Falling in Love Inside an Urban Legend

Chapter 114: 8.5 Strange Neighbors


Ellen, was an unloved child, from the very beginning.

When she was still a baby, Ellen discovered this fact. Both her father and mother were extremely indifferent to herself. No matter whether she was crying or smiling, she couldn't get her parents' caress.

At that time, Ellen, who was often locked in a dark room for introspection, was crying a lot.

But his cries usually drew scolding and whipping from his mother, and beating and scolding from his father, so he learned to laugh later.

Later, when he grew up, everyone told him that all he had to do was smile, because a smile would make his parents like him.

However, the parents still did not.

It doesn't matter, Ellen, who likes to read fairy tales, knows that this is only temporary. Sooner or later, like the protagonist in the story, he will usher in a happy ending.

In the crowded utility room, the scarred Ellen is holding a book of fairy tales, happily looking forward to a bright future, and a beautiful princess will spend the rest of his life with him, sharing all the joys and pains.

Later, a car accident took away my mother.

Ellen still remembered that at that time, both his father and mother were injured, and when he was only ten years old, he tilted his head and looked at the blood on his mother's neck and the expression of resentment and unwillingness on his face, and smiled softly.

"A beautiful red."

The mother's emerald pupils were also dyed red, as hot as a flame, and the usually indifferent mother finally warmed up to him. Ellen was really happy.

I was so happy that I forgot to call the rescuers outside the car to be careful not to open the door - because that would make the iron thorn on the mother's chest deeper.

Puff—blood splattered all over the car.

After a car accident, Ellen lost her legs and her father was freed from the shackles.

He had a new wife, Ellen's stepmother.

The stepmother is very similar to the mother, even the way she treats Ellen is the same, cursing and berating, whipping and ignoring.

Ellen was very sad because he still failed to get the love of his parents.

But he is also very happy, because he feels that his life is finally like a fairy tale, with a vicious stepmother, isn't it

So, will the princess come too

[Still not here~]

Looking at the dead body of her father who committed suicide in despair after bankruptcy, Ellen closed the door sadly again.

"Bastard! What did you do to my darling!"

The stepmother was very excited after seeing the dead body. She knocked on Ellen's door and asked why he didn't stop his father's suicide just now.

"Father is very happy, why do you want to stop~"

Ellen tilted her head in confusion, as usual, an angelic smile appeared on her porcelain-white cheeks.

The stepmother broke down, and cut Ellen's skin with a knife, and kept saying words like "demon" and "guy that shouldn't exist" that Ellen couldn't understand.

Then, in order to purify the demon, the stepmother put a rope around Ellen's neck and tightened her arms grimly.

Ellen died of suffocation, his face full of regret.

Because he hasn't waited for his princess yet.

Could it be that the contents of the fairy tale book are all lies

Sitting in the room where her stepmother hanged herself, Ellen playfully shook her stepmother's bruised ankle, looking at the dead ghost with a mixture of fear and resentment.

Ellen let go of his hand when he was tired of playing. He stretched out his fingers and counted the residents in the apartment building.

one, two, three...

So lonely, so lonely, the neighbors who used to play with Ellen no longer come, is it because he can no longer be bullied like a fool

Ellen didn't know the answer, but maybe he could play the game with them again, and if he lost, he would stay and play with him forever.

Ellen thought it was a good idea, and the black mist excitedly filled the entire apartment building.

Let's play games~ In this way, we won't be lonely~

Just when Ellen was choosing the game method, he heard the voice from next door.



In the room, the corpse hanging by the rope swayed with the original force, hitting the wall next door.


There was the sound of the door opening next door.

Ellen stopped moving, like a little prince hiding in the dark, secretly looking forward to a new playmate.

In the corridor of the apartment, a black-haired young man who moved a heavy suitcase couldn't help laughing when he heard the sound of knocking on the wall from the next door.

Are there any children next door

He clasped his fingers and tapped lightly.



The sound stopped.

The black-haired young man waited for a while, then looked away before waiting for a response, and secretly complained about his childishness.

He missed the excited tapping from next door.



The young man who walked out of the room had to go downstairs to carry his luggage. He hastily closed the door, like a non-stop spinning top, and brought a lot of sundries.

Tick, tick, tick - when the black-haired young man packed up his last things and was about to go back to his room to rest, the sound of glass beads beating came from the half-closed door next door.

The black-haired youth turned his head and saw a golden glass bead rolling to his feet.

The sunlight refracted from the corridor window makes the glass beads appear crystal clear, as beautiful as a crystal ball in a fairy tale.

The young man bent down, and his slender and round fingertips caught the glass bead.

The kids next door

The young man looked at the darkness inside the next door, hesitated for a moment, and put the beads on the inside of the threshold.

He didn't want to be too busy, and he didn't want to cause troublesome interpersonal interactions.

Didi-Didi—a quick call came from the mobile phone, and the young man answered the phone before he could straighten up, nodding and bowing in response to the reprimand on the other end of the phone, he hurriedly closed the door and left the apartment, maybe he won’t return until early in the morning .

After a long time, the golden glass bead in the door next door rolled into the depths of the darkness without any wind. A hand so pale that it could only belong to the dead closed its palm and put away the glass bead.

The black-haired and black-eyed Snow White smiled at him, so pretty~

In the darkness, the dead body lying on the wheelchair moved its limbs that had been stiff for a long time, and slowly raised the corners of its mouth.

The tightly closed curtains, the dark room, filled with the aroma of food.


Her full lips parted slightly, humming a tactful nursery rhyme.

Gently relax the wrist, the fragile skin of the egg splits, the egg yolk and egg white are mixed together and flow into the container.

The mixed-race boy with short black hair curled his lips, and his pale face was full of young love like a girl, admiring his sweetheart.

On that day, he waited for his own princess~

Ellen's dark green eyes were curved, and there was a morbid obsession and possessiveness in her smile.

The princess picked up the golden ball on the ground and returned it to the prince who was trapped in the room.

The princess, who shares his heart with him, will always be together.

They will be together forever like in a fairy tale, so happy~


The hot oil was boiling hot, and a round poached egg was soon cooked, and the dead man's blue and white arms trembled slightly, and poured the poached egg into the plate.

It is a sun egg in the shape of a heart.


The nursery rhyme ended successfully, and the black-haired boy looked expectantly at his lover in the next room.

In the bedroom, Yao Ye, who was sleeping soundly, was lured awake by a seductive fragrance. He opened his eyes, rubbed his messy black hair in a daze, and his fair and delicate cheeks were still flushed from deep sleep.

"Huh? This... what does it smell like?"

Since his boss just died yesterday, Yao Ye, who was too happy, was excited for most of the night. When he woke up in the morning, he inevitably lacked energy. He stretched and walked to the living room. Just as he was about to go to the bathroom to wash up, he glanced at the dining table not far away. dishes.


Yao Ye was shocked, his heart turned cold, and he quickly looked back to see that the door lock of his bedroom was safe and sound, and he began to recall the feeling when he opened the door just now, it was locked like last night, and it was not opened.

It's considered that the guy is sensible and didn't do something disgusting in the middle of the night.

But... this pervert, could it be possible that he regards himself as a snail girl

Yao Ye looked at the poached eggs and bacon milk on the table. After a moment of silence, he picked up the plate with a dark face and was about to pour it away.

Who would dare to eat something made by a pervert, who would put something in it, nail spiders or something, it's all possible.

He will never eat it!

Gulu—Yao Ye protested with his hungry stomach.

Yao Ye: "..."

Or, just eat a little

After all, I got up late today, and if I don’t eat this, I will go to work hungry. There is no way that guy could poison him, after all, he still has to follow him.

Yao Ye pondered for a while, then poured out the milk that was most likely to be used for things, and after a simple wash, he sat at the dining table and began to eat.

The color of the milk reminded him of something disgusting, and he chose not to drink it, because the perversion was so limitless.

And after seeing his lover pour out the milk, the black-haired green-eyed ghost sitting at the table showed an aggrieved expression like a little daughter-in-law.

Do you want to dump it all again

What do you like dear

Chinese food

However, it won't do it.

Ghosting bowed his head, feeling inferior to his own incompetence.

If the wish of the princess cannot be fulfilled, can the prince still be with the princess forever

Ghost Shadow clasped his pale fingers firmly on the table, and he could vaguely see the black mist symbolizing resentment floating between his fingers, and the originally handsome and pure face was also bruised like death.

Incompetent guy... It's the second time, my dear must be angry, and it's useless to apologize.

... It's all your fault... Hee hee hee, die, die, die! ! ! …

The ghost's horrifying face was full of resentment towards itself. It curled up uncomfortably, hugged itself with its hands, its nails dug deep into the arms on both sides, and with a little force, it tore off a large piece of flesh and blood, revealing its bright red texture. The blood stained the ghost's white coat—it was specially changed to please dear ones.

no use... no use at all...

Ellen, was still a child that no one liked.

The ghost covered his head, his dark green pupils dilated, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

Princess, are you leaving Ellen

No... They can be together forever, my dear, they have to stay forever... Forever! ! !

The pale ghost raised its head and clung to its lover with attachment, its eyes were full of deep possessiveness and distorted love that made people look cold, it tightly entangled with its lover, fearful and uneasy.

The black mist around Li Gui's body became more intense, and he hovered around the room with fangs and claws, symbolizing Li Gui's unstable mental state.

"Well… "

Yao Ye swallowed the bacon in his throat, and after pondering for a moment, he still had to admit awkwardly that the pervert's cooking was quite delicious.

"... the taste is not bad, um, why don't you become a chef with this skill, you have to be a stalker..."

Yao Ye shook his head regretfully.

good to eat

Honey, do you think it's delicious

The pale ghost froze for a moment, his sad expression instantly turned into a smile, sweet and happy.

To Ghosting, the lover's approval is the sweetest honey in the world, so sweet that even the heart is stuffed with candy, and the blood is full of sweetness.

The ghost that was still bleeding happily hugged the lover in his arms tightly.

It rubbed his lover's cheek and whispered intimately to his lover.

—Honey, always acting like a baby~ so cute~

Yao Ye stopped the knife and fork in his hand for a long while, pretending that he didn't hear anything, and started to gobble it up.

He didn't hear anything like acting like a baby. He was not sick and didn't need to go to the hospital to spend money.

After all, it was the perverted stalker who forced him to be like this, but it's okay, when the pervert got tired of him and left, he could return to normal.

Yao Ye was convinced of his own thoughts, so he refused to take medicine with more peace of mind.

After finishing his meal soon, Yao Ye wiped his mouth contentedly, and after tidying up, he was ready to go to work.

Standing in front of the mirror in front of the entrance, Yao Ye straightened the bow tie on his neck, and his white fingers inadvertently touched another finger with sharp knuckles.

A finger pale as death.

! ! !

Yao Ye was startled, and when he looked down again, his hand was the only one on the tie.

What? What was it just now

Also, that angle...why does it look like someone is hugging him from behind

The green-eyed ghost clings to his lover's neck, squints his eyes, and interlocks his fingers.