Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 4


"Hundreds of years ago, there were great monsters in this valley. Even our weakest rabbit tribe had appeared before. The environment at the entrance of the cave just now was the masterpiece of our ancestors. Only a hundred years ago, the valley All the big monsters in the middle seemed to disappear overnight..." The rabbit shook his head, as if telling a sad history.

"And since then, not only our rabbit clan, but even other races have no transformational monsters. The black wolf who fought with you just reached the stage of transformation seventy years ago, but I don’t know why it has stayed there. Can't break through anymore."

It was sorry, as if forgot that they almost became a snack for the black wolf just now.

"Oh," Suya bit the apple again. Although this is a good place, without a big demon in form, she should be able to rule the king, but in order to find her way home as soon as possible, it seems that she should go out of the valley.

"Where is Taniguchi's exit?" Suya asked.

"The Great God..." Xiaoyue saw Suya's intention to leave, hurriedly knelt, and the other rabbits also knelt down, "The Great God wants to go, we dare not stop, we can ask the Great God to help us the rabbit clan, otherwise our rabbit clan really Can't live anymore."

Help to the end and send the Buddha to the west, it seems that these rabbits are dependent on themselves.

As if aware of Suya’s dissatisfaction, Xiaoyue hurriedly said, “Great God, it’s not that we are rude, there is really no way. Although there are no great monsters in the valley, the rabbit clan is the weakest clan with physical skills. We can live to this day. , It’s all about the predecessor’s illusion barrier, but now the power of this illusion is getting weaker and weaker, and it will disappear after a long time, so please ask the great god to help us strengthen the illusion."

Speaking of later, the tone became more and more sad, and all the rabbits had their red eyes open and looked sadly at Suya.

Suya wants to help, but how can she know spells? Looking at this group of poor rabbits, Suya had a brilliant idea, no matter how good the illusion is, it can only protect them for a period of time, and it seems that we must help them solve this problem fundamentally.

"Cough, cough—" Suya carried her hands on her back, trying to pretend to look like an expert, "It will naturally not be a problem to help bless the illusion, but..." Speaking of this, Suya paused, and her eyes swept towards the rabbits.

"But what..." Xiaoyue said with a look of embarrassment, thinking that the rabbit clan was in a state of despair, and what valuable things, but still refused to give up the last glimmer of hope. After all, Suya was the only big monster in the valley for a hundred years.

Seeing the group of rabbits looking panicked, Suya knew that they must be thinking about it, and some angrily and amusedly said: "But have you ever thought that in a hundred years, the power of this illusion will be weakened again, and then you How to do?"

Seeing that Suya didn't ask for conditions, the rabbits breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is no way. It can be delayed for a while. I hope that by then, our rabbit clan will have a transformed monster."

After all, there was hope in his eyes, as if there was such a day.

Suya was funny in her heart. Even if a big monster appears in the rabbit clan, the big monster will not appear in other races

Rabbits of the same level fight with wolves, and it must be the rabbit who fails.

Suya didn't know that once the weaker race was transformed, it would definitely master more secret techniques than other tyrannical races.

It’s just that from the stage of the beast body to the transformation, there are more dangers than other races. It takes hundreds or even thousands of years to become a demon from vegetation, but once it becomes a big demon, it is definitely better than the same level. The beast monster is powerful.

I think back then, it was not the other races who commanded this valley, but the rabbit tribe!

"You have to strive for survival by yourself. Even if I strengthen the illusion today, what if tomorrow is broken by a more powerful character?" I looked at the group of rabbits and saw that they were all listening intently. Know that the effect has been achieved.

"You have also seen my battle with the black wolf today. Although the black wolf is huge, it is still not my opponent. As long as you can learn the physical skills I taught you well, I believe the effect will be better than the fantasy!"

"You mean you will teach us physical skills?" Xiaoyue obviously didn't believe it, and stammered.

The secret law in the race has always been the survival of the same race, and no race will casually teach the secret law to another race.

Although the simple physical skills were not enough to look at before the transformation of the big demon, it should be invincible for the beasts of the same level.

No wonder these rabbits were so excited that some even cried bitterly. The scene was quite spectacular.

Wuxingquan is divided into dragon shape, tiger shape, snake shape, leopard shape, and crane shape. The first four are not suitable for short and weak rabbits. Only the crane shape is so-so.

So Su Ya decided to teach the crane boxing to the rabbit.

For a while, there was no spacious stone cave, and there was the whistling of rabbits everywhere. I saw a rabbit following Suya, sometimes with one leg independent, "two arms" on display, and sometimes two legs kicked out in the air.

The rabbit's front feet are short and the hind feet are long, so it has all the weird movements at the beginning, so Suya can't help but laugh.

"You, tell you to stretch out your hand, how did you raise your leg? Remember that it is'Crane Wing', not'Crane Leg'!"

"Why did you stand upside down when I asked you to sprint?"

In the past few days, Su Ya has been busy enough, but fortunately, Xiaoyue has excellent comprehension ability and has mastered the essentials of Hequan. Su Ya called it to replace herself and urge these "disciples".

And Suya secretly ran out of the cave, lying on the green grass at the moment, with a weed in her mouth, with one leg raised, and leisurely breathing the fresh air in the sky.

"Puff..." A sour smell fell from the sky. Fortunately, Su Ya was sensitive, and he slapped his palm to the ground, and his body moved aside like lightning.

"Puff--" A pile of yellow, white, and white things fell on the place where Su Ya had just sat, and a giant eagle flew by in the air.

"Damn, do you have a moral heart!" Suya yelled from the sky.

The giant eagle seemed to look at Suya, although it was several hundred meters away, but the sharp eyes still made Suya feel scared.

The animals here are so perverted! Suya can only admit that she is unlucky, for fear of accidentally angering this eagle.

A joke, it's in the sky, so it's strange if you don't chase it all over the floor when you fight!

Suya decided to settle the matter, but her eyes were like a knife, and the giant eagle was "ravaged" fiercely.

Suddenly there was another shadow in the sky, Suya thought it was another bird, and she hurriedly raised her head to stare, for fear that it would be convenient for it accidentally.

Just one glance, Suya could no longer look away from her.

In the air, a white figure fluttered like an immortal, dancing with white clouds, with a very chic expression, as if she knew that Suya was looking at him below, lowered her head and smiled at Suya.

Su Ya's heart was hit with a "boom", and she watched the handsome white man drift away.

How does it feel? Itchy, numb and numb, and it took a long time before she woke up.

What day is it? Many figures appeared above the valley, Suya watched them flying through the sky, and couldn't help but envy them.

No, isn't there a big demon without transformation? How come there are so many "people"? Suya couldn't help but wonder.

Is something going to happen? Or are they going to fight for a while here? This place is dangerous, and it seems better to leave as soon as possible.

Hearing the rabbit Xiaoyue said, the transformation of the big demon just does not do it, and it will shake the world with the touch. She was about to leave, when suddenly a dark figure in the sky was very dazzling, her clothes fluttering, and her attitude aloof, absolutely not inferior to the previous man in white.

It's him? Suya's gaze suddenly shrank. It was the man in the old castle who not only insulted her, but also "cruelly" threw her here.

The anger burned everything, Su Ya looked at Su Zhe's direction and strode to catch up.