Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 89


After the voice and eyes receded, there was silence all around, leaving only the boundless darkness.

"This horrible place—" Su Ya kept cursing, and now she was more angry than fear. Wish is the courage of people to live. Without it, what is the meaning of life

"Without Su Zhe, is there any meaning to be alive?" Su Ya murmured. Anyway, find Su Zhe before talking, and then discuss how to leave this ghost place.

Groping in the dark, I don't know how long I have been walking. A little light came from ahead.

Is it an export? Suya was overjoyed and quickened her pace. The light gradually dissipated, and the sunlight merged into strands of brilliance, gently sprinkling. In an instant, Suya came to a quiet deep forest from the darkness. The tall trees all around, the dark blue trunks are mottled and vicissitudes, and the hanging vines move slightly with the breeze.

This is... Is this the elven world? Did you really get out of this ghost place? When Suya stretched out her hand to caress the hanging trees and vines, she found that she touched an empty space as if she had touched the air.

Some elves ran out of the deep forest with happy smiles on their faces. The blue and white hair were mixed together, and the dark elf and forest elf were still half hostile at this time.

Is it an illusion? Obviously the boss stood opposite them alone, but they didn't see it.

"That is the wish of the elves." The nasty voice appeared in Suya's ear again.

"The wish of the elves?" Was it this wish that the forest elves and dark elves sold out in the first place

"Look—" The picture changed, and three wounded elves appeared in front of Su Ya. Two of them were holding bows and arrows, and a little elf was holding two hammers. Suya remembered the scene she saw in the goblin cave, she was shocked, then this is the depths of the dark forest.

There was a black box in front of the three of them, and they were arguing fiercely.

"Do you want to know what they are talking about?" The mysterious voice appeared in Suya's ear again, bewitching her continuously.

"Needless to say, you must be tempting them." Suya guessed it.

"It's not a temptation, it's a deal." The voice said slowly, "Look, what did I give them?"

The picture changed, and a green and faint tree appeared in the hand of the forest elf. The small tree exuded colorful light; but the dark elf had obtained a black stone, and his hand was touching the black stone at this moment. , A piece of joy on his face. Only the goblin held the hammers in pain.

"I gave them strength. The elves are the darlings of heaven and earth, so their wishes are pure and beautiful, you see..." The picture changed, and colorful sunlight cast from the luxuriant tall trees, rendering the entire forest beautiful and holy.

"You devil..." Suya gritted her teeth and said bitterly. Now she finally understands why the forest elves and the dark elves turned against each other, and a continuous war broke out. Feng Ling and Xue Si are just the fuse, but the culprit is hidden in the depths of the dark forest.

"What about the goblin? Why is the goblin cursed by you?" Suya asked loudly, thinking of the goblin who had lost her courage.

"Hey, I feel distressed when I think of that silly boy." The voice sighed faintly.

"You must have not fulfilled their wishes, so curse them, don't you?" Su Ya asked sternly. Sure enough, it is the essence of the devil. If the temptation fails, he will use curses to threaten others.

"No, I fulfilled his wish. He exchanged the courage of the goblin clan for the desire to never spread in the Dark Forest." His tone was full of pity.

It turns out that the true hero of this battle has endured the discrimination of other races for thousands of years.

"Look, I haven't broken faith. Come on, tell your wish..." The voice changed, and with endless temptation, Suya appeared in front of many scenes, and those scenes were all dreams she had ever had.

"You want me to lose Su Zhe, don't think about it!" Su Ya said bitterly.

"Still obsessed? Look at the one you love, what is he doing now?"

The picture changed, and it was Su Zhe who had been thinking about her. However, his face hesitated at this time, and his lips moved.

"Su Zhe, you can't." Su Ya suddenly shouted, but Su Zhe in the picture seemed unheard of.

"Idiot, strength is the most precious thing for a monk. The so-called feelings are just the preparations of the monk's endless years. Wake up, hurry up and say your wishes."

"You lie, I believe Su Zhe would never do this." Su Ya's mind flashed, if Su Zhe really betrayed his wish, why the devil kept tempting himself. The more anxious he is, the more problems there are.

"This is the last chance I give you," the devil's voice suddenly became heavy and gloomy, and the surroundings became cold for an instant: "If you don't say your wish again, you will be lost in the darkness forever."

The voice quietly disappeared, and the darkness regained from the surrounding area. Suya finally angered the devil.

There is a bare red land in the gloomy dark forest. Even in the darkness, there was a faint red light, which looked very strange. There were no plants on the bare red soil. The ogre tree demon outside the red soil was bent, and its long branches fell towards this side, as if kneeling directly against the red soil.

The dark forest is full of countless demons, crying sternly and ferociously. But this area was quietly without any sound. A tall cloud tower stands on the red soil. At the top of the cloud tower is a white jade-like table on which is placed a small pitch black box. Suddenly a black smoke appeared in the small box, and the black smoke slowly condensed into a human form.

The man was wearing a dark robe, but his face was extremely pale, his handsome face was carved like a piece of flawless beautiful jade, and the "beautiful jade" flashed with cold brilliance, which made people feel a sense of looking up in their hearts. However, those eyes are extremely cold, you just have to look at it, it's like falling into an ice cellar.

"Stubborn woman." There was a sneer at the corner of his lips, and a gleam of light flashed in his cold eyes.

The ogre tree demons outside the red earth couldn't help shaking, and they clearly felt the anger of their "king".

"Can't wait any longer, if I let the little guy recover my memory, I'm afraid I will be sealed for countless years." He muttered to himself, with a cold light shining in his eyes, "Dark Contract, Shenlong's mother, I must It will make you enter into this contract willingly." The figure gradually faded and turned into a plume of smoke, floating into the black box.

The dark box, legend has it that, on the one hand, it devours the good wishes of the creatures, and on the other hand releases the endless resentment, and is the creator of all evil.

Legend has it that this dark box was sealed in the human world. This is also the reason why many supernatural powers planted enchantments back then and forbid the ascetics to enter the human world. Unexpectedly, the dark box appeared in the dark forest.

And the dark contract is the source of consuming desire and transforming resentment. As long as it is willing to accept this contract, even the gods cannot break this contract.

When will this darkness come to an end? Suya complained as she walked, but she was not desperate. She believed that Su Zhe, like her, would not give up.

Suddenly there was a fluttering sound in the air, like wings flapping the air. Since talking to the devil, Su Ya's eyesight and ears have recovered.

"Is it Su Zhe?" Su Ya exclaimed in surprise.

The flapping of the wings got closer and closer, and then a little brighter color appeared in the dark space. I saw a huge white bat with a pearl in its mouth, coming towards Suya.

The white bat blinked and turned into a white-shirted man in front of Su Ya, with a cold complexion and a cold expression, isn't it Su Zhe

"Finally found you." Su Ya cried with joy and threw herself into his arms.

"Suya, are you all right." Su Zhe hugged her tightly, with a rare smile on his face. The pearl he held in his hand radiated a little bit of brilliance, illuminating the surroundings.

"It's okay, as long as I can be with you, I am not afraid of anything." Suya cuddled him tightly for fear that he would leave again.

"Suya, I heard a conversation between you and the devil just now..." Su Zhe touched Suya's face and said affectionately, "You are right, I will never leave you, we will never leave."

"Su Zhe..." Suya was moved and was speechless for a while.

This wooden man usually has an indifferent look. Although he understands his intentions, he has never said such "fluffy" words. Now that Su Zhe’s affectionate confession is heard, how is Suya not excited

"Don't say anything," Su Zhe said softly, bowing his head and kissing Suya.

Although the two of them have kissed many times, each time they made Su Ya's heart jump. But this time, Su Zhe seemed to be bolder, and his hand went into the plain clothes.

The cold hand touched her hot skin, making her fascinated for a while. Su Zhe kissed the plain lips, earlobes, slender neck and even his shoulders.

The hand has climbed up to her abundance, gently kneading, releasing the simple and elegant lust little by little.

Su Zhe pushed Suya to the ground, and the mirror in Suya's hand was also dropped aside. Under the shining of the orb, ripples appeared on the mirror body, clearly reflecting Su Ya and Su Zhe into the mirror. It's just that Su Zhe's face suddenly changed, he was handsome and cold, and his eyes seemed to be immortal ice and snow, cold and moving.

He is not Su Zhe, but the demon on the cloud tower!

However, Su Ya didn't notice the Jian Tian Jing. At this moment, she was holding "Su Zhe"'s solid back in both hands, her eyes were already blurred.

Su Zhe, I won't refuse you again. Starting today, I will be your person.

"Su Zhe" found a quiet and elegant place, standing high under him. Just as he was about to enter, an angry shout suddenly came from behind him.

"Su Ya, no!" A huge white bat flew from the darkness, spit out, and an ink-colored dagger flew out of it, slamming into "Su Zhe" on the ground incomparably fast.

"Su Zhe"'s expression changed slightly, how could the other party find this place! Without time to think about it, "Su Zhe" held Su Ya, his figure dodged, and escaped the attack of the black dagger.

Suya was shocked when she heard the angry shout, and immediately woke up from her desire and obsession. She looked at the big white bat on the opposite side, and at "Su Zhe" who was holding her, her face suddenly changed. She hurriedly pushed "Su Zhe" away, picked up the clothes on the ground, and put them on in a hurry.

Su Zhe has turned into a human form, and said to Suya: "Suya, that is the incarnation of the devil, you must not fall into his blindness, come to me."

"I am the incarnation of the devil?" "Su Zhe" sneered, put on a white shirt, and said coldly, "I think it's you. You are here this time to seduce Suya again. Suya don't go to him. when."

Suya looked at the two people in front of her, and couldn't decide for a while. The appearance and temperament are exactly the same, how does this tell her

By the way, the ink-colored dagger, that ink-colored dagger is Su Zhe's natal weapon, Su Ya lifted her head, and Huo Ran looked at "Su Zhe". "Su Zhe" seemed to see Su Ya's doubts, flipping his left hand, an ink-colored dagger appeared in his hand.

"Su Ya, you and I were lingering just now, did that breath have a fake? Although the technique of change is mysterious, there are some things that cannot be imitated." "Su Zhe" looked at the other Su Zhe coldly.

Not to mention it, Su Zhe couldn't bear it anymore, and the ink sword and silver cable in his hand turned into streamers, hitting "Su Zhe". "Su Zhe" was also unambiguous, using the same trick to fight against it, and the two suddenly "cracked" into a fight.

Which one is true? Su Ya is in a state of confusion. Seeing the two of them fighting, they hurriedly shouted: "Stop, you don't want to fight. In this way, I only need to ask a few questions to know who is true and who is false."

The two of them stopped suddenly, and said in unison: "Then ask."

Su Ya pointed to the "Su Zhe" on the left and said, "You said, where were we when we first met?"

"Su Zhe" looked still, and said lightly: "The first time we met was at Phoenix Mountain in the human world. At that time, you broke into my castle with the wooden sign'Women and dogs are not allowed'."

The dark box can contain the strong emotions of living beings. The first encounter between Su Ya and Su Zhe can be described as Su Ya's fond memories. As the master of the darkness, how could he not know.

Seeing that he answered well, Su Ya looked at the warm body on the right.

"I ask you, how can my face burn?"

"In order to save my mother, you were hurt by the fire in the heart of the earth, how can I forget this." Speaking of mother, Su Zhe's eyes flashed with pain.

Dangru Devil promised him that as long as he gave up his desire to be with Suya, he would help him rescue his mother who was suppressed under Yunbat Mountain.

Suya asked a few more questions, and both sides answered not badly.

What should I do? Since the devil can know their wishes, they must also know the affairs between her and Su Zhe. Su Ya wanted to understand this, and suddenly came up with an idea.

She picked up the pearls scattered on the ground, and the brilliance of the pearls showed the slender faces of the two of them.

"Zhe—" Su Ya suddenly whispered softly.