Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 74


Su Ya couldn't wait to kick him up, the hateful skull, saying that it would help her realize the three wishes, but the real purpose was to let her do coolies and help him find the rest of the body "parts".

"Hey, I don't have any magic power. What if I encounter a forest elf?" Suya said very dissatisfied.

"Hey, it's okay, no one in the elves can hurt you," the skull hopped on the ground, leaped onto Suya's shoulders, his mouth closed, his appearance was very funny.

"No one hurt me?" Su Ya asked in surprise. If he encounters an ordinary forest elf, Su Ya may be able to cope with it. What if it is a high-level elf like Nelly

Skeleton skipped the question: "You can't be so rude to this king, you can call me the dark elf king, or call me Fengling." He said with some complacency, you must know the name Fengling, thousands of years ago What a glory it is.

What a wordy ghost. Suya moved in her heart and asked, "Hey, Feng Ling, what if someone is hit by the blood curse of the elves?"

"Blood curse?" With a click, Feng Ling swayed left and right, exaggeratingly said: "Is this one of the three wishes?"

"The beauty you think," Su Ya snorted: "I will help you find the other limbs. You have to show some sincerity. Say it quickly, or I will throw you to the forest elf."

"You cunning girl..." Feng Ling murmured a few words, but still answered Su Ya's question: "There are two ways to remove the blood curse, one is to be killed by the curse caster, and the blood curse is naturally gone; Two, let the curse caster fall in love with yourself, and the blood curse will naturally disappear after the love is lingering."

"Neither of these two methods will work." Suya flatly refused, it was almost as if she didn't say anything.

"Girl, fortunately you asked this king," Feng Ling said, leaping over Suya's head and hiding in her hair: "There is a kind of magic in the dark magic called blood swap, hehe, only this king can. "

Suya stretched out her hand to "pick" Feng Ling, and then threw it to the ground. She really couldn't have a skull on top of her head.

"How can you treat this king like this—" Feng Ling said with a leap, very dissatisfied.

"Take me to find other seals." Suya doesn't want to entangle him. The most important thing at the moment is to reconcile with Su Zhe, and then unlock his blood curse.

"Okay, I'll show you the way." With a swish, Feng Ling jumped onto Su Ya's shoulder.

"Where are those two people!" Little Lanhua said angrily.

This guy took them around in the forest for a long time, but didn't even see a shadow, and the little blue flower gradually lost patience.

"It's weird, it's here." Rosser pretended to be surprised. "Look again, it must be nearby."

That elegant white shirt had already been burned to ashes by the vicious little red flower. At this time, Rosser was naked, with only a fig leaf all over. Little red lips are printed on the wheat-colored skin, which is naturally the masterpiece of two little sluts.

Fortunately, this is the elves world, or else Rose will have the heart to die, for patience, and there is still time for a stick of incense, Roser secretly warned himself.

Little red flower and little yellow flower stood on Rosser's shoulders one to the other, making Rosser's neck wet from time to time.

"Sister, I think this person is lying to us," said Xiao Heihua, who rarely spoke.

Although Xiao Heihua has few words, once she speaks, she can often point to the key points of the matter.

"Yes," Xiao Heihua reminded her, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt: "Sister, it seems that he doesn't need to keep the last piece of cloth."

Xiao Honghua's eyes lit up, and he flew slowly in the air: "Okay, the handsome body is really intriguing, I don't know what will be underneath?" The light blue flame in his palm kept puffing.

"Handsome grasshopper," Xiao Huanghua kissed Rosser lightly, and said with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I can't help you because I want to see that place too." After that, she flew away from Rosser. Shoulders.

Rosser almost fainted, and the true energy gathered in the sea of air, but could not circulate, he was almost suffocated alive.

"Hey, do you think there are two people over there, are they?" Seeing Xiao Honghua eager to try, Rosser pointed to their backs and said in a hurry.

Except for the sleeping little white flower, the other four turned their heads together, but the back was empty, where there was a half figure.

"A liar!" Seeing Rosser rushing forward quickly, Xiao Honghua Xing's eyes opened sharply, her small hand raised, and a splendid flame hit Rosser's waist.

The flame wrapped around Rosser's waist, and then burned the last fig leaf into two big holes without any suspense. Rosser only felt a chill on his butt, and his handsome face suddenly turned blue.

"Sister, burn the front." Xiao Huanghua kept urging from the side with starlight in her eyes.

The little red flower waved his small hand repeatedly, and the small fireball swished straight towards Rosser.

Handsome grasshopper—Little Huanghua began to think about it, as if seeing Roser’s naked body, a small face turned red.

"Five nasty little ghosts!" Rosser roared, and before the fireball reached Rosser's body, it was blown away by a strong wind.

A huge iron ruler, like a hill, was pressed down from the top of the head against the five small flowers.

At a critical moment, Rosser finally had the ability to protect himself. At that moment, tears almost flowed out of his eyes.

"Ah, he has recovered his mana." Xiao Huanghua exclaimed.

The naked Roser stood in front of him majesticly, with the rag around his waist flying in the wind, but his handsome face was blue.

"So handsome." Xiao Honghua was still a nympho, and she was pulled over by the little Heihua beside her, and slid aside from a distance.

With a "boom", the smoke scattered, and there were many deep pits on the ground. The huge iron ruler turned into fan bones and flew back to Rosser's hands.

"The handsome grasshopper seems to be angry." Xiao Huanghua hid aside and whispered.

"If I don't beat you today, I won't be called Roser." Roser said viciously, and the fan bones emitted a gloomy light, which turned into black lights and flew into the sky.

"Heavenly net!" Luo Sejun's face was cold, and a French seal was quickly formed in his hand. A black giant net appeared above the five small flowers and slowly fell downward.

The black net had a strong suction force, and the five little guys' escape skills suddenly lost its effect.

Fireball, hurricane, icicle, earth attack, water wave, the five elves each show their mana and attack towards the giant net. However, as soon as those attacks encountered the giant net, the giant net only trembled slightly, and the terrifying attack disappeared without a trace.

Luo Sejun's face was cold, and his canine teeth had the magical power to "eat", so it was not surprising that he could absorb the attacks of the elves.

Seeing that the black net was about to cover them, the little blue flower condensed her face and shouted: "Sisters, the five elements are one."

Five flowers quickly stood together, and they were glued together, and then... Then, like the combination of Transformers, a flower elves about two feet tall was formed.

The five elements in the air suddenly became violent, and with her little hand, a strange energy was formed. Even Rosser's "bite" could not dissipate her energy.

The black net was slightly blocked by the strange energy, and the combined flower elves immediately turned into five rays of light and flew away in all directions.

"Handsome grasshopper, we will miss you." A tender voice came.

"Damn it, let these five little guys escape." Rosser said angrily, and at the same time was frightened by the strange energy.

Although there are tens of thousands of power methods in the world, they are all inseparable from the five most basic elements. These five little guys can perfectly integrate five different types of power to form a wonderful energy, which even a master of the gods can't do.

Is it the power of chaos? Rother shook his head. I don't think about it anymore. The most important thing now is to find Su Zhe and Suya, and I don't know how they are.

As soon as the wind blew, Rosser felt cold all over, and when he thought of the humiliation in the hands of the five little guys, Rosser's handsome face was astonished.

He waved off a large leaf and a small vine, wrapped his body with the leaves, the vine was tied around his waist, and his arms stretched out the leaves. The whole person is full of greenery, primitive and elegant, with that handsome face, it has a special flavor.

Rosser calmed down, feeling the other fan bone in Su Ya's body with all his strength. However, if the trace of divine consciousness attached to the fan bones is unpredictable, it seems that there is a huge mental power blocking his divine consciousness.

Could it be that Su Zhe and the others are really in danger? Rosser was surprised.

Rosser was about to jump down from the tree, and suddenly there was a wave of energy in the air, and Rosser hurriedly hid in the bushes. A golden light shot from a distance. Although it was quick, the appearance of that person fell into Roser's eyes. With blue eyes and blue hair, wearing gold clothes and soft armor, and carrying a silver arm and a large bow, isn't it exactly Nelly

Did she go to Su Zhe? With a move in his heart, Rother jumped off the tall tree and followed Nelly at a distance.

Nelly flew extremely fast, and soon stopped next to a huge tall tree. There was a silver nest on the tall tree, which looked very beautiful under the sun.

But Nelly didn't want to appreciate these. At this time, her face was like frost, and the nest was empty.

After sensing Su Zhe just now, she launched the blood curse with all her strength, and rushed over, but she didn't think she still rushed to the air. Who saved him, was it the woman in black? Nelly shook her head. If that woman had such supernatural powers, she wouldn't have run hard with Su Zhe in her arms.

"Who is it!" She suddenly lowered her head coldly, and the silver arrow was already on the string.

Oops, being discovered so soon, Roser groaned secretly in his heart, but when he was about to go out, he heard a faint "rustling" sound next to him.

"Saint, it's me." A chubby elf came out of the flowers, his face was bruised, as if he had just been beaten, and at this moment he was looking at Nelly in the sky with a flat smile on his face.

Roser breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time wondered, this fat elf had no mana, why did he hide it by the side, but he didn't notice it

In fact, the elves have many different races, and each race has some special magical powers. For example, goblins are good at making wine and earth escape (as for the "power of space" of sunset and moonrise, that is purely an exception). The fat elves belong to the "dwarf elves". In fact, they are not short. Due to the excessive obesity and the long forest elves, they appear much shorter. What they are good at is hiding their breath.

The characteristic of the dwarf is to bully the soft and fear the hard, so Nelly showed a look of disgust without concealment.

"What are you doing sneakily and hiding?" Nelly said in a cold voice.

"I—" The fat elf hesitated, and suddenly came up with a vicious way; "I followed two little goblins and saw them climb up." He pointed to the tall tree canopy.

Two goblins? Nelly frowned, knowing that the elders unanimously decided that the fountain of life was stolen by the goblin.

The fat man didn't know this. He constructed another conspiracy in his heart: "I saw a dark elf standing on the canopy of the tree, yes, it is the dark elf."

He actually knew that Lingsu was a dark elf, but he coveted Lingsu's beauty, so he didn't reveal it. Now that he was beaten up by two little goblins, he decided to make these two little guys look good.

"Dark elf?" Nelly's face changed, and she flew down suddenly, standing in front of the fat elf and said, "Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

If the two goblins and the dark elves are together, then it can be concluded that they stole the spring of life.

"I Hahn swears that she is a dark elf, with silver hair and eyes shiny like sapphires." The fat elf swears.

Could it be that Su Zhe was rescued by the dark elf? Nelly's mind was agile, thinking of the blood curse being cut off for no reason, maybe it was the dark elf.

"Okay, thank you, I will tell the truth to the elders." Nelly flew into the air, a pair of transparent wings opened, flapped a few times, and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

Hey, sunset, moonrise, you are guilty of colluding with the dark elves, the fat elves are smiling triumphantly. Suddenly a black shadow passed over his head, and then he was severely stepped on his head.

"Oh-" Hahn suddenly fell a dog to eat shit, and when he stood up, he only saw a green shadow in the distance, where he could tell who was wrong.

Naturally, it was Roser who stepped on him. Roser couldn't understand Hahn's face, and when he left, stepped on him by the way.

"Sister Lingsu, where are we going now?" Yueluo said nervously while holding the small silver hammer.

Lingsu blue hair fluttered, behind a huge silver cocoon: "Go to the Sealed Land." She sighed quietly.

"The Sealed Land?" The two little guys couldn't help taking a step back.

"Yes, sunset, moonrise, I have to explain some things to you." Lingsu stood calmly: "This is very dangerous, so you have to think carefully."

Sunset glanced at Yuesheng, without saying a word, Yuesheng pointed to the giant cocoon behind Lingsu and said, "What about Brother Su Zhe?"

"I will take him, because only the Lord can lift his blood curse." Lingsu said.

"Since he can go, we will go together." Yuesheng said with courage and raised a small silver hammer.

"Yuesheng, in fact, you don't have to sacrifice so much for me..." Lingsu's voice gradually lowered, and Yuesheng's heart, why she didn't understand. But the mission has not been completed, how can she accept Yuesheng's will.

"I know I don't deserve you," Yuesheng said with a sad expression, but it gradually became clear: "But I won't give up. I think I have the right to pursue my love."

Lingsu sighed softly, turned his head and said to the sunset: "Sunset, what about you?"

Sunset glanced at the brothers: "Our brothers are used to being bullied by everyone on weekdays. Those forest elves are all high above. Moonfall and I have long been uncomfortable. Besides, we have stolen the life spring water, and of course we will help. You break the seal."

Lingsu looked at the two brothers, the azure blue eyes flashing like crystals.

"Then let's go." She said softly, and no amount of words could express her gratitude.

The dark elves who were exiled in the dark forest believed that they could return to the elven world one day, and this ancient forest also had their share.

The most outstanding king of their dark elves was suppressed by the sacred tree for thousands of years. The dark elves believe that as long as the king is rescued, their dark clan will regain light.

Lingsu came to the elves world with such a mission. She had been secretly peeping at the Sealed Land for a while, but because the forest elves had taken strict precautions, she couldn't find any chance.

Just when she was hesitating and helpless, a while ago, the Sealed Land suddenly loosened, which made her surprised and inexplicable. In the dark, she captured a trace of heaven. She believed that the day of the king's escape was within this period of time.

When she found the breath of the Dragon God from the parasitic seeds, she was more convinced of this idea in her heart. Even the Dragon God is about to return, and their king will definitely return.

Sunset and Moonrise raised the small silver hammer, smashing the hammer for a while, and there was a dark hole in the void.

On the sealed altar, the elders looked solemn. After listening to Nelly’s words, an elder with long beards said with a hateful voice in the hand of the bamboo stick: “It turns out to be the evil group of dark elves. Huh, they were banished. After the Dark Forest, don’t you give up? Want to save their king? Huh, delusion!"

An old man next to him said: "The dark elves colluded with the goblins and stole the water of life, presumably they wanted to wait for the devil to get out of trouble and restore his vitality. If the devil is really out of trouble, the consequences will be disastrous. We must stop it."

The old man with beard nodded: "Where are the five naughty ghosts?"

"After I went out, I haven't come back yet." The other elder shook his head, more helpless in his eyes.

"Hmph, without them, we can also set up a five-element big formation." The long-bearded old man snorted and said to Nelly, "Saint, you are in the heart of the formation, presiding over the big formation. Hmph, we will come. Catching turtles in a urn."

Nelly nodded, the wings behind her spread and flew into the air. A strange light enveloped her, and then her body disappeared into the air little by little.

The elders on the altar each chose a place to stand, and their old faces showed a pious look, and a magic trick was formed in their hands, and the mysterious and simple elvish words were spit out from their mouths.

Strange energies are emitted from them, blue, red, yellow, black, and white. Five rays of different colors shot into Nelly's location.

Above the altar, a soft energy slowly radiated down, like a wave turning up and ripples spreading. The elders disappeared out of thin air as the energy passed.

Above the altar, it was empty, with only the occasional sound of wind blowing, and a slight whimper.

"Ding—" Above the sky, a small head appeared. He looked around carefully, and then said timidly: "That's it."