Fall in love with you, cocoon yourself

Chapter 43: brain death


Shen Yitong struggled to stand up, although her waist still hurt a little, but her heart was completely tied to Qiao Zian.

Qiao Zian is still lying in the ICU ward. Although he was out of danger, he hadn't woken up yet.

Seeing that Qiao Zi'an was covered with tubes, his face was pale and bloodless. Shen Yitong was heartbroken.

"Yao Xiaoman has been arrested in a mental hospital and will be locked up forever. It is estimated that he will be abolished in the future. Let him fend for himself. As for Lu Chenfeng, the police have already chased him all over the city, and he will definitely be caught!"

The bodyguard was talking on the side. But Shen Yitong's heart can no longer take care of these things, she only thinks about Qiao Zian.

"Mrs. Joe and Mr. Joe are out of danger. As long as he can wake up, his life is not in danger at all," the doctor said.

"Doctor, what if Zian has not woken up? What will happen?"

This is what Shen Yitong is most worried about.

"Well—" the doctor hesitated. He looked up at Qiao Zian.

"If Mr. Qiao never wakes up, he will become a vegetable!"


Shen Yitong heard it. I couldn't help but exclaimed.

vegetable? !

She shook her body, covering her mouth and weeping.

cannot! Her Zi'an cannot become a vegetable!

"Doctor. Please! Help my husband! He can't be a vegetable!"

"Mrs. Qiao, we will do our best. In the future, you relatives, talk to him more often to awaken the patient's will to survive."

To take care of Qiao Zian. Shen Yitong and Xiao An'an have already moved to the hospital.

She and Xiao An'an accompanied Qiao Zi'an day and night, talking in his ear every day, chatting with him, and letting Xiao An'an sing to her father...

As the days passed, Qiao Zian's body had recovered, but he still didn't wake up.

"Ma Ma, when did Baba wake up? Why did she sleep for so long?" Xiao An raised her head and asked in confusion.

Shen Yitong couldn't help it, tears flowed out again.

"An'an, Dad is too tired from work, he needs to rest, and he will wake up soon."

"But, Papa has been asleep for a long time." Xiao Anan pouted.

He doesn't like living in the hospital, he wants to get out of here.

Shen Yitong touched An An's head and sighed.

"An An, be good, Dad will wake up to play with you soon."

"But, when did Papa wake up? Morning, noon, or night?"

Shen Yitong couldn't answer Xiao An'an's question.

"An'an, let's ask the doctor."

"Ma Ma lied to me! Papa was not asleep at all. Papa is sick and in the hospital! A doctor gave him an injection!"

Shen Yitong was so choked up that he couldn't speak.

Why hasn't Zian woke up yet

It's been so long, his wounds have healed, and there are no problems with all aspects of his body's functions, but why can't he wake up

Shen Yitong looked at Qiao Zian on the hospital bed in frustration, he was still motionless with his eyes closed.

The attending doctor examined Qiao Zian's body carefully, finally sighed and shook his head.

"What's wrong? Doctor, how is my husband? When will he wake up?"

"Mrs. Qiao, you have to be mentally prepared. If Mr. Qiao doesn't wake up, he can be declared brain dead!"

brain death!

Shen Yitong's face changed drastically, his body shook, and he almost fell down.

Her heart is already like long-thirsty withered grass, only wanting the nectar of hope. However, the doctor's conclusions, like adding insult to injury, made her heart unable to bear it any longer.

"Mama, what is brain death?" Xiao Anan asked.

Shen Yitong turned his head to look at Xiao An'an, clenching his teeth tightly.

She can't fall! As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, she will work hard!

"Doctor, no! My husband will definitely wake up. I need him, and the child needs him too!"

"Mrs. Qiao, if the patient is declared brain-dead, the chance of survival is already zero. From a certain medical point of view, it can already be declared dead!"

"No! No! Don't talk nonsense!"

Shen Yitong glared angrily, which frightened the doctor into a petrified state.