Falling in Love With the Male God

Chapter 76: never let go


Lin Qin's first thought when he saw Meng Chao's Weibo was that something must have happened before, otherwise Meng Chao would not be so straightforward as Aite Huang Wenkai.

Be a human being before doing things. This is the most euphemistic way to scold you for not being a human being. Meng Chao must be very angry to directly scold you like this.

Lin Qin called Chu Hong directly and asked Chu Hong what happened on Weibo.

He understood Meng Chao, if it was about Meng Chao's own affairs, Meng Chao would not be so angry, then only something about Lin Qin would cause Meng Chao to be so angry.

And when Meng Chao posted on Weibo at this time, he was not afraid that Lin Qin would see it, so nine out of ten Meng Chao had already asked people to delete the comments on this matter on Weibo, Lin Qin might as well ask Chu directly Red comes fast.

Chu Hong answered the phone quickly. Regarding Lin Qin's inquiry, Chu Hong faltered and planned to deal with Chi Chi in a vague manner.

But Chi Chi is not a confused person. Since he wants to understand something, he will definitely break the casserole and ask it to the end.

Lin Qindao: "I don't believe there are no traces on the Internet. It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, I will find it myself."

Chu Hong also knew this truth, hesitated for a while, and sighed: "Okay, I'll tell you."

"In the morning, Huang Wenkai's team released the Reuters of "Dark War" to leak the guide's filming of the dark war. Then they asked the navy to provoke the relationship between you and Huang Wenkai, and personally gave orders to the fans and fans, asking them to You give ginseng rooster. Those words are really ugly, we don’t want you to see them. Afterwards, the guide counterattacked and directly announced the secret war. Aite attacked the actors in the group, but he didn’t Aite Huang Wenkai, and directly slapped Huang Wenkai in the face. The whole network ridiculed, Huang Wenkai's team probably couldn't handle it anymore, so they asked the paparazzi to deliberately release the gossip, saying that Huang Wenkai is dating Brother Meng. That's how things are." Chu Hong finished speaking briefly, without any falsehood, every word she said All are supported by evidence, and this wave is Huang Wenkai's self-hype behavior.

But no matter how Huang Wenkai hypes up, it should have nothing to do with them, but Huang Wenkai absolutely should never pull Lin Qin and Meng Ke out.

One is Meng Chao's lover, and the other is Meng Chao's relatives. Even if Meng Chao has a good temper, he has to explode, not to mention that Meng Chao has a bad temper.

Lin Qin was silent for a long time after listening. He knew that Meng Chao and Chu Hong wanted to protect him, because he had suffered violence before, so now they try to give him a clean environment as much as possible. The foul language was kept out of his world.

Such protection moved Lin Qin very much, but it was not what Lin Qin wanted.

In Lin Qin's view, it is impossible to have suffered violence once, so he should regard himself as a delicate flower in a greenhouse. He is also an adult, and he also wants to be able to be alone.

Lin Qin thought carefully for a while, and then said to Chu Hong: "In the future, if this kind of thing happens, you can tell me directly, and there is no need to hide it." He paused, and his tone became serious and firm, "I can handle it myself, I believe I, I've really come out."

Chu Hong: "Lin Qin, you..." She seemed to have a thousand words to say, but all the words were stuck in her throat, and she opened her mouth without knowing what to say.

Lin Qin smiled at the phone, "Cousin, don't worry, I can really do it myself. I have a diamond heart now, and it won't hurt me if I take it easy. Besides..." Lin Qin's eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and his words were soft With a lingering smile, "Besides, don't I have you guys?"

I used to be alone and helpless, so I would be afraid of the darkness that came against me. But it is different now, he has many, many people who love him around him, and he has the strongest backing, so why is he still afraid of foul language from the outside world

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and then Chu Hong's choked up voice came, "I see, I will try to let go in the future."

She was moved, gratified and reluctant, all kinds of feelings were mixed in her chest, and tears kept gushing out of her eyes like a broken thread.

She has been with Lin Qin for several years. She has seen Lin Qin when he was most desperate. He stayed up all night and hid in the audio-visual room by himself, watching Meng Chao's works over and over again. No one would talk to him. Reasonable, not eating or drinking, as long as someone approaches him, he screams madly, his nerves are always tense, it seems that he will be disconnected at any time, and his state is very dangerous.

Chu Hong knew that Lin Qin himself didn't want to fall into that state, so he was always fighting against nightmare-like emotions and despair.

Now everything is finally developing in a good direction, but she is used to Lin Qin being protected, and wants to protect Lin Qin in everything, but forgets that Lin Qin has always been a strong person.

Yes, Lin Qin has always been strong.

Strongly resist the disease and come out of the darkness firmly.

Chu Hong couldn't help laughing, and felt relaxed all of a sudden.

Lin Qin is not the only one who has been tense all these years, all the people around him who love him also have this nerve.

And now, you can really relax.

Chu Hong smiled while crying: "Lin Qinqin, I let go, you have to work hard."

Lin Qinyang smiled and said: "Okay, I will work hard."

After speaking, the two ended the call.

When Lin Qin turned around, he saw Meng Chao leaning against the door, looking at him with a gentle gaze and a smile.

Thinking that Meng Chao should have heard the conversation between himself and Chu Hong just now, Lin Qin didn't feel ashamed, walked up to Meng Chao, took the initiative to wrap around Meng Chao's waist, looked up at Meng Chao, "When did you come in? "

Meng Chao hugged Lin Qin and walked to the bed.

He undressed the two of them while walking, but did not answer Lin Qin's question.

Meng Chao pressed Lin Qin on the bed, and before kissing Lin Qin, he looked at Lin Qin affectionately and intently, "I will never let go, never."

Even if Lin Qin can block all the storms, he doesn't want to let go. He just wants to keep Lin Qin in his greenhouse, and block all attacks from the outside world for Lin Qin, so that Lin Qin can never leave again.

Lin Qin closed his eyes and raised his head to kiss Meng Chao.

After the kiss was over, Lin Qin whispered in Meng Chao's ear, "Okay, then don't let go."

The two on the bed quickly rolled into a ball. They loved each other unscrupulously, and they were lingering to death.

The room between the two of them was peaceful for a long time, but the Internet was boiling because of Meng Chao's Weibo.

Meng Chao is well-known in this circle. Everyone who has worked with him is full of praise when talking about Meng Chao. After so many years, when did Meng Chao openly hate others? Even in the case of Jin Feiyun last time, Meng Chao just posted on Weibo saying that he did not want to have any cooperation with Jin Feiyun, and directly insulted people on Weibo, and Huang Wenkai was the only one.