Fall In Love With A Substitute

Chapter 58: The princess's petite wife (26)


The King of Chu returned to southern Yunnan with his forefoot.

"… "

Looking at the imperial decree to invite the vassal king to the Mid-autumn feast unfolded in his hand, the king of Chu clenched the black gold cloth tightly, his elegant face twisted for a moment.

At this moment, what he remembered in his mind was the fear of the prince revealed in Li Zi's words.

In a short period of time, a series of official changes in Beijing came one after another, and the imperial court began to rectify the management of officials, disrupting the layout of the king of Chu several times.

Not to mention, the King of Chu has been operating in southern Yunnan for many years, and when he went down to Diaohu, the generals under him were still his. Avoid him and say, to prevent him from sending a letter to Feng Yuexian.

However, after being attacked by the situation, the King of Chu couldn't help but be cautious. Only then did he realize that Feng Yunyi had been infiltrating the internal affairs of the military, and he had even attracted some low-ranking martial artists, making the King of Chu angry. Jump straight, can't sleep well.

The prince and Feng Yuexian! Like a gangrene attached to the bone, none of them really gave him peace of mind!

Fortunately, the high-ranking generals of the army are all under his control, so that the King of Chu can still fall asleep after tossing and turning, otherwise he is really afraid that the army of the Feng family will break through the palace of the King of Chu in his dream.

On the other side of Shangjing, fortunately, Li Fang of the Jingwei Southern Army has always been loyal to him.

Although the prince got rid of some minor details and moved a few civil servants that made the king of Chu feel pain, as long as the strength of the southern army was under control, the king of Chu would have the remaining strength to fight against the palace—

If it really doesn't work, you can still transfer the Northern Army and force the palace directly.

He didn't want to do this unless it was a last resort. Because of his reputation, the King of Chu believed that he was tall and graceful, and he didn't want to be scolded by later historians.

Therefore, the king of Chu has always ordered Li Zi to find the weak point of the prince in the capital—

The second prince is the body of guilt, as long as the prince falls, for him, it is a general trend.

No news has yet come from Beijing, but the schedule is approaching. The King of Chu must set off for Beijing for the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet.


Kang Xueying presented the gift list:

"The boxing ceremony for the palace has been prepared. You can't go wrong there. Please take a look at the prince."

In these superficial skills, the King of Chu has always done a good job. He has always been the most respectful and solemn among all the vassal kings. The old emperor is also very satisfied with him.

"Mr. hard work."

Holding the thick gift slip, the King of Chu looked at Kang Xueying, who was under the seat, with inquiry hidden in his eyes.

After returning from the assassination and losing many good players, the King of Chu did not have any doubts about why the palace made a very comprehensive response.

It's not impossible to attribute this to the fact that the prince's methods are becoming more and more severe, but the high-ranking people have never lacked suspicion. Ever since he came back from Beijing and his party, the King of Chu has become suspicious of the very few cronies who have followed him into the capital.

He pressed the gift list on the table, hesitated for a moment, and made a decision.

The last time I went to Beijing with me, I couldn't bring it with me.

"When I go this time, the princess will also go with me. I must let Mr. Kang sit in southern Yunnan and help Steward Zheng handle the affairs of the palace, so that the king can feel at ease."

The King of Chu has a gentle and trusting face, but the priority has been divided, and the King of Chu, who has always been relieved to let Kang Xueying guard the family, has put the power to the steward of the palace this time.

The steward of the palace is a son of his family, lacking in resourcefulness, but more than loyal.

When he turned around, he had to tell Steward Zheng to keep an eye on Kang Xueying, the cronies who went to Beijing with him.

Under the eyes of the King of Chu, Kang Xueying handed over, and could not see anything unusual:

"Don't disobey what the lord asks."

"Assuming the time, the King of Chu has already set off."

In the imperial garden, Feng Yuexian had a leisurely face and played a game with Song Pian in the pavilion.

Song Pian didn't know the chess skills, and the original body was only rough. A few days ago, Feng Yuexian had to teach it carefully.

With the guidance of a "good teacher", she made rapid progress, and under Fengyue's busy and loose offensive, she was able to compete on equal footing, and she was in a position of interest.

At this time, she twisted the pieces, seriously thought about the chess game, and said casually:

"It's time to end this."

At the end of the speech, Song Pian dropped the piece, and when the piece fell, it made a sound like a jade clang, low and powerful.

Feng Yue smiled leisurely, and was about to speak when Song Yingguang walked in outside the pavilion, holding a pile of flowers in her other hand, her voice soft:

"Brother Huang, look at the bright flowers, do you like them?"

Behind her, her palace attendant bowed and smiled:

"Seeing that the two highnesses are here, the princess broke a lot of flower branches and said that she would send it to her highness to decorate the East Palace."

Song Yingguang felt embarrassed when she heard what the palace attendant said.

She hugged the pile of flowers in her arms up, covering half of her small face.

With only the clear eyes of an innocent child, she blinked at Song Piantao, with the rice beads on her head, she was extremely cute.

Song Pianjiao didn't have much feelings for children, neither liked nor hated them, but children were cute and sensible, and no one would be disgusted by them.

Seeing Song Yingguang acting like this, Song Pian smiled and said:

"Yingguang has a heart."

"Brother Huang accepted it?" Song Ying's eyes were smiling, and she was about to hand the flower to Xueqing who was behind Song Piantao.

She hadn't dealt with the palace attendant next to her very much. At this time, she looked up at Xueqing and said in a low voice, "Can you help the emperor to bring him back to the palace?"

As a dark guard, Xue Qing couldn't help but reach out to pick it up.

"Yingguang only asked the royal brother, not your royal sister-in-law."

Xueqing's hand holding the flower was in the air.

Song Yingguang was taken aback.

She held the flower branch and looked up at her imperial sister-in-law.

The emperor's sister-in-law held a chess piece between her fingertips. The beauty was extremely beautiful. Song Yingguang also thought that if she could grow up to be a stunning beauty like the emperor's sister-in-law, she would be willing to eat one less piece every day—no, two pieces of butterfly cake.

But for some reason, Song Yingguang was a little scared of her.

Maybe because it's never spoken

"I am here with your imperial sister-in-law. Yingguang only calls me, but it will make your imperial sister-in-law sad."

Song Pian's voice was gentle and patient with children.

Song Yingguang looked at her and then at Feng Yuexian.

She took a small step in front of Feng Yuexian and asked timidly:

"This is a bright flower, does the Queen's Wife like it?"

She raised her face and saw the imperial sister-in-law squinting lightly. Although she was not as kind as the imperial brother, she did not mean to herself. She only said lazily:

"It's okay."

Song Yingguang breathed a sigh of relief and raised a smile:

"Will the Queen's Sister-in-law accept it?"

Feng Yuexian glanced at Yin Xue next to her, Yin Xue understood, and stepped forward to gently take the delicate things in Song Yingguang's arms.

Feng Yuexian said:

"The little kitchen made some puff pastry, and I'll bring you those back."

Got something to eat

Song Yingguang's face lit up, and she suddenly found that the Queen's sister-in-law's face was not only beautiful, but also gentle and kind.

"Thank you, Queen's Wife!"

She was crunchy and smiled sweetly.

After Song Yingguang left, Feng Yuexian's tone was a little disgusting, but Luo Zi's movements were brisk:

"It's just a little food, children are so coaxing."

Song Pian glanced at her, hiding the smile in her eyes.

"Why do you say I will be sad?" Feng Yue said casually, "How could I care about her."

Song Pian said:

"Yue Xian is generous, but He Jieyu and Yingguang were suppressed by the concubine Xian before, and they were timid."

"You and I are here together. She only gets close to me, which is not in line with etiquette, and doesn't respect you, the Queen's Sister-in-law."

Song Pian raised her eyes.

"Whether you care or not is your freedom. Since she was wrong, she should point it out."

Feng Yuexian sighed softly.

Song Pian was thinking about how to deal with Feng Yuexian's offensive, and it took a long time to react to Feng Yuexian's sigh.

"Why sigh."

Feng Yue smiled and did not answer.

How could there be someone like Song Pianjiao

Even small things like this are taken seriously. When pointing out Song Yingguang's mistakes, he used a very gentle way. Don't talk about etiquette, just say it will make people sad.

Her words and deeds are filled with tenderness and respect, as if this is her innate ability, a belief engraved in her bones.

How can such a person not be distracted.

Since the accident of the second prince, the palace has not been relaxed for a long time, and the palaces are living in their own palaces.

When the day arrived in July, the weather was calm for a long time, and the fish below gently probed out, and the people in the palace dared to loosen their skin and come out to walk.

The old emperor was not interested in the harem, but the people in the harem had to live on their own, otherwise it would be no different from being in prison. No one who spoke would be suffocated to death.

These days, Song Pian went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. With the emperor there, Feng Yue was not free to go. He only chose to go out to the palace when Song Pian was away to do business, or manage the harem.

After a long time, I can't help but deal with the queen.

Among them, Ning Cairen Ning Yaomeng was the closest to her. According to Ning Cairen, it was because Feng Yuexian saved her from Concubine Xian.

Feng Yuexian and Concubine Xian had not faced each other a few times. If not, she might not remember when she had rescued Ning Cairen.

Not impressed.

Fengyue was in charge of the harem because no one was in charge, and by the way, he placed staff for himself, never cared too much about the concubine, and only let the Ministry of Internal Affairs pay the fee according to the system.

But on the low-ranking concubines who have been detained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for many years and have been treated fairly, there is simply no more prudent move than this.

For a while, the name of the prince concubine's kindness spread in the harem, and her popularity was not low.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of their seniority and status, these women might have asked Feng Yuexian to thank them.

But Ning Yaomeng was not included in this list at all. Because of the incident in front of her, she apparently regarded herself as a "little assistant in the harem of the Crown Princess", and she came to tip off when she was director Feng Yuexian when she had nothing to do.

Yesterday, He Jieyu took the little princess to meet the eldest princess. Everyone said that the eldest princess is super beautiful and beautiful.

Today, Xu Jieyu put together a leaf card game, and the second prince and concubine also went, and almost exported all the hairpins on her head.

Tomorrow, a little noble passed by Yixi Palace and was called by the third prince inside to bully him. Fortunately, he was stopped by the Hemerocallis beside the Xi family, so there was no major incident.

The day after tomorrow, Zhaoyi's palace servant bald and told about Zhaoyi and the beauty grinding their mirrors, and everyone in the palace knew—

"Wait, what happened to this last one?"

Feng Yuexian pressed his eyebrows.

The lives of the concubines are so colorful

Ning Yao Meng said: "Cough, it's normal in the palace to stop Liao, but it's really uncommon for such careless servants."

"..." has become the norm.

However, among the concubines, especially the low-ranking concubines, most of them have never been lucky at all. Let's have a company and be self-sufficient... Well, it's not too much.

Most importantly, this has nothing to do with me.

She doesn't even care about the harem's concubines and concubines, so can she control whether they fight in bed or not


Feng Yuexian made a circle in his heart, and let this thing happen for the time being.

Concubine Hui's full year birthday is coming, Concubine Hui has given herself such a big convenience, Fengyue is still in leisure, and she wants to organize a birthday banquet for her.

She dreamed to Ning Yao:

"are you-"

"It's not that I don't have it." Ning Yaomeng was super loud.

"… "

Feng Yuexian, who was originally going to ask if Ning Yaomeng was very busy and if she could help send a post to each palace in person, had a blank face. She didn't care about Ning Yaomeng's private life and only said softly:

"Concubine Hui's birthday banquet, please help me handle it."

"Oh." Ning Yaomeng asked with a look of surprise, "Who are you inviting?"

"All the palaces have sent them off, the palace has not been lively for a long time."

"That's fine, Concubine Hui must be very happy - if all the palaces give it away, what about Mingshou Palace?"

Feng Yue has a rest.

Song Piangan's place...

She hooked her lips:

"At Mingshou Palace, Ben Gong will go in person."

When the Crown Princess was dealing with affairs in the harem, her face was indifferent, as if nothing could make waves on her face.

The cold air is like ice, and it is as beautiful as the hazy fairy wind swaying, but it is actually cold.

This was the first time that Ning Yao dreamed that the Crown Princess was leaking some color, which was really eye-catching.

Ning Yaomeng didn't recover for a long time, and left in a daze.

On the day Song Piangan went to Mingshou Palace as usual, Feng Yuexian went to find her.

She really liked Song Piantao when she was in Mingshou Palace.

When she ordered to go down, she saw Yinxue looking at herself with a hesitant expression on her face.

"What?" Feng Yue asked casually.

With the temperament of Yinxue, there is still a day when he has nothing to say

Yinxue cautiously said:

"We... are we really going to Mingshou Palace?"

Feng Yue nodded leisurely:

"Well—but is there something else?"

Yinxue shook her head, her eyes hurt.

We dare not say, we dare not ask.

She didn't even dare to drink her favorite peach blossom wine, osmanthus wine, for fear that she would turn her head and sell her master like the palace attendant of Zhaoyi's house next door.

She is so difficult.