Falling Down the Pond

Chapter 26


When Cheng Feichi returned to the classroom after physical education class on Tuesday, the first thing Cheng Feichi did was to take out his mobile phone to see if there were any unread messages.

The screen was blank, not a single new message.

The same table was also a boy, and he teased while pulling his clothes to wipe his sweat: "Waiting for your girlfriend to text?"

Cheng Feichi smiled and didn't answer. He hesitated for a few seconds after clicking on WeChat, and sent Ye Qin a system emoticon.

It wasn't until after the last class in the afternoon that Ye Qin slowly replied with a yawning expression.

It turned out that he was sleepy, so Cheng Feichi was temporarily relieved.

He finished all his homework before evening self-study. Thinking of Ye Qin complaining last week that he didn't know much about the newly learned electrolyte content, he spent two self-study classes writing a summary of knowledge points, and then learned from the test papers he had done. I copied two big questions and wrote down the steps to solve them in detail.

After I finished writing, I read it again from the beginning to confirm that it was not difficult to understand. I folded the two densely written A4 papers with red and black pens and stuffed them into my pocket.

However, he did not wait for Yeqin at the parking lot that night.

When I went downstairs, I saw that the lights in class two (2) had been turned off, so Cheng Feichi went upstairs and walked around. The front and back doors of the classroom were locked, and no one was there.

When he went out, the security guard was closing the iron gate, and asked him why he stayed so late, Cheng Feichi said that he had done his homework in the classroom for a while, and the security guard smiled knowingly: "Don't be an uncle and you don't know, you young people, stay at school at this point How can it be for study. The little girlfriend left through the main entrance? Be careful, it’s okay to meet an old man like me, but it’s troublesome to meet a teacher who just happened to go to inspect the dormitory building.”

Cheng Feichi had no words to refute. People around always joked that he had a face that would be wasted if he didn't fall in love early, but he himself didn't have any special feelings about it.

At first, he just felt that Ye Qin was very happy together, and it was not without hesitation. When he realized that the balance in his heart was obviously tilted, he couldn't sit still, carefully weighed his current situation, and felt that he had the ability to balance life and study. It was only after getting along well with Yeqin that he made such a decision.

Although he has little experience in this, he is learning many things by groping.

For example, now, Cheng Feichi faintly sensed that Ye Qin was unhappy, and was probably angry with him, but he didn't know why he was angry. He was fine when he sent him back for self-study last night.

Pushing the cart and walking on the path, Cheng Feichi thought twice and sent Ye Qin another WeChat message.

Ye Qin skipped the last evening self-study today, and fell asleep wrapped in a quilt as soon as he got home with his schoolbag.

Didn't sleep well last night, got up in the morning and met Ye Jinxiang at the dining table, still couldn't hold back, asked him if it was time to change his phone.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jinxiang not only didn't panic at all, but also praised him with relief that he knew how to care for his elders, and then set an example to show diligence and housekeeping, saying that his mobile phone can still be used for a while if it is not broken.

Ye Qin almost asked "Then who is the mobile phone you bought on Sunday?", seeing Luo Qiuling busily preparing breakfast for the father and son, with a happy smile on his face, he couldn't bear to disturb his mother A rare and pleasant morning.

In short, if you don't buy it for yourself, you buy it for someone else. Taking a step back, Cheng Feichi is so poor, domestic brands are everywhere in the mobile phone market, and there are many smartphones that cost less than 1,000 yuan. Why buy a famous brand, but why buy the same model as Ye Jinxiang

Many coincidences collide in a chain, and that is the truth. Ye Qin recognized this, but couldn't embarrass his father in front of his mother, so he had to vent his anger on Cheng Feichi, deliberately not sending him messages during the day, and leaving without telling him at night.

Although it was very hard to endure, but thinking of the harm his mother might suffer after knowing the truth, Ye Qin felt that these were just drizzle, and who deserved it.

In a daze, he heard the cell phone beside his pillow ringing, Ye Qin touched the cell phone and put it under the quilt, turned on the screen in the dark, and saw a message from Cheng Feichi: [Are you home?]

She didn't ask him what's wrong, nor why he ignored him, just as calm as if nothing happened.

Seeing him like this, Ye Qin became even angrier, snorted, threw the phone back on the bed, covered his face with the quilt and pretended he didn't see anything.

The next morning, during the big class break, the girl at the door shouted "Yeqin is looking for someone", but Yeqin turned a deaf ear and played games with his earphones plugged in.

After a while, a square-folded piece of paper was passed in front of him, and it opened up to a whole sheet and a half of chemical notes. Ye Qin recognized Cheng Feichi's handwriting, and without doing anything else, he crumpled into a ball and threw it into the trash can behind him.

Picked up by Liao Yifang passing by, he flattened the paper and put it back on Ye Qin's desk, and asked Ye Qin why he threw away such good notes in surprise.

"This was written by Cheng, right? So it turns out that you guys also have contact in private, that's great." Liao Yifang said, looking at the paper again, and said greedily, "Electrolyte is the weak point of many students in our class. This paper can Can you lend me a few copies to send to everyone?"

Ye Qin swept the note on the ground with a wave of his arm: "Take it away, take it away, print it as you like, don't let me see it again."

Liao Yifang happily left with two crumpled papers.

Zhou Feng, who came back from the bathroom, witnessed all this, sat back on his seat, approached Ye Qin and asked him in a low voice, "Why, did the young couple quarrel?"

Ye Qin frowned and said, "Who is his little lover?"

Zhou Feng didn't think much of it when he suffered from the stubborn tsundere again, and asked him if he wanted to play with them on weekends or go on a date with Xueba.

"An appointment," Ye Qin said impatiently with a black face, "Where are you going to play on weekends, is it still the same place?"

Flash forward to Friday.

There is no self-study at night, and when the sun goes down, the students swarm out of the classroom. Those who go back to the dormitory, the cafeteria, and those who go home are all talking and laughing. For them, the next two days are their own. Good time.

But this does not apply to some students who have left school and still have cram schools to attend, and people like Cheng Feichi who have a full schedule every day.

He took another tutor from a third-year junior high school student on Saturday morning. The parents of that family were very interested in his experience of participating in physics competitions, and asked him to tutor their own children. They expressed the intention of wanting their children to win prizes in high school and win self-enrollment places in prestigious schools earlier.

Cheng Feichi couldn't verbally let the parents understand the difficulty of the competition, so he planned to bring the calculus book to the students tomorrow, which would be more intuitive. Many parents like to talk on paper, wishing that their children would become fat in one bite, and they have to try it before they know how to retreat after difficulties, and they must not be too ambitious.

He has always dealt with this situation with ease, as if he has no teacher. However, God cannot bestow two extreme talents on the same person. Cheng Feichi is good at dealing with such superficial interpersonal relationships, but the more intimate ones make him at a loss.

For example, after so many years, he couldn't accurately grasp the distance between him and his mother Cheng Xin, no matter whether she couldn't let go of her heart, or whether she couldn't grasp it well, it caused the mother and son who had been living together for nearly twenty years to get along more and more like the most familiar strangers.

Another example is the current stalemate with Ye Qin. He didn't know whether to wait for the little guy to calm down by himself, or to take the initiative to go to him directly.

Although he didn't even know what made Yeqin unhappy.

In this relationship, Cheng Feichi puts himself in the position of taking care of others, and Ye Qin is the one who needs to be taken care of.

In fact, there was no particular reason. Yeqin was young and his family was in good condition. It was normal for Yeqin to have a spoiled temper after growing up in a honeypot. Now that he decided to start and said he would be responsible, Cheng Feichi naturally hoped that this relationship would develop in a good direction and extend the time limit as much as possible.

Maybe it's too early for them to talk about stability at this age, but the other party rushed to him without expecting anything in return, painting the first color on his dull and monotonous life. Since he couldn't stand the temptation and accepted it with open arms, all the tolerance and concessions now are justified.

Today, I still couldn't wait for anyone at the back door. Cheng Feichi went to the parking lot of Class 2 (2) to check, but Ye Qin's bicycle was not there.

After all, there was no agreement to meet each other after school every day, maybe he was busy with other things these days and couldn't take care of himself. And it is said that falling in love also needs distance and space, and two people can't stick together all day long.

Connecting theory with practice, Cheng Feichi relaxed and rode his bike home.

He had accumulated four undelivered milk-flavored lollipops in his pocket. When he got home and changed his clothes, he took them out and placed them on the desk.

Returning to the room at night and seeing a lollipop lollipop on the corner of the table, Cheng Feichi thought for a while, picked up his phone and took a few photos, picked the one with the best composition and sent it to Moments.

Yeqin got this photo on Saturday night.

After class on Friday, he ran away from the front door of the school, carrying Zhou Feng and Sun Yiran straight to Liu Yangfan's clubhouse.

The clubhouse keeps pace with the times, and a new stage has just been renovated recently. It is said that some holographic projection technology has been imported from abroad, so that you can experience the dual world of virtual and reality.

Ye Qin was dragged by Zhou Feng to watch it, and felt that it was similar to the stage of the catwalk show that Ye Jinxiang took him to country F to pretend to be last summer vacation. The dazzling lights made people dizzy, and the girl who twisted her ass on the stage was not as good as on the runway. Her legs are so good-looking, she might as well close her eyes and go to sleep.

Then he actually went to bed. After waking up, he called Luo Qiuling first, took a long time to take a bath and then watched a movie. If he hadn't got his phone to check the time, he wouldn't even know it was dark outside.

It was rare for Sun Yiran to stay overnight, and now she went to another room to make a face. Zhou Feng went to watch for a while and felt bored, and came back with a plate of cherries while eating.

Walking into the box door, Liu Yangfan and Zhao Yue were playing billiards, and Ye Qin was still paralyzed on the sofa. Zhou Feng swayed over, picked up a cherries and put it in Ye Qin's mouth, Ye Qin turned his head away, as if the words "stay away from me" were written all over his face.

Zhou Feng sat down next to him, and asked the two players who were playing: "What's the matter with you two, you only know that you are playing by yourself, and you don't bring us Aqin with you."

Zhao Yue hit two balls into the hole with one stroke, looked up and said, "He is in a bad mood, so he won't play with us."

"What's the matter baby?" Zhou Feng stepped up to Ye Qin facing the difficulties, "Is it still a relationship problem?"

Ye Qin ignored him and stared intently at the lollipops on the screen of the phone. There were four lollipops in total, one every day from Tuesday to Friday. He subconsciously licked his lips, and then despised himself after licking, what's so greedy

He kept Cheng Feichi cold for several days, during which time he only responded with a few expressions on the messages he received. He was actually not very angry at the moment, but he just couldn't suppress the little bit of irritability caused by his powerlessness. But I can't tell others about this, I can only digest it myself, it's almost suffocating.

Zhao Yue put down his cue, walked this way and asked: "Why, that guy made you unhappy again? I don't think you should waste time with him. Let's go directly to teach him a lesson. You are satisfied with the lesson. until."

"Don't mind me," Liu Yangfan also came over, and casually took the cigarette stuck in his ear and blew it on his hand, "It's all over, if you give up halfway, wouldn't it be a waste of all your work?"

Ye Qin didn't agree with anyone's point of view, he threw his mobile phone on the coffee table and said, "You play your own game, leave me alone."

"Does the trick of physical contact I taught you last time not work?" Zhou Feng asked strangely, "Impossible, don't they gays look at boys the same way we look at girls? Ready to grab it?"

Liu Yangfan sneered and said: "Don't 'we', we are different from you, you can't walk any pretty one you see."

Zhou Feng chuckled: "That's right. Recently, I feel that my front desk looks pretty, and my skin is also tender, just like this cherries. It turns red when you touch it, and water will come out when you pinch it."

Ye Qin was getting annoyed, couldn't bear to listen to his foul language, picked up a pillow and threw it on his head.

A few big boys sat together bragging, and they couldn't avoid these cheap topics. Liu Yangfan went around and sat down on the other side, and casually asked about Ye Qin's seduction process: "What's the matter? Didn't Xueba agree to date you? Could it be that studying is too boring, so he agreed to play? "

In normal times, these words can be dealt with with a haha, but in Yeqin's ears right now, they sound like a provocation, as if they are openly mocking him for not being able to handle a poor man.

Ye Qin, who didn't want to lose face in front of his friends, immediately retorted: "No, he is obedient, and he dare not go west when I point to the east."

"Yo, so powerful." Zhao Yue also became interested, and leaned over to help Liu Yangfan light a cigarette, and sat on the armrest of the sofa with his legs stretched out, "Then call him and ask him to come, and our brothers will teach him how to behave." .”

Thinking of what happened at the convenience store last year and the horrible experience of being taken to the police station, Ye Qin was horrified, and refused without thinking: "No."

Liu Yangfan was amused by his sudden serious expression, watched the excitement and said without hesitation: "Look at what we Aqin are afraid of, could it be that you are the one being suppressed?"

Yeqin's ears are soft, and he can't stand provocation. He didn't know what to be suppressed, he automatically understood it as being suppressed by the other party, and immediately jumped up as if his tail was stepped on, picked up his mobile phone and sent Cheng Feichi a WeChat message: [I'm at the Nanguo Mansion on Zhongshan Road, come pick me up]

After posting, he held up his mobile phone for everyone to see, raised his chin and said, "Hey, wait and see who is afraid of whom!"