Falling in Love With the Male God

Chapter 75: Thousands of urgent


Now Huang Wenkai's fans were all blown up. They insulted the director under the director's Weibo and demanded an apology from the director. Ask the crew of "Dark War" to apologize, because they are fans.

However, even if they went crazy and scolded everyone on Weibo like mad dogs, it wouldn't change the fact that Huang Wenkai and Huang Wenkai's fans were slapped in the face by the "Dark War" crew.

Didn't you say that Huang Wenkai should be the lead actor in "Dark War"? Didn't you say that Lin Qin is not worthy of carrying Huang Wenkai's shoes? But now? The official announcement of "Dark War" has come out, and your cooking is not even worthy of having a name.

This wave of face slapping was screenshotted by the melon-eaters who watched the excitement and went to various forums, which naturally triggered a wave of hahahahaha.

But after the haha, more people focused on the movie "Dark War" itself.

The lineup of the film is undeniably huge, with internationally renowned directors, two leading actors who were nominated for international Best Actors, domestic actresses, new generation talents, and many old actors whose names they don't know but are familiar.

With such a lineup, even if the script is bad, the final effect of the whole film will definitely not be too bad. What's more, the screenwriter is also a figure in the circle.

The audience is looking forward to this movie very much. It will definitely be a visual feast to watch these old dramas of the best actors and actresses.

[Hahaha, am I the only one who is glad that Huang Wenkai is not on this list? Otherwise, not only will his acting skills be slapped, but the whole movie will also be lowered.]

[Luckily, in front of a bunch of old actors, Huang Wenkai is better off. As far as his acting skills are concerned, only fans can boast that there is only heaven and earth. I look really hot eyes.]

There are a huge number of passers-by who make such comments, and Huang Wenkai's fans have no choice but to insult them in private messages and jump around.

Holding their breath in their hearts, and with the rhythm of makeup and pink headbands, they vented all their anger on Lin Qin, insulting Lin Qin even more unscrupulously, and even began to agitate Lin Qin and send Lin Qin private messages.

However, this time they were unable to slaughter the square. Lin Qin's fans were a little confused at first, but they quickly realized it.

Lin Qin's fans only reached tens of millions last month. Compared with Huang Wenkai, who has tens of millions of fans, it seems pitifully small.

However, Lin Qin's fans are all real. He has never bought a fan. Except for some zombie fans, there are real people behind every account.

In addition, the fans of Lin Qin's family and Meng Chao's family have a very good relationship. This is different from other CPs where the only fans are at odds. The two only fans are really close like a family. When "We Are Together" was broadcast, the fans of the two families were eating dog food every day. When the two masters were both in the shadows and filming, the fans of the two families paid attention to their own lives, or came up to help urge the other master Tweet.

After Lin Qin's fans went off against Huang Wenkai's fans, Meng Chao's fans also went off.

When Huang Wenkai's fans first started, they didn't plan to fight against Meng Chao's fans, because they knew that Meng Chao's fans were really powerful.

As a result, the fans of Meng Chao ended up!

Huang Wenkai's fans are all dumbfounded! Don't we not mess with you? Didn't we all avoid you? Why are you still beating us

When Meng Chao's fans left the stage, all Huang Wenkai's fans ran away with their tails between their legs in desperation. They were basically rubbed against the ground and couldn't resist.

This matter is only a temporary conclusion. Huang Wenkai's team probably knew that they could not get any benefits from this matter, and they were in a state of being ridiculed by the crowd. They hurriedly bought a draft and published Huang Wenkai's scandal, trying to divert the attention of the people who eat melons. .

Besides Huang Wenkai, the protagonist of this scandal is Meng Ke!

When the scandal about Huang Wenkai was spreading on the Internet, the director of "Dark War" was looking for them to talk.

The director said with a little apology: "This time, I'm really counting on you, I have to spare one more month to stay here."

After replacing Huang Wenkai, all the scenes about Huang Wenkai's previous filming have to be repeated. Huang Wenkai is also the male second, and he has more roles. He also has rival scenes with Lin Qin and Meng Chao, so at this time Lin Qin and Meng Chao Naturally, he couldn't leave the crew, so he had to stay for an extra month to make up for the tricks.

It would definitely not work if I changed to another star with a busy schedule, because the schedule was already arranged, and there was simply no way to squeeze it out in a month. But Lin Qin is different from Meng Chao. Their status is to play one drama a year, and they don't need to accept commercial endorsements and don't want to participate in activities, so half of the year is empty.

Originally, the two planned to travel after filming "Dark War", but now they just postponed the travel time.

Calculating the time, after the filming of "Dark War" is finished, the Spring Festival is coming soon. Thinking of this, Meng Chao has some plans in mind.

While Meng Chao was thinking, the director had already got up to take his leave.

As soon as the director left, Meng Chao's cell phone rang, and it was Meng Ke who opened it.

As soon as Meng Chao pressed the answer button, Meng Ke's ghostly crying voice came from the phone: "Meng Chao, you have to testify to my brother, the photos on the Internet are photos that were secretly taken during the finale banquet of the crew that day."

Meng Chao was a little confused, "What photo?"

Meng Ke: "Haven't you watched it yet? Then watch it quickly, Han Zhi is already at odds with me!! It's urgent!!"

Meng Chao joked, "Could it be that you are too annoying, and Han Zhi took this opportunity to calm you down?"

Meng Ke: "..." It seems that there is such a possibility, Han Zhi will not foolishly believe in the paparazzi's nonsense on the Internet.

Meng Ke: "I'll go find Han Zhi." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

He was in a hurry, not at all as mature and steady as a big president.

Lin Qin vaguely heard a voice on the phone, and asked suspiciously at this moment: "What's wrong?"

Meng Chao said: "I don't know either, it seems to be some scandal."

Meng Chao opened Weibo while talking, and sure enough, he saw the news he wanted to see on the trending search.

He clicked in, and the first popular item was not about the scandal, but a popular science about Huang Wenkai's team's show operation that day, explaining the ins and outs clearly.

Meng Chao clicked in and looked at pictures one by one.

The more you look at his face, the darker it gets.

Sensing Meng Chao's emotional changes, Lin Qin leaned over to see what was written on Weibo, but Meng Chao quickly put away his phone and said flatly, "It's nothing."

Lin Qin was a little suspicious, but didn't ask further.

He also has a mobile phone himself, and he will read it in private, Lin Qin said with a dark smile.

Later, when Lin Qin took out his mobile phone to check what happened on Weibo, Meng Chao updated a Weibo.

Meng Chaov: Advise some people to learn to be a man before doing things. @黄文凯