Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 88


Each realm has its own laws, and when the power of this realm is exceeded, the balance will be broken. Therefore, once the cultivation base surpasses the peak of the Heshen Stage, the Heavenly Tribulation will come.

The reason why the dragon baby's mana is so powerful is that on the one hand, it is because of the inherent superiority of the dragon clan, on the other hand, it is the aura that the jade crystal of heaven has absorbed for thousands of years. However, Baby Dragon is well-measured every time he makes a shot, and his power is controlled properly.

And Feng Ling had already passed the nine or nine days of calamity, but had not entered the heavenly realm. This was related to the power of his dark soul. However, the laws of heaven and earth also bound him, preventing him from using power beyond this realm. This is why he was sealed.

The elders of the forest elves all have the cultivation base of the gods, especially the elders are about to ascend. Adding up so many people, plus burning soul power, the combined power has reached its peak. If the baby dragon fights against it, it will break the balance of this world.

By doing this, the forest elves were also forced to the cliff. Who would call their enemy dragon babies

Pulled by the force on the ground, the originally clear and calm sky suddenly turned black. The baby dragon broke out of the elegant embrace, and floated quietly in mid-air, looking at each other for an instant.

"Shenlong, are you really going to be an enemy of our forest elves?" the elder said in a astringent voice.

"Leaving the altar, I will not embarrass you." Baby Long sent a trace of spiritual thought.

"Let's do it." The great elder didn't talk nonsense, and the scepter in front of him trembled slightly.

In any case, Feng Ling can't regain his body, even if it triggers the catastrophe, he will not hesitate!

The ink clouds in the sky gathered and dispersed, and they gathered into a hideous image. Baby Dragon looked at the sky, a trace of worry appeared in his bright and clear eyes.

The great elder activated the law, and the heaven and the earth were suddenly filled with countless fireballs, whizzing down towards the dragon babies and them. "The flames burn the sky", the great elder used his strongest magic trick again.

But this time the fire rain was much worse than last time. As soon as it fell, all the water in the sky was evaporated. The trees and flowers on the side withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Protect mom." Baby Long's spirit suddenly appeared in Su Zhe's mind.

Su Zhe's ink sword and silver rope came out together, and cooperated with Rosser's canine teeth to weave a light curtain on the top. The rain of fire hit it, causing the light curtain to shake.

The grand elder looked solemn, and waved the staff again in his hand. The sky rumbling, countless ink clouds rolled outwards, and the sky was torn out a huge hole by the supreme mana of the great elder.

Then, a huge fireball rolled from the sky. The top of the altar was completely reduced to a sea of fire.

Suya saw that the light curtain was in danger, and the mirror in her hand flicked, and a white light shot out and settled in the light curtain.

When the fireball fell, the baby dragon suddenly uttered a long roar, and water from rivers, rivers, and even plants in the Elf World gathered from all directions.

As a result, a rare scene in the world of elves appeared in thousands of years. Rivers gathered above the high forest and rushed toward the altar with great strength.

Shenlong itself is good at walking clouds and spreading rain, and is even better at controlling the water element than the little black flower that is born with a water spirit body.

The rivers gathered above the altar suddenly hung upside down and collided with the fireball falling from the sky. Water overcomes fire, so baby dragon has the upper hand. On the water curtain, even though the sea of flames is blazing, the momentum is amazing, but it can't get close to the water curtain for half a minute.

"It's really a little beast against the sky." Rosser sighed. At the beginning, he insulted Baby Dragon as a lizard, but Wan Xing Baby Dragon just caught him.

The great elder saw that the "flame burning sky" had no effect on Baby Dragon's water curtain, and a decisive look suddenly flashed in his eyes. "With my soul, sacrifice to eternity; with my strength, scattered in the world..." He suddenly chanted again. The elders behind them showed a sad expression, and they sang along with the great elders.

Blossoms of blue light appeared in their bodies, and their bodies gradually became transparent. The staff in the hands of the Great Elder kept trembling, suddenly bursting into a burst of strong light. The staff finally couldn't hold the surging power, and gradually shattered into dust, disappearing without a trace. However, the fire above the water curtain became more fierce, converging into a sea of flames and pressing downwards.

"Shenlong, although you are powerful, how can you fight against these nine-nine-day thunder!" The great elder wrapped in blue light said in a deep voice, but there was a hint of relief in his eyes.

If one's own death can escape the fate of the forest elves, then why not

The body gradually faded, and a group of blue flames flew out from the body of the elder, broke the dragon baby's water curtain, and flew into the boundless sea of fire.

But the figure of the great elder gradually faded, and disappeared without a trace as soon as it was blown by the wind.

The other elders remained silent, and the burning soul power flew above the sea of fire.

"Grand Elder—" Nelly standing in the void couldn't hold back her tears. As soon as the teardrops fell, they immediately turned into crystals and floated in the air.

When the spirit power of the great elder dissolved in the sea of fire, the power beyond this realm finally exploded. The white light flickered in the gathered thunderclouds, and then a white sharp blade plunged into the sky.

Since there is no way to stop the baby dragon, let Heavenly Tribulation bury the body under the altar together.

When the Thunder descended, Baby Dragon no longer hesitated, her figure suddenly flew, and the mighty dragon unfolded. When flying into the sky, his chubby body suddenly became a hundred feet long, and his bulging head became a camel's head, with eyes like fish eyes, and antlers and bull ears grew above the head. On the body, pieces of golden scales like fish scales are formed one after another. At the same time, sharp five claws appeared on the body.

The giant claw brazenly grabbed the white sharp blade, and then was twisted by the baby dragon, crushing the first god Lei Shengsheng.

This was so shocking that everyone who was fighting below temporarily stopped their hands and looked at the sky with a solemn expression.

For the monks, the catastrophe is the biggest test on the road. One more time to watch the tribulation, the future will be more sure of success. This is also the reason why all the masters of the Quartet came to watch it last time.

Suya didn't care about the catastrophe, only the safety of baby dragon was in her heart.

"Baby dragon, you have to be careful." She shouted at high altitude, regretting bringing the baby dragon here.

Suddenly a huge black cloud appeared above the baby dragon, and the purple lightning in the black cloud kept flickering. The strange thing was that there was no sound.

"This is..." Rosser lowered his head and thought for a while, then cried out aloud: "Could it be the Purple Thunder?"

The purple divine thunder is said to be the most powerful kind of the nine-nine-day thunder. When an ordinary cultivator encounters the purple thunder, it will be blasted into dregs, and even the soul will not be left behind.

"Is the baby dragon in danger?" Su Ya asked worriedly when Su Zhe and Rosser's faces were not so good.

"I don't know..." Su Zhe shook his head. In the history of cultivation in the demon world, the purple god thunder only appeared once. Only the first divine thunder was dropped, and the people who should be robbed were blasted out, and the true spirit was not left behind.

The purple god thunder descended, and the baby dragon's long body kept tumbling and jumping, and the turbulent sea of fire and the turbulent river below were all shot up high in the sky by him.

The sound of thunder continued, and the baby dragon's figure was constantly shuttled among the purple gods of thunder.

"The eighth way—" Suya said tremblingly as she counted the thunder.

The heaven and the earth became quiet for a while, and the baby dragon stood high in the sky, with her long body coiled, raised the dragon's head, and looked at the sky with a solemn expression on her face.

The golden scales were peeling off a lot, and golden blood was even flowing out in some places. Obviously he was not relaxed just now.

The last one is the most dangerous and deadly!

At this time, the whole world suddenly lit up, and even the dark forest without light was thoroughly illuminated. The ogre tree devils in the dark forest were illuminated by purple light, and their huge bodies were instantly ignited. They kept twisting and roaring in pain, and the dark forest instantly turned into a purple ocean.

At this time, a thick black mist suddenly gushed from the depths of the dark black forest. When the black fog passed, the sea of fire was wiped out, and it was not long before the dark black forest returned to blackness.

As soon as the purple light lit up, the baby dragon suddenly wailed, and the entire elven world trembled. The hundred-foot-long body abruptly stood up and flew towards Jiutian.

Su Ya's heart trembled when she heard the sorrow of Baby Dragon. This is her child, and she can't just watch Baby Dragon get hurt. The appraisal mirror flicked, and a brilliant brilliance greeted the purple divine thunder.

"Su Ya, stop it." Su Zhe hurriedly shouted.

Once involved in the tribulation, the tribulation will also attack you indiscriminately. How terrifying is the last divine thunder, how can Suya be able to live in a low-end.

However, it was too late. When Suya was showing the mirror of the sky, a strange force swept her into the sky. Upon seeing this, Su Zhe was busy transforming his body, a white light flashed, chasing Su Ya.

In the dark night, a tiny figure was faintly seen being rolled up into the sky, and behind the figure was a huge white jade bat.

Rosser's flying vertical technique is relatively poor, even if he turns into his body, he is far behind Su Zhe and the others. Right now he shouted at Feng Ling: "Go and save them!"

However, Feng Ling shook his head, and under the purple god thunder, even he was as small as an ant. A rash move can only increase casualties, and he is also burdened with the fate of the dark elves.

The sunset held the two hammers of heaven and earth, his eyes fixed on Suya's flying figure.

When the purple light flashed, Baby Dragon opened his mouth and vomited, and a shiny red bead flew out of his mouth and collided with the last purple thunder.

At this time, the sunset slammed the two hammers of heaven and earth in his hand, and the rune on the top of the hammer shot a bright light, and passed away towards Suya.

When the dragon ball collided with the purple god thunder, an unspeakable force suddenly burst out, and the violent aura poured down all over the world, and the formation of the wind blew all the giant trees within thousands of miles.

A huge black hole appeared between Baby Dragon and Jie Yun. That was because two extremely violent forces collided, causing the space to shatter.

Su Zhe had grabbed Su Ya's ankle at this time, and when he was about to fly back, the remaining force of the collision between the dragon ball and the purple thunder swept over. Undoubtedly, as long as the two of them get a little touched, they will immediately turn into ashes.

A bright light suddenly shot into the Jiantian mirror in Suya's hand, and the Jiantian mirror trembled and made a crisp "ding-ding" sound. When the violent power swallowed them, Su Zhe and Suya suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Sunset sighed, looking distraught, but finally rescued Su Ya and Su Zhe in a crisis. However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Su Ya and Su Zhe suddenly appeared beside the black hole and were swallowed by the black hole in the blink of an eye.

Under the mighty power of heaven, even the two hammers of heaven and earth, the power was weakened. Originally, the sunset intended to send them thousands of miles away, but they only moved a few hundred meters and just happened to be swallowed by the black hole.

The baby dragon who was fighting against the purple god thunder saw Suya and Su Zhe being swallowed by the black hole. "Mom—" the baby dragon wailed, and the dragon's tail swept away, and then he was about to enter the black hole. However, due to the distraction of the baby dragon, the dragon ball lost to the purple god thunder. After repelling the dragon ball, the purple god thunder smashed the baby dragon.

The baby dragon wailed, his huge body rolled over for a while, and then quickly fell downward.

The world was restored to peace, but the elven world was a mess. The robbery is finally over? This thought came up in everyone's mind.

Rother stared blankly at the disappearing black hole, suddenly transformed into his body, tumbling with four hoofs, and ran towards the direction where the baby dragon fell.

He wants to find baby dragon, only baby dragon can find Su Ya and Su Zhe.

Nelly in the void was silent for a while. She looked at her worst enemy, Su Zhe, after being swallowed into the black hole, she didn't even feel happy.

Under the catastrophe, everything can be destroyed. But the white shadow stayed in her heart.

Isn’t monasticism ruthless? But he was willing to give up everything for a woman. For the first time, Nelly was shaken by her own way.

Feng Ling tilted his head up, and the flames in his eyes jumped uncertainly, and no one knew what he was thinking. After a long time, he bowed his head and shouted at the people around him: "Broken the formation!"

Without light, even the air was stagnant, and there was silence all around. Suya is like walking through the clouds, although the feet are floating, they can still move forward.

Where is Su Zhe? I remember that Su Zhe transformed into a body and grabbed her ankle, and then fell into this black hole with her, but what about others

"Su Zhe—" She opened her mouth and yelled, but found that there was no sound.

I don't know if it is unable to transmit the sound, or her ears are deaf.

Suya began to panic, but fortunately she could still feel the mirror in her hand. Gently shook the mirror in his hand, but there was no light shining out.

Is it dead? Is this Huangquan Road? Su Ya suddenly came up with this idea after calling for Tian Tian to refrain from it, and calling the ground to fail.

But the feeling in her feet and hands was real. In the darkness, Suya couldn't see her eyes, she could only walk forward indiscriminately.

The blackness is endless, and I don't know how long it will take to get out of this darkness.

"Are you afraid?" A voice sounded without warning, and Suya almost fell to the ground in shock.

"You...who are you?" Isn't it deaf? How could I hear the sound again, and there was a trace of confusion in the horror.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you. Do you want to get out of this darkness?" The voice slowly faded, but there was an indescribable magic power that tempted Su Ya.

"Think..." Suya replied subconsciously. Suddenly she was shocked and suddenly thought of Su Zhe: "But I want to find Su Zhe first."

The voice was silent for a while, and then he smiled suddenly: "You are such an interesting person. I haven't gotten out of trouble, but I think of others first."

"You don't have to worry about it. If you really want to help me, tell me where Su Zhe is?" Su Ya said in a loud voice.

"He is also in the dark, just as helpless as you." The voice lingered in Suya's ears, but the owner of the voice didn't know where it was hiding.

"Take me there, I will thank you." Su Ya said hurriedly.

"Thanks? How do you thank you?" The voice suddenly rose, and there was a hint of joy mixed in it.

"What do you need? If I can do it, I will help you."

"I don't lack money, power, and power. What do you use to repay me?" The voice gradually faded, as if going away.

"This..." Suya was silent for a while, and she couldn't think of how to repay her. She had to go away when she saw the other party, and she said hurriedly, "Then you say, what do you want me to do

"What I want is a wish of you." The voice suddenly floated, with a deep temptation: "It is your most persistent wish, and at the same time I will give you a wish back."

"The most persistent wish?" Su Ya was stunned, and she had never heard that wish can be given to anyone.

"Yes, everyone has countless wishes, but only one is the most persistent. Your most persistent desire is to be with him."

In the darkness, a picture suddenly appeared. On the screen, she and Su Zhe are cuddling each other, traveling around the world.

"This is your most persistent wish. As long as you give it to me, I will help you realize other wishes, such as..." There were many scenes in the darkness.

One is the scene of Suya and the baby dragon together; the other is the scene of Suya returning to the world and reuniting with her relatives; there are many others that Suya has longed for in her heart.

One of them is embarrassing to see. On the screen, Su Ya and Su Zhe embrace naked, and their bodies closely match each other.

Picture after picture passed by Suya's eyes, her heart trembled. Everyone has had countless dreams, and there are a few that can be truly realized.

"No, no..." Su Ya kept shook her head and closed her eyes, but the portraits still caught her eye.

"You devil," Su Ya drove away distracting thoughts and shouted angrily: "How can I betray my most important things!"

"The devil?" The voice suddenly chuckled, and all the pictures disappeared immediately, and a pair of huge eyes appeared in the darkness, staring at Suya.

"Even the purest elves have sold their wishes in my place, let alone you greedy humans. Think about it, what wish do you want me to help you achieve?"

"Don't wait for the one you love to betray the wish before you know how to regret it, understand?" The voice and those huge eyes drifted away.