Falling Down the Pond

Chapter 31


This year's May Day holiday, the entire Ye family went to a small southern island in the territory to play.

Ye Qin didn't want to go at first, but this time Ye Jinxiang participated for the first time, and actively packed his luggage a few days in advance, and bought a new swimsuit for each of the family.

From the old man's habit of sending flowers and gifts whenever he is on a business trip, it can be concluded that he will only be so considerate if he has done something wrong. Ye Qin felt that there was something tricky, and he was afraid that Luo Qiuling would be bullied, so he didn't feel at ease if he didn't follow.

Simply put, the old man was quite peaceful. In the past two days, besides eating, sleeping, and playing in the water, he even went shopping with Luo Qiuling. Ye Qin felt relieved a little, and didn't want to go out to bask in the sun, so he stayed in the hotel and sent Cheng Feichi WeChat, and if he had nothing to talk about, he sent the cold jokes he had saved before. In short, he couldn't break contact for a day.

Cheng Feichi often couldn't reply in time because of his part-time job. Sometimes when Ye Qin woke up and saw his straight-forward answer, he was so dazed that he thought he had time-traveled.

For example, I sent him a message before going to bed last night: [There was a poet named Lu You in the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, the Jin soldiers invaded. Facing the society where the mountains and rivers were broken and the people were in dire straits, Lu You became angry, and then...]

Cheng Feichi's reply: [Wrote a poem: Thirty thousand miles east of the river flows into the sea, and five thousand miles to the sky. The survivors shed tears in the dust, looking south to Master Wang for another year.]

... Mr. Cheng is you Mr. Cheng after all.

Yeqin announced the correct answer wordlessly: [Then people all over the country were disconnected from the Internet]

This time the reply was quick: [Hahaha]

Ye Qin turned back to take a look, also thought it was funny, and rolled on the bed a few times holding his stomach. Their family lived in a family suite. Outside, Luo Qiuling knocked on the door and asked him if he wanted to go surfing with Ye Jinxiang, but Ye Qin refused without even thinking about it, holding his phone and continuing to send messages: [Are you done?]

Cheng Feichi: [hmm]

Yeqin: [Do you have WIFI there?]

Cheng Feichi: [Yes]

Ye Qin threw a video over.

Cheng Feichi picked it up half a minute later, and the ceiling first appeared in the picture, then the wall, and finally his face.

Seeing him leaning closer to observe the screen, Ye Qin suddenly let go of his hand covering the lens. Cheng Feichi was startled by his grimace, he was relieved when he heard the hahaha laughter, and said helplessly, "You scared me."

"Yeah, just to scare you." General Ye Qin stopped laughing and asked, "Have you never video-chatted with others?"

"No." Cheng Feichi was walking, and the picture was a little shaken. He took off the mask hanging on one ear, looked up at the clock on the wall in the staff lounge, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Eat, how about you, just got off work?"

Cheng Feichi nodded, and pulled off the apron around his waist: "Well, I'm ready to go home."

Ye Qin changed his posture, lay on his back on the bed, raised his phone high, and pointed the camera at his face: "That means you haven't eaten yet."

"Eat later." Cheng Feichi changed the subject and asked, "Did you have fun there?"

Ye Qin pursed his lips: "That's it, what's the fun with the elders, it's better to work with you for fun..."

Cheng Feichi smiled: "Next time, I'll take you upstairs for dessert, so you don't have to wait in line."

Ye Qin was skeptical: "Does your store cooperate with the one upstairs?"

Cheng Feichi didn't talk about it, but Ye Qin rolled on the bed a few more times, groaning and refusing to hang up the video.

"Then I'll change my clothes first." Cheng Feichi put his phone on the table, and raised his hand to unbutton his overalls.

Ye Qin took a deep breath and hung up the video in a hurry.

After hanging up, I feel nervous again. Everyone is male, and they are still facing each other naked in the bathroom. Why is it ashamed to look at the upper body

He turned over and lay on the bed, his face sank into the pillow, and he bit his lower lip with his teeth, as if there was still a temperature that didn't belong to him.

It's all because Cheng Feichi took the lead in the kiss in the classroom last time. Ye Qin hammered the pillow twice, thinking fiercely, next time he must regain the initiative and let him know who is in control!

The extremely difficult seven-day vacation finally passed. When he walked into the school, Ye Qin was greeted by a vertical sign under the teaching building and a few words on the blackboard behind the classroom—396 days before the college entrance examination.

The students entered the school happily. One moment they were discussing holiday anecdotes, and the next moment they sat down and opened their textbooks with a sad face. Even Zhou Feng, who usually didn't focus on studying, became nervous and borrowed Liao Yifang's notebook Copy quickly.

Ye Qin fell asleep for a class, and almost fell asleep together during the break. Putting his head up and looking around, almost all the students in the class did not leave their seats, some were buried in the questions, some turned the books upside down on the table and memorized words, he was the only one who had no sense of urgency, and was still thinking about it in his dream After eating the meal cooked by Cheng Feichi, the table was full of saliva.

Zhou Feng was still copying notes, Ye Qin patted him: "What are you doing?"

"Cross your feet when you're dying." Zhou Feng said without raising his head.

"Your death date is so accurate, exactly 396 days later?"

Zhou Feng wailed: "I'm different from you. You can go abroad if you don't get into a good university, and you still have a wealth of wealth waiting for you to inherit. If I don't pass the exam, I have to go to the army. That would be worse than death."

Ye Qin thought about it, and it was indeed miserable. Those soldiers on TV rolled in the rain in the mud, otherwise they would be basking in the sun, but Zhou Feng, a bastard who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long, might be able to roll his eyes after just standing for a few minutes Jue past.

After eating at noon, Cheng Feichi took out the competition guidance booklet and draft book, and was about to wander into the sea of questions, Ye Qin kicked him under the desk: "Tell me, is it possible for me to be admitted to a school with you?" University?"

Cheng Feichi was stunned for a moment, then picked up the English book and handed it to him: "Let's start with the words in units one to five."

Ye Qin was idle and bored, so he opened the book and began to memorize it. After memorizing two or three, he kicked Cheng Feichi and asked him which university he planned to take.

"Look at the competition in the second half of the year." Cheng Feichi said, "If the grades are good, it will be helpful for self-enrollment."

Although he didn't say it clearly, Yeqin knew that it was definitely not a school that he could reach. He was inexplicably unhappy, puffing up his cheeks and asking, "Aren't you going abroad?"

It was about going to an international school at the beginning of the year. Cheng Feichi said: "I don't have any plans for now, I just went to learn more."

Ye Qin thought to himself, sure enough, his family is so poor, how can there be money for him to study abroad? Even if Ye Jinxiang wanted to send him abroad, it would be useless for him not to accept it.

Cheng Feichi looked gentle, but in fact, he had a strong self-esteem like all people from poor backgrounds, otherwise he would have worked hard rather than accept his own help.

During these days when the two got along, Ye Qin only saw this point most clearly. Thinking that Ye Jinxiang might suffer from Cheng Feichi more than once, he felt an uncontrollable surge of joy in his heart.

It's empty when you're happy. Seeing that the people around seem to have found their short-term goals one after another, such as getting into a good university or going abroad for further study, even Liu Yangfan and Zhao Yue have not appeared much recently, saying that they were detained by their families to take the TOEFL exam, and in autumn Just pack it and throw it to the United States.

In contrast, Yeqin is as relaxed as a marginal person, and he can't find a reason to recite a single word.

The noon sun shines on the body, which is the most sleepy. Ye Qin was listlessly lying on the book, poking his fingers on Cheng Feichi's notes next to the words, and when he was about to fall asleep, he heard Cheng Feichi say, "You... really want to go to the same university as me?"

Ye Qin smacked his mouth, still smelling of the sweet and sour pork ribs he ate at noon. At this moment, he only thought that it would be good to eat a few more meals cooked by Cheng Feichi, and it would be good to sit at the same table with him and breathe the same air for a few more days.

Say what you think, he grinned and yawned, squinting his eyes and muttering: "Yeah, I think."

In less than half a month, Ye Qin's intestines were full of remorse.

In the past, the big recess was a time for playing games for him, but now it has become a time for learning and communicating. Cheng Feichi would come to the door of Class 2 (2) after the second period on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In addition to the lollipop, he would also bring Ye Qin a small test paper that he personally wrote. The questions were all from Ye Qin's homework book , The wrong questions in the exercise set, stipulated that Yeqin should finish them before school and leave them for him to check.

Ye Qin felt tired after doing it twice. He only wrote half of last Friday's test. After class, he handed over the half-page quiz paper to Teacher Cheng. Teacher Cheng accepted the kiss on the face, and then led him upright to finish the test paper in the classroom.

And this week, Cheng Feichi only brought him the test paper and no lollipop between classes. Ye Qin fumbled through his pockets all over his body and asked with blinking eyes, "Where's my candy?"

Cheng Feichi: "Punishment for not completing homework on time last week."

Hardly like the guy who held hands with him at the movie theater on weekends.

When Ye Qin returned to his seat, he made a gesture to tear up the paper. Liao Yifang saw it and stopped him: "Student Ye, if you don't want to write it, can you copy it for me? There are many students in our class..."

"Who said I won't write?" Ye Qin interrupted him angrily, and slapped the quiz paper on the table, "Where's the electrolyte note from last time? Give it back to me, I want to use it."

Between the last class and the evening self-study, Ye Qin, a classmate who felt upright, went to the stationery store in front of the school and bought a file folder. He sorted out the test papers that Cheng Feichi gave him one by one, and put them in it, including those An electrolyte note crumpled by him.

Time flies when you're having fun, and the same goes for learning when you're fully engaged.

In a blink of an eye, at the parking lot at the back door of No. 6 Middle School, Cheng Feichi finished grading the test papers under the street lights. He looked up and saw Ye Qin's mouth was so pouted that it could hang on an oil bottle. He took out a lollipop from his pocket and handed it to Ye Qin In front: "Open your mouth."

Ye Qin was full of bones at the moment, and he planned to be stubborn and insist on not eating, but seeing Cheng Feichi holding it up for a long time and not letting it go, afraid that his hands would get sore, he opened his mouth mercifully, and bit into it with an ahhh.

The two of them were still the last to leave today. After sitting in the car for a while, Ye Qin asked to get down and took off the sponge pad that had just been installed not long ago, saying that it would be better to walk if the butt was hot.

Before June, the air in the capital had already started to get stuffy. Today, almost all the students in the school changed into summer uniforms at the same time.

Cheng Feichi is no exception. The size L school trousers are a bit short for him, just below the ankles. The short-sleeved shirt on the upper body is unbuttoned with two buttons. The collar is neat and clean. The most abrupt part of the whole body is probably Ye Qin The hem of the clothes that were crumpled in the car.

Ye Qin felt itchy when he saw it, so he couldn't help tugging, helped him smooth out the folds, and then carefully discussed with him: "Well... Can you memorize short English essays tomorrow? There are too many chemistry homework today, and I haven't memorized them well." .”

Cheng Feichi turned his head to look at him: "No."

Ye Qin wanted to cry but had no tears. In addition to the small test paper, Cheng Feichi recently added a 400-word English essay for him every day. If he memorizes too much, he will develop a sense of language and help the accumulation of vocabulary. It is also an after-school check.

In terms of study, Cheng Feichi said one thing and never put his personal feelings into it. No matter how coquettish Yeqin was, it was not easy for Yeqin to act like a child. He is a person who is unselfish and unrecognizable, and his boyfriend is no exception.

But Yeqin was bullying and fearing the tough, and he especially liked this trick. When he saw his stern face, his scalp became numb, and he picked up the paper with the short English essay and babbled.

After finally stumbling and finishing memorizing, I looked up and saw the gate of the community in front of me.

There was no gossip along the way, Ye Qin was full of grievances, took his schoolbag from Cheng Feichi without saying a word, unzipped the zipper roughly, took out the folder he bought today, and put the paper full of English letters on it. Clip it in.

When he was about to stuff it back into his schoolbag, Cheng Feichi held him down.

He flipped through the small test papers and short English essays that were neatly placed inside, his eyes softened: "Unhappy?"

Ye Qin looked away: "Don't dare."

Cheng Feichi sighed lightly: "Don't you want to go to the same university as me?"

"Stop teasing me." Ye Qin lowered his head lazily, "I know how much I own. If I want to go to the same university as you, there are only two ways. Either change my mind, or You handed in all mathematics, physics and chemistry."

Cheng Feichi smiled: "It's not such an exaggeration, you listen to me and be good, you will definitely be admitted to a good school."

These words sound illusory, but in fact they are not just talking nonsense.

He was used to a planned life, and after Yeqin expressed his willingness to study with him, he took it as his task to improve Yeqin's academic performance and help him get admitted to a good university.

Just like the moment he decided to accept Yeqin, he had already included Yeqin in his future planning, and was ready to make sacrifices and concessions for this relationship at any time that did not violate the principle.

Ye Qin was soothed by Cheng Feichi's firm words, and blushed by the phrase "obedient", grabbed the folder in his hand, stuffed it into his schoolbag and asked, "Then I am so obedient, will Teacher Cheng reward me? "


While Cheng Feichi was stunned for a moment, Ye Qin took advantage of the gap, grabbed Cheng Feichi's school uniform collar, and kissed him on the lips. The kiss was a little heavy, and there was a loud "boo" when their lips parted.

Ye Qin was immersed in the pride and joy that he had the upper hand at the moment, and he didn't feel ashamed at all. While running towards the gate of the community, he stroked Feichi and waved: "I'll take the reward myself. See you tomorrow, Teacher Cheng!"