Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 97


Feng Ling's tragic experience made everyone feel heartache.

"Baby, can you kill the devil or seal it up?" Su Ya asked. Don't let the Night Demon be a disaster for the world.

"I want to think about it." Baby Dragon scratched his forehead with his small paws, bowed his head and thought carefully. Suddenly, the little paw patted heavily on the forehead.

"Oh, I remembered, I thought of the way to seal the dark box." Baby Long danced excitedly.

The night demon's eyes became cold. It seemed that Baby Dragon had restored the inheritance of the dragon clan and couldn't wait any longer, otherwise he would sleep for hundreds of millions of years.

"As long as the night demon and the dark box are sealed, and the desire inside is released, then the elven world will restore peace, and the goblin can break the curse and regain courage." Baby Dragon talked freely.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and do it." Su Ya urged.

Rother patted the night demon on the shoulder, and smiled: "Night demon, it seems that your time for death has come."

The night demon stared at Roser fiercely, except for Baby Dragon, this guy was the most hated.

The baby dragon raised his paws, chanting dragon spells in his mouth, and a drop of golden blood flowed out from his paws and dripped on the devil's body. The devil screamed, and his white jade-like skin spread like water lines, and his whole body was covered with a thin layer of golden light.

Can't wait any longer, the devil roared, his cold eyes suddenly turned red, and his handsome face was already hideous. "Dragon boy, don't want to seal me. Even if I die, I will drag you to bury you with me!"

Death, isn't he immortal? However, without waiting for everyone to think about it, a terrifying aura of destruction enveloped everyone.

"No, this guy wants to explode, coming behind me." Baby Long shouted.

The claws were erected, and a golden light curtain was formed, and everyone was trapped inside. The black box slowly appeared on top of the night demon's head, and endless black energy and heart-piercing screams came out from the box.

This is the root of evil, which brings together all greed, desire and sin.

The ogre tree demons around and the spirits in the dark forest kept wailing. The huge cannibal tree gradually faltered, and gathered into a black gas visible to the naked eye, rushing to the dark box.

This was the dark box that had been closed suddenly bounced open, and suddenly the sky and the earth covered the sun, and the sun could no longer pass through.

This strange weather phenomenon appeared not only in the fairy world, but also in the demon world, the wood charm world, and the human world.

In the distant space, the three old men looked solemnly at a dark cave, with complicated spells carved on the entrance of the cave.

"No, the seal is about to be broken. Everyone will bless this seal with me." After the old man finished speaking, he waved his hand and gave a green glow. The other two did the same thing.

As soon as Qinghui fell into the entrance of the cave, it disappeared. But the curse at the entrance of the cave had a strange color.

"The patriarch... how's it going?" an old man next to him asked cautiously.

The patriarch did not speak, he stared at the black hole for an instant, as if a huge demon was sealed inside.

The moment the dark box opened, the devil's body suddenly exploded violently. With the cloud tower as the center, a force that destroys the sky and the earth disperses.

Like a hurricane tore down a wheat field, endless waves continue to spread around.

As soon as the cannibal trees and spirits encountered this force, they immediately crushed them into powder. The whole elven world trembled, black clouds rolled, and the sound of angry waves sounded like the end of the world.

What happened again... The elves hiding everywhere prayed tremblingly. There are too many unusual facts in the elven world these days.

The baby dragon offered the gluttonous stone, the dragon ball. However, the night demon has cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, and the dark box has released all the power, and the baby dragon gradually lost its support. The light curtain trembles like a golden soap bubble, which may break at any time.

If this continues, it will be swallowed by the black storm. Baby Dragon has a small mouth, and a milky white liquid pours out from his mouth-it is the spring of life that he will have time to digest in the future. The spring of life gradually fell into the sacred tree in the claws of the baby dragon.

The sacred tree that has lost its brilliance, after being moistened by the spring of life, exudes a dazzling colorful color. The baby dragon waved the sacred tree, and the colorful light fell into the golden light curtain.

However, this can only extend a little longer.

"Sunset, you and I work together to open up the space." Suya said to Sunset Moonrise, holding the sky mirror in her hand. Perhaps one can only leave this terrible place by relying on space transmission.

Sunset nodded and raised his hands high, the two hammers of heaven and earth collided with each other, splashing out countless fireworks. Su Ya held the mirror of the sky, and a golden light shot up into the sky.

However, the storm was raging, and the powerful dark power had long torn the space into chaos, and the sunset and the simple power could not open the space.

Upon seeing this, the baby dragon roared sharply, transforming into a real body that was hundreds of feet long. The gluttonous stone released a brilliant light, temporarily stabilizing the trembling golden light curtain.

The dragon ball flew up and slammed into the light of the mirror sky mirror suddenly.

Aroused by three powerful forces, a huge vortex appeared between the black clouds. That is the way of space created by the three of them.

"Let's go!" The baby dragon roared sharply, and the dragon's tail curled up, wrapping up the crowd, and his hundred-foot-long body rose up into the sky and sank into the whirlpool.

A dark light shot silently, and it turned out to be the source of the evil-the dark box. It was faster than Baby Dragon, caught in the dark clouds in the sky, and instantly penetrated into Yuesheng's body.

Mo Yun rolled, the bombing sound continued, this situation has been going on for nearly a month. When the loud noises dissipated and the thick clouds faded, the elves suddenly discovered that the dark forest had disappeared and was replaced by a huge canyon.

From then on, the elves called this Grand Canyon "The Fury of the Gods", and this day is called the "Day of Destruction" in the elves' classics.

In the distant space, three old men are struggling to bless the seal. The dark cave suddenly trembled, and a terrifying energy burst out from it.

The runes engraved on the entrance of the cave gradually faded, and the surrounding stone walls showed cracks visible to the naked eye. The three old men shook their bodies, and blood spilled from the corners of their mouths.

Is the devil of the abyss of sin really coming out? The patriarch showed a desperate look.

The mountain wall finally couldn't bear two huge forces and collapsed suddenly. The elders retreated quickly, looking at the collapsing mountain like an enemy.

"Oh-" a cry of exclamation came from the mountain, and then several figures flew out of it against a golden light curtain.

With a few "pop" and "pop", several people fell on the grass in front of the mountain wall.

"Finally came out." A tired Suya lay on Su Zhe's body, breathing fresh air greedily. It's so happy to see the grass and sunshine.

Everyone fell to the ground in seven and eight. Due to the self-detonation against the night demon in the dark forest, everyone's mana was almost exhausted. The baby dragon had returned to his chubby appearance, and said to Suya with a tired face: "Mom, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." After that, he curled up, with his little head resting on his paws. The gluttonous stone emitted bursts of soft light and fell on the baby dragon. The soft light gathered more and more, and it gradually materialized, condensing into a five-egg cocoon to envelop the baby dragon. With the formation of the colorful cocoon, the gluttonous stone also disappeared.

"Take a good rest." Sealed the Devil Dragon Baby, but with great effort, Suya said with a look of pity holding the egg cocoon.

"Su Zhe, do you know what place this is?" The scenery here is beautiful, the air is peaceful, and it doesn't seem to be in the world of elves.

Su Zhe was pressed to the ground by Suya, and Junxiu's face was pressed against the grass. He frowned slightly, spit out the grass clippings in his mouth and said, "I don't know."

The others also looked around each other, their eyes amazed.

At this time, a huge silver net fell from the sky, and the silver net, the runes shone with golden light. Under the sunlight, everyone couldn't open their eyes.

"Be careful, everyone." Rosser shouted from the side, and the paper fan in his hand turned into an iron ruler and hit the silver net high in the sky. Nelly waved her staff, Ling Su's sleeves flew, and silk threads flew out.

Su Zhe hugged Su Ya tightly, pressing Su Ya under her arm as soon as she used her arm, and whispered softly in her ear: "Be careful." The ink-colored dagger shot out.

However, everyone's mana was exhausted, and just persevering for a while, the silver net continued to fall.

"Run away." Rosser greeted, and the iron ruler was lifted up vigorously, while the figure fled out. Su Zhe hugged Suya and slapped his palm on the ground, and he flew out against the ground. The others also developed their magical powers and fled outside.

At this time, a thick tree root waved from a distance, like a giant python, with a light flick, it patted Rosser and the others all back.

Ogre Tree Demon! Everyone was shocked, hadn't they already left the Dark Forest? However, it is too late to think about this, and the silver net has already fallen.

Su Ya's eyes flashed, and she chanted the earth escape spell that the old goblin gave her. The figures of her and Su Zhe flashed and sank into the soil. The two of them disappeared, and the silver net fell, wrapping the others tightly.

"They escaped so fast." Rosser looked at the place where Su Ya and Su Zhe disappeared, with a look of admiration.

Sunset and Yuesheng's mouths were open, but unfortunately they didn't have time to shout. They just used the earth to escape...

Su Ya Tu Dun is in trouble, there seems to be a wall in front of it. Block her, so that she can not move forward half a point. When he was surprised, the wall suddenly moved, and with a light shake, Su Ya and Su Zhe were thrown off the ground.

A huge black tree root broke out of the soil, slamming Su Ya and Su Zhe into the giant silver net.

The golden charms on the giant net carried a strange force, suppressing everyone's mana.

Fall into the hands of the ogre tree demon? Su Ya's heart chills when she thinks of that blood-red mouth.

At this time, three old men in Tsing Yi appeared in front of the giant net, staring at the "prey" inside the giant net with piercing eyes.

"Hey, senior, I think this is a misunderstanding, you caught the wrong person, let us go soon." Rosser said quickly.

"Elf, man, demon?" an old man said in surprise.

"Hey, old man, what are you talking about? You are the ladyboy." Suya exclaimed dissatisfiedly.

"That's right, senior, how can you put people in front of the demon." Rosser also fully expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Take them back first." The patriarch thought for a while and said.

With a flick of his hand, the giant net split into three, and everyone was like a fish in a net bag. The three old men, each with a net bag, walked away.

"Hey, it's a fate." Rosser and Nelly hugged tightly, and he said with a smile on his face.

This was what he dreamed of. Although Nelly's image in his mind was not so perfect later, it was the person he liked after all.

"Let go of your dog's paws." Nelly shouted coldly, if she could, she would definitely kill Rosser.

This person peeped at her and blamed Su Zhe on it, which shows his character. In the Dark Forest, his method of coercing the Night Demon was even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. So Nelly has a deep hatred for Rother.

Rother retracted his hand in a jealous manner, but as soon as he moved, the silver net contracted tighter, bringing the two of them into closer contact.

"Rother, I will definitely kill you." Nelly's delicate face was full of suffocation, and she put her hands on Rosser's chest, trying to push him away.

Luo Sejun's face flushed, this was really wronged him, he was also forced.

The old man felt the struggle in the net bag and let out a cold snort. This is a blue silk bag, the more you struggle, the tighter the blue silk will be gathered, so save your energy.

Unlike Rosser and Nelly, Su Ya holds the egg cocoon in one hand and puts her head on Su Zhe's chest, making her look soft and warm.

Although the cannibal tree was extremely cruel, but after all, it did a good job for a while and did not separate her from Su Zhe.

Su Zhe hugged her and said gently in her ear: "Use your mirror to open the space."

Suya shook her head. In the dark forest, in order to break the space, Jian Tian Jing and Heaven and Earth Two Hammer had consumed too much aura, and they could not be used for the time being.

As long as she is with Su Zhe in this life, no matter how many difficulties she faces, she feels it is a kind of happiness.

"Don't worry, there must be a way." Su Zhe softly comforted when Su Ya was silent.

This fool, why can't even her mind be guessed? Su Ya bit Su Zhe's chest lightly.

"Under the world, why is there such a stupid person as you?" Su Ya said softly.

I am stupid? Why are you suddenly involved in this issue? Su Zhe was slightly unhappy.

"Although I, Su Zhe, can't be called stunning, but it took only five hundred years to reach the stage of knowledge of Tibet, and I can be regarded as a rare wizard in the demon world." Su Zhe said proudly.

"Well, I know you are a martial arts genius, but you are very emotionally slow." Suya tried to give him a moment.

"This is..." Su Zhe's voice was full of surprise.

I saw a magnificent palace above Yunlan. Behind the palace was a thousand rays of sunshine and a thousand spirits.