Falling Down the Pond

Chapter 57


An hour later, Ye Qin walked on the muddy mountain road with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Looking at the back of the person walking in front, he still had an unreal feeling of being in a dream.

Cheng Feichi heard the footsteps behind him getting slower and slower, turned around and asked, "Can't you walk anymore?"

Eyes met, Ye Qin suddenly shook his head and said, "You can walk."

Noticing that Cheng Feichi's footsteps slowed down a lot after turning around, Ye Qin felt a surge of warmth in his heart, and he raised his hand to wipe his face that he didn't know how to clean, not wanting to leave any trace of crying.

Thinking of just now, relying on no one around, he let himself cry loudly and presumptuously, with tears streaming down his face, Ye Qin panicked with embarrassment.

I don't know if Cheng Feichi heard it.

He thought about it carefully, and he didn't seem to hear the beep on the phone. After he finished speaking, a human voice came from the other end, calling his name: "Yeqin?"

He was so shocked that he was out of his wits, covered his mouth for fear of making another sound, hiccupped suddenly, and then choked out a series of coughs, and the tears flowed more fiercely.

The person on the other end of the phone was not in a hurry, waited patiently for him to calm down, and asked, "Where are you?"

Ye Qin was sure it was his voice, so he was not so afraid immediately.

Now that he has calmed down, he looked around and found that this place seemed barren, but in fact there were constant chirping of insects and birds, and the sound of wind was circling endlessly in the forest. No wonder Cheng Feichi judged that he might be in danger on the phone.

It's just that Ye Qin originally thought that the lost road would end with a warning, but Cheng Feichi himself was on this mountain, asked him about the situation around him, asked him to wait on the spot with a flashlight on, and found it within half an hour.

The mountain is neither high nor big, Ye Qin didn't know whether he should be ashamed of his actions, or thankful that he called Cheng Feichi first.

Although he didn't have any hope of getting through at the time.

Walking to a fork in the road, Cheng Feichi looked at the road signs and then the time, then turned to Ye Qin and said, "I've never seen the homestay you mentioned, it's late now, so we may not be able to find it, our place is in It's not far ahead, if you don't mind, just go there for one night."

Of course Ye Qin didn't mind, but he was embarrassed to be too direct and asked, "Are you here on vacation?"

"Yes." Cheng Feichi said, "My mother wants to go back to the capital to have a look. The air quality in the city is bad, which is not good for her health."

It seems that he booked a homestay or something, Yeqin thought. This kind of coincidence made him come across him, and God treated him well.

Seeing that there was a faint light in front of him, and he was about to reach the place, Ye Qin couldn't help speeding up his steps, and walked to Cheng Feichi's side, taking advantage of this rare opportunity and the impulse in his heart, he was eager to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

It was Cheng Feichi who spoke first: "There are no beasts in this mountain, walk slowly and pay attention to your steps."

Ye Qin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that he still remembered his fear of the dark, so he answered "Yes" dully.

The sourness spread in my heart again. I don't know if he is the only one who still remembers the classroom without power, the narrow back row, the loud voices, and the kiss that instantly soothed his flustered mood.

While his thoughts were chaotic, Cheng Feichi accidentally slipped his foot, and Cheng Feichi pulled his wrist quickly.

Yeqin was only wearing a long-sleeved shirt. The temperature was transmitted to the skin through the thin fabric, seeping into the flesh, and the flowing blood seemed to be boiling. The momentum hovering in his chest turned into courage, and the words buried in his heart for a long time rushed to his throat.

He wanted to ask Cheng Feichi if he could give him another chance. In the past, you changed it for me, but now I can change it for you. I will change whatever you want me to, okay

He moved his fingers, trying to pull Cheng Feichi's hand that was about to let go, and opened his mouth to speak, when a dazzling light flashed in front of him, and then came a girl's voice like a silver bell: "Brother, look here! I'm here!"

The house in the mountains is always filled with a scent of green grass, so that the freshly boiled hot water is also contaminated. Putting down the cup, the lingering familiar taste is still lingering on the tip of the tongue.

When the Luo family's villa on this mountain was still there, Ye Qin once disliked the smell, and would only drink the drinks he brought with him every time he came. But after a few years of work, drinking the water here will only leave nostalgia and regret.

"Have you finished drinking? I'll pour you another cup. On such a hot day, there are not many people who can drink hot water."

The girl named Yan Hong enthusiastically stood up to fetch water for him, but Ye Qin hurriedly stood up and declined: "I'll do it myself."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Yan Hong snatched the cup from his hand, "A friend who is not Brother Chi is my friend, as it should be."

Ye Qin was a little at a loss by her hostess-like posture, and finally let her pour it, and when he took the cup, he whispered "thank you".

There were only the three of them in the living room, and Cheng Xin was resting in the room.

When Cheng Feichi went to the kitchen to cut fruit, Ye Qin wanted to help, but was preempted by Yan Hong. He could only sit on the sofa restrainedly like a guest, listening to the low-pitched conversations and female friends coming from the direction of the kitchen. Children's laughter.

"So you two are classmates in high school?" When the three of them were sitting and chatting together, Yan Hong picked out a piece of watermelon for Ye Qin, and she took an apple peeled by Cheng Feichi, "Capital No. 6 Middle School? According to my aunt, Brother Feichi Get a scholarship every year?"

Ye Qin held the piece of watermelon, not knowing where to start, and replied, "Well, he has good grades."

Yan Hong rolled her eyes playfully: "Are there many people chasing you?"

Ye Qin glanced at Cheng Feichi, who was sitting on the side flipping through the documents, nodded and said, "Well, a lot."

Yan Hong smiled, quite proudly, took a bite of the apple and asked, "Did he not like to laugh when he was in school? I told him a lot of jokes just now, but he didn't even move the corner of his mouth." one time."

Hearing this, Cheng Feichi reacted a little. He frowned slightly and raised his head slightly.

In the past five years, Ye Qin rarely recalled the past on his own initiative, but most of the Cheng Feichi in his memory had a soft face. He never hesitated to put a smile on his face.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ye Qin noticed that Cheng Feichi's gaze stayed on him for a moment. Probably out of the psychology of keeping things private, he said against his will: "Basically, I didn't like to laugh very much in the past."

At dinner time, Cheng Xin was helped out by Yan Hong to eat.

She was sickly and lifeless, her complexion was sallow, and she looked thinner than before. Cheng Feichi introduced Ye Qin and said that this was a classmate who had been to their house. Cheng Xin didn't recognize him, so he greeted casually, served a bowl of soup and some pasta, told Yan Hong to treat the guests well, and went back to the room.

Ye Qin felt uncomfortable staying here, as if he was the only outsider in the whole room, the more enthusiastic Yan Hong was to him, the more uncomfortable he felt.

At night, he went to bed early to rest, tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, turned on his mobile phone and clicked on the campus network that he hadn't used for a long time.

In this day and age, few people play the forum, and the posts are refreshed slowly. Ye Qin found that the post about where Cheng Feichi went a few years ago was pushed to the front row again.

At the end, there was an anonymous reply from three days ago, saying that I ran into Cheng Feichi in a hotel in S City, and the waiters called him Mr. Cheng, and said that he was accompanied by a beautiful girl with round eyes, nose and ears and curly hair.

The description in a few words coincided with Yan Hong's appearance.

Ye Qin couldn't sleep anymore, and got up to drink water just after dawn.

This villa is three stories high, and his room is at the innermost on the second floor. When he reached the stairs, he stretched his neck and looked upstairs. The door of Cheng Feichi's room was open, and it seemed that he had already risen.

The pace of going downstairs couldn't help but quicken, and when he walked into the living room, he saw Yan Hong busy at the dining table alone.

She waved at Yeqin: "Brother Feichi took Auntie out for a walk, let's have breakfast first."

Ye Qin pushed that he was not hungry and would eat when they came back, but Yan Hong wanted to pull him to sit down: "It's okay, my aunt is not here, I will make the decision here."

Over the years, Ye Qin has learned some skills in observing words and emotions no matter how unsuited he is. For no reason, he felt that this girl was posing in front of him, and there was something in her words.

He hoped that he was thinking too much, took a bite of a piece of bread, chewed it silently, thinking that he would wait for Cheng Feichi to come back later, and he would say goodbye and leave. If time is enough, he still has something to say to him.

Yan Hong didn't intend to let him eat quietly: "You should be the same age as me, right? You made your debut after graduating from high school?"

I exchanged personal information during the chat yesterday, Yeqin is no longer famous, but Baidu Encyclopedia can still find the information. Hearing this, he nodded: "Yeah."

"During high school, you had a good relationship with Brother Feichi?"

Maybe it was because of being a guest, Ye Qin felt that he was at a disadvantage in this exchange, he tried his best to calm down and said: "No, just ordinary friends."

"That's it."

Yan Hong gave an ambiguous response, stirred the milk in the glass with a spoon, and then asked again: "Yesterday you said that he was chased by many people, so among the 'many people', you are not included?"

On the other side at the same time, Cheng Feichi pushed Cheng Xin on the surrounding path in a wheelchair.

Summer in the mountains is much cooler than in the city, especially in the morning. Cheng Xin wore a long-sleeved jacket, covered her body with a thin blanket, covered her mouth and coughed a few times, and said, "Just go back to S City and hold the engagement ceremony."

Cheng Feichi paused: "I don't want to get married yet."

Cheng Xin tilted her head back and persuaded him: "Sooner or later, we will get married. Yan Hong has a good family background and likes you. If you marry her, I will..."

"That's what you said back then." Cheng Feichi interrupted her, paused, and repeated, "That's what you said to me back then, as long as I go abroad, you can rest assured."

Cheng Feichi's voice was very cold, without any emotion. Cheng Xin pushed the wheelchair with his arm and turned to face him, his expression was as cold as his voice.

This made Cheng Xin a little dazed. She remembered that his son was not like this when he was a teenager. He would call himself "Mom" instead of "you" every time.

"Mom is doing it for your own good." Cheng Xin thought it was five years of living abroad that made them like this, and eager to get closer to him, she leaned over to shake his hand. Have you met? What kind of girl is she? You should know better than us. Your father also thinks Yan Hong is good... "

"You think it's good to go abroad, so you force me to go abroad, and you think she's good, so you force me to marry her?"

Cheng Xin immediately softened her tone: "Mom's health is getting worse day by day, and now I hope to see you gain a firm foothold in Yi's house before she dies..."

Cheng Feichi couldn't help sneering in his heart, the word "death" didn't move him at all. After all, isn't it for your own selfish desires? When he made this hasty choice five years ago when he was disheartened and eager to escape, he guessed at that time that it would lead to endless demands in the future.

However, in the past five years, he has already thought clearly enough that his life should be in his own hands, instead of being manipulated by others, and he should not make concessions and compromises for anyone.

"Please stop imposing your expectations on me. What I promised will be done. As for the rest, I think I have the right to choose independently."

After listening to Cheng Feichi's report-like statement, Cheng Xin looked up at him. From his overly calm face, he seemed to see the boy who had cut his palm open to fight her in the hospital. As the sun flashed by, the rebellious and rebellious man in front of her, who became more stable and self-sufficient, made her feel a little strange again.

She suddenly realized that the five years of wandering overseas were not so much for him to grow up, but for him to build a more solid city wall around him. The gates of the city were closed, within reach but invulnerable.

This time Yan Hong came to the capital, it was Cheng Xin's own invitation, and he wanted the two to develop a relationship. She thought it was impossible for Cheng Feichi to ignore her pressure as a mother, just like five years ago, when he finally listened to her.

But she forgot that she herself was the first person to be blocked outside the city wall.

Cheng Xin rubbed her forehead, feeling a little tired. She slowly turned the wheelchair around: "Let's go back first, Yan Hong should be in a hurry."

Back at the villa, Yan Hong made tea in the yard and helped Cheng Xin to the dining table for dinner. Cheng Feichi looked up at the second floor.

Yan Hong said: "He said he still has something to do, so he left first."

Cheng Feichi looked back and nodded.

After eating, he belatedly remembered that he forgot to ask Ye Qin what he was doing on the mountain yesterday.

He fumbled for the phone in his pocket. Arriving in the capital yesterday afternoon, when he got the things he left before going abroad from his grandmother, he saw this cell phone that he had used at a glance.

Grandma said: "I think you will come back one day, and the old friends still need to be contacted, so I will keep the number for you."

When he came to the mountain at night, perhaps because he was not used to the sudden leisure due to the constant life after returning to China, he accidentally pressed the power button.

In less than three minutes, he received a call from Ye Qin.

The standby time of old mobile phones is shortened, and it will automatically shut down after only one night. Plug in the power, turn it on, wait for a while, the screen is blank, there are no missed calls, and no short messages.

Cheng Feichi put his mobile phone in the room to charge. When he went downstairs, he passed the room where Ye Qin stayed overnight. He went in and closed the window, and saw a bottle of toilet water on the table.

There's a note under the bottle—thanks for the treat, I'm leaving first.

The Gou Climbing character is the same as before, but the full stop is round and full.

The signature in the lower right corner is "Ye Ruan", which is the same as the note on the phone he hasn't touched in five years.