Falling in Love Inside an Urban Legend

Chapter 51: 4.3 Strange bone aroma



The class bell rang, and the students with their own minds all returned to their seats.

Yuanping is still missing, and it seems that he doesn't plan to come back to class.

Yao Ye wrinkled his nose, he really didn't want to pay attention to the clueless country bumpkins in this class anymore, just find a younger brother, anyone can be replaced.

Because of being so angry, Yao Ye didn't listen to the remaining two classes, and was absent-minded.

During the period, the class teacher also came to ask Yuanping's whereabouts angrily, and left even more angrily after the inquiry failed.

Yao Ye propped his cheeks, watching this farce boredly, thinking that Yuan Ping is good enough, just watching it all morning, it seems that the whole school doesn't like him very much.

Taking advantage of the recess time in the middle, Yao Ye inquired about Yuan Ping curiously, and only then did he find out the reason why Yuan Ping was isolated and rejected.

Yuan Ping is the son of a butcher, and his family opened a slaughterhouse in the town. They sold things that were short of catties and always sold stale meat. At first, the people in the town struggled for a long time stomach, and was rejected by the town.

According to the students in the class, Yuanping's family all look gloomy, carved out of the same mold, and behave obscenely, always spying on you in the dark, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Therefore, everyone dislikes this family.

But things are getting better now. In the past few weeks, Yuan Ping's father, the butcher, has gotten better, the meat he sells has become better, his personality has become more cheerful, and he is not so annoying.

Even his wife and son Yuanping still look like ghosts. I heard that their mother and son are mean and disrespect the butcher who is responsible for the breadwinner in private. Especially that wife is also domestic violence and often hurts Yuanping.

Hearing this, Yaoye thought of the bandage on Yuanping's neck and the blood scab on his hand.

Was it his mother who beat him

Yao Ye had never seen such a poor person before, and felt pity for a while, but when he thought of Yuan Ping avoiding him so coldly, the pity disappeared again.

There is a saying, poor people must have something to hate, that guy's character is really not likable.

Forget it, the big deal is that he will not care about this person offending him in the future, after all, he is already so pitiful.

Thinking so, Yao Ye took out the bloody square scarf in his desk pocket, looking disgusted.

It was used to wipe Yuan Ping's face just now, and it was already too dirty.

Yao Ye threw the square scarf into the trash can.

Really, it made his hands smell of blood, so he should use some hand sanitizer to wash them off after a while.

Soon, the school ended, and Yao Ye walked out of the classroom surrounded by his classmates.

He chatted and laughed with the students around him all the way, got into the limousine parked at the school gate, and drove away under the envious eyes of everyone.

As soon as the car stopped, Yao Ye couldn't wait to jump out of the car, rushed into his small garden, ran to the lobby, and drank happily with a can of soda.

"Little Ye! Drink soda again! Really! The president is not tall!"

The gentle long-haired woman shook her head helplessly.

Yaoye made a playful expression, and said coquettishly to his mother, "I'm already tall, so I'll be fine if I drink a little~"

This is true. He is only sixteen years old, and he is already 1.78 meters tall. At least he is well-developed in this town.

Speaking of which, how tall is that guy named Yuanping

Yaoye suddenly thought of that skinny guy in Yuanping, maybe he was malnourished, he was so skinny that his bones could be seen, and his wrists were so slender.

"Xiaoye, it's your first day of school today, how do you feel?" Mother Yao asked kindly.

Yao Ye lay weakly on the sofa, complaining: "It's not good, I'm going to go to the first year of high school, and then I'm forced to go back to the third year of junior high school, it's boring! Mom, when can we go home, I don't want to stay here Already!"

Regarding Yao Ye's complaints, Yao's mother could only smile wryly.

Father Yao is a very filial person. After the death of Yao Ye's grandfather, there is only one grandma who suffers from dementia and is sick and sick. Father Yao naturally cares a lot.

At first, Father Yao also wanted to take her to a metropolis with advanced medical care, but the old man was used to this small town, and refused to leave no matter what, in desperation, Father Yao had to accompany the old mother back to the small town. Town, and decided to spend the remaining years with the old man here.

Because it is uncertain when they will return to the big city, so they brought Yao's mother and transferred here together with Yaoye, and they couldn't leave easily.

Mother Yao chatted for a while and then left to see the lunch prepared by the servant.

Yaoye thought of the grandma upstairs, and hurried upstairs again to visit grandma.

Although he doesn't like the town, he still has a lot of affection for his grandma.

Opening the door of grandma's room, a thin old man was sitting in a wheelchair, looking out the window with a dull face.

"Grandma, today is super unlucky!"

Yao Ye was lying on grandma's lap, his baby-fat face was full of disgust.

Yaoye said a lot of things that he was not used to, such as dirty toilets, unlovable classmates, etc., but the old man with dry cheeks and a sick look kept silent and looked at him out of focus. Looking out the window.

After an unknown amount of time, Yao Ye was about to fall asleep lying next to his grandma, when he suddenly heard grandma's voice.

"...meat! meat!...meat!"

The silver-haired old man stretched out his hand excitedly, his thin and slender arms almost sticking out of the window.

Yao Ye woke up suddenly. He looked up at his grandma who was leaning forward and was about to fall out of the window. He was so frightened that he quickly pushed grandma back.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you? Are you sick again? Are you all right?"

Yao Ye was in a hurry, afraid that something would happen to grandma, his eyes were red with fear.

"Meat! Meat! Meat!"

Grandma was still muttering to herself, her tone was a bit hollow and weird, and she pointed out the window.


Yao Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then he smelled the smell of bones coming from the window.

"Strange, what is this smell? It's a strange smell."

Yao Ye twitched his nose, smelling the smell outside the window, feeling a little strange.

He opened the window and looked out, and saw a passing stranger walking away with a bag of things on the road not far from the villa.

Yao Ye intuitively felt that the smell just now came from that pedestrian, wrinkled his nose, closed the window in disgust, and pushed grandma out of the room.

The smell was like the smell of boiled bones, but it was actually very fragrant, but this smell made Yaoye feel a little uncomfortable, and he didn't want to smell it anymore.

Yao Ye pushed grandma to look for Mother Yao, wanting her to take grandma to the hospital, but who knew that soon after leaving the room, grandma, who was still agitated, became quiet and returned to normal.

Yao Ye was confused and told his mother the whole story.

"Could grandma want to eat meat?" Yao Ye guessed.

Yao's mother looked at grandma's calm expression, but she couldn't figure out the situation. She just thought that Yao Ye was concerned and confused, and said, "Don't worry, isn't grandma well now? Maybe you were sleepy just now!"

"Your grandma has always been a vegetarian. How could she want to eat meat? I didn't know about this when I first married your dad. I made meat dishes and put them in your grandma's bowl. Your grandma vomited up after eating it. I I was scolded by your dad! Haha, but then your dad was scolded by your grandparents, saying that you can’t be so fierce to your wife! Ouch, your dad’s face was as red as a monkey’s butt !"

Mother Yao giggled loudly, thinking of her youthful days, she looked nostalgic.

Yao Ye was still a little skeptical when he heard Yao's mother talking about the family affairs.

But grandma is really nothing serious, so he can only suggest to give grandma a physical examination tomorrow.

Mother Yao readily agreed, and then called the servants to bring the food to the table, and started lunch.

Yao Ye felt a little lost in his appetite, and was inexplicably concerned about the smell he smelt just now.

Is grandma's abnormality related to that smell? Or is grandma just craving meat

After eating, Yaoye took a nap and went to school.

In the afternoon class, Yuan Ping hadn't come yet.

Yaoye simply left him behind and got along like a duck to water in the class.

The afternoon passed by in a hurry. After school, Yao Ye went home by car as usual. He saw passers-by on the road hurrying towards the east of the town, with their noses still twitching from time to time, and their expressions were strange.

Yao Ye opened the car window curiously, wanting to take a closer look, but smelled the morning smell again.

That strange smell of bones.

Yao Ye looked at the direction the pedestrians were going, and asked the driver uncle where it was.

The driver glanced at the direction Yao Ye was pointing at, and said, "Oh, that's the slaughterhouse in the town. It's selling meat this afternoon. His business has been very good recently!"

Yuan Ping's house

Yao Ye closed the car window thoughtfully, and didn't look any further.

Maybe it's just that the meat boiled in the slaughterhouse is too low-quality. It's really strange that such a small place can buy such bad meat so actively.

After returning home, Mother Yao was taking Grandma Yao for a stroll in the small garden. Seeing that Yao Ye was back, they all went back to the villa, and the family sat in the living room watching TV.

When it was getting dark, Father Yao finally came back after a busy day. He rubbed Yao Ye's head with a smile and asked him how his day was.

"It's okay, but I'm not used to using the toilet. Dad, please donate a building to our school. It's too dirty!"

Yao Ye lazily leaned on the sofa, muttering.

Father Yao smiled and said, "I know you're not used to it, don't worry, I've already agreed with the school to build a building in a few days, and tomorrow I'll renovate the toilet in your old building for temporary use!"

Yao Ye was satisfied, seeing that Yao's father was in a good mood, he pestered him to take him to the playground in a nearby big city tomorrow.

Because Yao Ye specially rushed to school on Friday, so there is no class tomorrow, Yao Ye wants to leave this poor town to relax.

Yao's father reluctantly refused, saying that he came back to his hometown this time to invest and develop his hometown. He has been very busy recently, and he has to go to see the investment sites in the town tomorrow, but he is not free.

"Play by yourself first, just play with your classmates, don't think about going back all day long!" Father Yao scolded with a sullen face.

Yao's father felt that he was a little too spoiled for his only son, but he couldn't change it. When he was young, he suffered a lot when he started from scratch, so he wanted to compensate his son for the childhood he wanted. He was also very melancholy with Young Master Jiao's appearance.

Yaoye's ears perked up, knowing that his father had a sharp mouth and a tofu heart, so he pestered his father to explain that he would go tomorrow, so he should practice in advance.

Father Yao couldn't stand being entangled anymore, and his ears were almost callused, so he had no choice but to agree.

Yao Ye cheered, only then did he remember that he hadn't asked where he was going.

"Dad, where are we going tomorrow?"

"I went to the slaughterhouse in this town. I heard that the business has improved recently. I see if I can invest in it to support this industry. At least let the town have more characteristic industries. Investment, the most important thing is..." Father Yao said When it came to investing, they talked clearly and thoroughly, and Yao Ye only heard one noun from the beginning to the end.


Going to the house of that freak Yuanping tomorrow

Yao Ye was a little hesitant and wanted to say no, because he knew it was dirty there, and there was a guy there who made him lose face.

"Well, you should prepare well tomorrow. Your father and I will have to rely on you to support our family business. It's time for you to exercise."

Father Yao's face was full of relief. Seeing that Yao Ye listened carefully, he felt that the child had finally enlightened.

Seeing Yao's father's delighted eyes, Yao Ye scratched his cheek, and answered in a muffled voice.

Forget it, just go, he is not afraid of that Yuan Ping.