Falling Down the Pond

Chapter 8


The magic of things developed beyond Yeqin's imagination.

In the private room of the Internet cafe with poor sound insulation, Liao Yifang sat on the left, Cheng Feichi sat on the right, and Ye Qin was caught in the middle. Hearing two people discuss math problems he didn't understand, his head was buzzing, and he felt like a mistaken student. The mentally handicapped of the domineering camp.

"Student Ye," Liao Yifang probably feared that he would be bored, took out a set of chemistry five and three from his school bag, and turned to the second unit basic review paper, "This part is your weak point, do it here, just let Cheng Let me explain the topic to you in a simple way.”

Ye Qin waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I haven't finished the homework assigned by the teacher, I'll go back first..."

Liao Yifang showed a surprised expression: "No way? The teacher assigned the exercises in the textbook." Then he took out the chemistry book from his schoolbag, "I wrote it in the homework book, you can use my book, I circled it." The key point is to write a simple problem-solving idea, which is convenient for you to understand."

Faced with such an old mother's education method that was chewed and brought to his mouth, Ye Qin couldn't say no to refuse, took the chemistry book slowly, minimized his sense of existence, and huddled in the middle to do his homework in a daze.

It wasn't until Cheng Feichi's temporary network card expired that the three of them packed up their things and prepared to leave.

In the evening, the number of people coming online began to increase, Liao Yifang opened his arms like a child and took two classmates out, and seriously reminded them at the door: "There are many social youths here at night, please don't stay after checking the information. "

Ye Qin responded, but thought in his heart that only you would come here to study. When he entered Cheng Feichi's box just now, the interface on his computer screen was clearly a mailbox, but he didn't know what email he was sending.

Maybe I am sending it to Ye Jinxiang. Ye Jinxiang likes to put on the airs of the superior, and let the staff send him an email to report the big things. Send it to him.

Outside, Liao Yifang enthusiastically invited everyone to have dinner, patted his head and said, "Oh, I just forgot to introduce you to each other after talking for so long, let's talk while eating."

Ye Qin didn't want to stay with Cheng Feichi, so he hurriedly said, "I know you, Cheng Feichi, the top student in the next class."

"Mr. Ye knows Mr. Cheng? Why didn't I know..." Liao Yifang was puzzled.

Cheng Feichi looked at Ye Qin, as if willing to hear more about it.

Ye Qin's tongue was tied up: "It's just the note you printed last time, monitor. Didn't I return it? I saw him outside the window."

"So that's how it is." Liao Yifang said sincerely, "Student Cheng not only has good grades, but is also very handsome, so it's not unusual to remember him once you meet... Hey, the one who caught you in the pull-ups in PE class last time was Classmate Cheng, right? "

Ye Qin nodded in agreement, feeling extremely guilty. He and Cheng Feichi didn't just meet each other.

"Does Student Cheng know Student Ye? He and I are in the same class in the first year of high school, and Student Ye is the youngest student in our class..."

"Little brother, they all call me brother." Ye Qin interrupted Liao Yifang's enthusiastic introduction. At this moment, he finally understood why Zhou Feng wanted to cover the monitor's mouth. As long as he was given a chance, he would be able to babble like a machine gun. Talk non-stop.

"Oh?" Cheng Feichi seemed very interested, "I don't have much impression of this student Ye, why don't we find a restaurant nearby to eat and talk."

Sitting in a small restaurant near No. 6 Middle School, Yeqin was so restless that he wanted to scratch his hair.

Cheng Feichi clearly did it on purpose. He knew that he had heard his secret in the box next to the Internet cafe, so he pretended not to know him in front of the squad leader, using threats and pressure to make him shut up consciously.

While thinking, Ye Qin fiddled with the tissues at hand, tearing them apart into strips, feeling like tearing the hands of the person opposite him.

The restaurants near the school are affordable. Liao Yifang ordered two dishes and one soup. When he sat down, the two people sitting across from each other didn’t say a word, and said warmly: "Are you hungry? This restaurant serves a little slow, but The taste is very good, when I have no time to go home at noon, I often order a stir-fried dish and a bowl of rice here, and I am full of energy to study in the afternoon.”

Ye Qin raised his eyes and looked around. There were a few wooden tables with mottled paint, and a TV set with a screen full of dead pixels on the wall. It looked shabby, and he didn't know if the food he made was edible.

Calmly, he raised his arms away from the greasy tabletop, turned his head, and found that there were a few extra pieces of sugar on the plate in front of him.

"Let's eat this pad first." Cheng Feichi said.

Yeqin has eaten this brand of candy before, the milk flavor is his favorite, and he is really a little hungry at the moment, seeing Liao Yifang unceremoniously peeling off and eating, he quietly picked up one, and quickly peeled off the candy wrapper into the mouth.

Because I was hungry, the dinner was very quiet during the meal. The ingredients in this restaurant are fresh and sufficient, which accidentally broke Yeqin's prejudice against common people's fast food. In addition, he didn't eat much at noon, so he killed two people in one go with a plate of sweet and sour tomato scrambled eggs. Bowl of white rice.

When paying the bill, Ye Qin habitually took out his wallet to treat guests, but Liao Yifang firmly disagreed, saying: "Student Ye, you are wrong, we will have a chance to have dinner together in the future, if it is all your treats, how can we feel so sorry. "

Cheng Feichi didn't speak, and agreed with Liao Yifang's point of view by default. Ye Qin was speechless, and thought to himself, please don't let me meet you again, then he pouted his lips and reluctantly agreed to share the meal money between the three of them.

Liao Yifang's bicycle was parked nearby, and he straddled the bicycle and waved goodbye to the two: "Today is so happy, we will keep in touch in the future, study together and make progress together."

The positive energy made Yeqin inexplicably ashamed.

After seeing off the squad leader, Ye Qin turned to the direction where he parked, kicked a small stone, and saw Cheng Feichi not far in front of him, walking in the same direction as him.


Cheng Feichi stopped and turned to look at him.

Ye Qin started to organize his words after shouting, hesitatingly said: "That... I said that just now..."

Cheng Feichi took out the remaining candies from his jacket pocket, and held them up in front of him: "That's all that's left."

Ye Qin, who had eaten five candies just now, blushed, feeling ashamed of being treated like a child: "...I didn't want this, I meant that I was in the Internet cafe just now, and I was right next door to you."

He hoped that Cheng Feichi would take the initiative to promise not to tell the embarrassing things before, but who knew that the guy was calm and composed, standing there waiting for him to continue talking, and had no intention of taking the initiative to answer the conversation at all.

Ye Qin was ashamed and anxious, he had no choice but to get straight to the point: "I heard you called and heard your secret, as long as you don't tell it, I won't tell it either."

Cheng Feichi was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

This was the first time Ye Qin saw him smile. The previous few times it was a half-smile, vague and not obvious, but this time it was a real smile. The corners of his mouth were raised, his thin lips curled into a clear arc, and his eyes narrowed slightly, as if hearing some funny joke.

Just as Ye Qin wanted to ask him, "Why are you smiling?" Cheng Feichi raised his chin slightly as he inhaled, and the smile on his face didn't hold back at all: "What's the secret?"

Ye Qin's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that this man had such a good psychological quality, and he was not afraid to tell such a terrible secret by himself.

Or it would be more appropriate to say that he has a thick skin.

The thin-skinned Yeqin felt that he was being ridiculed, and his face was red and his ears were red, almost wanting to run away. He couldn't speak anymore, kicked a small stone and hit Cheng Feichi's foot, shook his head, and ran away in a huff, his untied shoelaces swaying left and right with his steps.

Another week passed, and everything in No. 6 Middle School was as usual, and Liao Yifang didn't hear anything about Cheng Feichi other than his studies.

Just when Ye Qin relaxed his guard, thinking that Cheng Feichi had silently accepted the terms of exchange and that he would not have to be afraid of him in the future, something happened at home.

He escaped two nights of self-study, ran home in one breath, opened the door, and his mother Luo Qiuling was sitting on the sofa crying.

"Why did you call the child back!" His father Ye Jinxiang's first reaction was to feel ashamed, strode over to close the door, and ordered Ye Qin, "You go upstairs first, I have something to talk to your mother."

Ye Qin rushed back after receiving a call from his aunt at home. A while ago, he had told his aunt that he must be notified of any special circumstances, in case Ye Jinxiang would do something like bring outsiders home, but he didn't expect it to play a role so quickly.

Luo Qiuling didn't want her son to see her sad and helpless appearance, so she wiped away her tears and forced a smile, pretending to be nonchalant, and pushed him upstairs: "Why are you back, don't you have evening self-study today? Go up and do your homework first. Auntie will give you hot soup... "

Seeing his mother's forced smile, Ye Qin's heart ached, and his anger shot straight to the top of his head. He pushed the porcelain vase on the side cabinet to the ground with his backhand, and there was a loud bang, and the vase shattered.

Ye Jinxiang was startled, pointed at him and yelled: "What are you doing, want to hit me? I rebelled against you." Then he pointed at Luo Qiuling, "This is the good son you have taught? Do you think he still has a little bit? The appearance of Ye's heir!"

Once the anger is ignited, Ye Jinxiang's so-called self-cultivation will be wiped out, and it will be easy to reveal his rude side hidden under the hypocrisy. Although he didn't want to admit it, Ye Qin knew subconsciously that most of his surly and irritable nature was inherited from Ye Jinxiang.

Luo Qiuling was so frightened that she forgot to wipe away her tears, and desperately pushed Ye Qin upstairs: "Qinqin, good boy, you go up first, mom will come right away."

Ye Qin held the handrail of the stairs and stood still, staring at Ye Jinxiang with a pair of dark eyes, like a little leopard who does not hesitate to challenge the authority, forcing his father to take the initiative to explain the crime.

Ye Jinxiang walked back and forth in the living room twice, probably because he made a mistake and was really out of confidence, when he spoke again, his tone softened a lot.

"Things are not what you think, and I don't know why that woman's things appeared on me." He vowed to Luo Qiuling, "You know, there are too many people outside who want to come to me, But I can assure you, I never gave anyone a second look."

Ye Qin naturally didn't believe Ye Jinxiang's words, but he didn't dare to tell his mother the truth.

The next day, the family returned to calm. While watering the flowers, Luo Qiuling helplessly told her son what happened that day. There were no twists and turns in the process, as Luo Qiuling herself said, it was probably due to a woman's sensitive nature, and she had already noticed some clues.

"But you also heard it yesterday. It's just that my mother is too sensitive and catches the wind. Your father is busy with work, entertains a lot, and often deals with different people. This kind of misunderstanding is inevitable. You are still young, listen to your mother, don't pursue it anymore .”

When Luo Qiuling said this, her voice was gentle, with a smile on her face, but Ye Qin couldn't find a smile in her eyes.

At night, Ye Qin tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. His mind was full of images of Ye Jinxiang's big black business car driving into the Yulin community and parked at No. 3 building. Then Ye Jinxiang's hideous face appeared in front of his eyes: "This is what you taught me." A good son who came out? See if he still looks like the heir of the Ye family!"

Ye Qin stared at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, and refused to close them until the sockets of his eyes were sore.

Yes, he is not just my son, of course he doesn't care about my mother or this family.

Ye Qin suddenly thought of Cheng Feichi's indifferent eyes when he looked down at him. According to the feedback from the private detective, Ye Jinxiang only reconnected with Cheng Xin's mother and son at the end of last year. He went to the Yulin Community a few times and sneaked there while Cheng Feichi was away. Cheng Feichi's family information at school also stated that his father had passed away. From this it appears that he was completely ignorant of the matter, and possibly even unaware that his biological father was still alive.


Ye Qin gritted his teeth, and couldn't help linking Cheng Feichi and Ye Jinxiang together.

Sooner or later, that person will recognize his ancestor and return to his clan, and maybe he will inherit Ye's property instead of himself. He didn't care about the identity of the heir, but Ye's surname should be Luo, and all of this belonged to his mother, Luo Qiuling. Why should Ye Jinxiang? Why did Cheng Feichi

The picture flashed in front of him, and Ye Qin saw the stern amber pupils slightly open, and Cheng Feichi had a mocking smile on his face.

In fact, he has been laughing at me in his heart, laughing at me for not being able to control myself, laughing at me jumping up and down but still being crushed by him, which is as funny as a clown.

Ye Qin closed his eyes hard, his thick eyelashes trembling in the darkness.

Ye Qin on this side clenched his fists and just fell asleep in a drowsy state, while Cheng Feichi on the other side who disturbed his sleep had already woken up. When I dressed, washed, made breakfast, and walked out of the corridor with my bicycle on my shoulders, a shallow crescent moon was still hanging in the sky.

The owner of the early morning shop yesterday asked him to come to the shop earlier today, saying that a regular customer ordered a batch of steamed buns to be enshrined in the temple on Hongye Mountain.

Cheng Feichi helped his mother with the work at home since he was a child, kneading dough and making steamed buns is something he is familiar with, and he helped make a hundred steamed buns before dawn. The boss was happy, and allowed him to leave early, and also stuffed him with a basket full of buns and soy milk, and asked him to take it to school to share with his classmates.

Carrying food into the classroom, the classmate who arrived as early as him in the front row pointedly said: "Wow, there are so many today, is there any for me?"

"Yes, I have."

Cheng Feichi walked to the seat, put down the schoolbag and stuffed it into the belly of the table. After pushing it a few times, he couldn't get in. He reached out suspiciously and took out a delicate pink paper bag.

The students in the front row came over to beg for steamed stuffed buns. Looking at the milk, sandwiches, and a box of beautifully packaged imported toffee that were taken out of the paper bag, their eyes were straightened: "It's okay to be a top student, and there are more and more girls sending love letters every day. Now they even have breakfast delivered.”

Cheng Feichi has been transferred to the No. 6 Middle School for more than two months. The classmates don't know him well, they only know that he has good grades and is still known as a top student.

Opening the card at the bottom of the paper bag, I saw a crooked line written on it: A happy day starts with breakfast. The inscription is two letters: YQ.

Cheng Feichi went through all the possible people in his mind, and none of them had the initials of "YQ". After waiting for a day, no one came to claim it. He guessed that the item might have been sent to the wrong person.

However, the next morning, the pink paper bag appeared on his desk again. Several classmates who came earlier than him said they didn’t see who put it in. This time the message on the card was: Was yesterday’s sandwich delicious? Try a new flavor today. Signed or "YQ".

On Thursday, Cheng Feichi still couldn't find out who delivered it, but the person who delivered the breakfast couldn't hold back and changed the payment.

Self-abusing his identity, he hesitated to reveal his identity, and his signature began with the somewhat ambiguous "Yours lovely", followed by only one Chinese character, which was very scribbled.

Cheng Feichi looked at it for a while, and it looked like the word "iron". Combined with the previous "YQ", he expanded the scope to the entire No. 6 Middle School, but he didn't miss anyone who had an impression.

In the morning of the next day, Ye Qin yawned and walked into the classroom as the bell rang, and saw the pink paper bag on his desk at a glance. Taking a closer look, it looks familiar, it seems to be the one he asked Zhou Feng to help choose.

A card was pressed under the paper bag, and there was a line of elegant and elegant pen writing under my dog crawling: Classmate Ye, my seat is in the second-to-last row by the window in the fourth group of Class 2 (1).

The inscription format is neat and rigorous—

Yours sincerely,


The author has something to say:

Xiaoye's first journey to pursue her husband has officially started