ji Jing rubbed his brows, suppressed his irritable anger, and said patiently, "She should have been the one who rescued Lin Qinglu many times."

The guess was confirmed, and Shen Yu's heart skipped a beat: "Song Pian has so much energy?"

Even Yuehui's CEO wouldn't be able to compete with Xingyao.

""The Starry Sky Above" is a program she made by herself. At that time, we noticed the CEO who appeared from Yuehui and asked people to check."

"But we can't even find out her origin." Ji Jing closed his eyes, "Because we can't find anything, so, according to her surname, it is almost inseparable."

The entertainment circle, because of its special status, can vaguely see the affairs of another larger circle.

Both Shen Yu and Ye Zixuan slowly had a guess in their hearts, and they couldn't help but keep silent because they were too surprised.

Ye Zixuan bit her lower lip.

She remembered that when she first saw each other, she felt a sense of closeness and yearning.

Or because the other party was from Lin Qinglu, she could see that Lin Qinglu cared about Song Piantao, so subconsciously, she wanted to "take away" Song Piantao.

But Song Piantao is too ordinary. She may be a good dancer, but she has no power, no power or money.

She was just like a delicious and beautiful snack owned by Lin Qinglu. Ye Zixuan wanted to steal it, but she didn't want it that much. In front of Ji Jing's prominent position and resources, she quickly forgot it.

If she had treated Song Piantao well at the beginning, and took out a three-pointed effort towards Ji Jing, as long as Song Piandao had a little love, wouldn't it be completely different now...

Shen Yu was in a trance.

He suddenly remembered, in the beginning, when Song Piangan still looked at him with admiration and admiration, what did he do at that time

Oh, he was playing with Song Pian's appetite, and he wanted to use her to deal with Lin Qinglu...

If he hadn't exposed his true nature in front of Song Pianjiao, with Song Pianjiao's current status, how could he be...

The regret in his heart was tormenting him, and Shen Yu was suddenly shocked.

No, he still had to hold Song Piantao, and even thought of killing Song Piantao! His pupils were wide, and his face was as white as a piece of sackcloth cut.

He left Ji Jing's office, his mood did not improve for a moment, but the more he thought about it, the more panic he became, for fear that Song Pian would see him somewhere else, slap his head, and sentence him to death.

He shuddered nervously, rushed to the president's room, and said to the new president, "President, I want to study abroad."

Yes, go abroad, wait until she can no longer remember a little person named "Shen Yu", or wait for this eldest lady to play enough games in the entertainment industry.

Going abroad for further studies sounds good in name, but fans are forgetful, and when they come back after a few years, it is basically starting from scratch, which is very difficult.

The new president is a member of the board of directors. He looked at Shen Yuqing's bleak expression and guessed in his heart what caused Shen Yu to flee in a hurry.

"Yes." He said decisively, "However, you have to bring someone with you."


"Ye Zixuan."

Xing Yao has lost a wave of outstanding artists due to the last turmoil, including her first sister Xu Weiwei and her gold medal broker. Her vitality has been severely damaged, and she can no longer lose her still usable Ji Jing.

When Ye Zixuan is here, Ji Jing will be dizzy. Ye Zixuan had offended Lin Qinglu badly. One day with Lin Qinglu around, Ye Zixuan would not be able to become really popular, so she might as well give up and save herself from causing trouble again.

Xing Yao has no place for Ye Zixuan.

Do you have to take that poisonous woman with you when you go abroad? Shen Yu frowned in disgust, but when he went overseas, everyone went their separate ways. He put aside his emotions and nodded quickly, but instead gloated inwardly.

The fresh-keeping period of female stars is shorter than that of male stars. When she comes back after two years, the fresh and delicate Xiaohua has already occupied her place, who will remember her.

The Xingyao Villain Front Alliance fluttered like a frightened chick, and the Internet was full of groundhogs from the melon-eating crowd.

"I noticed before that the producer of "The Starry Sky Above" and Xiao Wuwei have the same name and surname! The face is the same! It's definitely the same person!"

"The plot of the high-level x movie queen's falling horse is so delicious. Do you have sisters to write as fans? [passing pen]"

"Dance for Lin incognito, dance for her in Lin's costume, hee hee hee"

"What's wrong with my good friend doing dance for me? What's wrong with me and me in the dressing room? What's wrong with breaking the old routine for the other party and participating in variety shows #dogtou"

""Lin Song Tongren: Xiao Fu Die of the Shadow Queen" has been published #OK"

"@Mu Pianjiao also follows @林青緹! She only follows Lin Qinglu! I'm blown away!!!!"

The news of Yuehui CEO's appearance appeared on many media accounts, not because everyone cares more about the top executives of entertainment companies, and Ji Jing is famous for the same reason, but because of his looks.

Jian Yixin chose to appear at the charity night, but she didn't plan to hide it. This identity is not invisible. She needs a new vest that is convenient to continue the task, and the position of Yuehui high-level is very suitable.

Regarding her appearance on the crew as a dancer, Jian Yixin had long been prepared. After clearing up the account "Mu Piangan" and adding V, the first Weibo post was a statement.

In the statement, "due to professional interest, I went to the crew to make a cameo dance as a double" to broadly cover this matter, and no longer give everyone room to use their imaginations.

But Jian Yixin didn't know that the reason why CP is so good is because it is hidden and tucked.

If two people show their love openly and openly, no one will watch. It is this kind of half-covered, faintly revealing interaction and communication that makes CP fans unconscious.

On Lin Ji's CP list, in just half a day, Lin Song squeezed out the original leader Lin Ji and went straight to the top.

Ji Liu sighed in his heart, but did not expect that there would be a day when the people who were eaten by melons would realize the truth. Then he justified his sister's enthusiasm, and immediately sent Weibo to cry:

@山大王吉刘: My cp was robbed, wipe my tears and bless them.

Everyone is saying that Ji Liu has a lot of dramas and is engaged in marketing operations. Ji Liu is proud of himself, what's wrong with the heat, isn't this very effective

She poured a glass of water leisurely, and suddenly received a message from Lin Qinglu:

"Delete Weibo."

Ji Liu scratched his head: "What are you doing, sister? Are you empathetic and don't fall in love?"

There was a direct call from there, and it came up with a serious criticism and education:

"You are too frivolous."

Ji Liu rolled his eyes subconsciously: "You say, I'll listen."

"It's not appropriate to talk about two people's feelings outside."

What is the old cadre thinking

"No, you and Mr. Song's cp fans are so different, do you still need me to tell you?"

"That's different. They were smart and guessed it by themselves."

"..." CP fans are entertaining themselves, how dare you think it's true, I'm afraid you are really together, it's them who are scared to death first.

Ji Liu sighed: "Okay, it's my fault, I'll delete it."

Lin Qinglu waited for Ji Liu to delete her blog before hanging up with confidence.

Liu Lele next to him finally digested the fact that "Lin Song is real" and asked curiously:

"Sister, why did Teacher Ji delete the blog?"

"It's nothing." Lin Qinglu's expression was noble and glamorous, and her words were concise.

She looked out the window and twitched the cat's ears quietly.

They are not officially together yet.


It was the first time for Lin Qinglu to come to Jian Yixin's office. From the moment she approached the office area, she strutted with confidence in her eyes, as if she was examining her own territory.

Luo Chun didn't even look at it, what kind of domineering and wealthy daughter's favorite concubine posture.

Li Dong came to "check the post" after seeing Lin Ying far away, his eyes suddenly lit up, he just trotted up from his seat, opened the office door for Lin Qinglu, and smiled warmly:

"Mr. Lin, please come in, Mr. Song is inside!"

Lin Qinglu went in and found the person she was looking for at a glance.

Jane Yixin is sitting in the reception area of the office, a simple black suit outlines her graceful figure, her skin is like snow, her makeup is very light, and her body is different from the usual intellectual beauty.

Unlike a person in the entertainment industry, he has the temperament of a financial street elite.

"Qinglu, you're back." She raised her face towards herself, the corners of her lips curled up, her eyes were like autumn water, and she showed a warm smile, "It just so happened that I came to meet screenwriter Liu."

Lin Qinglu returned to her senses, only to realize that there was a woman on the sofa.

The woman was in her thirties, with fine lines at the end of her eyes. She was wearing work clothes, but her face was very elegant and quiet. Simple and neat.

This woman doesn't fit in with this office, let alone a dazzling entertainment company.

But when Jian Yixin personally introduced it, Lin Qinglu immediately nodded and said, "Screenwriter Liu."

"Hello, my name is Liu Han." The woman said politely.

Luo Chun watched from the side. Although Liu Han didn't add up to 200 yuan, she was so indifferent when she saw Lin Qinglu, a big star suddenly appearing.

A group of people sat down again, and Lin Qinglu naturally sat beside Jian Yixin, causing Liu Lele to keep peeking at her.

Jian Yixin didn't notice.

She subconsciously does not reject Lin Qinglu's closeness. Although some of her cognitions have changed, the fact that they are sitting side by side is normal. She has no sense of "this is not right" at all.

In the office, her focus and attention are always on work.

She picked up the script on the table and handed it to Lin Qinglu:

"Look at the script written by screenwriter Liu first."

Lin Qinglu took it and read it without saying a word.

All the script was shown to Lin Qinglu, this was intentional for Lin Qinglu to take over the play. Luo Chun looked at Liu Han again and said with a smile:

"Screenwriter Liu stared at him, did you produce any works before?"

"No, this is my first script." Liu Han's voice was slightly tight, his eyes fixed on Lin Qinglu who was reading the script, stubborn and determined, "Miss Lin is the most suitable actress in my heart to play the heroine, so I am here. The script cast by Moonlight Entertainment."

"There's no drama script either?"


Luo Chun frowned subconsciously. A new screenwriter who doesn't have any works, looking for Qinglu to star in her works? This is too whimsical.

Luo Chun didn't speak, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Jian Yixin said at the right time, "Sister Luo, don't worry, wait for Qinglu to read the script."


Luo Chun responded obediently on the surface, but was worried in her heart. She was afraid that the script that Mr. Song handed over to her would draw a vajra gourd baby in it, and Queen Lin would follow it correctly.

Liu Han said: "I know it's a bit presumptuous, but the screenwriter speaks with his works. If you are not satisfied with my works, it's not too late to drive me away."

This sentence is very straightforward, even a bit stubborn. Luo Chun pushed up his glasses and smiled, just as he was about to say a few words without pain, he heard the middle-aged woman who had been stunned before saying:

"Besides, all of your CEOs are willing to see me. You have to have some confidence in your boss."

Luo Chun: "..." What's going on with this person, he looked like a stunned young man a second ago, but now he knows how to use strength to fight.

Jian Yixin didn't interrupt, just smiled.

In fact, she has been observing Liu Han through the dialogue between the two.

Luo Chun said, "Screenwriter Liu's words—"

"This script..." Lin Qinglu said suddenly, looking at Liu Han, "Did you write it?"

"It's not like that." Liu Han said.

"Is it bad?" Luo Chun said.

Lin Qinglu shook her head, not knowing who it was.

She closed the script, the script squeaked in her hands, her expression was serious and focused, and her voice was low and powerful:

"I'll take this script."

There was a smile in Liu Han's eyes: "Really? Great, in this world, apart from you, I can't think of anyone who can play her alive."

At this time, I know to blow the rainbow fart. Luo Chun was angry and funny, but Lin Qinglu agreed. In any case, she would not refute her artist on the bright side.

This matter needs to be discussed in detail. She was about to say a few polite words to send Liu Han away when she saw Liu Han get up and said that she would continue to deliver the courier in a while, in a hurry, and talk to him next time.

"… "

"Do you think she's weird?" Jian Yixin chuckled.

"It's very maverick." Luo Chun said euphemistically, her expression was indescribable, she looked at Lin Qinglu, "What's so special about this script?"

Lin Qinglu handed the script to Luo Chun.

Luo Chun opened it curiously, looked at it roughly, and said nothing for a long time.

She understood why Lin Qinglu asked Liu Han in the first sentence after reading the script if she had written the script.

Liu Han is so gentle, short for liberal arts growth phase, and what he handed over turned out to be a sci-fi interstellar script.

The things she described in the interstellar era are very insightful, and people can't find the wrong place. Whether it's an interstellar war in the universe, or a plant on the side of the road, she can write it as if it's true, as if the world does exist somewhere in the universe.

The plot revolves around a female admiral in the interstellar era. When describing the specific plot dialogue, Liu Han seems to have returned to the identity of a liberal arts student. The brushwork is delicate, and the lines that test the screenwriter's level are excellent. The dialogue is vivid and shocking. The charm of the female admiral is written to the extreme.

The structure of the script is very mature, and it is hard to imagine that it was written by a newcomer.

"This is too..." Luo Chun sighed, "I can understand what it means for a real person to not show his face."

"What kind of courier did she send, buy a computer, write this online article online, and become a certain platinum god in minutes."

"Zhi is not here." Jian Yixin smiled.

A few days before Lin Qinglu finished the project, 09 detected an abnormal fluctuation. According to her, this is a characteristic unique to "outsiders".

Like Jane Yixin, they are people who do not belong to this world. For various wonderful reasons, they came to this book world without even knowing that they are in a book.

Jian Yixin followed the fluctuations to find it, and found that it was actually a supporting character who appeared in the novel, Liu Han.

In the book, Liu Han is a genius with a quirky temper. She took the script and wanted to find Lin Qinglu to act in a movie, but at that time Lin Qinglu had already been cleaned up by the protagonists and was unable to act in such a big production.

She was rescued by Ye Zixuan by accident. In order to repay Ye Zixuan, she made and wrote a script for Ye Zixuan, which won Ye Zixuan a heavyweight trophy, and she was the first work to win the Best Screenplay Award.

Liu Han became famous in one fell swoop, and the actor came to her with money and begged her to write the script. Ye Zixuan also wanted to continue working with her, but she was unwilling. She only said that she would have to wait for another amazing "Lin Qinglu".

Subsequently, the used tool man was thrown aside by the author of the original book and did not mention it again.

Come to think of it, Liu Han never waited for the second "Lin Qinglu" in his entire life.

Through the observation just now, Jian Yixin probably confirmed his guess.

She is in this world, looking for a "woman admiral" actor.

Luo Chun returned to the company and had other artists to meet, so he went back to his office after a while. Liu Lele couldn't adapt to the painful fact that he became a light bulb, so he slipped away.

There were only two people left in the room, and the floor-to-ceiling windows were bright white.

Lin Qinglu looked at Jian Yixin and said in an unclear tone, "I just finished the project, so this will help me find a job?"

"Of course you can't let it go if you have good resources." Jian Yixin said gently, "We need to contact the right director, and all parties have to work on the script. It's not that fast."

"You take a few days off, and the script can be read first."

Lin Qinglu didn't speak.

Song Piantao didn't notice her carefully matched clothes and makeup, and she even arranged a job for herself immediately.

Song Piantao, an unscrupulous boss who squeezes employees.

At this time, Empress Lin had completely forgotten that before Jian Yixin appeared, she was an acting madman with less than 10 days of vacation a year.

Lin Ying's cat ears folded.

Aggrieved, but don't say it.

Lin Qinglu didn't speak for a while, Jian Yixin recalled what she had said and asked:

"Is there a problem? Is the schedule too tight, or is the theme of the script you don't like?"

Lin Qinglu didn't answer the question correctly: "I like it."

If you don't like it, leave early.

Lin Yinghou glanced at President Song and sighed deeply in his heart, why is this woman so confused.

Turning to her, she thought again, it's good to not understand the style, otherwise all the moths in the circle will come to Xiao Butterfly.

She was at ease again.

""De Feng" is about to participate in the Weir Film Festival, right? When the film festival closes, we will be able to communicate more or less here. Only you and the script are left to adjust..."

Lin Qinglu listened and suddenly asked, "Do you like to see my works?"

"Of course." Jian Yixin answered without hesitation.

As a moviegoer, she likes Lin Qinglu's brilliance on the screen very much, which is unparalleled and unstoppable.

As Lin Qinglu's friend, she hopes that Lin Qinglu will be engaged in the career she loves, which is the most comfortable posture when a person is alive, and the best way to realize self-worth.

Lin Qinglu has no shortage of resources, but Liu Han, an excellent resource that she "missed" once, is a regret she doesn't know yet has existed.

Jian Yixin wanted to make it up for her, even though she wouldn't know.

In the end, as an assistant to Lin Qinglu's career, a task performer, this is what she should do.

No emotion can affect the work, and the company cannot be abandoned for personal reasons. This is Jian Yixin's life creed.

Under Jian Yixin's soft gaze, Lin Qinglu looked up at her.

She turned over the script under her hand, and her attitude was casual and confident.

The brows are adorned with wanton romance, the reddish-brown pupils are exceptionally clear in the light, and the red lips are slightly raised under the straight bridge of the nose:

"I'll play well."

A promise is more important than a thousand dollars, and as soon as Lin Qinglu finished the project, he had a new script in hand.

How could Luo Chun not know her original plan, she even made psychological preparations for the artist to go on strike for three months and to hang out in Moonlight Entertainment every day. After learning the reason, Luo Chun didn't know what to say for a long time.

"Don't read the script first - let me ask you, you like President Song so much, have you confessed to others?"

It's not a solution to shave the burden of shaving one's head hot and hot. The deeper and deeper Lin Qinglu is, Song Pian probably doesn't know anything about it.

It's better to just confess, die early and live early.

Lin Qinglu's ears turned red: "Confession..."

"..." It's just a confession, why are you shy!

Luo Chun was desperate, she scolded herself in her heart:

Luo Chun, ah, Luo Chun, you actually expect a proud elementary school chicken to confess

Lin Yinghou said reservedly: "Although I think it's enough for the two of you to communicate, but it's not impossible to confess."

Luo Chun's eyes lit up, and then he saw Lin Qinglu take out his mobile phone and open a certain green reading website:

"I researched it, and finally wanted to learn from the actress in this novel, when I got the actress at the awards ceremony..."

Lin Yinghou remained reserved to the end and did not continue, the meaning was self-evident.

Luo Chun: "...You've studied it seriously? Wait, why are you reading Lily's research! Are you reading scripts or online texts these days?"

Broker Luo fell into deeper despair when he watched the clichéd plot of "Being a Goldfinger GL for the Actress in Love".

Fortunately, Mr. Song did not intend to leave his job and follow Lin Yinghou to the film festival.

Luo Chun was relieved and accompanied Lin Big Cat, who was not very happy, to the film festival, and won the third best actress award after Lin Ying, and the film festival ended perfectly.

On the domestic side, Jian Yixin paid full attention to Liu Han's script "Tian Lai", and specially sought the cooperation of the best directors in China. In the future, the special effects of the later film will be the top priority. The studio can wake up from a dream.

"What you want, used in this movie, I will give you unconditionally."

In the office with only the two of them, Jian Yixin said lightly to Liu Han, "Correspondingly, you have to agree to my conditions."


"I need you to make a series of films for Lin Qinglu, no less than three films, to be completed in the next ten to fifteen years."

Liu Han sat up straight: "I'm just a newcomer, Miss Lin, there's no shortage of movies."

This is not the same.

Liu Han is different from people in this world. The entertainment industry is most afraid of mediocrity, and what he likes most is different things.

The script she casually wrote for Ye Zixuan shocked the entertainment industry. You know, in this world, screenwriters generally have little status.

When Lin Qinglu reached this position, it should be a smooth journey in the future. But in case something happens, Liu Han's series of works is her trump card.

It is also easier for the series to create recognition and recognition of the actors, and people will easily associate the characters with the actors, which is good for the personal image.

Liu Han's recognition of Lin Qinglu's uniqueness is the emotional guarantee of this contract.

Jian Yixin thought about it very clearly, she pushed a contract over:

"Signing this contract, Yuehui will support the creation of a series of films with Lin Qinglu as the protagonist on conditions no less than "Tian Lai"."

"The reward is 3% of Yuehui's shares."

Directly take the shares of Moonlight Entertainment as compensation, just make three movies, without mentioning other constraints. If any screenwriter and director sat opposite, he would have agreed in one breath, and he was afraid that Jian Yixin would go back on it.

But Liu Han looked at Jian Yixin carefully: "You... why?"

Jian Yixin smiled, gentle but distant: "I'm sorry, this is my private matter."

Instead, he said, "There is no other person who can play your 'female general'. This contract will benefit you without harm."

Liu Han frowned and thought for five minutes, then signed his name simply.

"Mr. Song, who has the most powerful skills in Yuehui, is actually going to do a loss-making business." Finally, Liu Han picked up the contract and teased, his eyes still lingering.

Jian Yixin shook her head and said warmly, "I have no loss."

She had no intention of saying any more, so Liu Han had to leave with doubts.

After Liu Han left, Jian Yixin sat for a while. 09 Ben was hesitating whether to take the initiative to remind the host of the progress of the mission, so he listened to the host calling her:


09 suddenly cheered up, holding the prepared notebook to report the progress, and then heard the host ask a completely inexplicable question:

"You said I experienced other small worlds before I lost my memory?"

09 I don't know why, but said obediently: "Yes."

"My memory of those worlds hasn't completely disappeared."

Jane Yixin stood up, walked to the side of the desk, sat on her outriggers, and looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"The memory that the general public speaks of, from the perspective of cognitive science, is declarative memory, excluding non-declarative memory that occurs at the subconscious level."

09: "… Huh?"

"Science says that memory is stored in the brain or in neurons, but the existence of avatars, even you 09, and my existence are not in the scope of science." Jian Yixin said, "Since science fails in this dimension, then Are there still non-declarative memories in my soul?"

09… 09 is no longer available.

The answer to this question is not in its database!

"I can handle affairs and relationships efficiently, and the ability seems to be innate."

"Forget the specific content, but retain cognition and emotion in the soul." Jian Yixin said this fluently and clearly, and paused.

Light spills into the window.

Jian Yixin spread out her hand and focused on the shimmering light in her palm.

She raised a laugh, her voice more light:

"Look, I can say this, doesn't it mean that there are still memories in my soul?"

09 was silent and stammered: "But... maybe it is."

It's a little frustrating. It doesn't answer the host's question.

"Thank you, 09."


"Listen to what I said." In the sea of consciousness, Jian Yixin's voice was unbelievably soft, "Only you can listen to me."

She has always had a vague awareness of this, but it was not confirmed with 09 until today.

When he is sure that he still retains part of his former self, even if he is as indifferent as Jane Yixin, I hope that someone can listen to me and say this.

"No, no, thank you..."

09 didn't know what he said at all. It felt that its main body was soaked in warm water, comfortable and numb, and just wanted to cover his face and roll on the bed.

The host is really kind.

Jian Yixin stared out the empty window. The sky was light blue, and the tall buildings next door were all glowing with dark blue glass. At a glance, the city's steel forests and jungles were intertwined.

At this point after she dissects her memory, this scene is inexplicably familiar, as if she had seen it this way countless times.

When she went to explore, the little trace in her mind disappeared in an instant.

Jian Yixin breathed a sigh of relief and let herself go.

It's good to have progress, don't be in a hurry.

Sooner or later she will find herself.

Get back your whole self.

There was a buzzing sound in the silent office, she picked up the vibrating mobile phone, it was Lin Qinglu.

Lin Qinglu seemed to be taking a set of pictures for a magazine, and instead sent a photo of him, with the words:

"Liu Lele made my legs so short."

The woman in the photo has a slender waist and long legs, and she is as cool and glamorous as ever. Jian Yixin watched it for a long time, but did not find any shortcomings in the photo, so she replied truthfully:

"Lele's photography skills are very good, very beautiful."

After a while, a cat head emoji with a cat shaking its ears was sent.

Jian Yixin touched the moving cat ears with her fingertips, and a slight smile appeared in her eyes.

From late autumn to the beginning of winter, in the blink of an eye, several autumn rains fell, and the cold current struck.

When people walk on the road, when they breathe, white air blows from their lips, fluffy and warm.

As the end of the year draws to a close, I have to do various finishing touches at work and keep busy.

When Luo Chun came to Song's office, Zeng Liang was giving a report inside. She listened to her two ears, and it was related to "The Starry Sky Above Your Head".

This variety show has become phenomenal, even more popular than expected, and was named and praised by Guo Jiatai, earning both fame and fortune.

Even because the guests inside are international enough, the copyright has been bought by foreign film and television platforms, and it is planned to be put on the shelves.

This is an unexpected joy for the participating artists, and they have successfully brushed their faces overseas. Although there are few shots, the program is very high, and it can greatly enhance the personal image.

Everything related to this variety show is the most important thing. Luo Chun consciously waited by the side, and saw that President Song looked up to see himself, and let Zeng Liang, who had done half of the report, go back first.

"What's up?"

Luo Chun stepped forward: "It's Qinglu's work arrangement. We plan to hold Qinglu's first birthday party."

"Birthday party?"

"Yes, about a month or so, mid-January."

Luo Chun handed over the plan to Jian Yixin: "We looked at three or four places for the venue, and finally settled on the performing arts center in the East Fourth Ring Road. The venue is relatively large, and 10,000 votes are planned to be distributed through post bars, Weibo, brand activities, etc. There will be a review mechanism for distribution.”

"In terms of links, including the review of participating movie clips, air-to-air dialogue, fan interaction, game sessions, etc., a total of 3 hours, there are many brands who want to sponsor, we have selected five."

"After the birthday party is over, I will go to a private theater to book a room. At this time, it will be Qinglu and a few friends in the circle to watch the movie together, private party, and live broadcast on the Polar Bear platform in the form of live broadcast."

Jian Yixin looked at the plan carefully. This is a mature birthday party planning, involving artists, brands, platforms and fans, covering everything.

Regarding the link, Jian Yixin had nothing to choose from, and finally she said:

"Business considerations can be less, and more advice from Qinglu himself."

Luo Chun tutted in his heart, this is too accustomed to it.

In the past half a year, his immediate boss has asked his own artists everything and checked everything. Now Yuehui, who doesn't know that Lin Qinglu is the big baby held by the CEO, can't be spoiled.

Even Zeng Liang called her sister politely in front of him. If she hadn't been alert all the time, she would have floated away.

Other bosses can't wait for their artists to make more money, so Mr. Song almost wrote "It's good for Qinglu to be happy" in Luo Chun's work principles.

But it's not the brand that Lin Ying cares about—

"I looked at Qinglu's meaning, she should want to invite Mr. Song to your birthday party." Luo Chun said euphemistically, peeking at his boss's face.

The pen in Jian Yixin's hand froze slightly.

Is this to be rejected

Luo Chun guessed that Mr. Song kept a low profile and didn't like to attend public occasions very much. She was about to talk back and listen to her boss:

"Okay, I'll vacate the itinerary."

"Okay." Luo Chun responded immediately, for fear that President Song would regret it.

After she returned to Lin Qinglu, she looked at Lin Ying who was closing her eyes and rested, and she felt that she was really used to it. Mr. Song, who usually doesn't answer many interviews, even agreed to the live broadcast this time. .

She cleared her throat: "I just went to Yuehui."

Lin Qinglu immediately opened her eyes: "Huh?"

"Tell me about your birthday party. I also said that Qinglu is looking forward to Mr. Song's attendance at the private party—"

"I didn't even look forward to it." Lin Yinghou held the pillow and corrected it with restraint.

"Oh." Luo Chun glanced at her and said deliberately, "That's great, it seems that you won't be too sad if President Song doesn't have time to come."

Oops, I pursed my mouth, my cat's ears are drooping, I'm not happy, take my phone—

"What are you doing with your phone?"

"Notify the plan to change the time." Lin Qinglu opened the dialog box of the plan, "Another day to regenerate—did you ask Pina when you are free?"

"… "