Falling in Love With the Male God

Chapter 87: Meet the parents


Lin Qin didn't hear the sourness in Lin Chengdu's words, and looked at himself in the mirror a few times, only to feel that it was perfect, and then he answered Lin Chengdu's question, "It's because I want to be so formal when I meet my parents. Maybe it left a bad impression on others?"

Lin Chengdu immediately said: "Whoever dares to say that my son is not good, I am in a hurry with whom!"

Lin Qin smiled, feeling warm in his heart.

Lin Chengdu seemed to have suddenly remembered, and said, "Meng Chao is already waiting for you below, do you want to go down now?"

"Dad, why didn't you say it earlier?" Lin Qin hurried downstairs, he can guarantee that his father definitely didn't say anything on purpose.

Lin Chengdu did it on purpose, his own son was abducted by someone, so what if Meng Chao just waited a little longer? Still have complaints

Lin Qin trotted all the way downstairs, and when he got there, he was worried that his clothes would be wrinkled by him, so he hurriedly stood still and pulled them a few times, then looked at Meng Chao, "Brother Meng Chao, I'm ready, I can go .”

Meng Chao came over and held Lin Qin's hand, interlocking his fingers, reaching out to rub Lin Qin's head habitually, but even today's hair was fixed with pomade, so the hanging in the air changed to Lin Qin's Qin Qin's face, praised: "My Qin Qin is so handsome."

Lin Qin was a little nervous after all, his voice was a little dry, "Is it really okay for me to be like this?"

"You can go directly to the award ceremony in this way, isn't it just to meet my family, that's enough." Meng Chao said and reached out to straighten Lin Qin's tie, "It's really all right, don't worry."

With Meng Chao's guarantee, Lin Qin relaxed a lot, and his tense shoulders also slightly loosened.

When Lin Chengdu walked down the stairs, Meng Chao politely nodded at Lin Chengdu, frustrated, "Uncle, I will take Lin Qin away first."

Lin Chengdu warned: "Don't let Xiaoqin suffer a little bit of grievance, otherwise you will never be able to pass my test."

What kind of person Meng Zhaokang is, Lin Chengdu, who is in the same upper circle, has naturally heard about it, so he also knows that it will not be easy to meet Meng Chao's parents today, and even face Meng Zhaokang's difficulties.

But he believed in Meng Chao, and Meng Chao would protect his Xiaoqin.

Meng Chao assured: "Uncle, don't worry, I will protect Lin Qin well."

"Well, be careful on your way." Lin Chengdu waved to them, telling them to hurry over.

Lin Qin didn't feel very nervous when he got in the car, but when the car got a little closer to Meng Chao's house, Lin Qin felt a feeling of being judged. Lin Qin felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Suddenly a hand reached out to hold Lin Qin's hand, the warm temperature instantly drove away the coldness in Lin Qin's hand, Lin Qin turned his head to look at Meng Chao.

Meng Chao was concentrating on driving, you didn't look at Lin Qin, but his hand held Lin Qin's hand tightly, giving Lin Qin great strength.

Lin Qin clasped Meng Chao's fingers with his backhand, his heart suddenly settled down, and he said softly, "I'm fine."

The car finally stopped in front of the Meng family's old house, and a housekeeper in a tuxedo and white gloves came over to open the car door for Lin Qin and Meng Chao.

Get off the car door, the floor under your feet has been covered with a red carpet, all the way to the villa, there are servants in maid outfits standing on both sides of the red carpet, seeing Lin Qin and Meng Chao get off the car, they move in unison He bowed to the two of them.

This was Lin Qin's first time to see such a big battle at someone's house, he was a little surprised, and thought it was a deliberate move by the Meng family to welcome him.

Being so grand made Lin Qin even more nervous.

It was also the first time for Meng Chao to go home and see such a battle. He immediately knew Grandpa's intentions. Grandpa was trying to show Lin Qin off, materially forcing Lin Qin to realize that she and Meng Chao were not the same. A world of people, resulting in an inferiority complex.

However, Grandpa's calculation must have been wrong. Although Lin Qin has never seen such a battle, his family background is there, so there is no need to feel inferior because of such a small fight.

He never felt that he and Meng Chao were people from different worlds, even when he was in the most serious condition. Although Lin Jing was a little timid because of social phobia, but after all, she was raised by a big family. It can be said that his condition has improved a lot or even healed now, and the self-cultivation engraved in Lin Qin's bones has returned.

So although Lin Qin was a little nervous at the moment, when he walked in with Meng Chao, he was very calm and generous.

The members of the Meng family had long heard that Meng Chao would bring his lover back today, and all those who could spare time in their hands had come back, and they were sitting in the living room looking forward to seeing Meng Chao bring someone back.

When Meng Chao and Lin Qin walked into the living room hand in hand, they couldn't help being a little surprised to see that Meng Chao's lover was Lin Qin.

Because I hadn’t heard that the lover Meng Chao brought back was a man, some of them had watched "We Are Together" and felt that Meng Chao and Lin Qin looked very ambiguous under the TV camera, thinking that it was Meng Chao who did it to cooperate with the business. I did it, but I didn't expect it to be a real fake show.

No matter what they were thinking, they didn't show it on their faces at the moment, and they all got up to greet Lin Qin with smiles.

Lin Qin held back his nervousness and instinctive fear of strangers, and greeted Meng Chao's relatives and friends very calmly.

"You are Lin Qin, right?" At this time, a middle-aged beautiful woman came down from the stairs. She was wearing a light blue cheongsam. She looks about thirty or forty, with a graceful and luxurious temperament, the kind that can catch people's attention at a glance.

Meng Chao whispered in Lin Qin's ear, "This is my mother, you can just call me Auntie."

"Hello, Auntie." Lin Qin immediately understood, and greeted Meng Chao's mother respectfully.

Meng Chao's mother walked up to Lin Qin with a smile, held Lin Qin's hand in a friendly manner, and took the bracelet from her hand and put it in Lin Qin's hand, saying: "I haven't prepared any greeting ceremony here. This bracelet was left to me by my mother, it is a family heirloom for my daughter-in-law, please keep it well."

Lin Qin didn't accept it immediately, but instead glanced at Meng Chao. Seeing Meng Chao nodded to him, Lin Qin accepted the bracelet, "Thank you, Auntie."

"It's too polite to say thank you. I'm still waiting for you to change your words." Meng Chao's mother was very enthusiastic, and she had already identified Lin Qin as the daughter-in-law. Although the daughter-in-law is also a man, as long as her son likes it just fine.

"Changing your mouth?" A deep voice came from upstairs, and everyone followed the reputation, only to see Meng Zhaokang coming down from the upstairs, and said with a dignified face: "Without my permission, who would dare to admit him?"