Falling in Love With the Male God

Chapter 62: father-son relationship


At the beginning, this bloodbath was only set off on this anonymous forum, and then it was moved to Weibo by good people, and immediately aroused extensive discussions.

After Yi Ran posted on the anonymous forum, he bought the hype of the navy, and then stared at the computer to watch the development of the situation. When he found out that it was after Weibo was fermented, the smile on the corner of his mouth still didn't stop. He stared at the computer viciously, as if he could foresee that Lin Qin's reputation would be ruined after this matter fermented again.

However, the facts are far beyond Yi Ran's expectations. The most discussed topic on Weibo is not the issue of Lin Qin being kept, but whether Lin Qin's acting skills in "Double Love" are worthy of the Best Actor in Cannes

This question aroused extensive discussion on Weibo. In the end, most people came to the conclusion that it was worthy. Many passers-by who didn't know that Lin Qing hadn't seen "Double Love" were also attracted by the discussion, and quickly downloaded "Double Love". After watching the movie "Love", he was attracted by Lin Qing's superb acting skills and became a fan of Lin Qin's movie.

This night, Lin Qin's fans soared all the way. Before that, there were only more than three million fans, but after this night, it unexpectedly increased by more than two million. Although there are Heizi and Shuijun who fish in troubled waters, when most people mention Lin Qin, their comments are very positive.

Yi Ran watched the development of the situation all night, and when he saw the result, he almost smashed the computer.

Yi Ran, who eats youth food, will probably never understand the loyalty of fans like Lin Qin who use his strength to attract fans, because Lin Qin's power is worthy of everything he has obtained. Anyone with a brain can understand this Everyone knows that Lin Qin cannot be scolded.

And just like a comment on that anonymous forum, Lin Qin’s resources are not very good. The two directors he worked with were all unknown in the circle before the award. Lin Qin will take these two films and should watch them The most important thing is not the convenience brought by the director, but the script itself is good enough.

When an excellent script, an excellent team and an excellent actor collide, a wonderful chemical reaction will naturally occur. Lin Qin was able to win the best actor not because of capital, but because of his unique vision and superb acting skills.

Resources are not good resources, but only because they have won awards, and then look back, they become good resources. What if you don't win? Like the movie, Lin Qin's name will be buried in the unknown art film market, and the pearl will be dusted.

Besides, if Lin Qin really needs to be praised, and when he wins Cannes Best Actor, he only needs to work a little bit to become popular, after all, that is a real record.

But Lin Qin didn't even go to collect the actor's trophy, and finally even disappeared. If he hadn't cooperated with actor Meng in the reality show variety show, people from all walks of life would not be able to know him.

So the post on the anonymous forum saying that Lin Qin got good resources because he was taken care of by others is a fallacy at all.

Moreover, these photos of Lin Qin and the boss of Chutian Entertainment embracing are not really a real hammer. It's just a hug, friends, relatives, sometimes even strangers can hug.

Hugging is not a limited action between couples or lovers. It is untenable to say that Lin Qin was adopted by someone just based on a photo of a hug.

Then, among the comments on popular microblogs, such a comment was topped.

[The boss of Chutian Entertainment is called Lin Chengdu, as I remember, and he is also the chairman of the Lin Group. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Lin Chengdu's surname is Lin, and Lin Qin's surname is also Lin. His age difference is similar to that of ordinary father and son. So it wouldn't be what I thought it would be? If so, Lin Xiaotu is no longer Lin Xiaotu, he is Lin. Tuhao. Prince. Xiaotu! !]

Commented below -

[Fuck! ! ! It's really possible. Who still remembers that after Jin Feiyun climbed into bed in the middle of the night, Chutian Entertainment issued a draft to block Jin Feiyun? At that time, I thought it was because of Meng Yingdi, but now it seems emmm...]

[It really looks like Chutian Entertainment vented its anger on its own prince! ! !]

[If this is really Lin Xiaotu's background, Lin Xiaotu is really too low-key. If I had this background, I would have asked my father to send my husband to my bed. It's so beautiful to think about it!]

[Wake up upstairs.]

[Where is the waterwheel? Wake up upstairs!]

The comments are crooked, but this guess is very popular.

Yi Ran also saw this popular comment, and when he thought that this might be true, his heart tightened for no reason. If Lin Qin was really the prince of Chutian Entertainment, then he would offend the entire Chutian Entertainment up!

impossible! impossible! If Lin Qin really had such a background, he wouldn't be making a splash just now, otherwise he would have become popular long ago.

Yi Ran's self-consolation was soon shattered, because Chutian Entertainment posted a Weibo, which was a clarification statement.

The statement looks like this:

"Recently, some people with aspirations have secretly taken pictures, looked at the pictures and talked about the father-son relationship between our company's chairman Mr. Lin Chengdu and our company's artist Mr. Lin Qin. Our company reserves the right to pursue their responsibilities."

Once this announcement was issued, it was quickly reposted over ten thousand times. Naturally, someone discovered the highlights in the announcement.

[The key point of the drawing is the father-son relationship between Mr. Lin Chengdu and Mr. Lin Qin! ! father! son! close! Tie! Did you see, Lin Xiaotu really evolved into Lin. Tuhao. Prince. Xiaotu! !]

[Hahaha, you think Lin Xiaotu is a bully Lin Xiaotu, but in fact, Lin Xiaotu is Aixinjueluo Xiaotu!]

[Heizi comes out, tell me about some improper relationship? When did the father-son relationship become an illegitimate relationship?]

Another slap in the face.

After seeing this statement, Yi Ran slumped on the chair.

There are so many people with the surname Lin in the world, can you imagine that Lin Qin and Lin Duo are really the same family

When Lin Qin woke up the next day and opened Weibo, he found that Aixinjueluo Xiaotu was on the trending search. He thought it was something new, and after clicking on the trending search, he was completely confused.

Aixinjueluo bunny? It's him

When Meng Chao walked in, he happened to see Lin Qin in a daze, so he stood beside Lin Qin and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Qin looked up at Meng Chao, and suddenly smiled, "I, Aixinjueluo Xiaotu, send money!"

Meng Chao also saw this stalk on the Internet, and instantly understood, "It's amazing, my prince, Xiaotu."

Lin Qin and Meng Chao took this as a joke and let it go. After breakfast, a text message came to Lin Qin's cell phone.

It was a text message from the bank. Lin Qin opened it and found that there was a 1 and countless 0s on his account.

Lin Qin immediately thought that the bank had made a mistake, then realized something, and suddenly looked at Meng Chao, "Brother Meng Chao, you..."