Fall In Love With A Substitute

Chapter 80: Stand-in White Moonlight (05)


Almost as soon as Nie Lingbo appeared, Song Piangao recognized her.

It's Qinglu, you can't go wrong.

Song Pianjiao used to use rational thinking to solve problems, but she couldn't give any basis or data in identifying Qinglu.

For her, it was beyond reason, from a deeper being.

The moment she saw Qinglu, like a clear phoenix cry, her soul trembled to the point of numbness.

Song Pian opened her eyes wide and looked carefully at the Qinglu in this world, that is, Nie Lingbo.

Compared with the previous two worlds, this world's Nie Lingbo is more mature.

Song Piantao remembered that Nie Lingbo was 29 years old at this time, and his experience and knowledge were far ahead of his peers.

She broke the barriers of seniority and was a person who could sit on both sides of the negotiating table with her uncle, and even surpassed her elders with momentum. This is something that the current male chairman Heng can't do.

Song Pian suddenly had a subtle feeling.

This world came to her, and what she saw was Qinglu of different identities, environments, and ages. They showed different charms in front of her.

This world was the first time Song Piangao deliberately sought Qinglu.

After meeting Nie Lingbo, Song Piangan was convinced that Qinglu should be different to her, and the two should have a deeper connection.

Otherwise, Song Piantao couldn't explain why when she saw Nie Lingbo for the first time, she felt no strangeness at all, and even had an inescapable kindness and familiarity.

Song Piantao's eyes showed tenderness and affection, and in Nie Lingbo's opinion, those eyes were more moving.

Her thumb, which wiped away the tear, stopped beside Song Pian's lips, restraining her strength, but her face did not reveal more.

Even in the next second, she withdrew her hand.

If it weren't for Xi Heng being embarrassed beside him, he would even be at a loss. If it wasn't for the wide-eyed eyes of the guests, their gazes kept going back and forth between the three of them, it would have been like this had never happened.

Xi Zihua didn't dare to delay this time, and came out and reprimanded Xi Heng:

"You are making a fuss. Do you have to ask Miss Nie to tell you some truth? Thank you Miss Nie soon."

Xi Heng clenched his fists, but couldn't speak. In this situation, he even thanked Xi Zihua for clearing the siege.

He finally overcame the psychological obstacle and chose to bow his head in front of everyone for Nie Lingbo's sake, but seeing that Nie Lingbo didn't care, he turned and left, his voice faint:

"Need not."

Xi Heng blocked what he was about to say in his throat.

After Xi Zihua watched Nie Lingbo leave, he turned around and looked at the girl in the white skirt in front of him, with curiosity and scrutiny in his eyes. It wasn't until she saw that face, a face that was very similar to Nie Lingbo's facial features, but not godlike.

Xi Zihua frowned subconsciously, his eyes swept towards Xi Heng, and he said politely:

"Miss, someone will take you back."

After she finished speaking, she saw the girl's eyes follow Nie Lingbo's figure.

Xi Zihua understood this as dependence. After all, Nie Lingbo rescued her from Xi Heng just now. It seems that the girl is still a little afraid of Xi Heng's ex-boyfriend going crazy.

Xi Zihua thought, and said to Xi Heng, who was also looking at Nie Lingbo's figure, "Miss Xia is still waiting for you to dance, you should go."

Xia Lei, who was inexplicably cued, was a little angry, why did Xi Heng come to her? Is she the catcher

Nie Lingbo didn't look at the dog licking in his eyes, the ex-boyfriend that Song Pianto dumped, is now throwing it to her.

No, she's not a pick-up man, Xia Lei suddenly realized when she saw the knife-cut noodles with a condensed face walking towards her slowly.

It turned out that she was a garbage collector.

Since Nie Lingbo left, Song Piantao didn't stay long. She thanked Xi Zihua for her kindness and went home on her own, but she felt a little heavy.

The mission progressed as planned, and Qinglu also found it. It can be said that the progress was extremely smooth, but Nie Lingbo clearly treated himself like a stranger.

The upbringing she received brought her out to stop a farce, and beyond that, she paid no more attention to herself.

09 murmured: "The new humans have no memory and may need more contact to become familiar with them."

This is 09's first contact with new human team-related matters. She also wanted to go to the forum to pick up some experience posts, but found that there were very few posts, and there were only a few that were of no reference.

However, 09 carefully compared them. After the mission personnel and the new humans form a team, they basically have to manage a certain goodwill before they can establish a friendship or lover relationship.

She thought back and said, "Look, in the first two worlds, we all had long-term contact with each other. Maybe this is the process of awakening new humans."

is that so.

Song Piantao had no basis to support her to refute it, so she chose to temporarily believe 09.

And a lot of contact, there is always no harm.

Song Piantao made a decision. It seems that this world needs more active contact with Nie Lingbo.

The two people's identities are very different now. She hasn't had a chance to recognize the Song family yet. How can she contact Nie Lingbo—

Song Piantao carefully recalled the occasions in the text where the two had contact. Fortunately, in order to create conflicts, the stand-in and Bai Yueguang always had various contacts due to various coincidences and reasons.

Song Piantao took out a pen and paper and wrote down the points in the plot data one by one.

By the time Xi Zihua had packed everything up that day, Nie Lingbo had already been taken back to Nie's house.

When Xi Zihua went to visit the next day, he would have a chance to ask.

"Why do you care about them?"

She was surprised, Nie Lingbo was not a nosy person.

Others don't know where Xi Zihua has been in the past three years. Only a very few people know that she studied with Nie Lingbo for a while, and then went to Nie Lingbo's subsidiary to practice.

But let's not talk about other things, that is, when Xi Zihua was working overtime because of a rare occasion, Party A was so sick and crying out of grievance, Nie Lingbo passed by, looked at him, didn't stop, just asked his assistant to bring her a blanket over there. .

How could it be that for the girl named Song Pianjiao, the language concern was ignored, and she wiped away her tears with her own hands

She remembered that when she sent the blanket back for dry cleaning, Nie Lingbo took it all away.

Why this time

Xi Zihua couldn't figure it out, the jet lag was no longer needed, and after finding out something, she simply ran over to have a talk and communicate face-to-face.

Nie Lingbo was still jet lag, she was wearing a black silk nightgown, her skin was surprisingly white, and her curly hair was casually draped over her shoulders, showing a lazy style.

On the dressing table beside him were a few dewy roses that had just been picked from the garden.

She wiped her hands with the handkerchief, and said:

"She's different."

"You found it too?" Xi Zihua said, "I really didn't expect Xi Heng to have such a mind."

She was a little embarrassed and felt shameless to mention to Nie Lingbo. Although she returned to China, she and Xi Heng would definitely fight like water and fire in the future, but Xi Heng's surname was Xi, like the dog-skin plaster that couldn't get rid of it, it was stained with the name of the Xi family.

She didn't know until she saw Song Piangan that Xi Heng had done this kind of thing in China. He even got in front of Nie Lingbo yesterday, and even broke up with his girlfriend on the same day, all pointing at Nie Lingbo.

She wasn't interested in knowing what kind of little lovers Xi Heng had raised outside. She didn't know about it until she found out yesterday that she sent someone to investigate.

And when Nie Lingbo and Song Pian stood together, even someone like her, who didn't know it before, could think of something.

It can be said that the rumors and rumors outside are flying around in the dark, but because of Nie Lingbo, he did not dare to say it on the surface.

Xi Zihua was very angry with Xi Heng. When he first found out, he wanted to slap him twice. What did Sister Lingbo do wrong to be disgusted by him!

He really looked down on himself, he did so many disgusting things, and dared to lean in front of Nie Lingbo. With so many excellent suitors, he really thought that Nie Lingbo would like him

Xi Zihua explained the matter to Nie Lingbo in a few words, and finally said:

"But sister, I checked it out. It's not Song Pian's fault. She and Xi Heng were just ordinary college students. She was a little silly and sweet. I believed Xi Heng's rhetoric. Yesterday, they didn't deliberately make trouble in front of you. They also broke up. ."

Nie Lingbo's hand moved for a while: "Is her name Song Pian?"

"Huh? Oh, yes."

Nie Lingbo nodded, she didn't explain more to Xi Zihua, yawned lightly, and said lazily:

"Are you sure you broke up?"

What's the problem? Xi Zihua was a little confused and replied truthfully:

"Song Piangao originally worked as the front desk of Xiheng Company, and has already submitted his resignation, which should be true."

"However, it's not impossible for the relationship between lovers to be reunited in the future." Xi Zihua said rigorously.

After she finished speaking, she saw Nie Lingbo smile coldly, his red lips lifted, and he spit out a few words:


Xi Zihua cautiously figured out the meaning of this sentence, it seems that Sister Ling Bo really dislikes Xi Heng's operation.

Look, they have taken a tough stand, and it is impossible for Xi Heng to support his stand-in.

Xi Zihua believed that she had figured out her sister's thoughts very well, and had not considered another possibility at all.

After she left, Nie Lingbo got a document.

Her fingertips stayed on the face of the girl in the photo for a long time, as if there was still the touch of wiping away her tears that day.

Nie Lingbo looked at the finger pulp that had touched the girl, and brought it to his lips, gently, lovingly, between his lips.

Not knowing what to think, she opened her lips slightly, grinding the pulp of her fingers with her teeth.

Slow and dangerous.

When Nie Xingzhou learned that his aunt who had just returned to China was going to hold a parent-teacher conference for him, he was dazed and aggrieved.

She hung up her father's secretary Dong and said to the little sister:

"It's not the first time I failed a test, why is it so cruel to me this time?"

Nie Qianjin's tone was so assertive that the little sister almost couldn't refute it. After thinking about it, she carefully said: "The new and old grudges are counted together...?"

Nie Xingzhou pouted unhappily: "Forget it, Auntie will come when she comes."

Nie Xingzhou, the eldest daughter, was unhappy. The little sisters held her in their arms and tried their best to make her laugh. After talking for a long time, Nie Xingzhou showed a smile.

When the class bell rang, Nie Xingzhou was talking to the little sister in the corridor, not intending to go in for class, and even prepared to leave school for fun.

Leaning on the corridor, she smiled brightly, and glanced at Song Fei from the Song family walking to the classroom with a water cup, and there were also female classmates who were playing very well.

Song Fei Wen Jing loves to study, is rich and low-key, has always been regarded as the control group with Nie Xingzhou, but Nie Xingzhou scoffs, these people know that Song Fei is not the son of the Song family at all.

The Song family didn't speak out for Song Fei's sake, and Nie Xingzhou wouldn't say it out loud.

She flicked her eyes and looked at another female classmate by the classroom window.

The female classmate sat in the last row, with a temporary trash can not far behind.

She is one of the very few students who came in by her grades. Such a person is naturally an anomaly in an aristocratic school. What will happen to her is self-evident.

Nie Xingzhou loves to play and play, and has no impression of this taciturn classmate, but today, she is still a little uneasy in her heart, so she can't see others arrogant.

Seeing that the girl's front seat threw a pile of paper balls on the girl's table, as if the girl was a trash can, Nie Xingzhou left a group of little sisters who were making her happy, walked to the window, and buttoned the glass window.

The front seat opened the window, showing a pleasing smile: "Xingzhou, what's the matter with you—"

"Are we familiar?" Nie Xingzhou tilted his head and scratched his ears.

The smile of the classmate in the front seat froze on his face.

Nie Xingzhou clicked on the window beside the girl again.

"You have to throw the trash yourself, you know?"

The front seat was a little unresponsive, but he didn't dare to delay. He immediately picked up all the paper balls, carried them to the back, and threw them away.

I don't know when, the eyes of the whole class are gathered in this corner.

But the other party did not stop writing the wrong question book.

Nie Xingzhou looked at her dark and silent top of hair, and then became a little curious:

"Hey, what's your name?"

After the girl finished writing a line, she put on the pen cap and raised her head, revealing a beautiful and calm face:

"Acacia Creek."