Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 79


Darkness and light can be so clearly distinguished, Feng Ling's white robe is turned over, and Suya is covered in it.

"What are you doing..." She couldn't accept Suya's close contact with medical specimens.

She wanted to break free, but Feng Ling's white robe carried a strange magic power that made her unable to break free.

"If you are not afraid, you can show your head and take a look." Feng inspired to the simple and elegant struggle, said coldly.

What's more terrifying than your weird skeleton frame without a body? Su Ya lifted a corner of her white shirt, trying to breathe.

The eyes were dark, with only some gloomy rays of light guiding them forward.

This is where? The legendary Jiuyou Hell? Is Fengling really the devil from hell

As if knowing what Su Ya's heart was thinking, in Feng Ling's proud head, two gloomy lights kept flickering: "This is the dark forest, the place of exile for the gods."

The faint green light in the distance continued to flicker. Those were the eyes of man-eating trees, and the faint red light was their huge mouth. Suya also found that densely packed long whips were waving in the air, and countless giant snakes were walking on the ground.

The strange and terrifying breath of the dark forest made Suya breathless. "Why are we here?" she said timidly.

"Because my people are there." Feng Ling did not laugh at Su Ya's cowardice, with a touch of sadness in his tone.

People? Oh, yes, Feng Ling is the king of the dark elves, and the dark elves have been banished to the dark forest.

Ling Su's gentle and lovely little appearance floated in front of him. Unexpectedly, the darling of heaven and earth, the dark elves actually lived in such a place, Suya deeply sympathized with the tragic fate of the dark elves, just like the snake clan.

One was annihilated, the other lived in endless darkness and despair.

There was a low roar in the ears, the man-eating tree stretched its teeth and claws, and the floating branches waved continuously around Feng Ling. Feng Ling's body was filled with a strange light, faint and faint, as if it had the same origin with the dark forest. Let the cannibal tree dare not approach.

However, the man-eating trees still smelled a simple and elegant smell, and their long branches were fluttering and shaking around Fengling. Suddenly, a man-eating tree roared, and finally couldn't hold it back, stretched out its huge tree claws, and rushed towards Feng Ling.

Feng Ling slid gently under his feet, avoiding the branches dangerously and dangerously. The huge branch brushed Suya's forehead, and the strong stench made her almost nauseous.

How could this be? Feng Ling escaped the attack of the cannibal tree, and the flames in his eyes flourished. By chance, Feng Ling obtained the original power of the Dark Forest-Dark Soul, so he was not afraid of the man-eating trees in the Dark Forest. Even if the man-eating tree smelled of a simple and elegant smell, he did not dare to do it under his nose.

But these cannibal trees seemed to be irritated, ignoring the dark soul, and blatantly preyed on him.

The fury of the cannibal tree was aroused by Su Zhe and Rosser. When they kept beating the dark elf's enchantment to no avail, they found the simple and elegant smell, so they could no longer hold back, and shot frantically.

The irritability of the man-eating tree spread rapidly, and countless branches and vines came from the sky, like a black cloud rolling, and the feet were also like black water waves, rushing toward them quickly.

Damn it, Feng Ling was shocked. Because of his imperfect body, the Dark Soul displayed was less than one-tenth of his usual power.

"Red lotus fire!" He drank softly, and a red flame ignited all over his body. As soon as the man-eating tree touched the flame, he wailed. The branches turned to ashes. In the dark night, a long line was drawn. Line of fire.

Su Ya's head has been retracted into the white robe, and outside the white robe is the "red lotus fire", the branches of the branches collapsed when the flame passed. After a crackling burning sound, there was a strong burning smell in the air.

The Dark Elf King really had some doors, and he saw Feng Ling's dazzling magic through the gaps in his white robe, so Ya said.

"Be careful, I can't support it anymore." Feng Ling's cold and hurried voice instantly broke Su Ya's psychological defense.

After being forced to retreat by the red lotus fire, the cannibal trees no longer attacked rashly, and the blood-red giant spouted a mouthful of heavy black mist.

Although the black mist burned away as soon as it touched the red lotus fire, once it collapsed, the surrounding black mist was immediately filled with endless black mist. In the dark forest, there are countless man-eating trees, and the black mist spit out naturally flows continuously and will never be exhausted.

On the contrary, Fengling's red lotus fire was invaded by the black mist, and the color gradually faded, and the flame also shrank, and it was not as impressive as before.

Oh, this guy is just a show-off, shouldn't he leave her and run for his life alone. As soon as Suya came up with this idea, she heard a "pop" when a huge branch tore through Feng Ling's body and slammed it over.

Before Suya had time to respond, she was picked up by Feng Ling's skeleton hand and rushed forward when she tightened her back collar.

Feng Ling, who was still majestic and majestic just now, was torn by the man-eating tree, and was instantly dismembered. The head, arms, and thighs were too late to assemble, and in the direction of Suya, he ran wildly for his life.

However, the completely enraged man-eating tree stretched out countless giant hands, chasing them frantically.

The skeleton hand "carried" the plain back collar, leaping forward quickly. With bumps and jolts, the plain and elegant stomach turned overwhelmingly, almost vomiting out.

"You... can you... gentle... point..." Suya said pantingly.

"Fleeing for your life, do you still want to be gentle?" Feng Ling's head jumped aside, hissing beside Suya.

There was also a hand that continuously slashed the red lotus fire, broke through the heavy black fog, and vigorously cleared the way in front. The two thighs were behind, and from time to time he kicked out the red lotus fire, burning the tree claws behind.

"We... this is... where are we going to escape..." Su Ya asked strenuously.

"I don't know—" Feng Ling replied straightforwardly: "I haven't found the Dark Elf yet."

Suya fainted and almost passed away with breath. Does this guy have any brains? He walked into the Dark Forest recklessly, not to mention, he didn't even figure out where he was going.

Handing over his life to such a daredevil, he is the most stupid fool.

"You can't hold it anymore, please ask yourself." After running for a while, the exhausted Feng Ling suddenly said.

Then, with a click, Suya was thrown aside, while Feng Ling was lying motionless on the dark ground, scattered around.

Suya ignored the pain in her butt, and a carp jumped up and leaped forward without a little bit. She didn't want to be swallowed up by those ugly cannibal trees.

Without the obstacle of the red lotus fire, the man-eating tree whizzed towards Suya immediately like crazy.

It's miserable, it's going to be a tree food.

"Stupid mother, want me to do it again." A naive voice suddenly sounded from the simple and elegant consciousness. It's her baby! Suya almost burst into tears of joy.

As a mother, Suya didn't do half of her responsibilities. On the contrary, she often asked the child who hadn't seen each other to save her. She failed to be a person to this point.

A shiny mirror rose directly from the top of Su Ya's head, the scattered light shot, the black mist collapsed, and the long claws retreated.

It was the first time the Jiantian mirror appeared after being swallowed by Suya. The power is naturally not comparable to the simple and elegant eyes.

With the majesty of the heavenly jade crystal, this rare magic weapon finally exerted its greatest power.

As soon as the sacred mirror came out, the cannibal trees withdrew their claws one after another, some of them were too late, and were directly shattered by white light, leaving no dross behind.

A man-eating tree dared not fear death, and even opened a huge blood-red mouth, trying to engulf Su Ya together with the mirror on top of her head.

Jian Tian Jing trembled for a while, as if he had been insulted, and the mirror body made a clear and loud sound. A fiery white glow suddenly shot out, immediately engulfing the blood-red mouth in front of him, and the huge tree body was also dismembered. The cannibal tree wailed, and the tree soul fled out, just about to dive into the earth. The mirror of the sky turned over, and the yellow light penetrated out, directly strangling the soul of the tree.

Suya showed her power, tore a hole in the black mist, and strode forward bravely.

This treasure is indeed infinitely powerful. If you control it completely, the world is so big that she can go anywhere in a simple and elegant way.

Su Ya was showing great power, and she didn't pay attention to Feng Ling, who had been scattered around in a suspended animation, quietly assembled her body, and then followed Su Ya shamelessly.

It is strange to say that Feng Ling is not afraid of the power of the mirror, and the white skeletons emit a faint brilliance.

All the way was smooth, an open area completely out of the dark forest, appeared in front of Suya. There is a layer of aqua-blue light mask on the open area, which separates countless man-eating trees outside.

Asmena held a bow and arrow with an incredible expression on her face. There were people walking in and out of the dark forest freely, and their expressions were relaxed.

That Qianli figure was resisted by the brilliance above her head, and the whole person looked beautiful and indispensable. However, the only thing that was horrible was that a skeleton monster with no body, only limbs and head followed surreptitiously behind him.

Fuchs murmured: "The great dark god, I must be dazzled. This is absolutely impossible. Even my lord, the dark elf king, can't walk around the dark forest like an ordinary forest."

Suya saw the aqua-blue crystal cover from a distance, and there were two dark elves with white hair in the crystal cover.

"She's coming here..." For some reason, Fox's hand trembled slightly.

"Calm, I will report to the elders, Fuchs, you must watch them." Asmena didn't wait for Fuchs to reply, her body turned into a stream of light and went straight to the elders' hall.

Poor Fox looked at Suya tremblingly, watching her getting closer and closer, not knowing whether she should shoot the bow and arrow in her hand.

"Honorable goddess, this is the realm of the dark elf, if you..." Fuchs was talking shivering, and saw the mirror above the woman's head flipped, a light of yellow and white mixed in the blue light hood.

Gathering the power of all the dark elves, for thousands of years, the barrier that blocked the waves of attacks by the cannibal trees was easily broken into a big hole.

Then the woman bent over and got in from the hole. The skeleton behind was scattered all over the floor strangely, with the head advanced, and then the arms and thighs got in one by one.

In the Hall of the Elders, the elders of the dark elves felt the strangeness of the enchantment, and Qi Qi's expression changed drastically, and the seals in his hands continued. In the center of the Hall of the Elders, there was a black scepter with a black body and a transparent sapphire on the top of the scepter. At this time, the scepter trembled violently, and after the elders continued to chant, it settled down slightly.

Next to the black scepter, Lingsu even vomited blood, and he was relieved when he saw that the scepter had recovered.

"Sovereign Lord, do you really want to destroy our dark elves?" One of the old men cried to the sky.

He thought it was the ogre tree demon who broke through the barrier that they had worked so hard to maintain for thousands of years.

"Elder," Asmena reported respectfully outside: "A strange woman and a strange skeleton broke through the Dark Forest outside and are coming here."

The elders looked at each other, what day is this, there are people visiting again.

"Let's go take a look." Ling Su sighed lightly. I don't know who the person here is, but with such a great ability to break through their barrier, don't be the enemy.

"Don't come here..." On the other side, Fuchs watched as the indestructible barrier had broken through a big hole. Outside the big formation, countless ogre tree demons swept over with their long tree arms.

With a loose bowstring in Fuchs's hand, the feather arrow pierced the air and shot at Suya.

It must be the demon invited by the ogre tree demon from the depths of the dark forest. Even though Fuchs is lost, he will try his best to stop the demon.

The blue mask trembled for a while, and the big hole that had been broken was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, the speed of the ogre tree demon was very fast, and several long tree arms had already stretched in.

"Go to hell." The skull head that just got in suddenly shouted angrily, and then a red flame burst out, instantly burning the arm of the tree that came in.

At this time, the blue photomask also recovered. After the ogre tree devil missed the opportunity, she began to beat the photomask frantically, the photomask trembling, and her aura was very shocked.

Suya was about to say eagerly, when the trembling little elf on the opposite side suddenly let go, and a feather arrow flew towards her.

Is this the way to welcome guests? Seeing the other party indiscriminately, Su Ya shot an arrow, and she couldn't help feeling a little angry. Turning over the Jiantianshen mirror above his head, he immediately stopped the feather arrow shot by Fuchs.

"Is this your way of hospitality?" Suya dragged down the feather arrow that was still in the air, and said angrily.

"You... don't come here." Facing Suya's strength, Fox was about to collapse, but he didn't dare to leave his post without permission, so he could only hold on to it.

Suya saw Fox's thin body trembling ceaselessly, her eyes showed fear and despair, is she so terrible

"I'm Lingsu's friend..." She was about to introduce herself when she heard a familiar anger suddenly behind her.

It was when Feng Ling used the red lotus fire to force the ogre tree demon back.

"You shameless, untrustworthy guy." Thinking of Feng Ling ruthlessly abandoning her in the Dark Forest, Su Ya was stunned.

If it hadn't been for the means to save their lives, they would have long since become food in the belly of the cannibal tree. With a "slap" kick, the "Tiger Tail Three-section Whip" was used beautifully.

Feng Ling pushed back the ogre tree demon, and saw a dark elf standing on the opposite side, about to assume a majestic posture and reveal his identity, Suya flew across the sky with a kick, instantly slamming him The styling is completely ruined.

Fuchs was very surprised to see that the woman who didn't know whether it was a goddess or a devil was talking to him, suddenly twisted her waist without warning, and kicked.

Without precaution, Feng Ling's skeleton was scattered all over the place, and Su Ya's arrogant head was kicked high.

"Asshole, do you treat this king like this? My Feng Ling will never let you go!" The kicked head floated in the air and cursed.

Feng Ling? The name was somewhat familiar, and the timid Fox suddenly thought of the Dark Elf King they believed in, the Dark Elf King sealed under the sacred tree.

Impossible, impossible to be their king. Their handsome Wang is incomparable, and with supernatural powers, how could they be like this! Fuchs shook his head, it must be a coincidence, this damn skeleton dared to have the same name as their king.

"This is just a little punishment for you. If there is another time, I will smash your head." With the mirror on her head, Su Ya, who broke through the dark forest, replied boldly and boldly.

"Mom, I'm tired, I want to rest..." a tender voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

Ah, Suya didn't have time to respond, the mirror on top of her head immediately escaped into her body, and the feeling of being full of strength just now disappeared instantly.

Baby, you're gone, Suya couldn't help but groan secretly when I faced this big demon like this.

"I must teach you this rude woman and let you know what regret is!" Feng Ling reorganized his body in the air, his eyes flashed, and he rushed viciously.

Suya was forced to a dead end, so she had to unfold her agile body skills and used her last trump card-Five Elements Punch.

"Bang" Suya punched Feng Ling's arm, and Feng Ling's other skeleton hand opened its five claws and slapped Suya's shoulder fiercely.

Fuchs was stunned, watching the two tumultuously fighting together, really wondering why these two strongmen who rushed out of the dark forest didn't use the slightest magic, instead of using the most embarrassing way of fighting.

This was the most difficult opponent Suya faced. Fengling was like a Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten. Even if she was shot flying to the bone, she immediately regrouped together, but Suya gradually became unable to do so.

"You're running out of strength." Feng Ling snorted, and suddenly his hands flew to Su Ya's back, grabbing his shoulders, and his feet tightly hooked Su Ya's legs to prevent her from moving.

He will teach him a lesson now, what is etiquette!

"Barbarian girl, I will teach you the most basic etiquette in the elven world, so that you can learn how to be an educated lady!" Feng Ling said coldly.

"Don't think about it!" Suya was anxious and angry, but her whole body was trapped by the wind spirit, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Just momentarily panicked and didn't pay attention to Suya's words carefully, Fuchs suddenly remembered that Suya had said "she is Lingsu's friend".

By the way, this skeleton must be a vicious devil, and has stolen the name of their respected king. Fuchs didn't hesitate anymore, he took a feather arrow on his fingertips, and shot it towards Feng Ling's head without saying anything.

Feng Ling saw that Su Ya was still stiff, and was about to give her a little color. He didn't expect that his people, the weak dark elf Fuchs, would suddenly attack him.

Although Fuchs's feather arrow is weak, it wins by surprise, and Feng Ling has no magic. So when Fox shot away Feng Ling's skeleton with one arrow, Feng Ling didn't react for an instant.

Actually let a younger generation to tear apart the bones alive.

"Haha—" Su Ya suddenly burst into laughter, she couldn't take her breath. Feng Ling's pride and arrogance had long been taught by her along the way. Now he was pierced by an arrow by his people. I don't know how he felt.

Feng Ling lay quietly on the ground, the white bones gleaming with misty brilliance, completely on the ground below him.

Fuchs didn't expect to solve the demon with an arrow. He couldn't help being a little excited. He put away the silver bow in his hand, and his voice was still a little trembling: "The nearest friend, are you the friend of the Saint Lingsu?"

Lingsu nodded, tears already in her eyes, she suppressed a smile and said: "Little elf, do you know who you shot just now?" She pointed to the skeleton scattered on the ground.

"Isn't it the devil in the dark forest?" Fuchs asked in surprise. Since Suya is a friend of the Saintess of Lingsu, this skeleton that came out of the dark forest is naturally a devil.

"He is your king, called Fengling." Suya said with tears in her eyes.

Suya finally realized the feeling of the serf turning over to become the master.

Fuchs was dumbfounded, and then his face was covered with anger: "You nonsense, how can our king be this ugly skeleton... Although you are a friend of the saint, you can't insult our supreme king."

Fuchs didn't notice that the skeletons scattered everywhere were shaking invisibly.

Several figures appeared beside Fox, surpassing the lightning speed. "Suya..." Lingsu's blue eyes suddenly let out a look after seeing Suya.

When I met an acquaintance in the dark dark forest, Suya was naturally very happy, and she came up with a friendly embrace.

Lingsu didn't refuse, with a faint smile on his face.

Could it be that this woman caused the change in the enchantment just now? The elders around Ling Su showed a surprised look. Although Su Ya's body was full of aura, it was not easy to say that he wanted to break their barrier.

However, since the enchantment was safe and sound, and the visitor was a friend of the saint, everyone was relieved.

"Oh, yes, there is another person." Suya pointed at the scattered bones on the ground, and said with a smile: "Fengling, when will you pretend to be? I just have to come to see your people."

The elders, including Lingsu, all looked surprised. Isn't their king still sealed under the altar

"Holy woman, elder," Fuchs quietly glared at Asmena who was standing by, still complaining, "Just now this skeleton claimed to be our king. I was not angry for a while, so I shot him away. ."

A red flame appeared, and the skeletons that had been scattered on the ground floated in the air, and then they were connected one by one.

The cloak on Fuchs was suddenly torn off by a strange force, and it lightly fell on Feng Ling. Feng Ling's "body and limbs" were all hidden under the cloak, and only one head was exposed, and the faint green light leaped in the empty eyes.

"Silford..." He said word by word, surrounded by a burst of red flames, exuding an aura that made people fearful.

"You... you really are the king..." One of the old men with an old face and a withered look was shocked, kneeling on the ground suddenly, tears in his eyes: "Wang, you are finally back, you must save you. People."

Silver is the only elder who has ever seen Feng Ling. After hearing Feng Ling’s familiar voice at this moment, coupled with Feng Ling’s unique stunt, the Red Lotus Fire, Silver no longer doubted it, and immediately knelt on the ground and lost his voice. Cry bitterly.

The king is back

When everyone else saw Silver, the oldest and most prestigious elder among the dark elves, kneeling on the ground and shouting for my king, they all followed suit.

For thousands of years, the dark elves have been driven into the dark forest, using countless dark elves' lives to reclaim the only place to survive.

Without light, spiritual energy, and food, how could the noble dark elves linger in this way if they hadn't had a faith in their hearts.

The shameless forest elves used despicable means to seal their king under the altar. But they believe that Feng Ling will return and will lead them out of the dark forest.

This day finally arrived. Although Feng Ling's return image was far from what he had imagined, the dark elves were in tears.

This day is destined to be an extraordinary day. You can imagine the scene of colorful pearls floating in the sky when countless elves are crying. That is the tears of the elves, only one, it is invaluable in the human world. Now it is dancing all over the sky, like crystal raindrops irradiated by the sun.

Su Ya's eye sockets were slightly moist, and the scene was so touching that her nose was sour. Looking at Feng Ling again, he was wrapped in a white robe, and the flashing flames showed sadness.

He is the supreme god respected by all people, but because of his own thoughts, he almost pushed the entire dark elves to the brink of destruction.

"My people," Feng Ling said slowly, with a heavy and powerful voice. Every dark elf who was kneeling on the ground heard him clearly: "I swear by Feng Ling that I will lead everyone back to ours. Everything. The darkness and despair of thousands of years will surely be returned to the forest elves."

The emotions were exaggerated, and the dark elves got rid of their despair. Now their only belief is to regain the light that originally belonged to them under the leadership of the king.

When Fuchs was excited, he was secretly worried, but he shot the Wang away just now, won't the Wang take offense

After Feng Ling finished speaking, two quiet fires glanced at Su Ya. Sooner or later, I will teach her a lesson about this savage and rude woman. Suya turned her head away and didn't look at him.

Lingsu and the elders led Feng Ling and Suya to the elders' hall. Looking at the empty and simple hall, Silford's voice was a little choked.

"Wang, please sit down." Silver said, wiping the simple stone chair, with a guilty expression on his face.

Feng Ling nodded, white robe shakes, and sits on it.

"Wang, your body..." Silford said worriedly after sitting down. Feng Ling only has limbs and head, it can be seen that he has not completely broken free from the seal.

"This is the purpose of my coming to the Dark Forest," Feng Ling looked around, and suddenly cast his gaze on Lingsu: "Saint, you performed well on the altar that day."

Feng Ling's body was suppressed under the altar, and he naturally knew that Lingsu had a vicious fight on the altar that day. Although Feng Ling is an unruly person, he emphasizes love and righteousness and does not practice ruthless ways, so Ling Su's actions that day were very to his taste.

"Thank you Wang for the compliment." Lingsu's expression remained unchanged, with a face of humiliation and humiliation.

Feng Ling looked at Ling Su and nodded secretly. Lingsu hadn't seen him, but a Dao Xin didn't fluctuate greatly. Even in the face of her belief, Lingsu still maintained a calm heart.

This is hard to come by, with such a Dao heart, the future cultivation base is immeasurable.

"My body is still suppressed under the altar, and it is difficult for me to break the five-element formation of the forest elves, so I came to the dark forest."

"Although the forest elves' five-element array is powerful, the power of Jihe Elder Palace and the king can definitely break this array." Lingsu said confidently. Although she was defeated in the first battle that day, she had a general understanding of the Five Elements Formation, especially when Yuesheng Yishen sacrificed the ground hammer, the Five Elements Formation had already issued the most violent blow. Therefore, the spirit is sure, and the concentration of the elders' power, coupled with the wind spirit, will surely break the five-element formation.

"Not enough..." Feng Ling shook his head, and his tone gradually became heavy: "The five-element array of those old guys is not worth mentioning in my eyes, but the five little guys..."

"Are you talking about five flower elves?" Lingsu asked with a move in his heart.

Those five cute little guys? The appearance of five little guys immediately appeared in Su Ya's mind. Although they were a bit cruel, they really couldn't bear resentment.

If she meets Roser, after hearing Roser's complaint, she may not let it go.

"Yes, the five flower elves are born with five elements. In case they control the big formation, the power is not comparable to those old guys."

"What is the origin of these five little guys, even you are so scrupulous?" Suya asked with curiosity for a while.

Feng Ling has always been arrogant and arrogant. Even if he was suppressed under the altar at the beginning, he did not think that he was not good at learning, but because of emotional factors.

"Huh, although the old guy of the forest elves didn't have much ability, they thought of a strange way to plant the spirit on the sacred tree. After thousands of years, it also bloomed and gave birth to five natural five-element flowers. Elf."

Ling Su and the dark elf elders' faces changed drastically, and Silver said anxiously: "Dear king, what shall we do?"

If the five flower elves were born from the sacred tree, and they have the body of the five elements, can this invisible formation be broken

"The power of the dark soul, I only have to go to the dark forest and summon the power of the dark soul to be sure to fight the five elements."

"Wang, don't do it," Silver said hissing as he knelt on both legs.