Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 71


"I do not know-"

This sentence hurt Su Zhe deeply. Su Zhe seemed to see his mother kneeling under the altar, and the elder angrily questioned who the man was.

"I don't know." Mother said these words resolutely. Then she was crushed in the magma of the earth's core!

"I'll ask you again, who is he!" Su Zhe suddenly grabbed Su Ya's hand, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

Why didn't he trust himself, just relying on a strange little tree, he ridiculously concluded that he slept with another man, and then had other people's children

"If two people fall in love and can't do a little trust, then this love is too fragile." Suya smiled sadly regardless of the pain in her hands.

"Trust? Okay, then I'll let you see clearly." Su Zhe smiled coldly, his cyan clothes trembling without wind, and the broken corners of his clothes swayed like a spray on the top of a wave.

This is the green dress she helped him choose! Suya felt a pain in her heart.

Su Zhe released the blood curse, his skill turned, and a powerful aura broke out all over his body. He pointed his finger to the void, and a glorious water mirror appeared. The eyes were clear and divine, and a divine light fell into Su Ya's body.

With Tianyantong, Su Zhe used Tianyantong to visit Su Ya's body. The situation in Su Ya's body clearly appeared in the water mirror.

"Su Zhe, you..." Su Ya trembled all over, and tears flowed out of his eyes. She shed tears for the first time since she was sensible, which shows how deeply Su Zhe hurt her.

A little creature was suddenly illuminated in the water mirror. He curled up and slept there lazily.

"How is it possible... How is it possible..." Suya's mind was blank, and she almost forgot to think.

There really is a life in her body.

"You have nothing to say," Su Zhe snorted, her voice falling on Suya's heart like a knife; "Did you stay with me because you were abandoned by that man?"

Humph, Suya, I really misunderstood you. Although her mother was abandoned by that nasty person, she still doesn't regret it. Are people in the world of human greed? Even if the blood is pure, can't it conceal her essence

"Su Zhe!" Su Ya suddenly shouted, her face covered with frost, staring at Su Zhe, she was no longer sad: "Although I don't know what's going on. But you... You must not insult me like this. "

The desperate gaze hurt Su Zhe's heart deeply. It's obviously that she is pregnant with someone else's child, so why does she feel like herself

"I will find out all of this," Su Ya looked at Su Zhe indifferently, and said slowly: "I will come back to find you when things become clear."

"Sunset, Moonrise, and Lingsu, you are good people, thank you." Suya bowed and bowed, but she stopped looking at Su Zhe and turned and walked out of the nest.

The two little goblins, and Lingsu, looked at each other. They didn't expect things to develop to such a degree. They wanted to persuade, but they didn't know where to start.

Su Zhe saw that Su Ya had gone so decisively, and when he passed by, he didn't even glance at him. What is this, he should have been furious, and then left, but... But why did he feel guilty

"Su Ya—" Seeing Su Ya walked out of the nest and stepped down the flower ladder step by step, Su Zhe couldn't help it anymore and quickly followed.

If you want to be angry, he should be angry too. You can't make her so cheap. You must catch her and scold her. Su Zhejun's face turned blue, and he was about to fly in front of him. Suddenly, there was a burst of heart-wrenching pain from his limbs and his internal organs.

Blood curse, damn blood curse, is Nelly near here? Su Zhe curled up on the ground, trying to climb forward, but his limbs had a little strength.

Ling Su's face changed, his robe flew, and he reached Su Zhe's side in an instant. The delicate hand was slightly open, and a light yellow brilliance covered Su Zhe.

"Hold the spiritual platform, the true energy will break through the profound entrance, and then go to supervise." Ling Su drank softly.

Only in this way can the connection with the caster be cut off and the pain can be relieved.

However, Su Zhe suddenly didn't hear it, and raised his hands vigorously, muttering in his mouth: "Su Ya, don't go..."

Lingsu sighed. If this continues, Su Zhe will definitely be discovered by the spellcaster. After thinking about it a little, Lingsu put his hands on his chest and murmured in his mouth. The colorful brilliance tightly wrapped Su Zhe, the halo overflowed and turned over, isolating the relationship between the blood curse and the caster.

"Sunset, Yuesheng, it seems we can't stay in this place, let's go." Lingsu sighed. Although she has isolated the relationship with the caster, the caster has sensed the location of Su Zhe.

He is a dark elf, and if discovered by the forest elf, he will cause a lot of trouble.

"What about Sister Suya?" Yuesheng asked quietly.

"Let them be separated for a period of time, maybe only after they are separated, will they know the importance of each other."

"But Sister Suya is alone in the elves world, in case..." Sunset said with some worry.

"It's okay, I believe she has the ability to protect herself." A deep light flashed in Lingsu's eyes.

There was a dragon bloodline on the parasitic seed. Lingsu concealed this and didn't say it.

Sunset and Yuesheng raised the small silver cone in their hands and beat them against the void, and a deep hole was revealed in a short while.

"Let's go." Lingsu made a small move, and the colorful halo wrapped Su Zhe, like a colorful giant cocoon, following Lingsu.

Guanghua faded, and all four of them were lost in the lair.

"One, two..." Suya silently counted the flower ladder under her feet.

Su Zhe, why don't you chase it out? Although Su Ya walked resolutely, she really hoped that Su Zhe could chase it out, even if she scolded it again.

"One hundred and ten, one hundred and eleven... One hundred and thirty-five." Su Ya stepped on the last step of the flower ladder, leaning on the flower vine with both hands, looking at it idiotically.

He really didn't come over, his simple eyes were empty and absent, the flower vine in his hand suddenly shattered, and then the whole flower ladder instantly withered and fell.

The petals flying all over the sky blurred Suya's eyes, and the nest on the top of the tree was farther and farther away from her.