Falling in Love Inside an Urban Legend

Chapter 45: 3.13 Abnormal proliferation


"There is no corpse? Could it be that the corpse was moved away?"

"No way, if we were really moved away, the police would have come to arrest us a long time ago, bah, to save us from those gangsters with guns!"

"That's right!"

People in the car were talking about it.

Yao Ye was still in shock and couldn't figure out what these people were talking about, so he could only huddle on the seat in the corner without saying a word, his pale face looked very pitiful.

Just as everyone in the bus was discussing whether to drive away, there were intensive gunshots in the building ahead.

bang bang bang! ! !

Everyone trembled in fright, and they all moved to the car window, wanting to see what happened outside.

"Quick! Retreat! There are still ten seconds before the explosion!"

Wang Gang's face was covered with blood, and he ran towards the outside of the building, yelling.

Behind them, the remaining five soldiers were also in a panic, and ran out of the building with all their strength.

Just a second after they ran out of the building, the explosion resounded throughout the city center, shaking the ground.

There was a sky-high flame in the Ming's Building, and thick smoke filled the air, covering half of the sky.

Seeing this, everyone in the bus was shocked.

They really didn't expect these men with guns to be so courageous and ruthless, even bombs and bombs!

The bus compartment was suddenly quiet, and no one dared to mention the escape, for fear that they would be the next one to be bombed or killed.

Yao Ye stared blankly at the destruction of the familiar building outside the car window, with a touch of sadness in his expression.

In the past, when Ming'an was still alive, he used to come to this building to show off his might with his arrogant temper, shouting and shouting at the employees with higher education than him, just like a villain.

But Ming'an didn't show any dislike at all, and even held a special meeting to tell the employees in a serious manner that Yao Ye was his favorite darling and the proprietress of this company.

If you offend your heart, you can just resign and leave.

Thinking of Ming'an's clumsy and cute appearance, Yao Ye showed some nostalgia, and his eyes turned into pain when he turned to the building in front of him.

He really didn't know why things suddenly became like this...

He kills his lover who came back from the dead...and the lover begins to haunt him.

Ming'an... Do you want me to go down to accompany him

Yao Ye gritted his teeth thinking about the people with glazed eyes he met just now and the familiar enthusiasm in their expressions.

But why!

He was a badass and asked for Ming'an's money, but that was not enough to make him a widow for Ming'an for the rest of his life, nor was it enough to make him pay his life for it!

He doesn't want to die, absolutely not!

Yao Ye withdrew his gaze and clenched his fists.

After much deliberation, he decided to book a ticket and leave the city after arriving at a safe place.

He didn't believe it anymore, Ming'an could still chase him to the ends of the earth!

"Open the door!!!"

The captain Wang Gang rushed to the car door with a roar, and the driver was shocked and opened the door immediately.

The remaining six people quickly boarded the car.

Wang Gang broke three of his fingers during the fight in the building, and now endured the severe pain and ordered: "Drive! Go to the swimming villa! Xiao Zhang, you can point out the map to the driver!"

Xiao Zhang, with blood on his arm, stepped forward and transferred the map recorded on the watch to the driver's mobile phone.

The driver stared blankly at the map, wondering if there was such a villa in Keli City, and started the car.

"Da Qi! Hold on! Don't be unable to support even a single sealing point!"

Wang Gang looked at a short-cut soldier with a dazed face beside him, his eyes were a little red.

Although knowing that death in this world is not real death, those pains are real and will be fed back to reality. Some weak-willed people will even really think that they are dead and go crazy.

Many soldiers have already been sent to mental hospitals because of this, and Wang Gang really doesn't want his soldiers to end up like this.

The inch-headed soldier struggled to hold the bleeding on his neck, and forced a smile to comfort the captain.

Seeing that the inch-headed soldier was not in good condition, Wang Gang supported him to lie in the back row and took a rest.

Yaoye was sitting in the back row of the bus, and the inch-headed soldiers reclined and occupied several seats in the back row, blocking him in the corner.

Yao Ye anxiously looked sideways at the seat next to him, and met the stunned and pale face of the inch-headed soldier.

Only then did Wang Gang realize that there was an extra person in the car, and he immediately looked cold and serious.

"Who are you!"

Wang Gang raised his gun and pointed it at Yao Ye, before turning his head to look at the other people in the carriage.

"Didn't I say that you are not allowed to open the door! Who is this person?"

Yao Ye raised his hands timidly, indicating that he was harmless.

Among the young tourists, Zhao Bang resisted his distaste for these bandit-like guys, and replied, "It's a frightened ordinary person. He was frightened, so we let him come up."

After listening to Zhao Bang's explanation, Wang Gang still did not relax his vigilance. He turned on the smart watch on his wrist and started scanning mode.

"The target is a plot character."

A mechanical female voice came from the watch.

Wang Gang opened the relevant information, only to find out that the character in this plot is named Yao Ye.

In the plot that has been ascertained, this person is an insignificant little character, the lover of the police chief who was later polluted.

After understanding the basic situation, Wang Gang withdrew his gun, didn't look at Yao Ye again, and didn't plan to drive him out.

If you keep this person, it may be useful in the future.

Seeing that the muzzle of the gun moved away, Yao Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

It was so hard to escape from his ex-boyfriend, if he fell here, he would be too aggrieved.

Yao Ye felt that he was in a thief's car this time.

He leaned on the seat in despair, and he couldn't tell whether it was better to get out of the car now and return to the "Ming'an" surrounded by them, or to stay here and be pointed at by the gun.

"Uh... um..."

Beside him, the soldier with the short hair groaned and groaned in pain.

Wang Gang was comforting Cun Tou all the time, Yao Ye didn't dare to say anything, he could only turn his head to look at the rapidly receding street scene outside the car window.

The bus was speeding all the way, but the city center, which was supposed to be crowded with people, was strangely sparsely populated.

Yao Ye opened his eyes wide, watching a few pedestrians passing by the side of the road, and was attracted by those faintly flickering glazed eyes.

Yao Ye bit his bruised fingers into his mouth again, the smell of blood permeated the inside of his mouth, and he felt a little nauseous.

what on earth is it

Why are there so many... Ming'an.

Yao Ye couldn't figure it out, he just threw the bodies of the two brothers Ming'an into a small reservoir, why did everyone in the city turn into them...

When Yaoye was thinking hard, he felt the moaning and moaning beside him gradually getting smaller.

He subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw that the soldier with the short hair opened his eyes, revealing a pair of light-colored eyes.

Yao Ye looked at him strangely, wondering if this person's eyes were this color just now

Cun Tou lay on the seat, staring straight at Yao Ye, his pupils dilated and their color became lighter and lighter.

Wang Gang noticed the abnormality of the Cun Tou soldier, his face changed, and he checked the wound on Cun Tou's body, and he found a diamond-shaped wound.

It was the wound caused when the proliferator fragments parasitized into the body. Since it was neither painful nor itchy, it was easily ignored by the host.

Wang Gang raised his gun again.

"You are so beautiful..."

Cun Tou looked at Yao Ye with an obsessed expression.

Before Yao Ye could react, he heard a gunshot, and the head in front of him exploded.

boom! ! !

Yao Ye stared blankly at the watermelon-like skull in front of him, and the brain was splashed with blood.

He lowered his head numbly, looking at his bloodstained body, there was no expression on his face, and even his brain was blank.

Same as that day... all over... the blood of Ming'an Mingyun...

"Da Qi is infected, throw him out of the car immediately!"

Wang Gang ordered indifferently.

The rest of the soldiers obeyed the captain and lifted the gradually cooling corpse without any hesitation, as if it was not their comrade in arms.

The other people in the car were frightened and stupid, they never thought that these people would be so cruel to their own people.

Yao Ye was still staring at the blood on his hands in a daze, and there was a choked sound in his throat.

But Wang Gang aimed his gun at Yao Ye.

Yao Ye, who noticed the strangeness, raised his head dully, hugged his head and knelt down, trembling with fear: "Please, don't kill me... woo woo..."

What crime did he do, why did all the bad things happen to him! !

Yao Ye, who finally came out of the stimulation just now, cried until his eyes were swollen. He really hated that he didn't leave Keri City immediately after throwing away the body.

I blame myself for being greedy for money, I can't bear to part with the mortgaged house...

"Captain, he may be useful later..."

Xiao Zhang on the side stepped forward to persuade the captain, but his expression was a little dazed, and his tone was a little stiff.

"It doesn't work, he may have been infected..."

Wang Gang didn't notice anything unusual, and slowly pulled the trigger.

boom! ! !

Xiao Zhang raised his gun and hit Wang Gang right in the heart.

Halfway through Wang Gang's words, his mouth was full of blood. He looked back in disbelief, and as expected, he saw a pair of glazed eyes.

Xiao Zhang is infected.

This proliferator's polluted body has learned to hide!

Wang Gang fell into darkness with deep shock.

Seeing the captain being attacked, the remaining soldiers gritted their teeth in hatred and raised their guns to shoot at the back row of the bus.

bang bang bang! ! !

Xiao Zhang protected Yao Ye under his body. In the end, his chest was full of blood holes, and the blood flowed profusely.

Yao Ye watched in horror as the stranger shielded himself, and froze in place at the sound of gunshots beside his ears.

His pupils trembled, and he met Xiao Zhang's gentle glazed eyes, and after a moment of stunned, he wept uncontrollably.

"Ming'an...don't die... woohoo, I regret it..."

Yao Ye hugged Xiao Zhang's bloody body, and his spirit completely collapsed.

"Please, let us go..."

Yao Ye cried and begged for mercy, never felt that he was so incompetent and ashamed, he would only live under the protection of others, he was just a pathetic bug with no survival value.

He regrets it.

He shouldn't have thrown his body away... Ming'an didn't intend to harm him...

He's... protecting him.

He deserved what he deserved, he was too selfish, I'm sorry, Mingan Mingyun...

Yao Ye's face was pale, his pupils lost focus, he felt that the warm body on his body gradually lost its temperature, and suddenly he was powerless to beg for mercy, and even had a terrible thought that it would be good to just die like this.

On the other side, the soldiers kept shooting, but the astonishment on their expressions grew deeper and deeper.

Why, this polluting body protects that plot character so much

What exactly happened