Fall In Love With A Substitute

Chapter 34: The princess's petite wife (02)


Outside the towering imperial city, ten miles of red makeup.

The prince's marriage, although the time is short, is also paved with red silk, and the guard of honor clears the way, like a chariot.

The Feng family had great prestige in the army. The old general Feng married his only daughter, and his son guarded the bitter cold. The generals under his command sent his son to marry him. All of them rode high-headed horses, with great power.

He walked slowly along the way, and the emperor's subjects gathered along the way. When they saw that the old general was married to a daughter, or the prince who was known to be a famous prince of the dynasty, they all bowed down to the ground, congratulating Shengxi.

Outside there were gongs and drums, horses hoofs treading, and inside the chariot covered with gold and red, Fengyue's face was calm, sitting in peace, closing her eyes and resting.

She wears a black rolled gold-trimmed long-sleeved dress, her skin is frosty and snowy, her face is like spring flowers, as bright as peaches and plums, and the corners of her lips are naturally smiling.

But after opening his eyes, there is a bit of cold star in his eyes, and all the peach and apricot fragrant fragrant flowers are killed, leaving only a sense of beauty.

A big music ensemble floated faintly outside, and it should be outside Chengtianmen.

The carriage stopped.

Then the man said aloud: "My royal brother welcomes me personally, and I invite the crown prince to come down to the chariot."

The Feng family could only send her here.

Feng Yuexian raised his eyebrows indifferently, and got off the chariot according to the etiquette. Outside was the only prince in Dali who could stand up, the second prince Song Qu.

Song Qu had a handsome face and wore a dress of the same color. Seeing Fengyue coming in leisurely and wearing makeup, her beautiful face was so beautiful, her heart was swayed, and she forgot the etiquette and reached out to her:

"Princess, I—"

Feng Yuexian walked forward with her head held high, and walked past him. She swung back her black sleeves and knocked Song Qu's hand off, without even giving him a single corner of her eye.

Song Qu's face darkened instantly.

The officials around him who followed him did not dare to say a word, pretending to be ignorant, but they said in their hearts that the Feng family was really powerful, and they did not even give the second prince's face.

The crown prince is weak. Originally, it was the second prince who gained power in the court. After all, there is no telling that the crown prince will be gone one day.

But Feng Yuexian became a crown princess, maybe later—

Once this marriage is done, the situation in the DPRK and China... I'm afraid it will change.

Although it was the crown prince's big wedding, the East Palace had no popularity, no joy, and was extremely decadent. Even the red lanterns and red satin that could be seen everywhere were lingering with the smell of decay.

Song Pian followed Xueqing to the west hall. Outside the gate of the west hall stood two very silent guards. Seeing that it was Xueqing, he gave way.

Song Pian was sitting on the round bench made of pineapple wood in front of the mirror, and saw Xueqing open a red sandalwood box and began to prepare things.

She glanced at it, and when she couldn't recognize it, she didn't look at it. She pretended to be sleepy, yawned tearfully, closed her eyes with her head propped up, and immediately began receiving messages.

It is now the eighth year of Yuanchen, and the imperial power of the Li Kingdom is in turmoil. Song Piangan is the only direct-born princess of the Li Kingdom.

The emperor was incompetent, soft-hearted, and blindly believed in his younger brother, the King of Chu. Chu Wang Langzi's ambition firstly planned to poison the queen, causing the princess to be congenitally deficient and sickly since the birth of her mother. The queen left after half a year of lingering sickness.

The ancestors of the General Zhenguo’s Mansion were the heroes of the founding of the country, and they guarded the gates of the country in successive dynasties. Instigated by the King of Chu, the emperor was afraid of the general's mansion and forced the old general to disarm and support him. He was killed by the King of Chu and suffered a stroke.

The old general's spirit was fading, but his daughter Fengyuexian had a deep scheming and excellent skills, pulling in and consolidating the forces in the army, like another wolf, tiger and leopard hiding in the bushes, waiting for an opportunity.

The crown prince was already weak, and he strongly supported the country and handled government affairs. The King of Chu was coveting him.

Ten years ago, despite the obstruction of the court, the prince insisted on accepting Feng Yuexian, the direct daughter of the general's residence, as the concubine, but he did not want to get married on the day when the oil ran out.

In the original development process, after the prince died of illness, the princess was captured to replace her, but she failed to gain Feng Yuexian's trust, and a rift arose between the two sides.

The series of changes in the harem of the previous dynasty will not be repeated. In short, the two did not form a team, and the degree of cooperation was basically 0. It was all due to Feng Yuexian carrying the audience alone, strategizing and strategizing, and the King of Chu was defeated.

Everyone thought that even if Dali did not change his surname and Feng, the emperor would be Feng Yuexian, but she supported Song Ziyi, the heir of the next emperor, to ascend to the throne, and deliberately avoided her own brother-in-law. The name returned to the General's Mansion.

However, Song Ziyi's ambition and height have grown rapidly together. When he first grew up, he was afraid of Feng's family. Feng Yuexian had a love for him.

After Song Ziyi murdered Feng Yuexian, he immediately set fire to the General's Mansion in Zhenguo, saving his confidants.

However, he had the ability to make a black hand and did not have the ability to take over, so that the people were angry, the vassal king created chaos, Dali was torn apart, and he was caught in a continuous war.

"Dali's dynamism is not exhausted. Your task is to preserve the orthodox bloodline of the royal family and stabilize the imperial power."

"More detailed information has been transmitted to you to enable auxiliary functions for you. Special reminder, in order to help you achieve the effect of disguise, your voice can be switched to a male voice after disguise."


Song Pian quickly went through the plot in her heart and found what she needed most right now—

First of all, it is whether Donggong is absolutely safe as Song Yu said.

Secondly, she is about to meet Feng Yuexian, but she doesn't know what her relationship is with her, which is very important to whether she can successfully form an alliance with the Feng family.

As for the result of the first question, after reading it, she had a scruple in her heart.

second question…

The princess lives in a simple way, but she has two or three close friends. Among them, the princess of Qingling once said outside that the princess did not like knives, guns and sticks since she was a child, and repeatedly scolded Feng Yuexian for being unruly.

When he learned that Feng Yuexian was going to become the prince's concubine, he was so shocked that he didn't come up on the spot. He almost fainted.

The news spread all over Shangjing through the mouth of the Qingling County Lord.

Song Pian: "..."

No wonder they couldn't form an alliance. With Feng Yuexian's temperament, it would be good if they didn't form a grudge.

Although the prince's wedding is a major event in a country, the situation of the prince can no longer support the complicated etiquette, and the etiquette is not good.

Especially on the day of the wedding, the prince was too ill to stay in bed, so he had to let the emperor's younger brother Song Qu greet him personally.

Xueqing is worthy of being from the dark guard, and she is very skilled in her skills. She doesn't know how to do it. She no longer has Song Pian's tenderness in her eyebrows, but Song Yu's toughness and warmth.

Song Pian couldn't help sighing softly when he thought of Song Yu, who would never be able to see each other again.

Xue Qing said: "Where is the princess dissatisfied?"

"No, let's go, go to the main hall."

Xue Qing suddenly widened his eyes: "Princess, your voice—" is actually the same as the prince's voice!

Song Pian smiled slightly, with some of her daughter's melancholy, and immediately made this androgynous face more feminine, but her voice was still male:

"Brother Huang is busy with government affairs, and I rarely see him in this palace. I learn from him when I have nothing to do, and I can learn seven or eight points."

Xue Qing's eyes lit up: "What an unexpected joy! In this way, everything is seamless."

Song Piantao took Xueqing back to the main hall, and met Xu Jing. After Xu Jing learned about it, he was also very pleasantly surprised. The sky has eyes, so it must be a secret arrangement.

Song Pianjiao did not refute, but asked first:

"What about the royal brother?"

"I have been sent out of the palace through the secret passage, and the Prime Minister Zuo has sent someone to meet him, and we will bury the prince." Xu Jing said with a sad expression, as a prince of a dynasty, he has fallen to this point.

The first queen came from the Zuo Prime Minister's house, and the Zuo Prime Minister's house is the prince and the original family's family, and they will handle it properly.

Song Piantao nodded reassuringly. She had already learned from the system that she had no intention of asking out loud.

"Secret way? How come I don't know?"

"This is the secret of the palace, even the princess in your palace, there are also some."

"Someone is also in the secret passage at this time?"

"Basically it will take a while to come back—" Xu Jingzheng said, three or five figures came back from the outside to return to their lives, and the people behind them were steady, and they should be from the dark guard.

The most prominent one was wearing an official eunuch uniform, and his eyes were very clever. He first turned around Song Piantao before kowtowing:

"Happy Princess, everything is done."

"Very good." Xu Jing sighed, "Okay, let's go down and call people back to be on duty."


"Wait." Song Pian stopped and said slowly, "Who is this? How come I haven't seen this before?"

The female voice she used to say this.

Xu Jing didn't think much about it, thinking that the princess' disguise was uncomfortable, and there were all the cronies in the hall, and he said bluntly:

"The one who failed is Xu Li, the servant's apprentice, and the rest are secret guards."

Xu Li immediately nodded and said, "The villain is humble, how can the princess remember it."

The apprentice of the old eunuch in the palace is basically a godson, and he is extremely trusted by Xu Jing.

Song Pian nodded lightly: "It's interesting that you talk. Just stay and serve in the palace and pass the time with this palace."

"Yo, I can get a compliment from the princess, but he has cultivated his blessings for several lifetimes." Xu Jing immediately said.

Xu Li hesitated in his heart, but he didn't dare to reject it on the face, and immediately made an overjoyed look and said some funny words.

Afterwards, all the secret guards in the East Palace disappeared, and the ordinary palace attendants and the prince's personal guards began to walk around the palace. Since Song Piangan could disguise such a similar voice, in order to prevent Fengyue from becoming suspicious, he asked the palace attendant to serve in the main hall as well.

Xu Jing thought thoughtfully, he had replaced the canopy bed for a reason, and found a mahogany canopy bed with a pattern of tangled branches and vines from the warehouse.

Xu Li took the initiative to ask Ying to take someone to do it, but was stopped by Song Pian, neither soft nor hard, and could not take a step from the East Palace.

He was slightly suspicious.

Could it be that this princess discovered heresy

But how could it be, he denied it immediately, the princess was afraid that he had never paid attention to a little person, let alone saw his tricks at a glance.

He just wanted to get the news out now—

The prince has passed away, the princess has a top bag, and there are secret passages in the palace. As long as these news are spread out, why should the Lord fail to achieve the great cause!

When Feng Yuexian came to the East Palace, he saw the prince half leaning on the bed, with a soft pillow under his waist.

The red candle flickers.

A palace attendant was kneeling at the end of the bed and lightly hammered his leg with a jade hammer. Beside him stood a little eunuch with his hands tied, and Xu Jing, the father-in-law who never left the prince beside him.

The prince was wearing a snow-colored t-shirt, but his complexion was even whiter than the clothes, and his lips and the end of his eyes looked particularly bright red.

This is a very beautiful face.

The royal family can also see this face.

The palace attendants who were surrounded by Feng Yuexian were stopped outside the East Palace. Those were not the people she brought, and she didn't care, and walked in alone.

The foot is very stable, and the skirt is not tucked.

At this time, seeing her future husband, she first looked at it, then bowed her knees, and saluted meticulously, her voice was cold:

"Happy Prince."


Song Piangao looked at the people below, Feng Yuexian's etiquette was hard to fault, but at the same time, Song Piangao could also see from her attitude that she didn't care.

She was just trying not to make mistakes.

Also, someone who can almost subvert a dynasty is someone who is willing to be humble.

Xu Jing brought a few people to salute:

"Blessed are the Crown Princess."


Xu Jing got up, and was about to smile and speak for the prince. He just wanted to tell Feng Yuexian that the prince was not well. It was late at night. Please go to the side hall to rest first—

Even if they want to form an alliance, Feng Yuexian cannot let Feng Yuexian find out that this is a fake prince.

As for more, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

What the princess has to do is to make Feng Yuexian feel that the prince is still there, and he doesn't expect the princess to do the rest. He has his own servants to serve.

But before Xu Jing opened his mouth, he heard the human voice on the couch:

"You go down first."

"This… "

Xu Jing subconsciously wanted to persuade the princess, but when he saw Feng Yue's eyes staring at him like lacquer, those wonderful eyes seemed to be able to see through his own hesitation and hesitation.

"Yes, Prince."

Song Pian's eyes turned to Xu Li, and he paused for a moment like a dragonfly in the water, then moved away, and said with a smile:

"You are old, rest early. Xue Qing and Xu Li are waiting for my orders outside."

"The slave retire."

After the three led the palace attendants to retreat, Xu Jing closed the door, and Feng Yuexian's eyes stopped on Song Pian's face.

Her gaze easily made people feel a sense of oppression, she said lightly:

"The prince really treats his subordinates very well and is a meticulous person."

"Staying in a sickbed for a long time, I have to cultivate a good temperament, which will make you laugh."

Feng Yuexian paused: "Yuexian dare not."

"You are already the Crown Princess, so you don't have to be so open to the outside world." Song Pian said, she stopped, took a breath, and continued, "If you say that we are in the palace, our relationship is the strongest."

The person on the bed had a waist so thin that it would break when it was broken. Crow blue hair was scattered down, and the tail of the hair was winding around the waist. Against that face, it was only the size of a palm, and it was like a cat when breathing thinly.

The prince's appearance is indeed indistinguishable between males and females, but when did she feel so strange in her heart.

Feng Yuexian raised his eyebrows calmly, his face as usual: "Where do you start?"

The tone still doesn't care.

"The father is ill and cannot afford to be sick, and the King of Chu is in trouble. I don't know how many people in the palace are his hidden lines." Song Pian said bluntly, letting out a wry smile, "But only you and I will never stand with the King of Chu. "

She represents the current imperial power, while Feng Yuexian is a loyal minister.

Feng Yuexian raised her beautiful eyebrows and looked at the other party again. It seemed that he did not expect the prince to speak so straightforwardly, but he was a bit trusting.

"Prince is joking, you are the king, and Yuexian is the minister, and the relationship is solid and unbreakable."

"How much is true or false? You know, and I know too." Song Pian smiled, "Have you already heard the news?"

"What?" Feng Yuexian said nothing.

"Prince's condition has worsened, and he was too ill to stay in bed half a decade ago." Song Pian sighed with relief, "How can I hide the matter in the palace from you."

"Otherwise, you are absolutely unwilling to marry in." She finally said, sitting on the couch and looking at Feng Yuexian standing in front of the hall.

Feng Yuexian's gaze was certain, and Hanmang was a little heavier.

Song Pian couldn't hide or avoid it, and the autumn water cut her pupils, and Yingying was glowing with water.

Feng Yue smiled leisurely, her color was as wide as Fang Fei, but her eyes showed the vigilance of predators, the eyes that were alert to the prey that was about to flee:

"So - who are you?"

"You have already come to a conclusion with a face so similar to the prince?" Song Pian said with a light smile.

Feng Yuexian sneered: "There is a person to choose, but Su Wen is extremely unbearable, and it is not the same as what I have seen today."

"… "

Song Piantao was almost pointed at her nose and scolded "The princess is a little idiot", even if she was not her original body, she would be embarrassed at this time.

She pursed her red lips, raised her hand to lift the quilt, and got off the bed.

It's rude to talk to people in bed, if it wasn't for Xu Jing and the others who insisted on letting her pretend to be the prince to the end and couldn't get out of bed, she wouldn't have done the same.

"Let's just lie down." Feng Yuexian suddenly said, stopping her movement.

She paced closer, stood in front of the bed, lowered her eyes and looked down, her eyes circling around her petite figure:

"I heard that the princess' body is no better than the prince's. On the wedding night - don't faint."

Song Pian fell silent.

"It's true, if it weren't for the form of the case, the emperor would not be..."

"Where's the Crown Prince?" Feng Yuexian asked, but there was no doubt in his tone.

If the prince is still good, he will never push his sister up with his gentleness.

With Feng Yuexian's intelligence, how could he not guess.

"It's been a long time since I was sent out of the palace." Song Pian rolled her eyelashes and replied softly.

From Feng Yuexian's point of view, she could only see her hair like crow feathers flowing down from her round shoulders, making her slender and helpless.

She raised her hand and pressed her eyebrows, breaking the peace by saying:

"Prince has worked hard for half his life, and it can be considered a rest."

Song Pian looked up at her, slapped her face with a small face, Crow Feather fell behind her head, her neck was whiter than snow, and her delicate collarbone contained two small puddles of spring water.

"Brother Huang has gone, so let me inherit the last wish, and Mochizuki Xian helps me save Dali."

"Princess is serious." Feng Yue said lightly.

She took two steps back, her eyes passed over the shaking red candle, and she raised her head and said:

"The Feng family is just an ordinary duke who has gone to the official position. My father is old, and my brother only knows how to guard the border, so he can't take on this important task."

"There's still moonlight."

Feng Yue smiled leisurely, she was a bit of an idler, but the cold light in her eyes did not dissipate, she just shied away without sincerity:

"I've been married as a wife, and I've been a royal wife since then, so how can I be a family member?"

"If you say marrying a husband, the princess is not my husband, and I can't obey you."

She glanced at Song Piantao with some teasing, "It's the princess, you have to call me the Queen's Wife."

This person is really difficult to deal with. He slid thousands of pounds in four or two, and he slipped without leaving his hands. Song Pian leaned against the Jinxiu Luo pillow, and there was no wave in his eyes, and he smiled:

"It's said that the elder sister-in-law is like a mother—"

"I'm afraid Yuexian is too young to be able to shoulder such a heavy responsibility."

Feng Yuexian looked at Song Piangan's eyes for a while.

The two looked at each other again, not backing down.

Song Pian said: "Now I am destined to bear the name of the emperor's brother, occupy his position, he is not, this prince's position."

Song Pian tapped the quilt: "This East Palace."

He pointed to the sky again: "Even this world will fall into the hands of others."

"You don't want to see that situation either."

Feng Yuexian's eyes darkened slightly: "Who are the others? Song Qu?"

Song Pian shook his head.

Feng Yuexian's eyes darkened, and she curled her lips: "If that's the case, why don't you seal the family for me, let Dali sing and dance, and make the country peaceful and peaceful."

Song Piantao wanted to sigh again.

Feng Yuexian suspects that her mental illness is too serious, and is still testing her.

"It's the King of Chu."

"The King of Chu is also surnamed Song after all. You Song family fight back and forth, and if I seal the family, the fisherman will benefit."

Song Pian said leisurely: "Yue Xian forgot, you are married to a woman, and you will be a royal wife from now on, how can you be a family member?"

He actually returned Feng Yuexian's words to her as they were.

"… "

Feng Yuexian was blocked for a while, and Song Pian finally let out a sigh of relief.

However, the winning or losing of a verbal contest cannot solve the problem, and the royal family is on the decline.

It's like the boss who made a fool of himself before, scolding the employee who can perform the most, and even demoting him.

Now I want to make people shed tears and sweat with three or two sentences. If they weren't extremely loyal to the company, they would have fired the boss long ago.

Fortunately, the Feng family is full of loyalty.

Even if Feng Yuexian looked at her body, she had loyalty in her heart.

Nowadays, if you want employees to like the company again, the boss can't be arrogant.

Song Pian stepped out of the bed, and seeing Feng Yuexian's eyes moving slightly, she seemed to be extremely concerned about herself, and she felt a little stronger in her heart.

It seems that Feng Yuexian's loyalty is more than he estimated, and he is worried about dissing her original body.

Song Pian was standing gracefully, her middle clothes dazzlingly white.

She bowed and squatted. She saw Feng Yuexian's feet move slightly from the corner of her light, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it, she pinned herself on the spot and accepted the gift.

Just be willing to accept it.

Song Pian's heart was slightly relieved, she maintained her squatting posture, and resumed her original voice:

"If there was anything wrong in the past, I will apologize here, because I was young and ignorant."

"From now on, Mochizuki will help me and Dali."

The sound is also very soft like a cat meowing.

Feng Yuexian was absent-minded for a moment, but quickly reacted.

After a few derogatory words, he let himself be regarded by Shangjing as a princess to talk about, a princess who is high above, and bowed his noble head to himself at this time.

Jinzhiyuye lowered her slender waist and folded her body proudly towards herself.

She could even see her tiny hair twirling.

— but is that enough.

Feng Yuexian was never someone who could be moved by a few words.

"You don't have to be—"

The words stopped abruptly in the middle, the person in front of him suddenly swayed, and then he fell down as if his center of gravity was unstable, as if the willow was blown away by the wind.

Feng Yuexian stretched out her arms to stop her, and with a hook, she took the person into her arms, and half hugged her to stabilize her figure.

She frowned, what happened.

But then, the body preceded the reason, and she felt the soft body under the coat.

A thin layer of clothing is useless, but if there is a seemingly non-existent layer of blocking, the warmth at that end will quietly pass, as if shy and timid.

It was clear that her body temperature was higher, but she retracted her hand as if she had been scalded.

Fortunately, Song Piangao had stood firm.

"I'm not very well..."

Song Piantao couldn't make amends because of her physical condition. Instead, she owed a little favor to Feng Yuexian. She felt helpless and didn't even know whether to laugh or cry.

"Thank you."

Feng Yue said coldly and solemnly: "If you are not in good health, don't do this kind of thing, it will cause trouble for others."

Song Pian pursed her lips and nodded.

Feng Yuexian saw that she was so well-behaved and obedient, that she stopped talking back, stopped lecturing, but she was not very happy.

She felt that her brain was not very good today.