Fall In Love With A Substitute

Chapter 99: Valentine's Day special


"Ma'am, stop, please show the entry permit."

In front of the solemn and solemn buildings, Song Pian's car was blocked from the gate.

The one who stopped her car was a guard with a live ammunition. On the shoulder of the guard, stood a spirited Harrier Eagle, majestic, with confidence in every feather.

In the sky, small cruise ships swim around like giant whales and shuttle in the sea of clouds.

Song Pian tapped a button on the car console, and the window became transparent. She sat in the driver's seat and clicked on the chip on her wrist. The chip projected a document in the air.

"Hello, I don't have a pass, this is the invitation I received."

The guard took a look, and his expression became serious and serious:

"Is there an invitation from the Green Admiral's office? Wait a minute, ma'am, I'll check it for you."

Song Pian smiled and said, "Trouble."

The guard meticulously scanned the invitation letter, and the expression management was in place, but Song Pianjiao could easily see his nervousness from Harrier Ying—

The eagle's neck shrank, the hair exploded, and the kung fu of the front and rear legs changed from a bird of prey to a fat chirp, pitiful, weak and helpless.

Song Piangao heard that the general had a high status in the army, but today, it seems that it is no exaggeration.

This admiral is one of the very few female admirals in the alliance, and also the youngest SSS-level sentinel.

Said to be the youngest, but in fact, there are only three SSS ranks in the entire alliance. Apart from the young generals, one is an old general who has retired from the battlefield, and the other has lost a guide who has been with him for many years on the battlefield. It has been three years. Appeared in front of the world without knowing where to go.

Although Song Piantao was very talented, if it weren't for the fact that Admiral Qing was extremely picky about guides and had already rejected the experienced guides sent by more than ten towers, this opportunity would not be in Song Piantao's turn, who had just left the academy.

After the guards verified the documents, Song Piantao let him go. Song Piantao smiled and continued to move inside.

"… The new guide is already outside, sir, you have to meet her. This guide is also SSS-level and has a high possibility of being compatible with you."

"The Empire's offensive has never been more violent. It was already very dangerous for you to have no dedicated guide before. This time you must have it—and besides the Council, Madam is also very worried about you."

Song Piantao was waiting outside the office, the door of the office was closed, but her five senses were beyond ordinary, and she could hear this passionate voice, and she kept persuading the admiral with all her might.

The admiral's voice was blurry, as if listening through the water layer, only a low-pitched, bulging eardrum could be heard, which could not be heard clearly.

From another person alone, one can appreciate how repulsive the Admiral's presence is.

Song Piantao was mentally prepared to return without success. In fact, she was not very interested in becoming the general's guide. This time, she was just fulfilling her responsibilities.

To be a sentinel's guide means to unite with the other party at least spiritually and build a unique intimacy. If you lose the other party in the future, you will suffer the pain of tearing your soul.

For Song Piantao, doing social services in the guide center of the tower and sorting out the spiritual realm for the sentinels without guides is more in line with her heart and less risky.

The office door opens.

Song Pian stopped his thoughts.

The admiral's adjutant said, "Ms. Song, the admiral agrees with you to sort her out."

Song Pian stood up: "Okay."

She walked into the office, and just took two steps, when she saw the adjutant with a bitter face:

"But the Admiral asked you not to enter her office."

"… "

The sentinel guide can only achieve the best soothing effect when there is physical contact. This is as absurd as the patient shutting the doctor out and saying that the prescription is prescribed from the air.

Is this finding fault

Song Pian glanced at the door of the office.

The adjutant next to him didn't dare to say a word.

Song Pian took a step back and said politely:

"I think I may not be up to the job, and you can contact another guide for the admiral."

The adjutant was dumbfounded. This was the last SSS-level guide who had no sentinels and was not rejected by the admiral. How could he leave

"Wait, wait, no offense, the admiral doesn't have any opinion on you, just..."

Song Piantao stopped and left with a face:


"..." The adjutant glanced at the office door behind him, hesitating to speak, and then hesitating.

In the end, she seemed to finally make up her mind and took two steps towards Song Piantao, looking like she wanted to reveal something secretly.

But faster than her, a ball of hair rolled past her jio, grunting, until it stopped until it hit Song Pian's Martin boots.

Pa Da, it was lying on Song Pian Tao's shoes, the cat's head rested on the black upper, its blue eyes opened, its head raised, looking at Song Pian Tao hard, milky voice:


In the office behind it, a woman appeared in front of the door.

Wearing a broad military uniform, with a thin waist and long legs, dark green trouser legs tucked into military boots, and a black belt around the waist—this is the first time Song Pian has seen a female officer who can tie a flat and boring belt into a variety of styles.

She was wearing a white shirt and a military uniform draped over her body, very casual. On the shoulders of the military uniform, there are three stars decorated with bauhinia shading, representing the position of general.

She is really beautiful, and the real person is even more beautiful. But at this time, Song Piantao had no intention of caring about her face, because she could see at a glance that the sentinel's situation was urgent.

Too much information flooded her spirit, and the battlefield made deep scars on her spiritual realm. Song Pian suspected that she had not been groomed by any guide for nearly half a year, and her situation was too bad.


There was another cat meowing on the ground, and Song Pian had no choice but to look down. Which guide's spiritual body is this? How did you get here

Just as Song Piantao was about to pick it up, she heard the woman's cold and hoarse voice, hiding her fury:

"Don't touch her."


Song Piantao suddenly understood.

The admiral walked over on his military boots, the soles of the military boots clasped the ground, da, da, da, cold and ruthless.

And the kitten on the ground stretched out its claws to hook Song Pian's ankle, hugged it, and even wanted to climb up its calf, acting like a spoiled child.

"… "

At this moment, Song Piantao suddenly understood why the guide who came to this office had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

"...That's the way it is. The admiral doesn't like that everyone associates her image with her spiritual body. Moreover, the admiral has a habit of cleanliness and cannot accept touching, so he is only willing to let the spiritual body be groomed."

Song Pian was silent for a while.

The Alliance's most powerful killing weapon, the spirit body turned out to be a kitten, which is too—

After all, the spirits of sentinels are mostly beasts, and even the spirits of the guards at the gate are big eagles. Even if the spirits of SSS-level sentinels are small cats, they should be Simba the Lion King.

Song Piantao couldn't help but look at the mental body that was holding her hand and gnawing, licking, and licking. No matter how you looked at it, it was a coquettish spirit among cats.

The adjutant followed him and said with emotion, "She really likes you."

"She didn't respond to the other guides and didn't care. Since she likes you so much, it means that you must have a high degree of fit with the admiral." The adjutant said excitedly.

"Please release your spiritual body and give it a try."

"Is it alright?" Song Pian gently stroked the cat, and the cat immediately purred under her hands.

The adjutant said to himself: "Of course, the admiral has left the cat to us, that's what acquiescence means."

"… "

Indeed, although the admiral stopped her from touching her spiritual body, when she tried to take her spiritual body away, her spiritual body kept holding Song Pian's ankles and didn't let go, she was extremely aggrieved.

The scene at that time was extremely embarrassing, and the admiral had no choice but to throw the cat away.

If that counts as acquiescence.

"I'll give it a try." Song Piangao decided to give it a try.

The admiral's state is too bad. She is going to the front line, but her state is already in jeopardy, and she even loses control of her emotions. Song Pian, as a guide, can't watch her go to death.

Even if it can't be done very well, Qinglu's mental body does not reject him, but is quite close. Song Piangan is sure to provide her with a spiritual counseling, at least so that she can maintain a sober decision in daily affairs.

Song Pian held the cat and looked at the surroundings:

"I need a set."

As the spiritual representation of the sentinel guide, the spirit body can reflect the master's emotional likes and dislikes, but cannot communicate with the master.

They seem to have their own world with their own unique way of communicating.

Therefore, in the case where the admiral only allowed the spiritual body to accept the guidance, Song Pianjiao could not do the catharsis guidance. This can only be done by Song Pianjiao's spiritual body spontaneously and independently.

The set she wanted was easy to achieve. The adjutant found an empty house for her. Song Piantao made some settings on the set. After putting it in, the whole room became a beautiful lawn, with streams and wildflowers beside it. slowly.

This is a relaxing picture and a common backdrop for spiritual counseling.

No third person could be present during the evacuation. After the adjutant left, Song Pian released his spiritual body.

Her spiritual body is a butterfly, the goddess of light.

"Go and play with your friends." Song Pian said warmly.

Butterfly, the goddess of light, flew around her, intimate and cheerful, silently agreeing.

The whole body of the Goddess of Light Butterfly is blue, with a dreamy and beautiful luster on its wings. When it is gently flapped, it seems that a blue moonlight is scattered.

Just watching her flap her wings gently seems to be soothing and calming—

But that obviously doesn't hold for cats.

Under Song Piantao's gaze, the cat, who had been forming a ball and biting his own tail, immediately noticed the little butterflies flying around.

Little butterflies fluttered lightly in the air, graceful and graceful.

The cat raised his head, his head moved with the little butterfly, and the tail in his mouth forgot to spit out.

"..." Song Piantao understood the general's mood more deeply.

Little Butterfly obviously didn't forget the master's advice, flew lower, and approached the cat, and the cat was suddenly excited:


The cat stood up and used two fleshy cat claws to catch the little butterfly in the air. The little butterfly stopped in the air, and had no intention of struggling at all.

The cat is in trouble now.

The two meat claws were put together and rubbed together and rubbed together, but it was not enough to just hold it.

The cat fell into a dilemma, and the meat claws hooked and fell into contemplation.

Song Piantao looked at it interesting, and couldn't help but chuckle twice.

In the next second, the cat's blue sky-like eyes lit up, the cat's face was close to the little butterfly, and the cat's tongue stuck out to lick it.

I licked the little butterfly silly, and its wings didn't move.

The cat was very happy, and rolled around on the grass with his new friend:

"Meow ow, Mi!"

The big butterfly watching the excitement next to it... The big butterfly can't laugh anymore.

In this way, because the catmao likes the nature of butterflies—after all, the admiral has no feelings for herself, and her spiritual body cannot be close to her because of the owner, it can only be said that it is because of her nature—Song Piangao became the admiral's guide.

In order to make it easier to tease the cat (not), it is convenient to soothe the general's mental body, and then soothe the general's mental state, Song Pianjiao and Qinglu lived together.

Because of the nature of the job, Song Pianjiao could only move into the admiral's residence.

Before Song Piantao moved in, she specifically asked the other party if there was anything special to pay attention to in terms of cleanliness, but the admiral said coldly "no" after a while.

After the spiritual counseling, the admiral's temper was much better, but he was still cold and charming.

Song Piantao listened, licked the hairball under her hand, and listened to the kitten purring, her whole body warmed up again.

As for the admiral's opinion on how his body was paralyzed on another woman's lap, it was not Song Pian's concern.

Since Song Pianqiao officially moved into the admiral's residence, for a time, Song Pianjiao was called the most enviable guide in the contemporary era.

However, the outside world did not know that Song Pianjiao and their admiral were not officially united at all.

She's just a ruthless cat-funny machine.

But there are sometimes differences between cat-funny machines and cat owners.

For example, the little butterfly was flying in the sky, and the cat was chasing it on the ground. It was made into a cat and cat ball, and it bounced on the ground, making Song Pian laugh.

After taking a shower, the admiral came out of the bathroom, just in time to see his spiritual body being played between his palms, rolling past his feet stupidly.

"..." The admiral paused while wiping his hair, raised his eyes, and found the perpetrator exactly.

Little Butterfly flew behind Song Piantao and hid, the cat and cat ball rolled over, and the admiral's line of sight followed.

Song Pian touched her nose, feeling guilty for secretly teasing other people's children and calling their mother to be arrested on the spot. She picked up the fruit plate prepared for herself, and calmly asked the general:


Song Pian was polite, but the admiral really came over and sat down, picking up a ripe cherry and putting it on his lips.

Her knuckles are distinct, her skin is cold and white, and her face is very light. Even if she is sitting on the soft sofa, her body is still stiff like a soldier.

But there is a warm and humid water vapor on his body, and a red and rich cherry is also contained between the lips.

Song Pian's mouth was a little dry, and she took a piece of apple with a lot of water and ate it.

"Mia meow meow meow—"

The cat meows happily from the side.

Song Pian glanced at it, and it turned out that Little Butterfly took the initiative to rub and rub on the cat's belly. This was the first time.

The cat was paralyzed on the floor happily, with a fluffy "big" character, and the pink and tender meat pads were like four small plum blossoms.

On the soft little belly, the plush is rolled in fine curls, making cat hair cushions for the little butterfly.

It is said that the spiritual body is the spiritual representation of the master, so the behavior of the little butterfly is—

"I think the behavior just now was not very good." Song Pian's thinking was halfway through, but was interrupted by the admiral who had finished eating the cherries.

The admiral pointed to his cat:

"She shouldn't be a ball. If your mental body doesn't tease her, she will be much more stable."

Much more stable

Song Piantao carefully looked at the "big" who was snoring and his belly was up and down on the ground, and was deeply suspicious.

But she understood very well that Admiral's self-esteem was ruined by the spiritual body, and she said with dignity:

"I must restrain the butterfly." Don't tease the steady cat into a bouncing ball.

Before the admiral left the living room, he glanced at the cat on the ground who was completely unprepared to pay attention to his own, gave up this evil son, and walked away without looking back with the bath towel.

The cat is like this, there must be a reason for the little butterfly.

She seduced her cat, the admiral thought coldly.

The admiral read the report in the study.

Suddenly, a cat's head slowly rose from behind the report, and Mao Naokuo was wearing a small butterfly.

The cat shouted at the admiral, "Mimi-"

Butterflies are very reserved: flapping wings, flapping wings, blingbling

The admiral was more certain that the child was spoiled by the guide.

But soon, the admiral was beaten in the face.

The reason was early in the morning, the wicked man who always slept with the guide was carried by the guide on the back of his head and threw back to his room.

The admiral, who didn't need to be with the cat recently, frowned and almost asked, "Why give her to me?"

The admiral gently kicked the cat with his toes and asked the guide:


The guide looked at the cat and then at himself:

"You should take a look at the video recording of my room."

As a military residence, every room in this house has a recorder, and the viewing authority is very high, only the general has it.

She found the records of the guide's room as she said, and quickly checked the information from last night.

Effortlessly, she found what the guide wanted her to see.

Early in the morning, Cat Danzi stood up from the end of the bed, swayed on the duvet, and walked to the guide's face.

She sniffed at the guide, and then turned to the underside of the guide's neck - the soft and high area, slowly protruding the fleshy cat jio.

Two jio alternately, one step, one step.


Little Butterfly was woken up by the cat's excited meowing. Two or three seconds later, the whole butterfly opened up, snapped, and slammed itself into the cat's face.

As a result, the cat's tail flicked and squeaked even more happily.

"..." The admiral dyed his brows with frost, lifted the back of the evil boy's neck, looked at the evil boy with drooping feet, and said to the guide, "I didn't teach her well."

"Don't worry, there will be no next time."

The admiral's words are righteous and righteous.

Song Pian's forehead twitched, but he stopped talking.

No, I'm not very concerned.

She really wanted to ask the admiral, did you have selective amnesia about the fact that "this cat with no milk is your own mental body"

Did you know that the behavior of the spirit body is based on the master's mental state? ah

Song Piantao looked at the cold beauty in the military uniform in front of her, feeling powerless and a little sweet and troubled.

Who should we reflect on