Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 30


"No money?" The shop owner was stunned, and quickly snatched the silkworm clothing from Su Zhe: "If you don't have any money, what clothes do you choose, waste my time, go, go." His face turned from sunny to cloudy, and he was still scorn In the shop, he pushed them out impatiently.

Su Ya was ashamed and anxious, as if she had eaten a Bawang meal and was pushed out; Su Zhe's figure was as firm as a sculpture, and the shop owner didn't even push two pushes.

"Don't go anymore, be careful I go to the Fairy Alliance to complain to you." The shop owner shouted, in Canglang City, there is no need to be afraid of a big monster like Su Zhe, there is a powerful backing of the Fairy Alliance to protect their interests.

"Su Zhe, let's go." Seeing more and more people gathered around, Su Ya pulled Su Zhe a hand. She had a low face and couldn't afford to lose this person.

With a "ding", Su Zhe threw a small black token from his hand and fell in front of the shop owner.

"It's enough to change the silkworm clothes with this," he said lightly.

The store owner picked up the token with some doubts. There was a ferocious black bat engraved on it. His eyes were blood-red, as if he was about to come alive.

"Yunbatling?" The shop owner screamed out, his face was surprised and happy. Yunbat Mountain, a major force in the Canglang world, its strength should not be underestimated, and Yunbat Order is one of their signatures. Legend has it that as long as you hold the cloud bat order in your hand, you can ask the bat clan to do something for them.

"I can do one thing for you. Even if I can't do it, Yunbat Mountain will do it for you." Su Zhe still had that indifferent expression.

There was a hustle and bustle around, and many eyes such as jealousy and envy fell on the owner of the shop. You must know that a promise from the demon world, especially a promise from a large family, is more valuable to a small repair than a golden liang.

"Su Zhe, I don't want these clothes." Su Ya pulled La Suzhe's sleeves and whispered. Although I don't know what the cloud bat order is, but judging from everyone's reaction, it is not worthwhile to use it to change the silkworm clothing.

Su Zhe shook his head: "I will do what I promised you."

This sentence undoubtedly carries a huge lethality. Suya lowered her head and was extremely happy. This was the first gift he gave.

"Have you thought about it?" Su Zhe frowned when he saw the store owner still immersed in joy.

"This..." The shop owner hesitated, thinking that this promise shouldn't be wasted casually, and keeping it for life-saving purposes: "I haven't thought yet, it should be okay to take this Shangyun Bat Mountain." He asked worriedly. .

"No problem." Su Zhe replied with disdain, Yunbat Mountain is a big family in the Canglang Realm, how can it be a big deal

"That's good, that's good." As soon as the store owner received the treasure, he carefully put it away, and at the same time quickly handed the silkworm clothing to Su Zhe.

"Daxian, I don't know Taishan when I'm young, and there are so many big immortals, no wonder." Then he sneered, "I see that Daxian has some clothes... It's better to pick one here."

Su Zhe's clothes were taken off Rosser. He was tall and slightly small when he wore them. In addition to a fierce fight with the ancestor, there were many injuries on his clothes.

The owner of the shop was quite familiar, so Su Ya grabbed Su Zhe and said, "Thank you first." After speaking, she picked them up one by one carefully.

The most painful thing for a man is to accompany a woman to a shopping mall. If Su Zhe chooses, just a few efforts will be enough, but Su Ya has chosen for a long time, and there is no sign of stopping.

Su Zhe's eyebrows trembled. Just as the attack was about to occur, Su Ya picked up a piece of clothing and said happily, "That's it."

It was a cyan gown, and I didn't know what material it was made of. It felt radiant and silky. The most important thing was that Su Zhe was very suitable for this color. The cyan color represents perseverance and hope, which suits Su Zhe's personality very well, and his skin color is indeed perfect.

Su Ya handed the green shirt to Su Zhe, clutching the white silkworm clothes, happily ran to the store and went to try on the clothes. Su Zhe looked at the clothes in his hands, slightly disliked. He always liked black clothes. Black represented indifference. That was his favorite color.

However, his mouth was vomiting, and a thick white mist surrounded him. Outsiders couldn't see the inside at all. After a while, the thick mist dissipated, and Su Zhe had already put on the blue shirt. At this time Suya also came out wearing new clothes, and the two of them were startled as soon as they got a pair of eyes.

As the saying goes, Buddha relies on gold clothing and people rely on clothes. This is a good thing.

The white peony smoked soft yarn, the smoky hundred water skirt, the small cherry mouth is not dotted and red, and the two strands of hair on the cheeks are gently blowing with the wind, adding a bit of amorous feelings, it is really empty when you wear it in a simple and elegant manner Ling, swiftly refreshing taste.

Wearing a green shirt, simple and indifferent, it sets Su Zhe even more out of the dust. He raises the eyebrows obliquely into the temples, the black and clear eyes, the straight nose, and the sexy thin lips, which makes people feel a kind of heartbeat.

Su Zhe and Suya had strange feelings in their hearts, and their gazes at each other disappeared as soon as they touched each other.

"The two are really a couple of gods and goddesses." The shop owner said flatly without losing the opportunity.

Su Zhe glanced at him lightly, without saying a word, shaking his clothes, carrying plain and elegant, and walked out of the store.

"Su Zhe, there is a huge crowd, where are we going to find this woman in red?" Su Ya complained a bit. If the two were just shopping, it would be a romantic thing.

"No matter how difficult it is, I will look for it," Su Zhe glanced at her: "Don't be lazy, just show me carefully."

Su Ya felt uncomfortable, she didn't like Su Zhe staring at other women.

A strange picture appeared on the noisy street, a pair of biren like gods and goddesses, looking at the crowd from time to time. I have to say that the monsters are very open. Seeing Su Zhe's eyes, some female demons immediately twisted their graceful figures and walked towards him.

"I said, this handsome guy, did you look at me?" A banshee who can tear her bones off, teased Su Zhe with a grin, a sorrowful scent all over her body.

Su Zhe ignored it and focused all his attention on pedestrians.

"I said handsome guy, you just left others in the cold like this?" The banshee leaned her body together, as if to say sadly.

"Sorry, the name grass has a master." Suya couldn't stand it anymore, and stood in front of the banshee.

"I said, this girl, what are you anxious about? Although there is a distinction between first-come and second-served ones, everyone uses their means to compete fairly. I think you are okay, let her sister teach you..." Feelings, she regards Suya as a similar person. .

"You... this slut." Su Ya thought for a long time, and finally thought of these two words.

The banshee's face changed, her hands on her hips, she shouted fiercely, "Why, I want to have a fight with my grandmother."

In Canglang City, if it was just a personal grievance, not involving murder or overstocking, forced buying and selling, the Fairy Alliance would only turn one eye and close one eye.

Suya couldn't bear it any more when she heard the words, her apricot eyebrows swept, and a gray light shot out in her eyes.

"Oh..." The banshee groaned, her body was frozen by the light, unable to move, and what was even more terrifying was that her prototype was showing up little by little.

"It turned out to be a fox, no wonder it's so showy." Suya said with some disdain as she watched a flaming little fox squatting on the ground. The little fox gave her a hateful look, then waved its tail and turned away.

The simple and elegant hand shocked the people in Canglang City. They only used their eyes to sweep a small fox out of the prototype. Even the treasure of Yunbat Mountain-Jiantianjing, is nothing more than that. Photographed by Su Ya's power, no banshee dared to come up to talk to each other again. Su Ya was also satisfied with the current situation, and looked at Su Zhe triumphantly, her eyes full of ostentation.

"Catch the thief..." The hustle and bustle of Canglang City suddenly boiled, everyone stopped and watched, and dozens of sturdy men rushed towards him, surrounded by them.

A white shadow rushed forward like lightning, Su Zhe's face changed, and his mouth exclaimed: "It's Rother!"