Falling Down the Pond

Chapter 37


At 1:30 in the morning, Cheng Feichi made arrangements for his mother, took out his mobile phone and saw the picture message sent by Ye Qin.

Click to zoom in, and immediately frown. Ye Qin didn’t know who he learned from recently. He added a Q-version cartoon sticker to the side when he took a photo. This time, he added a picture of a bald man making a face, as if bragging and saying to him: “I’ll just eat bubbles. What can you do to me?"

He really couldn't do anything to Yeqin. He thinks that his current ability is limited, and there are too few things that he can do with enough confidence. He can't even take care of the people around him, let alone control his own life.

Cheng Xin was discovered by neighbors in the corridor, and when she returned from shopping for vegetables, she fainted due to exhaustion. The neighbor said that he fainted at the corner of the stairs. If he was on the steps, he might have fallen badly.

On the way here, Cheng Feichi went to the bank to withdraw the money, and paid back the advances made by the neighbors. The rest was only enough to cover various examinations and hospitalization expenses. Cheng Xin suffered from postpartum hemorrhage and Sheehan's syndrome, and has been taking various hormone drugs for these years. This is the main reason why their family is struggling.

Most of the fainting this time was also caused by this incurable disease. Cheng Feichi calculated the remaining money on his body, and decided to withdraw the previously saved money in advance tomorrow. The money was originally saved for emergencies.

There are only emergency doctors at night, and various major examinations can only be done tomorrow. Auntie Feng just left after twelve o'clock. I heard that he has a class tomorrow, so she will come over to replace him early in the morning.

Cheng Feichi didn't want to trouble others, but there was no other way right now. The last few days of classes were especially important, and there was also a mock exam, which he needed to use to test his true level. Regarding the future, he dare not neglect at all.

The hospital is not quiet at night, and patients and their families from the emergency department are noisy. Just now a drunken young man rolled down the stairs and broke his leg. Due to the shortage of beds, he temporarily set up a bed in the aisle outside. He howled for more than an hour and is still screaming. Cheng Xin couldn't wake up because of coma, and the others, including the family members accompanying the bed, couldn't sleep.

Cheng Feichi came from school with his schoolbag on his back, so he had nothing else to do at the moment, so he took out his book to read. In the middle of the journey, I stood up to check Cheng Xin's temperature twice, and then dipped a cotton swab in water and wiped it on her chapped lips.

The bed next to her was an old woman suffering from diabetes who was being recuperated in the hospital. Her eyes were filled with approval: "Good boy, mom is in the hospital, why are you alone?"

Cheng Feichi didn't like to chat about family matters with outsiders, and said, "Auntie will come over tomorrow."

The old lady didn't mind his indifference, so she took a washed apple from the bedside and handed it to him with a smile: "The night is still long, eat an apple to nourish your spirit."

Aunt Feng came early the next morning, and Cheng Feichi told her the precautions, and packed his bag to catch the morning bus to No. 13 Middle School.

When I got there, I walked to the Jiayuan Community first. When I entered the house, the door of the master bedroom was closed, and Ye Qin was still awake. Time was tight, and Cheng Feichi only had time to steam the quick-frozen buns. The milk was hot in the pot. Before he left, he walked into the room lightly, lifted a corner of the blanket, and let Ye Qin, who was shrunk inside, show his head. next kiss.

I took out my phone at noon, and as expected, I saw a long line of messages from Ye Qin, various angry expressions, and a series of exclamation points, asking him why he didn't wake him up.

Cheng Feichi called Aunt Feng to confirm that Cheng Xin had woken up, was conscious and had all the checks done before going to the cafeteria with confidence. Reply to Ye Qin's message on the way: [Let you sleep more. Don't eat snacks and instant noodles at noon, I will cook for you at night]

Ye Qin's reply was miserable: [Then I'll wait until you come to eat]

Cheng Feichi sighed: [Eat by yourself, don't starve, be good]

Ye Qin didn't contradict him this time, he obediently replied "Okay", and asked how his mother was doing.

Cheng Feichi told him truthfully that the test results hadn't come out yet, and he would look at them in the afternoon. Ye Qin sent a tangled expression and said: [How about...don't come back after class, just go to the hospital directly]

Being able to make such a concession was not easy for Young Master Ye, who has always been self-centered. Cheng Feichi felt relieved, and replied: [Really?]

Ye Qin sent a "hmm", followed by a sad little expression with a droopy mouth.

Cheng Feichi smiled, and promised: [As long as I have time, I will do it for you]

After class, Cheng Feichi went to Jiayuan Community to cook for Ye Qin.

Due to time constraints, they were cooking relatively quickly, and Ye Qin was not idle, helping to wash and pick vegetables. Although Cheng Feichi re-done all the processes he had handled later, at least he received all the care and enthusiasm.

When sending him to the door, Ye Qin said: "If you need help, let me know, we... It doesn't matter, there is no need to be polite."

"What's the relationship?" Cheng Feichi couldn't help teasing him, "Brother?"

Ye Qin couldn't get rid of the shame of shouting "Brother" before, and stared at his round eyes and said angrily: "Teacher-student relationship!"

Teacher Cheng rejected Classmate Ye's proposal to drive him to the hospital and asked him to do his homework at home.

On the way, I received a photo of a big bucket of ice cream from Ye Qin. Knowing that he was deliberately provoking, I patiently persuaded: [Eat less, don’t be greedy for cold]

Ye Qin turned back with a "left humming" expression.

Cheng Feichi thought it would be best to take some time to cook for Ye Qin after the training camp. This little guy's stomach ailment was entirely caused by his irregular diet and often eating snacks as meals. I heard that he drank soup every day when he was at home, and Cheng Feichi also planned to learn from it.

While thinking about it, he walked into the ward and bumped into a somewhat familiar man by chance.

Aunt Feng has already left because someone came to replace her shift.

There was a stack of inspection reports piled up beside the bed, and Cheng Feichi flipped through them, and heard Cheng Xin say, "This is your Uncle Ye, say hello."

Cheng Feichi shouted "Hello, Uncle Ye" and continued to read the report with his head down.

The man surnamed Ye was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he looked like a so-called social elite who was accustomed to occupying high positions. Received a cold reception at Cheng Feichi's place, he couldn't hold back on his face, and went out with an excuse to smoke a cigarette.

Cheng Xin leaned against the head of the bed and said slowly, "He is my friend, please be more polite."

Cheng Feichi felt that he was polite enough, facing the person who might be the man who came to the hospital to take care of his mother, and the "those individuals" that his grandfather said should be cut off immediately.

As soon as he entered the door just now, he recognized this Uncle Ye as the person standing on the right side of Cheng Xin's university graduation photo. Being able to rush to the hospital so quickly, it was obviously not the first time Cheng Xin had contacted him.

"What friend? An old classmate again?" Cheng Feichi was not polite, "Please ask him to go back, it is enough to have someone guarding him."

Cheng Xin was silent for a long time, she let go of her airs as an elder, and said in a compromised way: "He has helped me a lot, so you should take it as a face for me."

When Ye Jinxiang came back from smoking, the atmosphere in the room visibly eased.

Cheng Feichi moved a stool for him to sit on. After sitting on it for a while, he became ill and pointed fingers at the conditions in the inpatient area, saying that he would find an acquaintance to move Cheng Xin to a single ward.

There is a little eagerness to show in the arrogance.

This was somewhat different from Cheng Feichi's guess. If he hadn't known that Cheng Xin was devoted to that man, he would probably have misunderstood the relationship between the two like his grandparents did.

Sure enough, Cheng Xin declined the proposal to change wards, saying that it is good to live here, and she will be discharged from the hospital in a few days, so there is no need to go back and forth.

Before Ye Jinxiang left, he called Cheng Feichi to come out and speak with the attitude of an elder: "It's not easy for your mother to raise you, so please follow her and don't make her angry all the time."

Cheng Feichi didn't know how much this Uncle Ye knew about their family, so he would never go wrong if he followed his words.

Ye Jinxiang seemed very satisfied with his gentle and respectful attitude, and couldn't help sighing: "If that brat in our family is half as sensible as you, I will be thankful."

In the end, he accepted Ye Jinxiang's business card, promised to call him if there was anything to do, and when he returned to the ward, he put the business card by the bedside without touching it again.

Cheng Xin took the medicine and fell asleep on the side of the bed. Cheng Feichi helped her make the bed flat, and when she went to the bed to fetch water from the thermos, she heard Cheng Xin say in a hoarse voice: "If you have time, prepare to go abroad. It's a lot easier than competing for first prize in those competitions."

Cheng Feichi paused, lowered his eyes and said, "We'll talk about it when we get out of the hospital."

Cheng Xin didn't say anything else, turned his face away and closed his eyes.

When people are sick, they always show a vulnerable side that is not usually seen, and Cheng Xin is no exception. Cheng Feichi couldn't remember how long it had been since his mother talked to him softly and softly. He probably wanted to give it a chance with the hope that the patient's request could not be refused. He was indeed a little hesitant because he didn't want to break the hard-won peace. .

Before participating in the competition training camp, Cheng Feichi and Cheng Xin had a quarrel.

For the sake of going abroad, Cheng Xin took his ID card and applied for an interview at a certain foreign school. He only found out about this when he received a notification call. For the first time, he failed to control his temper and questioned Cheng Xin. Why is Xin still stubborn.

At that time, Cheng Xin was unusually calm: "I am doing it for your own good. You are now obsessed with what you are doing now."

Since then, Cheng Feichi has completely understood that he has never been the one who can affect his mother's emotions and make her miss her so far.

This cognition has been accumulated bit by bit in the passing time, and now it is just a breakthrough to tear off the last layer of veil.

Compared with feeling cold, Cheng Feichi was more at a loss. When he was very young, he knew that his mother's illness was due to his own birth. He regarded taking care of his mother and letting her live a good life as the driving force and goal of struggle. He has engraved it in his heart every day over the years and never forgot it.

But what mother wanted was not these, and all his efforts seemed to be meaningless.

Even though Cheng Xin had emphasized countless times that all of this was done for his own good.

Just after ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Qin sent a "sleepy" expression, followed by a voice: "Mr. Cheng, are you not going to check the short English essay today?"

When Cheng Feichi heard the voice of milk, his heart covered by the cloud finally pushed through the cloud and let in a ray of light. He typed and said: [To check, send a voice message to me]

Yeqin sighed: "Okay..."

The short text of less than 400 words was divided into five or six paragraphs of speech, and I stuttered and memorized it. Cheng Feichi listened carefully twice, and asked him: [Did you read it as it is?]

Ye Qin seemed to have suffered great injustice, and sent a voice less than a minute long. He read the short article just now at a very fast speed, and finally said: "Can you hear the difference? This is what I read accordingly. !"

Cheng Feichi couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth, went to the corridor outside, and voiced him, "I heard that, Classmate Ye is awesome."

"That's right." Ye Qin, who was praised, was not modest at all, "Will Mr. Cheng give me some rewards?"

Cheng Feichi thought for a while: "I'll cook something delicious for you tomorrow."

Ye Qin went to bed without hesitation, waved his hands contentedly, and went to bed.

Cheng Feichi returned to the ward, picked up the competition instruction book and continued to read. Ye Qin worked so hard, and he had no reason to waste his time.

What's more, there is still a desire to go to the same university waiting for them to realize it together.

A short conversation miraculously allowed Cheng Feichi's impetuous mood to settle again. When something slipped away quietly, new energy filled in unconsciously, and the long-lasting confusion and perplexity that had been entrenched in his heart gradually became insignificant .

If it is necessary to give some meaning to the process of striving and hard work, the appearance of Yeqin is his new meaning.