Fall in love with you, cocoon yourself

Chapter 42: Heinous devil


Shen Yitong couldn't accept the news of Qiao Zian's death.

If Qiao Zi'an really died, all her thoughts would be lost.

"Qiao Zi'an is dead! He's dead—"

Lu Chenfeng grabbed Shen Yitong's hand fiercely and let out a roar.

"Qiao Zian is dead. You are free! From now on, you are no longer Mrs. Qiao, you are free! From now on, you will be my woman! You will be my Lu Chenfeng's woman!"

"Bad guy! You are a big villain! You killed Zian, I will not forgive you! You murderer!" Shen Yitong pointed at Qiao Zian. Said indignantly.

Lu Chenfeng sneered. "I didn't kill Qiao Zian, it was Yao Xiaoman!"

"Are you still quibbling? You did everything behind the scenes! You went to the mental hospital to let Yao Xiaoman go, and planned all of this meticulously. Kill people with a knife! Lu Chenfeng, I misread you, I didn't expect your heart to be so vicious! You are not the Lu Chenfeng I knew before!"

Shen Yitong pointed to Lu Chenfeng. Distraught.

Qiao Zi'an Ruo really died. What should she do next


Lu Chenfeng stared at Shen Yitong coldly, without any warmth in his eyes.

"I'm no longer the big fool Lu Chenfeng I used to be. I must get the person I want! Yitong. I want you to be my woman now!"

finished. He rushed forward.

Shen Yitong quickly backed away.

"Lu Chenfeng. If Qiao Zi'an dies, I don't want to live. I belong to him in life, and I will be his ghost in death!"

She retreated to the window again and again, staring at Lu Chenfeng with disgust.

Lu Chenfeng looked at Shen Yitong coldly. His eyes became dark and terrifying.

"You have no choice!"

"Lu Chenfeng! If you force me again, I'll jump from here!"

Shen Yitong stood on the window sill with a tragic expression on his face.

"you dare?"

Lu Chenfeng stopped in his tracks. Staring at Shen Yitong coldly.

"I don't dare, Zi'an is dead, and I don't want to live anymore."

"What about little An'an? You just have the heart to see him become an orphan at such a young age?"

Shen Yitong was startled, thinking of Xiao An'an.

Yes, she still has Xiao An'an! She can't die! But…

Seeing Shen Yitong hesitate, Lu Chenfeng smiled inwardly. Sure enough, Xiao An'an was her weakness.

"Yitong, without Qiao Zi'an, we can go back to the way we were before, right? You, Xiao An'an and I can live a happy life."

After speaking, he walked over to the window sill.

"Ah - Lu Chenfeng, don't come here! Go away -" Shen Yitong pointed at him and said sharply.

"Yitong, don't get excited. I won't hurt you, I will only love you and spoil you—"

Seeing Lu Chenfeng approaching, Shen Yitong got excited and jumped out of the window without thinking about anything.


With a "snap", Shen Yitong fell to the ground, she only felt a sharp pain in her lower back, and her eyes were filled with stars.

She thought she was going to die, but luckily it was only on the second floor. She fell down, and the ground below was grass. She only hurt her waist, and her life was not in danger.

She was lying on the ground, her eyes saw the blue sky and the white clouds, everything looked so beautiful, but in her eyes, everything was gray.

Lu Chenfeng hurried downstairs, seeing that Shen Yitong was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Shen Yitong with complicated eyes, with mixed feelings in his heart.

She, in order to leave him, is not afraid of death.

He suddenly felt that he was really a heinous devil with a hideous appearance.

In the past, he used the wrong way to love her; now, he still uses the wrong way!

Maybe it really has nothing to do with the method, but that she doesn't love him at all. No matter what he does or does, it is impossible for her to accept him and love him!

Lu Chenfeng smiled wryly, "Yitong, I'm sorry!"

Shen Yitong was speechless, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

When she woke up, she was already lying in the hospital.

"Mrs. Qiao—" Suddenly she heard someone calling her.

Mrs. Joe

Seeing that the person guarding her was actually Qiao Zian's bodyguard.

With a jolt, Shen Yitong struggled to sit up.

"Where's Zi'an? How's Zi'an? Tell me!"

She didn't believe that Qiao Zi'an was dead, it must be Lu Chenfeng who lied to her.

"Mrs. Qiao, Mr. Qiao is still unconscious."

"Where is he? Take me to him!"