Falling in Love With the Male God

Chapter 77: One after another


[Actor Meng won't be hacked, right?]

[I don't understand what kind of development this is, why did actor Meng start to hate Huang Wenkai?]

The Weibo comments were full of doubts at first, but now no one is laughing and laughing, and more people are waiting for the follow-up.

A follow-up came out shortly after.

However, it was not a follow-up issued by Meng Chao, but a statement issued by the official Weibo of the Meng Group and a subpoena issued by the court.

Meng: Recently, an artist used borrowed photos to smear the reputation of the president of our company, and the president of our company will defend his rights to the end. [Image] [image]

Once Meng's Weibo was posted, it caused an uproar.

It is already obvious who is talking about. Today, only Huang Wenkai and Meng Ke, the president of the Meng Corporation, were rumored to have an affair, and the Meng Corporation hung up on Huang Wenkai after turning around. .

However, Huang Wenkai's fans commented on this Weibo that Meng is a dramatist, and the scandal was exposed by marketing accounts and paparazzi. Why should Huang Wenkai be sued

Meng's editor is also stubborn enough, and directly reposted an insulting Weibo.

Meng Shi: I don't mind sending out the evidence that a certain artist team bought the draft first in court. Does a certain artist and his fans really want to hammer it? grin.

Now the fans didn't dare to jump around anymore, they were afraid of getting hammered.

Meng’s announcement was only sent out two or three minutes later. Huang Wenkai’s agency and studio immediately issued an apology statement, apologizing that the president of Meng’s should not be used in marketing, and also clarified the source of the photo. It was shot on purpose.

This is acknowledging that Huang Wenkai's deliberate hype, and also attracted the president of Meng's.

Huang Wenkai's team just wanted to use this incident to divert the public's attention from the secret war on them. Who would have thought that they would provoke Meng Shi, who is something that their studio can afford

But could Meng Shi be a little too stingy? Isn't it just a speculative scandal, and few people may believe it, so why did the Meng family care about it? Huang Wenkai's work team couldn't help muttering.

After the announcement of Meng's statement, the people who eat melons suddenly realized that it turned out that the actor Meng's previous post on Weibo was to protect his brother, but some people still felt that Meng Chao had made a fuss out of a molehill.

However, at this time, Chutian Entertainment's official Weibo and Lin Qin Studio's official Weibo issued a joint statement.

The statement mentioned that several Weibo IDs who took the lead in insulting Lin Qin have been submitted to the Internet police for processing, and they will use legal means to protect their own interests if necessary.

A lawsuit will be filed against Huang Wenkai and Huang Wenkai's team who contributed to this cyber violence.

There are several pictures on Weibo, the first one is a statement with the official seal on it, the second one is the reply from the Internet police, and the last few pictures are all evidence that Huang Wenkai's team ended up letting fans and fans attack Lin Qin.

So the insult to Lin Qin and his family was not a spontaneous act of the fans, but was led by the team...

Thinking of all the melon-eating people here, they only feel chills down their spines. How much hatred is this? Did such a dirty thing

No wonder Actor Meng sent such a Weibo angrily, Huang Wenkai and other teams really need to learn how to behave first!

[Meng Yingdi should feel sorry for Lin Qin and his brother. Some people are really disgusting wives. If you want to hype yourself, no one will stop you, but at the same time, you are so smearing and insulting others. It is really me Cao Nima ! !]

[I feel sorry for Lin Xiaotu, but have some people forgotten that Lin Xiaotu is Lin. Aixinjueluo. Xiaotu? Do you really think Lin Xiaotu is a little entertainer easy to bully?]

[I guess some people's team thinks that those insults are fan behaviors, the law does not blame the public, even if Lin Xiaotu wants to pursue it, he can't. But haha, your father is still your father. Lin Xiaotu's team not only pursued him, but also arrested Huang Wenkai who was manipulating him from behind. What a joy! !]

[Hahaha, this is simply the best face-slapping scene of the year! !]

Wave after wave of real hammers were thrown out, and Huang Wenkai was hammered to death. However, this was not over. Soon after, the official media and party media spoke out about this matter. Although Huang Wenkai was not directly named, they also used a certain Huang surname artist.

It roughly means that to be an artist, you must first have artistic virtues, and as a public figure, you must guide people upwards. Artists like this who have bad morals and attract people to evil should no longer appear in the public's field of vision.

The last time an artist was named and criticized by these bigwigs was a drug-addicted artist, and now it's so cool that it can't be any colder. Being stamped by the government as having a bad character, the entertainment circle is completely cut off.

For a while, Huang Wenkai was in trouble. The endorsement cooperations that had been negotiated were terminated one after another, and Huang Wenkai was required to pay liquidated damages. All TV dramas and movies that were discussed again would no longer contact Huang Wenkai's team, so as to avoid Huang Wenkai being like a snake.

Huang Wenkai, who was used to being busy, became leisurely, but this was not the leisure he wanted.

For the first day or two, he thought it was only temporary, and his benefactor was still willing to spend money to support him.

But in the next few days, facts hit Huang Wenkai one after another. First, the benefactor asked his secretary to call and cut off their relationship without even giving him a breakup fee. Then the agent came to him and said that the company decided to hide him. This incident has caused great damage to the company's reputation, and it is no wonder that the company can tolerate him.

After hearing all this in a daze, Huang Wenkai realized that the sky had fallen.

The agent looked at him condescendingly, "I told you long ago that this circle is not a place for you to run amok, but you can't learn it all the time, so you should stop staying in this circle."

What the entertainment industry lacks most is people with background and strength. Huang Wenkai is someone else's plaything if he has no strength or background. After being praised by others for a few years, he just forgets who he is. Falling from the clouds is also a matter of time.

Huang Wenkai sat on the ground with a dejected face. He could only see the manager's mouth opening and closing, as if he was deaf, and could not hear the manager's voice.

Seeing him like this, the agent didn't feel the pleasure of beating a dog in the water at all, so he turned and left without saying anything.

"It's gone, it's gone, it's gone." Huang Wenkai looked at his empty hands, trying to grab something, but he couldn't.

Huang Wenkai laughed happily, and then tears fell down.

Does he regret it

Definitely regret it.

He just regretted that he stepped on the wrong person. He thought he could easily step on Lin Qin and Meng Ke to the top, but in the end he was pulled down, and it was beyond redemption.

Huang Wenkai's eyes suddenly lit up, he is not completely hopeless!

Thinking of the person who was his benefactor at the beginning, Huang Wenkai immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number he treasured—

"Hey, Boss Fang..."