Falling in Love in the Supernatural World

Chapter 24: true and false


Just when Fang Chu was feeling cold all over, suddenly Qi Zhen's cry of grief came from the front.

They hurried over and saw Qi Zhen kneeling on the ground hugging Ling Bai's body. Ling Bai's head was split open in the middle. unexpected.

Fang Chu almost vomited out, this scene was more terrifying than the three people who died before.

He endured the discomfort and asked, "What's going on?"

Qi Zhen looked back sadly, and said: "It's Chen Jia, it's Chen Jia who suddenly appeared, he wanted to kill me, Ling Bai was..."

Is the murderer really Chen Jia? He killed Mrs. Qi, and now he wants to kill Qi Zhen? But Ding Xue said that Chen Jia and Mrs. Qi were in the same group... Fang Chu felt his scalp tingling.

Qi Zhen looked at Ding Xue, gritted his teeth and said, "You tell the truth, what happened before?"

Ding Xue said sharply: "I've told you everything I know. I was also injured by Chen Jia. Did I stab myself because I wanted to die? And he's clearly hooked up with his wife. How do I know he would do that!"

The scene was very quiet for a while, and the atmosphere was tense.

Fang Chu frowned slightly. In fact, he also felt a little unreasonable. At this time, he thought of the painting again, and wanted to go back to have a look, but he didn't dare to go back alone.

At this time Yu Size suddenly said: "Let's not separate again."

Fang Chu thinks so!

Qi Zhen hugged Ling Bai's body. In just two days, he lost his parents and best friend. The sorrow and pain in his eyes at this moment are almost as real. Hoarse voice: "Okay..."

Fang Chu was also a little sad to be infected. No matter how his family is, it is unbearable to go through such a thing? He was still too soft-hearted.

But they don't know where the murderer is until now.

Due to excessive blood loss, Ding Xue was almost unable to stand at the moment, and several people helped her down the stairs to the hall. The hall is spacious and has a wide view, and they are not easy to be broken by the murderer when they gather together.

In the confined space, every moment is suffering for them.

Fang Chu didn't know when he would be able to leave here, so he could only stay here.

It's not a happy memory to be with a few corpses...

When I was distracted, I suddenly felt water dripping on my pants, but it was strange, how could there be water here? Fang Chu looked down, damn it... that's blood!

He looked up again: "..."

Just face the face of death.

Chen Jia was covered in blood, her body was twisted and placed on the crystal chandelier, blood dripped down...

Fang Chu pulled Yu Size's sleeve stiffly, he was so nervous that he was almost speechless...

Yu Size looked up, he didn't seem so surprised, but turned to greet Qi Zhen: "Aren't you looking for Chen Jia? He is here."

Fang Chu: "..."

Qi Zhen looked up: "..."

Ding Xue who lost too much blood: "..."

Are you not afraid ah ah ah! Why is it so calm, it seems to say that your lost cat has been found!

Chen Jia died, and his body was hung on the chandelier. He had obviously been dead for a while. If he really killed Ling Bai, then who killed him after he escaped? You must know that after Ling Bai died, they were together and never separated again, and no one had a chance to do anything.

Ding Xue suddenly turned her head to look at Qi Zhen, her lips were pale, "Aren't you lying? Chen Jia is dead, it's impossible for him to kill Ling Bai, unless you killed him."

Qi Zhen stood there in a daze, and even forgot to refute for a while, because he also couldn't understand why Chen Jia died here, who killed him... and who had the ability to dispose of his body in such a short period of time. Quietly thrown onto the chandelier.

He looked at the others, all of whom looked at him suspiciously.

Qi Zhen's face turned pale, and he clenched his hands tightly.

Even he himself understood that he was the most suspect.

Yu Size said: "Ding Xue said there is a possibility, that is, you actually killed Mrs. Qi and Chen Jia, then hid Chen Jia's body and blamed him, and deliberately took Ling Bai out alone. , killing Ling Bai and blaming Chen Jia, who died long ago, you have time to implement all these, and no one can testify to you."

Ding Xue's eyes lit up when she heard the words, feeling that someone finally believed her, she stared at Qi Zhen bitterly and said, "I said a long time ago that he has a problem, and he was the one who wanted to come to my room to kill me in the first place!"

Qi Zhen stood there, with a sad smile on his handsome face, and suddenly said: "What you said seems to make sense, but why would I do this, why would I kill my mother?"

Yu Size smiled, shrugged and said, "It was just my deduction just now, in fact there is another possibility."

Both looked at him.

Yu Size looked into Qi Zhen's eyes, and said word by word: "There is another person here, this person, he looks exactly like you, he first came to Ding Xue's room to commit murder, making Ding Xue mistakenly think that you are going to kill him He. Then when Chen Jia chased and killed Ding Xue, he took the opportunity to kill Madam Qi. When Chen Jia saw it, he thought it was you who killed Madam Qi, so he chased you and killed Ling Bai by mistake, but in the end he was killed by that person I put it here, it seems to be intentional..." Yu Size's lips twitched, and he chuckled: "This is mocking us."

"Assuming that each of you is telling the truth..." Yu Size said slowly: "Then it was he who killed Mr. Qi in the first place. He knew that Chen Jia had an improper relationship with Mrs. Qi, and that Ding Rong and Mr. Qi There is an improper relationship, so if you kill Mr. Qi, Ding Rong will be afraid that she will be killed too, and Chen Jia and Mrs. Qi will mistakenly think that it was the other party who did it, and hide it for each other. His purpose in doing all this... is to let you Cannibalism."

Ding Xue thought it was ridiculous, coughed and said, "How is that possible! Qi Zhen doesn't have twins, he is an only child!"

Qi Zhen also nodded: "Although your reasoning seems to make sense, the biggest problem is that there is no one who is exactly like me, and this is not true."

Yu Size looked at him seriously, and said meaningfully: "Are you sure?"

Qi Zhen seemed a little puzzled.

Ding Xue looked at Qi Zhen bitterly, and said, "It's him, he's the one who killed these—"

When she said the last word, her eyes widened suddenly, she looked down at her chest blankly, an arrow pierced her heart, her expression slowly froze, and the last expression in her pupils was panic.

Fang Chu, Yu Size and Qi Zhen all looked up.

I saw a handsome young man holding a bow and crossbow in his hand, resting his hands on the handrail of the railing, looking at them with frivolous and evil eyes, putting his index finger on his lips, and chuckled lightly: "Yo, I was discovered by you. "

Fang Chu stopped breathing and looked at the other party in disbelief.

He and Qi Zhen look exactly the same.

He is the one who hides, the eighth man.

Qi Zhen looked at him in disbelief, his lips trembling, and murmured: "Impossible, impossible, you don't exist at all, you don't exist..."

The handsome young man smiled: "Why can't I exist alone? Doesn't all of this prove my existence?"

"Or... are you afraid of my existence? You don't want me to exist." There was a sinister and nasty smile on the young man's lips, and he looked at the dejected Qi Zhen mockingly.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Yu Size, and smiled: "What about you? Do you want to kill me too?"

But Yu Size hadn't moved yet, Qi Zhen raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of complex pain, and said coldly: "You killed them..." After finishing speaking, he chased them out without hesitation!

The young man turned around and left, laughing loudly and disappearing into the corridor, followed by the sound of broken windows, as if he had fled through the broken windows.

Fang Chu didn't intend to move at first, but seeing that Qi Zhen had already chased him out, and Yu Size followed closely behind, he hurriedly followed! When they went, Qi Zhen had already gone out with the other party, and the garden at night was glowing with cold moonlight. However, he hesitated...

Regarding the matter of jumping out of the window, Fang Chu said no!

The next moment, he felt a tight waist, being held tightly in Yu Size's arms, and fell heavily on the ground of the first floor, stabilizing him.

Fang Chu: The ex-boyfriend is really a very secure person.

Then he raised his head, a little dazed.

Because he couldn't tell which Qi Zhen in front of him was the Qi Zhen he knew.

The young man took off his coat at some point, and was wearing the same shirt as Qi Zhen's. His expression was exactly the same, without any difference. The two of them looked at Fang Chu at the same time, and said sharply, "He is the murderer!"

Fang Chu: "..."

I'm really not good at this. After all, we've only known each other for two days. To give me such a difficult multiple-choice question all of a sudden is like forcing elementary school students to do advanced math. It's too much!

And why are there two Qi Zhens!

Looking at Ding Xue's words and Qi Zhen's performance before, this Qi Zhen can't be his twin, but what if he isn't a twin...

Just when Fang Chu fell into a dead end and couldn't figure it out, Yu Size suddenly spoke up, with a relaxed expression, his thin lips raised into a smile and said, "Then you guys fight first, how about whoever wins survives?"

Two Qi Zhen: "..."

Fang Chu: "..."

This is not good, is now the time to sit on the sidelines? There is a super perverted murderer among these two Qi Zhens!

But Yu Size really put on an attitude of watching a show.

Fang Chu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of a possibility. Although he thought this possibility was too absurd, other than that, what else could make Yu Size make such a decision? Although he looks cold, he is not the kind of person who disregards human life.

That is the last possibility, these two Qi Zhens are both Qi Zhens, another personality split from him.

Another dark him hides in the shadows and wants to kill everyone.

If so, there really can only be one.

The two Qi Zhen looked at Yu Size with complicated eyes at the same time, as if acquiescing to this point.

Fang Chu whispered to Yu Size: "When did you find out?"

Yu Size smiled. When facing Fang Chu, his eyes softened a little, and he said softly, "Do you still remember that painting? I guessed it when I saw it."

Fang Chu: But I also read it, why didn't I guess it...

Suddenly, one of Qi Zhen said, "You really won't interfere?"

Yu Size nodded.

The two Qi Zhen looked at each other with a cold look in their eyes. At this moment, everyone knew that only one of them died could end all this.

In an instant, they moved and punched each other with fists!

But at the same time, Yu Size also moved.

Yu Size grabbed one of Qi Zhen's throats with one hand, and when he was about to meet the other Qi Zhen, he slammed him to the ground. There was a sound of cracking bones, as if a bone was broken, and ribs were inserted into internal organs. The sound, so piercing in the silence...

That 'Qi Zhen' coughed up a mouthful of blood, looked at Yu Size with cold and gloomy eyes, and said, "You said... you won't interfere..."

Yu Size raised his eyebrows and said, "I lied to you..."

That 'Qi Zhen' fell to the ground unwillingly, he knew he couldn't survive such a serious injury, he was indeed not Yu Size's opponent, so he kept hiding in the dark to provoke and tease them, just waiting for someone who could kill all of them. opportunities for people.

Maybe Qi Zhen had expected everything and this day would happen a long time ago, so he deliberately invited Yu Size and Fang Chu to come...

What a pity, it's only a little bit close...

This is the only chance.

He laughed while coughing up blood, and asked, "How do you know which one is me?"

Fang Chu finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this, it seems that Yu Size did not kill wrong, but he didn't see it at all, everything was too fast just now...

Yu Size said, "You are right-handed."

The real Qi Zhen stood in place and heard that his left hand moved slightly. He is left-handed, but he doesn't often use his left hand, and he can actually use his right hand. Unexpectedly, Yu Size also noticed such a small detail, and finally saved him. Life.

Yu Size said: "You are not him, it's just that he wants to get rid of all the projections that destroy everything in his heart, even if he has a body, it's not him, it's different from him."

He is Qi Zhen in the mirror.

That 'Qi Zhen' was not angry at all when he heard this, instead he showed a wicked smile and said: "You guessed right, but since that's the case, you should know that killing me is useless... Because I will always exist and will not really disappear... I, in fact, is him... "

After he finished speaking, his eyes slowly lost their luster, and he fell to the ground motionless.

The corpse gradually became transparent and disappeared bit by bit.

Fang Chu looked at 'Qi Zhen' on the ground in a complicated way. Although he was dead, those who died would not come back. There are no ghosts in this house, only the evil inside a person.

Qi Zhen watched the other self disappear in a daze, and stood there without saying a word, but his expression seemed very sad, and he didn't have much joy of escaping death.

Fang Chu knew that he was innocent, but felt that he was not innocent. He didn't kill anyone but everything happened because of him, and he involved himself in it. Seeing the light around him getting brighter, he couldn't wait to get out of here .

But as soon as he returned to the hall, Fang Chu's expression changed.

Because except for that 'Qi Zhen', the bodies of all the people in the room disappeared, even the bloodstains disappeared without a trace, as if they never existed at all, no... Could it be that these people all have problems? !

What the hell is he staying in the room with

Fang Chu seemed to think of something, and hurried to the second floor to find the painting. The painting was quietly hanging on the wall, but there was only a sunflower in the vase.

When they first arrived, Mrs. Qi only said to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks. Originally, the bowls and chopsticks were prepared for eight people...

The clock on the wall stopped at eight o'clock.

eight people...

Fang Chu turned his head in disbelief, his hand fell into a warm palm, Yu Size said, "Let's go back."

Fang Chu murmured: "It's all him..."

Yes, there is no such thing as Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi... There is no such thing as Ding Rong, Ding Xue and Chen Jialing Bai. From the beginning to the end, there is only one Qi Zhen. All the people are imagined by him. This is his world alone. people's stories.

Only he and Yu Size are outsiders.

Fang Chu felt creepy, it was scary enough for one person to split into an evil personality, but he could still imagine these multiple people, living a happy life with himself.

Fang Chu turned around and left without hesitation, not wanting to stay here for a minute longer.

Just as he was about to go out, a voice suddenly stopped him from behind: "Fang Chu."

Fang Chu turned his head, met the young man's beautiful deep eyes, Qi Zhen looked at him, and said seriously, "Thank you."

Fang Chu's expression was a bit complicated. In fact, he didn't help much. Even if he wanted to thank him, he would thank Yu Size, but he looked at Qi Zhen, and he was embarrassed to be angry. After all, these shouldn't be what he wanted...

So he said, "Nothing."

Qi Zhen smiled and looked at him deeply, no, you don't know what it means.

Fang Chu turned his head and left with Yu Size in a hurry. He breathed the air outside and felt relieved. No wonder this villa feels weird, because there are no traces of so many people's lives.

Qi Zhen went back upstairs, looked at the paintings on the wall with a calm expression, after a while, slightly raised the corners of his lips, a faint smile appeared on his pale face, and murmured: "It looks much cleaner. "

He went back to the study on the second floor, opened the drawer, and lightly wrote two words on the note: Fang Chu.

If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get out of here so quickly. The feeling of relief is so relaxing and pure... I don't need to be troubled, confused, and indecisive anymore, and finally get rid of those disgusting violence, indecision, and cowardly kindness...

He pushed open the window, and from this corner, he could just see Fang Chu's back.

On that handsome pale face, there was a deep and strange smile, it seemed a little lonely, a little emotional, a little sad, and a little interesting...

That thank you is from my heart.

Since you can liberate me, you should also be able to liberate this world, how interesting...

The author has something to say: Leave a message in this chapter and continue to send red envelopes~~ Let’s send them together tomorrow night~~~

Tomorrow's update will be postponed to the evening~