Fall in love with you, cocoon yourself

Chapter 13: Dead body?


At dawn, someone saw a car hit the big rock by the sea hard, and the car body was completely deformed.

Confirmed by the police. The car in the accident belonged to Qiao Zi'an's wife, Shen Yitong.

Parts of the car, as well as the owner's belongings, were pushed to the shore of the beach with the sea water.

Police extracted DNA from the car. It was confirmed that Shen Yitong had died.

Qiao Zian stood on the beach in a daze, looking at the sea. His eyes were blurry. He cried!

It is said that men don't flick their tears lightly, but they haven't reached the point of sadness.

"Yitong is dead? Dead! Why did he die?" He muttered to himself, his eyes glazed over.

Holding Shen Yitong's cell phone and jacket in his hand. He doesn't believe these are relics!

"Zian, Shen Yitong is dead—"

Before Yao Xiaoman could finish speaking, Qiao Zi'an suddenly turned around. He reached out and grabbed her neck.

"Yitong is not dead! Bastard! Nonsense!"

Qiao Zi'an's eyes were red. It looked hideous and terrifying.

Yao Xiaoman was anxious and panicked, she had never seen such an out-of-control Qiao Zian, it was terrifying! If you want him to stop. Really strangle her to death!

"Cough-cough-let go-"

Yao Xiaoman struggled. Roll your eyes. Difficulty breathing, almost foaming at the mouth.

Qiao Zian's sanity returned. let go of her.

Yao Xiaoman felt like he had narrowly escaped death.

Qiao Zian held Shen Yitong's belongings and looked up at the vast sea. There was another layer of mist in the eyes.

He made a phone call.

"Mobilize all manpower, no matter what, I want to find Shen Yitong!"

"Zian. Are you crazy? Shen Yitong is really dead! She was swept away by the sea, what are you looking for?" Yao Xiaoyao was anxious.

"I want to see people in life, and I want to see corpses in death!" Qiao Zian squeezed out these words painfully while holding Shen Yitong's cell phone.

Qiao Zi'an spent a lot of money and asked a group of people to search for corpses. After a few days, they found nothing.

Everyone thinks that Qiao Zi'an is crazy, that's why he did such a willful and stupid thing.

Watching the news about Mrs. Qiao's death on the TV news, Yao Xiaoman raised his glass and drank it down with a smile.

Shen Yitong, a bastard, is gone, I'm really happy. The big stone in her heart can finally be loosened.

What's the use of not getting divorced

Qiao Zian is still hers in the end!

If Shen Yitong is willing to divorce, maybe there will still be a way out, it is she who killed herself.

So, it's not about Yao Xiaoman's business at all, is it

Thinking of this, Yao Xiaoman began to feel at ease.

She made a call.

"Master Lin, you have done a good job! I will transfer the money to your bank account."

Yao Xiaoman raised the corners of his mouth and smiled smugly.

She bribed Master Lin from the 4S shop and asked him to do something in the car that Shen Yitong maintained.

Even God helped her, didn't he

Everything is done seamlessly, without anyone noticing!

Yao Xiaoman touched her slightly swollen belly, smiling very proudly. The child in her womb is her bargaining chip for happiness.

She went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination and the child was healthy.

After leaving the hospital, she saw a chain supermarket for mothers and babies across the street, and she couldn't help being moved. She wanted to go shopping and buy some necessities in advance.

Thinking that she would become a mother in nine months, she felt an inexplicable excitement in her heart. Maybe she would soon become Mrs. Qiao and successfully marry into a wealthy family.

As she thought about walking on the zebra crossing, she didn't even think about it when the red light was on.

A red car rushed over at high speed, bumped into Yao Xiaoman, and sent her flying a few meters away.