Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 83


Before Su Zhe walked inside, he saw many little goblins being thrown out. The old goblin held the cane in his hand and said anxiously to Su Zhe: "Please, go and stop your friend. That gem is the life of the goblin."

Just leave yourself for a while, what the hell did this girl cause? Su Zhe's face was dignified, and he walked inward slowly with a dark luck.

As soon as he entered the door, his eyes were pierced by the dazzling white light and he couldn't open his eyes. However, Su Zhe has special magical powers, so he can know Su Ya's place without his eyesight. The strong qi was like a sharp blade, and it squeezed over.

The Tsing Yi was shattered, and the originally shabby shirt was cut by the wind at this moment, and it was shattered into flying butterflies. Su Zhejun frowned, and his whole body was cut with small holes, which in a short while was dripping with blood.

However, those wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was Su Zhe who relied on the strength of his body and the demon power to recover his body. However, the speed at which the wind blade cuts the skin is much faster than the wound heals. When Su Zhe walked to Su Ya's side, his whole body was already injured.

"Su Ya, hurry up and stop." He shouted in a deep voice.

This is the ultimate treasure for the survival of the goblin clan. If it is swallowed by Suya, it may be chased and killed by the goblin clan. Although the goblin family is weak and timid, some secrets are very powerful.

Su Ya, who was fighting with the gem, did not hear Su Zhe's voice at all. At this time, she was wrapped in white light, and her ears were full of passionate voices.

When the battle between the jade crystal and the gem came to a critical point, the illusory dragon shadow had trapped the gem, and the brilliant light emitted by the gem was suppressed to protect the gem.

Su Zhe gritted his teeth, ignoring Feng Gang's injury, and suddenly hugged Su Ya tightly from behind.

"Hurry up and stop, this is the treasure of the goblin, you can't touch it."

Being hugged by Su Zhe, the simple and elegant mind was shocked, and Bai Guang suddenly relaxed a little. At this moment, the gem suddenly trembled violently, followed by a crisp "ding-ding" sound, and the gem quickly opened the way of space and disappeared without a trace.

"Woo, it's almost." The immature voice yelled unwillingly, and the dragon shadow formed by the white light circled above Suya's head, and after a while, it escaped into Suya's body.

The cave is full of wolves, and the tough stone walls are split into shocking cracks by the wind. The falling rocks have become fragments, scattered around.

"Su Zhe—" Su Ya touched Su Zhe's bloody hand and was startled.

Outside the cave, the old goblin held a shining jewel in his hand, and the old tears were running, and behind him were the goblins knelt down.

"The hope of the goblin clan, the hope of the goblin clan..." the old goblin tremblingly said, and the tears that fell were condensed into fine pearls and scattered all over the ground.

Suya's tears couldn't help but burst out, the man in front of him, like he was fished out of blood, there was nothing intact on his body, only his eyes were still so clear and arrogant.

Seeing Su Ya crying, Su Zhe's eyes had a soft color, and he whispered, "It won't get in the way, it will be all right after a while."

The demon power was running, the blood on his body no longer flowed, and the wound healed slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Suya's face turned red involuntarily, his body was completely violent in the air, the skin of his body showed a healthy wheatish color, and the shoulders, chest and abdominal muscles highlighted a violent man's breath. There is a kind of shining, solid and sexy, black hair fell a few strands on his forehead, and his black and clear eyes are set out, but there is a hot signal behind the quiet and clear, which makes Suya's face even more red and hot. Up.

The simple and shy appearance also aroused the strange feelings in Su Zhe's heart. Suddenly, there was a seal in his hand, and a white light curtain appeared around the two of them. The light curtain gradually faded and finally became transparent, concealing the two of them.

"This is an umbrella smoke tent, people outside can't see it inside." Su Zhe seemed to imply, the corners of the diamond-shaped lips evoked a wicked smile.

Suya admitted that he could not resist Su Zhe's smile. Once this indifferent man laughed, it was lethal. She has fallen completely.

Seeing Suya's eyes with confusion and a trace of longing, Su Zhe no longer hesitated, holding Suya in both hands, palms against her clothes, and began to wander.

The hot lips pressed against each other tightly, as if to pour out the lust in the body.

Feeling the other's hand against her abundance, Su Ya's eyes couldn't help but be blurred. His hands must be carrying the hottest flames, otherwise the skin he walked over would be so hot.

The water eyes were silky and coquettish and stuck to his arrogant and passionate handsome face, and his slender snow arms wrapped around his naked body like a vine.

The passion was ignited in an instant, and Su Zhe lightly eased his arms and picked her up, just about the time of the storm. Su Ya's face suddenly changed.

By the way, she is pregnant now!

In case the baby is only three months old, then...

Thinking of that lazy voice, the lust for simplicity gradually extinguished. When Su Zhe was about to use his clone to push in, Su Ya gently pushed him away.

"What's the matter?" Su Zhe's eyes fluttered with a trace of restless flames. He is very fond of Su Ya, otherwise he would not behave as he does today.

But Suya pushed him away, which made him a little angry. It's like a volcano that is about to erupt and is suddenly suppressed, and no one is a little bit resistant.

"Today is not suitable." Suya whispered.

Hey, she thought too, but for the sake of the child, she had no choice but to endure it.

"Not suitable?" Su Zhe raised his eyebrows, and said a little displeased: "My umbrella and smoke tent has special hidden magical powers, which can cover up all auras. Even a master of God's stage, it is difficult to find."

He actually thinks so... Suya can't laugh or cry.

Looking at Su Zhe who was slightly angry in front of him, Suya couldn't help but want to tease him.

"You really don't know, or don't you know if it's fake? Within a month, there are always a few days when a woman is not suitable for that."

"Women are really troublesome creatures." Su Zhe turned his head, with obvious confusion and unhappiness in his eyes: "It just happens to be so horrible at this time."

She wouldn't be prevarication, how come she has never heard of this before

"If you lie to me, I will never spare you." He said viciously.

Suya looked at the trembling clone under him, and she couldn't help but "palpitations", thinking that you might have to wait for a while before I give birth to the baby.

Su Ya passed Su Zhe's removed outer shirt. Su Zhe was taken aback, and said, "What are you doing?"

"You won't go out naked, don't you mind if I still mind." Like Su Zhe's smile, this body is not allowed to be seen by others.

Hearing the next sentence, Su Zhe's expression eased, took over the outer shirt, and put a bundle around his waist indiscriminately, humming coldly in his mouth: "I never wear women's clothes."

Don't wear it, Su Ya muttered in her heart, but Su Zhe went out like this, she was still worried, or she would ask the goblins to see if there are any larger clothes.

Su Zhe removed the umbrella smoke tent, and many goblin heads immediately appeared around him. When the goblins saw Su Ya and Su Zhe suddenly appeared, they were shocked and fled in all directions.

"The patriarch,... they are here." A goblin said tremblingly.

After the old goblin heard the sound, he used soil to escape, and the old goblin's thin, old body emerged from the dark ground.

He didn't know where he hid the gems in his hands, and the old goblin stared at Suya with a sad face.

Suya was stunned by the look, and said hurriedly: "I didn't mean it. Sometimes I can't help myself. I don't know how to control this power."

The old goblin knelt on the ground with a "plop" and said, "Heroine, half of the power in the gem has been lost. If the sunset absorbs the remaining power in the gem, he alone will not be able to break the curse. So the heroine , You must help our goblin clan."

The goblin's single and innocent mind, even Suya couldn't help sighing. She swallowed the power of the goblin clan, and instead of blaming him, the other party begged like a benefactor.

How could she bear to leave it alone, besides, it was her trouble.

"Old man, don't worry, since I have swallowed the power in the gem, I won't let it go." Suya helped the old goblin and kept comforting.

The baby in his belly swallowed so much spiritual energy, it should be able to condense the mirror of heaven. As long as there is that mirror, then the dark forest is not to be afraid.

Suya had an incomparable trust in Jian Tian Jing, and the cannibal tree and vines flying all over the sky that day were all dismissed by it, and she was unharmed.

A hint of worry flashed in Su Zhe's eyes, but he didn't stop it. Since Su Ya has inherited the grace of the goblin, then this love must be paid back. No matter how dangerous the Dark Forest is, he will accompany her.

"Thank you, thank you..." the old goblin kept thanking him.

"Old man, I'll be bothering you for so long, we should also leave. When I find the sunset, we will come back together." Suya could not bear the "enthusiasm" of the goblins and decided to leave here.

The old goblin nodded, and did not stop. For the goblins, they were eager to leave early, and then find the sunset.

With so many forks, where should I go? Su Ya couldn't help but head towards Su Zhe, and Su Zhe was frowning. The dense passages were like spider webs. Even the bat clan's unique Divine Ability, could not perceive which one was the exit.

Somehow, Su Ya saw Su Zhe's waist only tied with her coat, and her healthy and attractive body was completely exposed, and she felt a strong jealousy in her heart. No, this only belongs to her, but it can't be a bargain to others.

The old goblin saw Suya and Su Zhe stagnating, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. Hasn't the heroine swallowed the power of the ancestors? Although it is still a little difficult to open the space, the most basic earth escape should be possible.

While he was struggling to think about it, Su Ya turned around and said, "Old man, do you have any larger clothes." Su Ya pointed to Su Zhe.

"Clothes?" Seeing Su Ya pointing to Su Zhe, the old goblin showed a suddenly realized expression: "We don't have such big clothes, but we do have the materials to make them."

The old goblin took Suya to a cave, with a large cauldron in the middle, and a strong fragrance wafted from it. There are a lot of strange flowers and plants next to the big tripod, the flowers and plants are new and tender, and they are still covered with the morning dew.

"This is where our goblins make wine," the old goblin explained, and then pointed to the flowers and plants on the side: "These flowers and plants have different effects. Some can be used to make incense pills, and some can be used to weave. Cloth..."

The old goblin said as he walked to the flowers and grass, he bent down and grabbed a handful of plants with large leaves. Pulling the leaf with his right hand and gently pulling it, countless white silk threads appeared at the break of the leaf.

The old goblin's fingertips were wrapped in silk threads, and little light spilled from his fingertips. Aroused by the brilliance, the white silk threads were intertwined and woven, gradually forming a piece of cloth. The cloth was white in color and silky in texture, and at first glance it was the finest material.

It cannot be said that the goblin is a good craftsman, but in the time of a cup of tea, the old goblin has woven a white shirt according to Suzhe's figure.

"Well, your companion can wear this one." The old goblin handed over the newly made clothes.

The texture is smooth, the color is smooth, and the quality is better than silk. So elegant, tusk and surprise, urge Su Zhe to put on this dress.

Su Zhe glanced at the old goblin, who walked outside wittily. Su Zhe took off the clothes around his waist and opened it openly in front of Suya.

Seeing the terrible thing again, Su Ya's face blushed, but Su Zhe didn't seem to know it, his face was still cool, but the corner of his mouth wiped out a smile involuntarily.

Putting on a white shirt, Su Ya's eyes lit up. The size was just right, Su Zhe put on it, and there was a sense of elegance. If it weren't for the ice face that couldn't be opened, Su Zhe was like a piece of white jade, gentle and free. Even if compared to Rosser, it is better than three points.

However, the look of that ice-like look is not tiresome. Baiyi Shengxue, from a closer look, Su Zhe is more of a sense of indifference.

Seeing Suya staring at him, Su Zhe couldn't help snorting softly: "This white clothes looks annoying. I still like black."

"I think it's pretty good. Black is too depressing. You don't have any human touch when you wear it. I used to think you look best in cyan, but now it looks good in white."

Su Zhe suddenly remembered the silkworm garment that had been picked for Suya in Canglang City before, and he couldn't help but feel a movement in his heart, his palm spit out, and the plant the old goblin had just picked immediately appeared in his palm. Su Zhe pulled the leaves, learned the old goblins, pulled out the filaments, and then quickly woven them according to the simple and elegant figure.

Unexpectedly, such a cold man would knit clothes, and she was so moved that she was about to cry.

In a short while, a white group of shirts were woven, the material was exquisite, and it was extremely smooth to the touch. Suya held it up in excitement, ready to put it on for an interview.

But the smile instantly solidified. How come one sleeve is long and the other is short. The neckline is not a normal size, and the underneath of the neck is loose. If there is no clothes inside, it will really leak.

In general, this is a substandard dress.

A trace of embarrassment flashed in an instant, and Su Zhe's voice was cold: "Why, don't you like it?"

This is the first piece of clothing he knit.

"Why don't you like it?" Su Ya took off, folded it carefully, and prepared to treasure it carefully.

"If you like it, why don't you wear it." Su Zhe was sure that Su Ya must be disgusted with the clothes he made, so she took it off.

"You must know the cyan clothes you picked for me last time. Although I don't like it, I wear them until it breaks."

Su Zhe strongly urged Suya to put on his loving clothes.

"You don't want me to wear it so revealing," Su Ya pulled the loose neckline: "After I go back and modify it, I will wear it every day." Su Ya smiled. The more Su Zhe is like this, the happier she is, indicating that Su Zhe is very Care about her.

"Humph—" Su Zhe snorted softly, spitting out the demon power in his hand, and all the plants piled on the side flew into his cuffs.

The universe in the sleeves is just a little supernatural power, as long as it is a demon that transforms into form.

Seeing Su Ya folded her clothes, but didn't know where to put them, Su Zhe waved her hand and sucked her clothes into her palms.

"Hey, give it back to me, I can say that I didn't want it." Su Ya hurriedly shouted when she saw Su Zhe retrieved the clothes, thinking he was not satisfied that she didn't wear it.

Su Zhe saw Su Ya's anxious expression, and a trace of triumph flashed in his ink-colored eyes.

"Don't you dare? I just put it away for you." Su Zhe said indifferently, but he was calculating in his heart, so much material must be enough for him to make a beautiful white dress.

In front of his eyes, a pair of celestial couples fluttering in white, the male is him, and the female is naturally simple and elegant.

Su Ya saw Su Zhelu lightly smile, like a thousand-year-old iceberg suddenly opened up, Qionghua bloomed, and she was stunned for a while.

"Cough, cough..." Excuse me, the old goblin stood at the entrance of the cave a little embarrassed, "Is it time for the two of you to start."

The old goblin could not wait for the two to leave immediately and go to the dark forest to find the sunset.

Suya retracted her straight gaze, and said with a little smile: "Okay, but this tunnel is like a maze, please trouble the old man to send us out."

"The heroine, you have swallowed the power of the orb, and you should have gained the magical powers of earth escape and breaking through the space. As long as you unfold the earth escape, you can leave here immediately." The old goblin said in surprise.

"Don't be surprised, she doesn't understand cultivation, so she has this magical power, and she won't use it." Su Zhe said from the side, his mirror mirror was swallowed by her, and she didn't know where Suya's luck came from. You can converge the sky mirror into your eyes.

"This is easy to handle," the old goblin thought for a while, and said, "I can tell the heroine of the secret spell of the earth escape. The heroine has the power of the ancestors in the heroine, and with the secret spell, he can use the earth escape."

"Okay." Suya nodded excitedly, she had no other magical powers besides Jiantianjing. Just now the old goblin's unpredictable earth escape technique was perfect for escape.

The old goblin told Suya about the secret spell, and it was difficult to remember the secret spell. It took Suya for a long time before he could barely remember it. Su Zhe on the side showed ridicule, as if he was laughing plainly and stupidly.

"Okay, old man, after I find the sunset, I will come back to you immediately." Su Ya was anxious to use her newly acquired magical powers, pulling Su Zhe and chanting secret spells.

A yellow light flashed, and the two disappeared from where they were, and quickly fleeed along the veins.

"Crap—" The two of them exclaimed in a deep voice in the dark bottom of the ground, "I forgot the second half of the spell, I can't get out!"