Fall in Love with Evil Husband

Chapter 98


There is a plaque on the front entrance of the palace with three characters "Danxia Palace" written by dragons and phoenixes. Su Ya was shocked by the magnificent aura, so she whispered to Su Zhe, "Where is this?"

Su Ya's head was buried deep in Su Zhe's chest, and Su Zhe's beating heartbeat could be clearly heard.

"I don't know." Su Zhe's voice trembled slightly.

Why is Su Zhe so excited? Even in the devil's dark box, he has never been so gaffe. When Suya was about to ask softly, she held up their old man and spoke: "This is Danxia Palace."

Nonsense, you think I am illiterate, Su Ya almost scolded when the old man answered like this. "I know this is Danxia Palace. What I want to ask is this is the Elf World or the Dark Forest?"

The old man gave her a slightly surprised look, and then said: "You will know when you go in."

Talking to him, she could choke herself to death, Su Ya's eyes were white, and she leaned over Su Zhe's chest, sulking by herself.

Baby, wake up quickly and take me out of this ghost place. Su Ya said silently in her heart.

The inner wall of Danxia Hall is not as gorgeous as the outside, on the contrary it looks a little simple. It's just that the rays of sunlight coming in from the crack of the door and the window dyed the Danxia Hall colorfully and it was really beautiful.

In the center of the hall, there is a huge statue. At first glance, the statue seemed to be a human being, but at closer inspection it was not. It was clearly a tree.

Sure enough, it was an ogre tree demon, Suya was shocked, and it seemed that there was no good fortune today.

The old man threw them to the ground, and Su Ya and Su Zhe were thrown down in front of the statue, and Rosser and the others were also thrown aside.

"Patriarch, what are you still hesitating about. They came from the seal, they must have something to do with the night demon, so it's better to just rectify the law on the spot." The old man said later.

Fa-rectification on the spot? Sure enough, I can't wait. Don't look at the old man's long fairy wind, but when he thinks of his body, the ogre tree demon, Su Ya feels a bit of a chill.

"Hey-old man," Rother hurriedly replied. Nelly's hands were still on his chest, but his hands were on Nelly's back, in an ambiguous posture, "We are with the night demon. Related, but we are his enemies."

"There is no proof," the old man who had just spoken coldly snorted, apparently not believing Roser's words, "the night demon is very harmful, the patriarch would rather kill by mistake than miss one."

"Wait," Rosser yelled, speaking of evidence, he still has the Falling Shadow Orb in his arms, "I have the Falling Shadow Orb, which proves that we have nothing to do with the Night Demon, but are opponents."

The old man in the middle, with kind eyebrows, raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard Roser say this. With a stroke of the left hand, a bright bead flew out of Rosser's arms.

Pointing the index finger in front of the Falling Shadow Pearl, a water mirror clearly appeared.

The first thing that appeared was the image of Su Ya and Su Zhe in Thunder Mountain. "Yunfu Mountain?" The old man whispered. The two old men behind them both showed displeased expressions, and seemed to have a big holiday with Yunbat Mountain.

Fortunately, this period was not long, and then there was a scene in the dark space, and then the scene of the dragon baby fighting the night demon.

"Shenlong?" The three old men exclaimed together, with shocked expressions on their faces. After the Night Demon blew himself up, they returned to their normal colors.

"That's it," the old man with long eyebrows was the patriarch of Danxia Palace, and he sighed: "I almost misunderstood all fellow Taoists." After that, he had to get rid of the silver ropes on everyone.

It seemed that although they were tree spirits, they weren't the underlings of Night Demon, so Suya sighed in relief.

"Wait," the old man who would rather kill by mistake than let go, suddenly interrupted: "Patriarch, the Falling Shadow Orb is only the scene of the battle between the dragon and the night demon. It does not mean that they are the enemy of the night demon. what."

The patriarch nodded when he heard it. The matter of the Night Demon is very important, and it must not be rushed. He said, "Everyone, this doesn't explain everything. If you still have evidence, take it out."

His Falling Shadow Orb only recorded the wishes in the dark space, and there were dozens of dragon babies fighting against the Night Demon, and Roser couldn't help but regret it. Suddenly he remembered something, and shouted at Suya: "Suya, hurry up and wake up Shenlong. As long as we prove that we are friends of Shenlong, isn't it all right?"

Shenlong? The three old men's eyes narrowed. Su Ya's head was pressed against Su Zhe's chest, her expression could not be seen.

"The baby is in my hands, but now he is asleep, I can't wake up no matter how to call it." Suya said helplessly.

As soon as the patriarch waved his hand, the five egg cocoons in Suya's hand flew out and fell into his hands.

"Sure enough, it is a dragon." Feeling the sacred aura above, the patriarch sighed.

"Friends of Taoism, you still can't explain everything. Let's go," the patriarch paused, "you will be wronged for a few days in the robbery prison. As long as the Shenlong wakes up, everything will come to light."

Robbery? The name sounds scary.

"Return the baby to me." Seeing the patriarch took away the egg cocoons, Su Ya hurriedly shouted.

"This fellow Daoist, don't worry. We will never be against Shenlong." The patriarch said slowly, "Qingfeng, you take them down."

Qingfeng is the old man who would rather kill one by mistake. Hearing what the patriarch said, he waved, took Suya and the others, and walked towards the depths of Danxia Hall.

"You robbers, return the baby to me soon." A simple and elegant voice reverberated in the empty hall.

The patriarch shook his head and carefully placed the five egg cocoons in a box. At this time, a young man walked into the Danxia Palace.

"Patriarch, the eight old men of Yunbat Mountain are shouting outside again."

Upon hearing Yunbat Mountain, the patriarch's long eyebrows were deeply locked together: "Put down the cloud formation, remember that no matter what they say, they can't go out rashly, you know?"

When blessing the seal in the forbidden area just now, they consumed too much true energy, so it is not suitable for a direct conflict with Yunbat Mountain.

Hey, after a catastrophe a hundred years ago, the Mumei Realm actually fell to Sri Lanka, and the patriarch couldn't help sighing.

Outside the Danxia Hall, Bai Yun rolled, and behind Bai Yun, a thousand rays of sunshine suddenly shot out, which made everyone unable to open their eyes. And the magnificent Danxia Palace was hidden in the white clouds, and never seen again.

Outside the white clouds, there were eight clearing elders standing in the void, and one of them coldly snorted: "It's all to blame for Su Zhe. If the mirror is in hand, I will be afraid of locking up the cloud formation in this area."

"Come back tomorrow." The elder said slowly with his eyes moving slightly. Just now, he suddenly felt a familiar breath, who could it be? He looked suspiciously at the rolling white clouds. Then led the crowd and walked away.

The Danxia Palace that was originally filled with glowing rays of light was suddenly dimmed. Qingfeng knew that the Suoyun Formation had been activated, and couldn't help groaning: "Damn old bat, one day, I will let you know how great I am!"

Old bat? Su Zhe and Rosser's eyes moved. Only the eight elders of Yunbat Mountain can make them so scrupulous.

"This is the Wood Charm World?" Rosser asked carefully.

"It's not the Wood Charm World, where else can it be?" Qingfeng's temper was a bit irritable, and immediately replied fiercely.

It seems that these old guys have a grudge against Yunbat Mountain, so don't tell Su Zhe's true body, Roser secretly pondered.

As long as it wasn't the ogre tree devils, Suya breathed a sigh of relief. But she suddenly felt Su Zhe's heartbeat beating more and more violently.

Why is this so? He couldn't help asking: "Su Zhe, what's the matter with you?"

. "It's okay." Su Zhe replied in a deep voice.

A colorful beam of light shot down from the roof of Danxia Hall, and there was a large circular hole in Danxia Hall. Colorful beams of light penetrate the big hole.

"We have suppressed the mana in your body with a secret method. Don't blame me for not warning you. When you get below, don't act rashly, otherwise no one can save you!" Qingfeng said solemnly.

"Old man, give the baby back to me quickly. Otherwise, when the baby wakes up, I will tell him to tear down this hall." Suya still holds one in ten thousand hope.

Qingfeng didn't care about Suya's "threat" and let go. Three silver mesh bags quietly fell from the round holes.

"Ah—" Feeling her body falling down quickly, Su Ya couldn't help but exhale. A colorful beam of light enveloped them, and outside the beam of light, you could clearly see the whole picture of the wood charm world. Beautiful scenery, really a good place! It's a pity that Suya didn't want to appreciate these, and suddenly she saw eight figures passing by the beam of light.

"Hey, old man of Yunbat Mountain, please help us!" Suya shouted loudly. She didn't notice that her body was emitting a thin layer of golden light.

Roser saw the eight elders and was equally excited, but no matter how much he shouted, his voice could not be heard at all.

Outside the white clouds, the eight elders were driving away slowly, and suddenly a "sorrowful" cry blasted in their ears. The eight elders quickly put down a protective mask, and the clean bottle in Xiao Lun's hand evoked a burst of "crack" and "crack" thunder and lightning, but the sound was fleeting and elusive.

"Why is that voice so familiar just now..." said the second elder.

"It's the girl who swallowed the mirror." Xiao Lun said coldly with his eyes flashing.

They unfolded the Third Eye, searched the sky and underground, but found no abnormalities. And the cry just now is hard to find anymore.

"Damn it, if there is a mirror in hand, how can these blindfolds bluff us." Several elders began to feel indignant. Those old guys in the wood charm world, relying on the Suoyun Formation, couldn't get out of the door behind closed doors. No matter what they do, they will not be able to break this strange formation handed down from ancient times.

"The girl must be rescued, only Jian Tian Jing can break through the Suoyun Formation." Xiao Lun held the clean bottle in his hand, and the white light flickered in the bottle, and there was a faint thunder explosion.

"Let's go back first, and discuss everything from the long-term." The elder said slowly, but a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

The girl is in the wood charm world, so Su Zhe must be there too. I hope nothing happens...

"Yes, we invite the canine clan and the masters of the demon world to break through the Danxia Palace." Several other elders said.

Looking at the hate look on their faces, it seemed as if they had suffered a great loss in the wood charm world. The eight elders drove away, and they decided to return to the Demon Realm first, and after inviting friends, they would return to the Wood Charm Realm.

Everyone fell rapidly in the colorful beam of light, and at first they could still enjoy the boundless beauty, but afterwards, the surroundings were dark and dark, and there was no light.

Isn't it underground? Everyone can't help but guess like that.

The silver wire on his body was suddenly untied. Su Zhe was no longer bound, and immediately turned into a white bat. His claws hugged Su Ya, and his wings fluttered, slowing down the speed of the fall.

The transparent wings behind Nelly opened up, swooping down, and the downward trend slowed down a lot. Rother had the worst technique in cloud driving, and hurriedly hugged Nelly's thin waist.

Nelly's face was cold, and she said word by word: "Don't let go!"

"If you let go, I'll fall to death." Rosser won't let go, the urgent task is urgent.

Nelly was angrily beating Rosser with the scepter in her hand, but Rosser was accustomed to beatings by his father since he was a child. Without mana, Nelly's beating was tickling him.

Lingsu held the sunset in one hand and Yuesheng in the other. Yin Liang's hair suddenly opened, like a white paper umbrella, gradually slowing down the castration.

I learned from Qingfeng that the robbery must be a place full of crises. So everyone flew up along the colorful light wall. However, a strange force surged from below, dragging them down.

Su Zhe and the others were struggling, but the mana in their bodies was no longer there. Where could they resist such a strong suction, and soon everyone fell like a paper kite with a broken wire.

After being sucked by the huge force, the speed of the fall increased even more fiercely. The colorful light walls around him gradually dissipated, revealing an endless aquamarine. Under the earth, there is such a big lake hidden. Before he had time to marvel, the falling figure plunged towards the lake.

Worse, at such a fast speed, the surface of the water is as hard as concrete, and hitting it is not a dead end. Su Ya thought flusteredly. At this time, Su Zhe held her tightly in her arms, while his back was facing the clear water below.

Suddenly a strange light burst into the turquoise lake. On the vast lake, the bits and pieces of light quickly gathered together, and then flew towards the people who fell.

The body slowed down, and the falling speed stopped abruptly. Then with a "bang", everyone fell down.

There was no water splashing, and the lower body was solid soil. It turned out that there were countless palm-sized reefs in the huge lake, and Su Zhe and the others just fell on the reef.

They are scattered in three places: Su Ya is still with Su Zhe; Nelly and Ross are together; at sunset, Moonrise is naturally still with Lingsu.

Everyone looked around in shock: a beam of colorful light above their heads, surrounded by boundless blue waves. Nelly glanced hard at Rother, spread her wings, and wanted to fly into the air. She didn't know her wings could be borrowed, no matter how she swooped, she couldn't fly.

"You save the time, this is called the robbery, how easy it is to escape." Rosser sat on the ground and took a breath.

Nelly's cold eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent, and she hated Rother. Just now in mid-air, he was still holding her waist, thinking of this, Nelly couldn't help being frantic.

With a wave of the scepter, he slammed it at Roser fiercely. This is different from mid-air. Nelly can't borrow from mid-air, so it's like an itching to hit him. Now that Nelly is charging her strength, this blow should not be underestimated.

Rother was resting, and he didn't expect Nelly to make a ruthless hand. It is too late to avoid. With a sound of "boom," a big bag came up on his forehead.

Although Rosser's body is not as strong as Su Zhe, it is very hard, and ordinary treasures can't hurt him. The only thing to blame was Rosser's loss of mana, and the ruby on the staff was extraordinary.

"You're crazy..." Rosser covered his head and jumped up, but before he could finish speaking, Nelly sneered coldly and struck him at Rosser. This place is only as big as a slap, and it is because Roser has a flexible body and has suffered a lot of rods on his body.

There are a few more bags on Junxiu's face, and his body is also full of scars. Rosser glared at Nelly and said angrily: "If you don't stop, don't blame me for being polite."

The ruby is really evil, and if you knock it on it, the bones seem to be cracked. Rother stared closely at the ruby on the top of the scepter, wandering around, avoiding waves of attacks from Nelly.

Unlike them, Su Ya and Su Zhe both sat on the reef, with Su Ya's head resting on Su Zhe's shoulder, and both eyes looking at the blue waves ahead, with a happy face.

"Let me listen to your heartbeat again." Su Ya suddenly leaned in and pressed against Su Zhe's chest.

"Well, it's okay now. What happened just now?" After listening, Su Ya raised her head and looked at Su Zhe.

"I don't know, my heart beats fiercely as soon as I enter the Danxia Palace." Su Zhe stroked his chest and said suspiciously.

"Maybe you have been too tired in recent days, Su Zhe, please relax. Although those old men are not good people, they will not embarrass us. As long as the baby wakes up, they will let us go."

It's not bad now. The blue waves are rippling, and the two are dependent on each other. It has been a long time since they sat together quietly.

"En." Su Zhe nodded, a soft color in his eyes.

At this time, sparkling waves suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, and then a faint mist of water floated on the lake. The thin mist of water evaporates on the water, like a cage of small trees, it is truly beautiful.

The fog became thicker and thicker, covering the entire space, and the reef beside it was hidden in the white fog, and it was no longer visible. "It's so beautiful." Suya couldn't help but praise the white mist all around, as if it were a fairyland.

But Su Zhe's face gradually became serious, and his heart began to beat quickly. There must be something weird here, holding Su Ya's hand tightly.

A misty song suddenly came from the depths of the white fog, and the song was so good. All the exhaustion of Suya's heart was driven out. In the vast white fog, a very beautiful woman came in various styles.

"Su Zhe, look, she's a fairy!" Su Ya shook Su Zhe's hand and motioned for him to look at it too.

However, Su Zhe did not answer, and Su Ya turned her head resentfully, but saw a scene that she would never forget. Where is Su Zhe? There is a green tree beside her, and her hand is climbing a hanging branch.

The white mist blew by, and the emerald-green tree crown suddenly bloomed with brilliant colors. When the wind was blown, those colors floated and whirled, turning into pieces of colorful petals.

"Su Zhe—" Su Ya was horrified and couldn't help but cried out.