Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 103


"This... I don't know." The patriarch sighed, his gaze settling on Yunxia, "I just caught some breath, so it's hard to tell who it is?"

"You tell me this, so you are not afraid that I am a devil?" Su Ya asked.

"No, because you have a sacred breath, the devil can never occupy your body." The patriarch explained.

Thinking of everyone's situation, Suya said dissatisfied: "But you can't seal everyone's power, you are still locked in that ghost place."

The patriarch shook his head and said kindly: "Suya, the robbery is a special place, maybe only rely on it to deal with the devil. So what we have to do now is to wait for the devil to appear automatically..."

At first glance, what the old man said makes sense, but Su Zhe is most worried about now. "Who is the red banshee at the bottom of the lake?" Su Ya asked.

The patriarch sighed softly: "She is not a banshee, just a resentful spirit that has lasted for thousands of years."

Wraith? Then why keep pestering Su Zhe

The patriarch seemed to know Suya's doubts, and explained, "Do you know who the white-clothed man's father is?"

Is it really related to the wood charm world? Su Ya's heart tightened.

"The white-clothed man's father is from the Mumei Realm, and he is called Yicheng." The patriarch told Suya all the things that happened that year. When he said that, sadness could not be hidden in his eyes.

Yicheng is an inexperienced talent. His death deeply regretted the elders of Danxia Palace.

"Damn woman!" After Suya listened, Xiu's eyes were furious.

Love is originally a happy relationship, and unilateral love is just unrequited love. But in order to be able to stay with Yicheng, the woman Ruoxi used all means and even killed Yicheng.

If Su Ya knew that Ruoxi had tied him with a concentric rope in order to be able to be with Su Zhe, her anger would be even worse.

"Well, the delay is too long, it will arouse the suspicion of the devil." The patriarch's figure was hidden in the clouds. And Suya fell down involuntarily.

"Suya, what are you making?" Rosser pushed Suya.

Suya didn't reply, but looked at the person in front of her carefully. The devil's disguise is very clever, and it is impossible to judge from his appearance and breath.

Back in the dark space, he almost fell into the hands of the devil. So the same mistake will never be made a second time.

"What are you looking at? What's so good about me." Rosser was uncomfortable when Suya looked at him.

If Rosser is not possessed by the devil, then he is definitely a good bait to tempt the devil to appear. At the beginning, he was in the depths of the dark forest, but he did his best to humiliate the devil.

"Lingsu, I reject your opinion just now. You can restore everyone's mana, but you must have done a lot of harm to yourself. So I don't allow you to do that. We still wait for us to catch the female ghost first, and then use the mirror Open a channel so that it’s safe."

Sunset and Yuesheng repeatedly said yes, and even Nelly, who had been silent for a long time, also said yes.

It seems that once Lingsu uses this secret method, it will definitely cause a lot of harm to himself, and even life-threatening.

"This reef is too small. If the lake water makes waves again, everyone will be in danger." After making up his mind, Suya decided that everyone would better spread out.

"Well, that's good, then I'll be with Nelly." Su Zhe shook the paper fan.

Nelly glared at him coldly and said coldly: "Who wants to be with you."

Lingsu's eyes flickered, and he suddenly said, "Let the sunset be with Saint Nelly." Yuesheng's eyes moved slightly.

Nelly nodded. Since understanding the hatred between the forest elves and the dark elves, the gap between her and Lingsu gradually disappeared.

"Then what about me?" Seeing that everyone had a "combination" and he was the only one left, Rosser couldn't help but become anxious.

"You, just look for a reef alone." Seeing Rosser's reluctance, Suya turned her head and said to Nelly: "Saint Nelly, Rosser will leave it to you."

Nelly nodded and walked towards Rother. Although Roser's physical skills are flexible, the reef is too small and there are too many people to dodge. After a while, Nelly grabbed it and lifted it into the air.

"It's not fair." Rosser protested loudly in the air.

"If you call again, I will throw you down." Nelly said coldly.

Rother was so frightened that he couldn't speak. Although he was a canine prince, he was very afraid of water. And he is the only dog in history who can't swim.

Nelly threw Rosser to the side of a reef not far away, then fluttered her wings and flew towards Suya.

Roser was so angry that he paced back and forth on the small rocks. "You guys who have forgotten friends, it's not fair, it's not fair at all." He kept complaining.

Nelly flew away with the sunset, while Lingsu and Yuesheng went to another reef. After everyone left, Su Ya walked to Su Zhe and said softly, "Zhe—"

This method is indeed a hundred-thirty-five-hunt, you see that Su Zhe frowned again, his mouth squirmed, but he didn't say it.

Although I hate Suya calling him that, if she likes it, let her alone.

"Su Zhe, I know your life experience..." Facing Su Zhe's suspicious look, Suya told her everything that the patriarch had told her.

Su Zhe was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then his anger gradually rose, his fists were clenched tightly, and the real fire was obviously moved.

Ruoxi, this nasty woman! He killed his father and killed his mother forever. This blood feud must be reported.

"Su Zhe, things on the resentment side can be eased, the most important thing now is to beware of that devil." Su Ya said softly in Su Zhe's ear.

Devil, didn't he blew himself up

"The patriarch of Danxia Hall felt the breath of the devil, so we had to guard against it." Suya opened her palm, and there were a few silver hairs in her palm.

Lingsu's behavior is a little strange, does she know something

Su Ya carefully figured out the silver thread in her hand, but she didn't find any abnormalities. What exactly did this Ling Su want to imply

"This hair is connected to Lingsu's body. If she suffers misfortune, this silver hair will disappear without a trace." Su Zhe explained.

Lingsu must have discovered something unusual, but why did he tell her directly? Yes, it's just suspicion, or some faint uneasiness. Moreover, it must be the person closest to her that made Ling Su feel this way, otherwise she wouldn't just hand over her silver hair to Suya without telling her directly.

Moonrise, or sunset? Now that Lingsu and Yuesheng are together, it should be that Yuesheng is more likely, so Suya is thinking hard.

The baby dragon had consumed too much spiritual power and fell into a deep sleep. And the devil must be seriously injured, otherwise why didn't he take revenge while the baby dragon was sleeping

Therefore, this is also an opportunity. As long as you find out who the devil is, and with the help of those old guys, you may be able to defeat the devil.

In the crisis, there is also a glimmer of life. Suya couldn't help but tightened the Jiantian mirror in her hand.

Suddenly, a strong vomit came to her throat, and she couldn't help bending down. "What's wrong with you?" Su Zhe hurriedly asked regardless of his weak body.

"It's nothing-there was a sudden discomfort." Su Ya replied after taking a breath, and the vomiting disappeared.

At the bottom of the gloomy Jiehu Lake, a black box was lying quietly on the sand at the bottom of the water. The box was closed tightly, and no one knew what was going on inside.

Ruoxi stood in the endless darkness, looking terrified. Because she found that the resentment at the bottom of the lake was swallowed by this box. She was the only one who stood safe and sound in the darkness, but this made her more fearful.

"Who are you?" she hissed.

"Don't understand? I am the source of your grievances and even all your sins." Cold voices came from all directions. A pair of black indifferent eyes emerged in the darkness.

Is that little elf really the root of all evil

"You have tied the concentric rope, now is the time to pay in return." The huge eyes floated beside Ruoxi. Ruoxi felt a sense of powerlessness, and in front of him, she seemed as small as an ant.

"I have a question. Why did Yicheng still not fall in love with me when I tied the concentric rope?" Ruoxi suppressed the fear in his heart and asked tremblingly.

She only felt the pain of the other party's heart-wrenching, but the other party's love was not felt at all.

"Don't give up, don't you want this result? He will taste the pain you suffer more. And if he leaves you, his heart will die..." The night demon's voice was a bit of abuse.

Love has always been bestowed by those self-proclaimed gods; and what he gives will only be sin!

"You lied to me..." Ruoxi's mind went blank. She thought that as long as she tied a concentric rope, Su Zhe would slowly fall in love with her. but…

"I forgot to tell you that there is another name for this Tongxin Rope, which is Tongxin Jie." The mockery in the devil's eyes became stronger. "None of this is important anymore. Now I want you to do one thing. "

"Don't think about it!" It turned out that everything was a lie, and she still couldn't get Yicheng's heart. Despair defeated fear, Ruoxi replied angrily.

"Ignorant woman!" Ye Mo sneered, black mist came from everywhere, gathered into a vine rope, entangled Ruoxi, and led her to float in front of those huge eyes.

In this special space, Ruoxi didn't have the slightest effort to fight back.

"Do you know why your previous life failed so much?" Staring at the small and humble woman in front of him, the night demon let out a cold laugh again, "That's because you didn't get rid of your love rival!"

Ruo Xi's body shook. If he didn't break the seal and tried to kill her instead, what would the result be

Seeing her move, the Night Demon continued: "So, if you want that white bat, you can only kill the woman next to him."

Ruoxi gradually calmed down: "Tell me, what should I do?"

A thousand years ago, she made such a mistake that she lost Yicheng; now, she will not repeat the same mistakes.

"You are a smart person, I need that girl's blood, you know how to do it." The night demon's eyes gradually faded. And the next moment, Ruoxi appeared in the Jiehu Lake. Due to Ruoxi's return, the color of Jiehu began to turn dark green.

The banshee is back? Su Ya held up the mirror of the sky, staring at her beautifully.

Nelly flapped her wings and stood up, then only rose a little before she fell to the ground. The suction power of the robbery was restored again, even stronger than before. At the bottom of the Jie Lake, the dark box quietly opened, and countless resentments were released again.

When Suya was about to shake the mirror, an indifferent voice came from the bottom of the lake. "If you dare to use that mirror, I will make him worse than dead."

"Who are you scaring!" Su Ya yelled, and the lake suddenly split into two where the mirror was shining, with green waves glowing.

Su Zhe, who was sitting on the side, suddenly fell to the side, his pale handsome face covered with beads of sweat, he stroked his chest with one hand and grasped the reef next to him with the other. The extremely hard rock was crushed by him.

"Can't you stop?" Ruoxi kept walking at the bottom of the lake. With the help of the Night Demon, Nelly couldn't fly over the Jiehu Lake. Point out the direction for Suya.

Su Zhe became more and more painful, his white figure stuck to the ground, and a dry voice made his mouth.

"What do you want?" Su Ya put down the mirror, her voice gradually trembling.

Su Zhe's pain was relieved, he was lying on the ground and panting heavily. He, who was once noble and cold, was in pain at this time. The simple heart is dripping blood.

"If you want to get rid of his concentric robbery, you must exchange it with your blood." Ruoxi's figure gradually emerged from the water, her eyes full of hostility.

"Su Ya... No—" Su Zhe said with difficulty lying on the ground.

"Ruoxi, don't think I don't know your thoughts. Do you think you can get Su Zhe as long as you get rid of me?" Su Ya's eyes were cold as snow, "Perhaps, it should be called Yicheng."

The water in Jiehu Lake began to tremble, apparently Suya said Ruoxi's pain.

"You don't understand what love is. If you really love Yicheng, would you let him suffer such torture?" Su Ya's voice gradually rose.

"You don't need to teach me yet," Ruoxi gritted her teeth, and a fierce color appeared on her face: "You are all to blame. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't be tortured like this."

Yes, it's all because of Qingxue. If there is no Qingxue, Yicheng will live happily with her.

"Ruoxi, you killed Yicheng and made Su Zhe's mother Yongzhen the center of the earth. You still want love, it's really ridiculous." Suya said as she cut a blood mark on the wall of the mirror with her finger.

"No," Ruoxi was stimulated by her simple words and became crazy: "As long as I'm with him, he will definitely fall in love with me..."

"Yeah, I fall in love with you!" Su Ya's eyes suddenly sharpened, and she quickly flipped the Jiantian mirror, and a divine light quickly fell towards Ruoxi.

With the divine light of her blood, can she completely kill this wraith spirit? Suya didn't know, but this was her last chance.