Fall In Love With A Substitute

Chapter 40: The princess's petite wife (08)


Ruthlessly stuffing Qinghe onto the carriage that was leaving the palace, Song Pian turned around and returned to the palace, only to see a corner of a robe flashing past the door.

Song Pian couldn't see the color of the corners of his clothes because he moved too fast, suspecting that it was his dazzling eyes.

When she walked into the hall, Feng Yue sat on the chair leisurely, her breath was calm, and she didn't even sway her steps.

"What?" Feng Yuexian asked her.

Song Pian shook his head and smiled, "It's nothing."

The palace attendants of Mingshou Palace all retreated, and Feng Yuexian asked Yinbing and Yinxue to retreat, leaving only Xueqing to serve.

Previously in the East Palace, Ye Feng Yue Xian never let them serve, and Yin Xue and the two people had to discuss important matters as masters.

But seeing the princess, can there be anything that the personal palace attendant can't know

What can auntie say

Yinxue closed the door of the palace, her curious little head was filled with simple question marks.

Inside the hall.

Feng Yuexian took a stance and meant something: "I just left the palace, and you came to see Qinghe."

"She came to visit suddenly, and I didn't expect that she didn't hand over the invitation to the palace."

Song Pian became serious, and the pretty goose egg's face became more serious:

"Don't worry, Aunt Fangruo is guarding the Zizhu Forest, and no one will notice anything unusual."

Feng Yue choked for a while.

Is this what she is worried about

She put down the teacup, looked at Song Pianda, and said, "With Qinghe's brain, you won't find anything if you think about it. But—"

"Huh?" Song Pian seriously waited for the second half of her sentence.

Feng Yue really didn't think of any valid reason for a while, she thought about it, and blamed a little:

"We have a marriage contract, and we are newly married. When Qinghe enters the palace, the prince will come to Mingshou Palace to see her."

The more she talked, the more she felt that she was reasonable and Song Pian was going too far.

"Not only does it hurt my decency, it's even more detrimental to the integrity of the prince's image. Although things are urgent, we should try to avoid them in the future."

Song Pianjiao finally understood what Feng Yuexian cared about—it seemed that Feng Yuexian really cared about "decency", in short, that face must be given to her.

She secretly wrote down the character of her partner, and assured her in a warm voice:

"Don't worry, it won't happen again in the future."


Song Pian nodded confidently: "Well, when Luo Chen comes back, follow him through the secret passage, so you don't have to go through the bright side."

In this way, there will be no gossip, and Crown Princess Feng Yuexian's decency will not suffer any loss.

"… "

It turned out to be dark Chencang.

The princess snorted coldly in her heart and stopped talking.

Song Piantao took the initiative and asked about the progress of the work: "Is it going well today?"

"Shang Ke." Even though he knew he cared about himself, Feng Da Mao's blown fur was smoother.

"That's good." Song Piantao didn't ask any more questions, and gave the other party full trust.

Big Cat Feng, who raised his chin and waited for follow-up care, did not wait, and glanced at Song Piandao.

Why don't you ask

After waiting for two more breaths, seeing that Song Piangan still didn't speak, Feng Big Cat thought about it for a while, thinking that Song Pianjiao should be because she didn't know what she was going out for, and thought she didn't want to talk to her, so she thoughtfully didn't ask more.

In order to show his magnanimity, Feng Da Mao put down his body and said something:

"I met some generals and reminded them to write off the IOU."

Song Pian blinked, she really didn't expect this.

In the original world, this matter was advocated by Feng Yuexian. At that time, Feng Yuexian couldn't do anything, so it was done too late, and it didn't develop like this.

It is equivalent to Fengyue leaving the palace idle to clear some obstacles to the decree she issued.

Song Piantao was very appreciative of this feeling, his heart moved, and a smile appeared on his face:

"I'm very unfamiliar in the courtroom, I would like to thank Yuexian for helping me everywhere."

Her smile was as pure and sweet as a gardenia with dew, and her voice was like the chirping of a yellow warbler. Feng Yuexian's heart suddenly missed a breath, her throat tightened slightly, and she said:

"I do this, it's also good for the Feng family, you don't need to thank me."

The benefits to the Feng family are self-evident - each family solves their family affairs, and the Feng family already has a clue, but Li Zike may not be able to handle the civil servants under him.

The soldier ruffian has a big temper, but he has a straight heart, and those who are not straight are blocked by Feng Yuexian's trick.

But the literati are different. They have the most minds and strong tongues. If no one wants to spit out what they eat, it is one thing whether Li Zi can suppress them.

In addition to the faction, there are also many nobles outside the faction. The senior officials of the royal family and the country, there are all kinds of people, what can half a day be enough for him

If you don't make it impossible to do it with a tough hand, the top will be held accountable.

If according to Song Piantao's words, if you really come to get someone, you will definitely offend the family, and from then on, they will never communicate with each other.

Li Zi got this job, and he was destined to not be able to do both.

When Feng Yuexian learned that Song Piantao pointed Li Zi to run an errand, she immediately understood that this was not only to investigate the treasury, but also to behead Li Zi, the right-hand man of the King of Chu.

"It's done very beautifully." Feng Yue sighed leisurely, looking at Song Piantao with admiration and inquiry, "Even if it's me, it's not necessarily better than this."

And Song Piantao, a princess who lived in the deep palace for a long time, was able to suppress Li Zi's head in the courtroom.

Song Pian pursed her lips, rarely a little embarrassed.

In fact... this is what Feng Yuexian did in the original plot, and she just changed it a little, which is really not to be praised.

"It's just a whim. What Yuexian does is the most meticulous and appropriate."

Song Piantao turned and said warmly:

"I also thank you for your care just now. With the Feng family helping you in the court, it really saves a lot of effort."

This is to say, the performance of Feng Chenyi towards the top.

It turned out that Song Piangang was aware of everything she did.

They all know that it is their own orders and their own intentions.

Feng Yuexian's blush was slightly deep at the end of her eyes, her black eyelashes were fanning lightly, and she suddenly felt a little joy in her heart.

Such as the ding-dong sound of a thin stream, the dissatisfaction and the anxiety caused by the uncertainty are all smoothed out.

When your heart is received by the other party, you will be happy.

The tips of Feng Yuexian's ears under her hair were hot and soft, and her voice was also warm.

The words that are clearly not polite, said in this tone, as if to complain softly:

"It's not that I'm afraid that you will get angry again."

Song Pian pursed her lips and smiled.

Reminds Feng Yuexian to think of the begonia plant in the other courtyard, shy and timid, so charming.

If it is, the petals of this begonia float to the palm of the hand, and if she peels off her layered petals made of splendid embroidery, revealing—

Her breath was chaotic for a moment, and she dared not think about it.

And the king of Chu, who was far away in southern Yunnan, had no thoughts of romance at this time.

He convened his staff in the study outside the palace, and the roomful of aides and generals of the Southern Yunnan Army gathered together.

"...So, the disaster relief team is about to arrive in Sishui. What's your opinion?"

The King of Chu's face was clear and solemn, and he had the refined temperament of a middle-aged and beautiful man. From his face, he could not see his ambitions at all. At this time, he was waiting for his subordinates to speak freely.

"Killed like the previous two times, Sishui is so messy now, it's normal to have some troubles, haha!"

"No, no, there are two hundred Northwest Army elites accompanying this time. It's too risky."

"Why, are you looking down on my Southern Yunnan Army?"

"It's not that the subordinates have the ambition of others to destroy their prestige, but... um..."

"Cough cough, I think it's safer to bring several times the number of people over there."


"Okay." The King of Chu raised his hand with a sullen face and said, his voice was not loud, and the scene was quiet for a moment.

The military generals on the left are sitting, and the palace aides are all on the right. At this time, one side advocates fighting, and the other side says that you can't beat others. If you really want to fight, don't be ashamed and bring more people, as it will soon start a fight.

The King of Chu glanced around the field, and his eyes fell on the first person on the left.

"Can Mr. Kang have any insights?"

"I'm not talented." Kang Xueying said, "I think that with the current situation in Sishui, we have achieved most of our goals. The grievances of the people have been aroused, the people have suffered enough, and we have also received the previous payment."

"It's a good time to end at this time. After all, this Jiangnan - or this world, will be your people in the future."

In the end, this compliment was very good. The King of Chu narrowed his eyes, but said:

"It's too early to say that."

Kang Xueying smiled knowingly: "It's abrupt."

The King of Chu looked much more comfortable, and the relationship between the two courtiers was extremely harmonious, and the generals next to him were taken aback for a moment.

This literati is flattering!

Feeling comfortable in my heart and comfortable in my ears, the King of Chu felt that Kang Xueying's proposal was reasonable—

In the future, Jiangnan will be your own Jiangnan. Even if you use it to waste and use it at this time, you can't let people die, otherwise you will have a headache in the future.

With a soothing face, he made a decision:

"Just let Deng Bo go into Surabaya."

"I don't think it's right!" Immediately, a military general stood up and cupped his hands.

"What's wrong?" The King of Chu smiled lightly.

"The previous imperial envoy went to Sishui, and the end was miserable. It makes no sense that the disaster is getting worse now, but it has calmed down."

"This is against common sense!" The military general named Dewey said loudly.

"That's right!" Dewey was recognized as soon as he finished speaking, and when he looked up—

Why was Kang Xueying looking at him with approval

"General Du is right." Kang Xueying turned to the King of Chu and said, "The Sishui disaster has progressed to the present situation, although there are indeed some rogues, but it is far from enough to explain what happened to the previous imperial envoy."

"On top of this, we need to play another scene, otherwise, we will be caught by the north."

The King of Chu nodded, and his eyes were on the ranks of the military generals. Before he called his name, a general who looked like a young man stood up with a proud face:

"I want to go!"

"It's been a long time since I went out to live my life, and I asked the lord to give me a chance." Xi Qingyan called to the lord, his respect was far less than that of others, but he seemed very close.

The King of Chu was startled, his brows furrowed slightly.

Xi Qingyan...

He was dissatisfied with Xi Qingyan for doing this, but thinking that Xi Qingmei, the virtuous concubine in the palace, was extremely doting on his younger brother, if Xi Qingyan wrote a letter to complain, he would definitely have a headache.

Forget it, just take him out and let it go.

The King of Chu smiled elegantly: "Okay, Qingyan and Dewey will lead the troops and go together."

After coming out of the palace, Xi Qingyan went to Kang Xueying's house for a drink.

"... The way Mr. pointed out is very good. The lord really let me go. This time I will definitely make a contribution."

"Then congratulations to you first." Kang Xueying said after taking a sip of wine.

"But the lord pointed Dewey to go with him again, maybe he would take the credit from me."

Kang Xueying was convinced that Dewey was more prestigious than Xi Qingyan. Although the prince did not clearly say who was in charge and who was deputy, the army would definitely listen to Dewey when they went to that station.

At that time, there is no chance for Xi Qingyan to perform.

"Your Highness is very cautious." Kang Xueying said casually, "Both of you are brave generals, even if only one of you can go, you can do things properly."

"By the way, on the day you set off, the lord seems to be going out. If you really don't want to go with Dewey, why not—"

"Why not?" Xi Qingyan immediately asked, a little greedy light appeared in her narrow eyes.

Kang Xueying stopped, Gu Zi waved his hand: "I'm drunk, don't mind me."

Xi Qingyan clicked his tongue, but his mind was not on the banquet.

If Dewey can't set off together, isn't the credit all his own—

In order to grab the credit, Xi Qingyan was very active, and on the day of departure, he injured Dewey's leg with a damage move.

When the King of Chu was not in the mansion, he had his back to the Xi family, and there was a virtuous concubine in charge of the sixth palace. No one dared to stop him, so he went straight to Sishui County with 800 Min soldiers who were not wearing military uniforms.

The King of Chu originally intended to let them pretend to be rogues and stop and harass them a little, so he sent a group of imperial officials to Sishui for disaster relief.

But when the two sides really met, I wondered if the elite soldiers from the northwest had raised their bones in Shangjing. The soldiers were weak, and they were beaten by the Fujian soldiers.

The elite soldiers from the northwest were protecting Deng Bo while fighting and retreating, but there were no boxes of snowflake silver to manage. I don't know who shouted in Xi Qingyan's ear:

"Sir Xi, don't want this money for nothing, it's all military pay when you take it back."

yes. Xi Qingyan's eyes brightened, if he not only completed the mission, but also unexpectedly received hundreds of thousands of troops to go back, who would dare to underestimate him in the future.

As long as the imperial envoy is left with one life, he will only take half of the money, and the remaining half will be enough for disaster relief? What is the difference between the disaster victims eating a bowl of rice and half a bowl of rice

Just don't die.

Xi Qingyan made up his mind, raised his arms and shouted, "Take the silver taels away!"

He shouted loudly, and the elite soldiers from the northwest rushed forward in response, and Xi Qingyan was almost startled by his arrogance.

Fortunately, Deng Bo shouted like a screaming chicken in fear of death: "Let them take it away, take it away! Come and protect this official!"

The beast that swooped over was immediately grabbed by the reins and stepped back unwillingly and cautiously.

"Hahaha, your life is so miserable, you stand on such a high-ranking officer!" Xi Qingyan laughed happily, her brows arrogantly proud, and she was complacent.

Xi Qingyan's happiness was very long, until they took the heavy food and salaries all the way out of Sishui and went to the south of Yunnan.

His happiness was short-lived. They were separated by mountains and rivers from southern Yunnan, and they were caught up by the elite soldiers from the northwest behind them. There were four or five hundred people, and they surrounded them. They were still bloody and sharp.

The headed man's eyes are as fierce as a beast, and his voice is like the roar of a tiger and a wolf:

"The chaotic ministers and thieves who dare to intercept the disaster relief officer Yin will be captured before they can do anything!"

"This... what's going on?" Xi Qingyan looked at the knife light, her legs were so weak that she almost fell off the horse.

He was guilty of shortness of breath and almost broke his voice: "You, aren't you only two hundred people?"

Wasn't it scared to retreat by their nearly 1,000-strong team

Isn't Deng Bo afraid of death

"Who are you?" Xi Qingyan still refused to believe it.

"By the prince's will, I secretly protect the imperial consignment for disaster relief investigation."

"I didn't expect you to come so quickly. You want to be assassinated when you take up the post of imperial envoy, and your food and wages are gone, and you can't get rid of it!"

"No, it's not me." Xi Qingyan finally realized the seriousness, "I'm the younger brother of the concubine Xian, the second daughter of the Xi family—"

The man on the opposite side with a tall horse pulled out his ears and said coldly:

"These words, Mr. Xi should save it when he sees the prince."

Xi Qingyan grabbed the reins of the horse, her body trembled, and her teeth fought up and down uncontrollably.

In front of the reality like falling into an ice cellar, the regret in his heart spread instantly.

Why did he take the salaries on his own initiative? This time, he got the stolen goods, he really got into trouble, and maybe even Concubine Xian couldn't keep himself.

Even, why did he take the initiative to help the King of Chu do this

Is it okay to live well-

At this time, it was almost dusk, and the sky was hazy yellow, the sky was dark, and the sky and the earth were a line.

The Northwest soldiers are already shrinking the encirclement, like a pack of wolves on the vast land chasing their prey.

In the face of the fangs finally revealed by the Northwest soldiers, and in the face of absolute force suppression, let alone taking the lead in charging and counterattacking, his generals almost slapped their feet when they dismounted.

The 800 soldiers led by Xi Qingyan turned their backs and disarmed, like a flock of sheep being chased and intercepted by fierce beasts, they were completely defeated.

When the commander of the Northwest soldiers went back to report the battle situation to Deng Bo, Deng Bo immediately let them set off, and sent Xi Qingyan together with the Fujian soldiers into Shangjing, waiting for the dispatch—

This is ironclad proof that the King of Chu is in trouble.

The King of Chu must never be given a chance to react and catch up.

The commander led the order away, and personally escorted them back to Beijing with three hundred elite soldiers. Although there are only three hundred, it is enough to control these soft-footed soldiers. Previously, showing the enemy to be weak, it was only for the sake of "both people and booty".

Deng Bo really only had two hundred elite soldiers left by his side this time, but he was not afraid at all.

Not to mention that the King of Chu has not found out that Xi Qingyan is wrong, even if he finds out, he can't do anything now. On the contrary, he would like to be healthy and alive, otherwise he will be speechless to Shangjing.

The investigation of the case is considered a brow and an explanation, and now it is the issue of disaster relief.

Money is brought, but no dynasty is short of natural disasters. Although the granary in Jiangnan is empty, Jiangnan has been rich and fertile since ancient times.

At this time, facing the salaries brought by the imperial court, they came to the county governor's mansion with a smile, ignoring the scrawny civilians begging on the street, just like the big customers in the business field.

They laughed, and Deng Bo laughed along, and even ate a delicious meal together.

The smell of meat drifted outside the mansion, and Deng Bo could even hear the civilians who were dying of starvation scolding him outside the house through the wall, saying that he was a dog official who was about to cut off his descendants.

The public anger was really raging, Deng Bo thought deeply while chewing the sauce-flavored chicken.

The grain merchants over there are still talking loudly, talking about how much benefit they want to give Deng Bo.

As long as Deng Bo and them are embarrassed, they are willing to present the beautiful maid of gold, all kinds of rare treasures, and it will not be a problem for him to gather the four great courtesans and eighteen concubines.

There are even some treasures that ordinary merchants can't get by relying on the system. Needless to say, those who can be so arrogant in front of the officials and raise prices on the ground must have their backs.

Deng Bo took a bite of the braised pork, put down his bamboo chopsticks and asked, "What about your usual food prices? Do you have a list?"

The grain merchant who drank too much didn't say a word, and asked the maid to bring a pen and paper, swipe ink and write a price list for Deng Bo.

Deng Bo also said nothing and called a guard:

"Go, post it outside, and let everyone go to the grain store to buy grain at this price."


The braised meat and sauce fragrant chicken and roast suckling pig and lion head pipa prawns on the chopsticks of the grain merchants were scared off, and the wine was almost fed to the nostrils.

Everyone looked at each other, suppressed the waves in their hearts, their faces remained unchanged, and even some people laughed, and their expressions sneered and ridiculed:

"What do you mean by that?"

Someone hurriedly took over the conversation and made a cup of tea for Deng Bo: "This price... is a bit lower. Sir, think about it clearly."

"Everyone has their own rules. After all, as the old saying goes, a strong dragon can't overpower the local snakes. If you don't follow the rules here, people outside won't be able to eat, and in the end you won't be able to do anything... But you."

He bit the word "you" very hard, brewed a cup of tea, and pushed it in front of Deng Bo, the grain merchant bowed slightly, his lips slightly hooked:

"Lord, look at this tea soup. This is the best tea leaves from Jinyeling, and it has been smoked with pine needles. If you like it, I will send it to the house."

The grain merchant with the highest status had a shrill voice and put on a pretense: "The people outside blame you for not being able to eat, and the prince also blames you when you look back. Aren't you thankful for your hard work? Why don't you just ask for money."

"It's not necessary." Deng Bo hiccupped, stood up, covered the tea lid, suppressed the grain merchant's smile, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hospitality today."

"However." He looked at the grain merchant who had just spoken, "Who said that the people would blame Mr. Ben? Mr. Ben has already spoken, and asked you to give the grain."

"If you don't sell, how can they blame me? Huh?"

The grain merchants changed their expressions when they heard the words.

Deng Bo closed his smile, his face condensed and solemn, and he was escorted by the guards all the way to the outside of the county governor's mansion.

Uneasy emotions piled up layer by layer, and the muffled thunder built a terrifying dead silence.

The grain merchants chased out, the clouds were dense, and the ground was thundered!

"God officer! Put food!"

"Don't fucking think I didn't know you guys were colluding!"

"Master Qingtian, I beg you, the children in the family are already starving to death, please let them open the warehouse and put food on it!"

"The imperial court? What do you want from the imperial court? Are you going to drive up the price of rice with these profiteers?"

"Don't think we don't know you have food in your warehouse! Let it out!"

Cries, screams, curses, and rumblings gathered together like thunder.

Deng Bo pressed his hands down to cover up the noise.

"Folks - be quiet and listen to me."

There was an incredible calm and a smile on his face, and his voice was steady as usual, so that the noise gradually subsided.

"This official has asked people to post the price of food, have you seen it? Buy it at this price, and those who have no money will wait in the west of the city. The porridge shed is being built, and the porridge will be put in at the time!"

After he finished speaking, there was silence below, and only literate people looked at the so-called grain price with suspicion.

"This, so cheap??"

"The previous price has been restored, restored! We can afford it!"

"Master Qingtian, you are here and they are finally willing to sell it!"

The people were restless for a while, unbelievable mixed with the joy of life.

The grain merchants looked at each other, their hearts filled with surprise.

"Wait, Lord Deng! We haven't agreed yet—"

"You don't agree?" Deng Bo suddenly raised his volume, his usual greasy tone disappeared, he was majestic and inviolable, and his righteousness was awe-inspiring.

"Looking at the suffering of the people of Limin, you are actually unmoved, and you are still thinking of squeezing the people's ointment. It is true that the official dare not punish you!"

The grain merchant took a breath, but was not frightened.

On the Jiangnan side, the influence of the King of Chu has long overshadowed the Shangjing court, and the court has been weak for a long time, and the grain merchants are still weighing in their hearts.

"Stop talking, look down!" If you go on, you probably won't be able to go home alive.

The grain merchant turned his head and saw that the eyes of the people were all fixed on him, hatred, anger, and even killing intent.

One or two people are not enough to be afraid of, but the hatred of dozens or hundreds of people is condensed in one place, like a sharp blade that carries the wind and thunder towards him.

He only glanced at it, and his scalp was numb, his spine hurt like needles were pierced, and cold sweat was oozing from his back.

These people think of themselves as the culprit who starved them to death!

Previously, they hated the imperial court, which had not been able to provide relief, but when the imperial court made a statement and supported them, they hated the grain merchants who were unwilling to sell grain.

These ignorant and troublesome people do not understand what checks and balances are, and what makes the court weak and the king of Chu strong.

The imperial court has asked you to sell grain, and the imperial envoy has let you go. You must sell it at the original price!

The grain merchant shook his hands to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and dared not say a word.

After the grain merchants dared not make mistakes, Deng Bo bought grain with the money of the imperial court and sent it to various places in Sishui.

There are still a lot of follow-up and details to be busy with the disaster relief, but the good news can be sent back to Beijing first—

When Song Piantao received the news, her brows and eyes widened.

At this time, there were some changes in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

A light incense was burning on the stove on Mount Cuojinbo, and a misty cloud of smoke rose up, curling lightly.

There is an extra table under the seat, which is set up for Feng Yuexian—

She used to come here. Almost every day, Song Piangan set up a VIP seat for her chief employee, which also enhanced the employee's sense of belonging.

At this time, the envoy brought good news and heard that the escort of Xi Qingyan was already on the way, Song Pian smiled comfortably, and subconsciously looked at Feng Yuexian, who was sitting under the seat.

Feng Yue sat idle below, and when she raised her eyes to look at Song Pian, her eyes were clear, and the tiny stars in her eyes seemed to be coated with a layer of temperature.

But she was more reserved and restrained, and said rationally:

"Looking at the time, I think Concubine Xian is about to receive news. We mustn't slack off."

Song Pian nodded, but still couldn't take off his lips and smiled, boasting:

"There really is Deng Bo, who has done a very good job."

Excellent? Is there so good

No matter how good it is, it's not because he ordered it well, and the Northwest Soldiers protect it well.

Feng Yuexian's heart was no longer so brisk, and instead of looking at Song Pian, he began to read the book in his hand, and even the posture of turning the book was calm and dignified:

"It's still eye-catching."

"Is that so?"


Song Pian was lost in thought.

Isn't Deng Bo someone from Feng Yuexian

Deng Bo didn't do everything she told her, why did he turn around to encourage employees, but the employees didn't seem very happy

Very puzzling.