Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 81


A divine light popped out of Su Ya's eyes, and the forest elf was dumbfounded, maintaining the posture of archery and stopped moving. Seeing that Suya's demon technique was really powerful, Namu roared, and the wind turned into wind blades, flying towards Suya like a torrential rain.

The wind blade is so swift that Suya only feels a flower in front of her eyes, white light has flown in front of her, and it is too late to dodge. After seeing Su Zhe behind him, he didn't know where the strength came from, hugged Suya from behind, and then turned around, actually blocked countless broken wind blades with his own flesh.

Su Zhe's body was shaken, and the two of them rushed forward quickly with the momentum of the wind blade.

Su Ya used the mirror to fix the forest elf, Namu used the wind blade to attack Su Ya, and Su Zhe hugged Su Ya and rushed, everything happened in an instant.

"Want to escape?" Namu's face was blue, the gray-brown figure stood up, and the scepter emitted a dazzling white light, and another wind formed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that all the wind blades fell on Su Zhe, Su Ya was shocked, struggling to break free from Su Zhe's arms, and then attacked Namu with the Mirror Mirror to get Su Zhe a chance to escape.

But Su Zhe hugged her tightly, not letting her break free, and at the same time shouted in a low voice: "Don't move, my body is extremely hard, and his wind blade can't hurt me."

Although his face was pale, he showed a firm and determined expression of hunger, and could not allow Su Ya to refuse.

Suya calmed down a bit, focused on her eyes, and the divine light in her eyes kept falling towards Namu, who was chasing behind her. Namu was dreaded by the simple and weird light curtain, and the speed dropped after repeated dodges.

Seeing that the two of them were about to escape his sight, Nam roared, threw the staff in his hand suddenly, and shouted: "Elf in the wind, please listen to my prayers and use your anger to wipe out the present Sinner."

The small staff gradually became longer and thicker, forming a wind column visible to the naked eye. As soon as the wind column stirred, the surrounding wind elements immediately became violent. Within a hundred miles, countless wind pillars were formed, resembling tornadoes, tearing the surrounding trees, flowers and plants.

The sound of the wind was loud, there were fierce air currents everywhere, Su Ya's eyes were confused, and Namu was no longer visible. Su Zhe slowed down because he dodges the wind pillar.

A gray-brown figure suddenly appeared from the wind pillar. His face was solemn, his eyes blazed brightly, and the element of wind in his hand quickly formed a sharp sword.

"Take it to death." He yelled, and the sharp sword slashed at both of them fiercely.

If it were changed to someone else, after the eyes and ears lost their effect in this hurricane array, it would be extremely difficult for Nahm to dodge this blow. But Su Zhe's body is a bat, and his hearing is not affected by the hurricane.

Sensing a slight fluctuation in the air keenly, Su Zhe leaned slightly, leaving his back to Nahm. Namu's sharp sword slashed heavily on Su Zhe's back.

Namu was overjoyed. With this blow, he exhausted all his strength, and Su Zhe was going to peel off if he died. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in front of him, and an ink-colored dagger suddenly stabbed strangely from the side.

The black dagger pierced his heart like a poisonous snake. Namu was horrified, and it was too late to avoid him, so he could only hurriedly form a wind seal on his heart, and at the same time, he swiftly withdrew back.

The tip of the ink-colored dagger kept trembling, and finally broke through the wind mark of Namu's knot and pierced Namu's chest. Nahm's face was pale, and he staggered back several steps. Had it not been for Su Zhe's exhaustion, and his wind seal had removed most of his strength, otherwise Su Zhe's short sword would have pierced his heart long ago.

The raging wind element instantly disappeared, and the hurricane array gradually dissipated as Nahm was hit hard. Su Zhe hugged Su Ya, staggering, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the skirt of Su Ya.

His face was not only pale, but also a hint of dark blue, showing the severity of the damage.

"Quick... Go..." Su Zhe whispered, ignoring the interest rate adjustment.

Su Ya hugged Su Zhe and touched his back, feeling blood violent, scars crisscrossing, and she couldn't help but feel a great pain in her heart.

This person, no matter how much pain and suffering he has suffered, he will resist silently and will never squeeze.

Dozens of figures flew over, and it was the forest elves who came. They saw Namu's hands holding his chest, his face pale, and they couldn't help exclaiming.

Nahm ignored his injuries and categorically shouted: "They are seriously injured, chase me, and they must not let go of these two demons." After hearing this, the forest elves showed hatred in their eyes, and their flexible body quickly jumped up. , Chasing after Su Zhe and Suya.

How can Suya's foot power be as good as a forest elf? After a while, he was surrounded by forest elves. Suya gritted her teeth, and the light in her eyes suddenly froze the forest elves in front of her. They were about to break through, and there was a burst of breaking through the air behind her.

The rest of the forest elves shot the feather arrows in their hands, and the feather arrows broke through the air, in the shape of "Pin", and shot at the top, middle, and bottom three sets of simple and elegant. Su Ya hugged Su Zhe and rolled on the spot, whizzing past their bodies with white feathers.

Suya has no time to use her advantage-Jian Tian Jing, and the feather arrows behind her hit like a torrential rain. Su Ya can only hold Su Zhe and roll on the ground in a very embarrassed state.

Seeing that Suya had been rolling on the ground, the forest elves pointed their feather arrows at the two people on the ground. Su Ya and Su Zhe were in danger, and a feather arrow rubbed her sideburns to the ground, followed by a dense rain of arrows.

If this continues, she and Su Zhe must be shot into a hedgehog.

How to do? This was the most dangerous time she encountered when she came to another world, and Suya bit her silver teeth. Even if he died, he still had to protect Su Zhe. She hugged Su Zhe, preparing to block the arrow feathers behind her with her body.

A small paw protruded from the ground and grabbed Suya's ankle. Then Su Ya and Su Zhe were pulled into the ground by that hand. The ground collapsed, revealing a big black hole.

Suddenly, when the forest elf wanted to jump into the big pit, countless mud debris suddenly poured in from all directions, filling the big hole in an instant.

Then Nahm, who rushed over, regardless of the heavy injuries on his body, unfolded the magic of the wind. The hurricane raged, and the mud was tumbling and stirred, and the freshly filled soil was swept up into the sky by the hurricane, exposing the big hole.

Next to the big hole, there is a smart and delicate tunnel, I don't know where it leads.

"It's them!" Namu exclaimed, just about to fly down, suddenly the whole earth trembled slightly, as if there was a giant dragon wandering under the ground.

Not long after, the soft soil was arched out of the ground, and countless trenches spread out like spider webs, spreading around. Namu's angry beard trembled, and he sulked in his place with a rod.

There are countless tunnels here, and it is impossible to tell which tunnel Su Zhe and Su Ya escaped from.

Wouldn't it be the underground devil, Su Ya was shocked. I wanted to use the mirror to fix those tiny hands, but the surroundings suddenly shook violently, and countless mud shavings fell down, making her unable to open her eyes at all.

The tunnel was obviously slanted, so the little hands didn't use much force, they dragged Su Zhe and Su Ya's figure and fell quickly. Afterwards, the mud scraps no longer spilled, and Suya spit out a mouthful of mud scraps with a "poof", and the eyes swept away, and it fell on her little hand. The little hand immediately stood still. Su Ya just breathed a sigh of relief, but found that her body no longer slipped, but suddenly lost her support.

With a "plop", Su Ya hugged Su Zhe and fell to the ground very simply. Su Zhe's heavy body pressed against Suya, almost flattening her body.

Fortunately, the falling terrain was not high, and Su Ya did not suffer any damage except for her body aches. However, Su Zhe couldn’t tell. He was seriously injured, in case he was severely shocked again...

Su Ya hurriedly opened Su Zhe's hair full of dirt and dust, her cold and lonely handsome face was covered with dust, and only a pair of lost eyes were looking at her with concern.

Su Zhe seemed to know Suya's worries, and shook his head gently, indicating that he was okay.

Suya breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked around. Hey, where is the guy who has been holding her leg just now

An empty and huge underground cave came into view, and the surrounding walls owed some gems, emitting a light that seemed to be dark. There are many honeycomb-like caves in the middle of the wall, and there are pairs of dark eyes flashing inside.

What is this place? Underground Devil's Cave? Su Ya stood up and stood in front of Su Zhe.

Silence, oppressive silence.

The nerves were highly tense, sweat was flowing down the slimy hair, Suya looked forward with full alertness, and when the opponent moved, she fixed them with the mirror.

"Boom, boom—" A strange and subtle voice suddenly sounded, and then a thin figure walked out of one of the caves opposite, stroking a cane stick in his hand. That strange sound was made by the rattan stick knocking on the ground.

Suya's eyes flashed, and the vitality of the Jiantian mirror burst out.

"Wait—" The man only uttered two words. Seeing Suya suddenly made a move, he hurriedly poked the cane stick in his hand to the ground, and the thin figure immediately plunged into the ground.

A native son? Su Ya suddenly came up with this name.

"They... are goblins..." Su Zhe's eyes were sharp, and when the old man came out, he confirmed the identity of the other party.

Goblin? Thinking of the appearance of the sunset and Yuesheng brothers, Suya suddenly realized. No wonder the other party hid in the cave. It turned out to be the most timid elf-goblin.

After knowing it was a goblin, Su Ya was completely relaxed. As Lingsu said, goblins are timid and kind, and will never attack each other actively. However, Su Zhe's injury can no longer be delayed. He was rolling in the mud just now. If the wound is not cleaned in time, he will be easily infected. Now that these goblins saved them, let them help again.

"Thank you for saving us. Now one of my companions is seriously injured and urgently needs your help." There was silence on the other side, and no one dared to reply.

The timid goblin! Suya knew that it must have frightened them just now.

"I was reckless just now, I would never make another move..." A simple voice echoed in the empty crypt, and the timid goblins still huddled in the cave.

"If this is the case, then we won't bother." After waiting for a while, Su Ya gradually became impatient, so she helped Su Zhe to get out of this big cave.

"Wait—" a cowardly voice came, and then the thin figure just now appeared again while holding an old cane stick.

Under the dim light, Suya finally saw clearly the face of this old goblin. The goblin's hair is short and sloppy, ears are small and short, and eyes are big and round, expressing deep fear.

"My companion is injured, can you help?"

Goblins are good at digging and making wine, but while making wine, goblins will also collect some aura-filled flowers together to make incense pills, which is a great healing medicine.

The old goblin tremblingly took out a vial from his arms, and then carefully threw it to Suya. Suya opened the bottle cap, and a fresh fragrance came out.

"One, one is enough." The old goblin said quietly while keeping a distance from Suya.

"Thank you." Su Ya poured a fragrant pill from the bottle and stuffed it into Su Zhe's mouth. Soon after Su Zhe swallowed it, his pale face gradually became ruddy.

"It's for you." Seeing Suya coming over and wanting to return the vial, the old goblin hurriedly said.

After Suya thanked him, she was not welcome, and put the vial away, which was a good thing.

After taking the fragrant pills, Su Zhe sat cross-legged, transporting the aura in the body. Su Ya stood aside, getting a little bored, and began to chat with this old goblin.

At first, the old goblin didn't dare to reply, but gradually relaxed and began to talk more. However, the vigilance and fear were still deeply hidden in his eyes, and as soon as Elementa moved, the old goblin's hand holding the cane began to tremble.

"How did you know that we were hunted by forest elves?"

"We have been following you for a long time," the old goblin said, "We have been following you since you walked out of the Dark Forest."

What attention are these timid goblins following them? Suya thought to herself, but if it weren't for the goblins to follow them, it wouldn't be possible to say that they had been shot into hedgehogs by the forest elves.

"Why are you following us?" Suya asked. The goblins not only saved them, but also delivered life-saving pills. It is necessary to figure out their intentions.

"You are sunset, Yuesheng's friends, we want to know the whereabouts of their brothers." The old goblin replied truthfully.

"Sunset, moonrise?" Su Ya's eyes flashed, and she thought for a while, thinking that these goblins would not harm their brothers, maybe there was something important.

"They are in the dark forest now, with the dark elves." Suya briefly described the situation of sunset and moonrise.

"Dark Forest?" The old goblin couldn't help taking a few steps back, his old face was full of horror, and then he sighed: "How is this good, how is this good..."

Suddenly, the old goblin suddenly knelt before Suya, and weeped: "Dear guest, you must help the goblin."