Family’s Common Husband

Chapter 14: ——Quarrels and reconciliations


Before the start of school, Miao Jingrong took Qu Fan to his private hospital for a blood test, which showed signs of pregnancy. Qu Lei was shocked when he looked at the checklist. He looked at the handsome man with some suspicion, "Did you do something wrong? How could it be possible? So fast... And I can actually get pregnant like this." Things... '

Miao Jingrong was so angry at him that he couldn't bear to vent it. His expression was a little strange and his voice was hard and cold. "I brought you here two days ago when I felt your pulse and it felt like a happy pulse. I'm lying." What good do I get? When I care about you staying?.

When Qu Fan heard his words, his heart trembled, and his eye circles were almost red. He gritted his teeth and said: Yes, you don't care. If you don't care, why didn't you just marry Awen and me? If you don't care, why did you give it to me? What kind of obscene poison did you plant to force me to stay? Why don't you and Miao Jingchun marry Miss Chen's family? What are you doing to make things difficult for Awen and I

Miao Jingrong had never been accused like this in his life, and he wanted to say it again. Seeing his red eyes, he suppressed his anger, turned away and walked to the window to stand, as if he was trying to adjust his emotions.

Qu Fan was so angry that he said these words. After saying it, he felt that it was inappropriate to say this, but he had not yet been able to face the fact that he was pregnant.

The atmosphere between the two people was cold and hard, and it had not eased when Miao Jingjuan arrived. It was not until Miao Jingwen hurriedly arrived that Qu Fan saw him, and his originally moist eyes instantly began to shed tears uncontrollably. Miao Jingwen, who looked aggrieved, was heartbroken, and quickly hugged him in his arms. When Miao Jingrong saw their appearance, the anger that he had suppressed forcibly came up again, and he could not be relieved.

After all, pregnancy is a big deal. Qu Fan couldn't adapt to it at first, but he gradually accepted it. Sometimes he touches his belly and feels a very magical feeling when he thinks that there is a child in his belly.

I don't know whether this child belongs to Miao Jingrong or Miao Jingwen. The only thing that can be determined is whether it is Miao Jingchun's. Their bridal chamber was made from the back, and they have not had any close contact since.

In the first three months of pregnancy, Qu Fan was emotionally unstable and had a poor appetite. She would vomit whatever she ate. After a few months, she lost a lot of weight. Miao Jingwen specially asked for leave to stay with him at home. I continued to go to work when I felt better.

The Miao family's main house is too big, and Qu Fan doesn't go out much, and meals are prepared for him alone, so he feels as if he hasn't seen his other two husbands for a long time.

Although he did not have a deep relationship with Miao Jingchun, Qu Fan treated Miao Jingrong somewhat differently than before. After all, he spent most of the first two months of staying at the Miao family with Miao Jingrong. If he didn't deal with anyone anymore, he would be with him every day. Getting along with each other can still give rise to some different feelings.

Miao Jingwen also saw what he was thinking. During this period, Qu Fan was not as lively as before, and he didn't smile as much as before. He knew that it was probably because of his eldest brother, so before going to work, he said softly, "Fan Fan , Can you take the initiative to reconcile with your elder brother? In fact, he felt very uncomfortable after the quarrel with you. I heard Ayuan say that his temper is worse than before, and he is not easy to mess with at all.'

Qu Fan lowered his head, still feeling a little grudge in his heart, and felt that if he hadn't said that he had "manipulated it" first, Miao Jingrong would not have said such words. So after Miao Jingwen left, he decided to take the initiative Go find Miao Jinrong.

He hadn't left the confines of Miao Jingwen's house for a long time, and when he walked a little further, he felt that the road became unfamiliar again. He walked for a while before reaching the courtyard of Miao Jingrong's office. As he got closer, he heard voices of conversation coming from inside. It sounded like they were discussing business matters.

Qu Fan stopped, hesitant to come back at another time, then he saw the door was opened, and A Yuan walked out with a stack of folders in his arms. When he saw him, a look of surprise flashed on his face, "Fan Fan. '

His voice was raised too high, and the people in the room seemed to notice it and stopped talking.

Qu Fan smiled awkwardly, and A Yuan seemed to feel that his voice was too loud just now. He took away the joy on his face, walked over calmly, and said in his usual calm tone, "Looking for the eldest young master?"

"He's probably busy... I'd better come next time..." Qu Fan was about to leave when Miao Jingrong's voice came from inside, "Come in." "

Qu Fan was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the people who were discussing things inside filing out. Seeing him, they all greeted him with a smile. Qu Fan also responded with a smile, inevitably feeling a little embarrassed. After a while, everyone else After disappearing completely, Qu Lei looked at the open door, hesitated for a moment, and then walked in slowly.

Miao Jingrong was reading the document without raising his head. From Qu Fan's point of view, he felt that he was still so handsome, his eyebrows and eyes were like an ink painting, and his fair skin felt like it was reflecting light.

He stood for a while before Miao Jingrong closed the folder and raised his head to look at him, his eyes expressionless and his lips pursed a little tight.

Qu Fan felt a little uneasy. He swallowed and whispered: "I... I'm not disturbing you?'

Miao Jingrong frowned, and the words "Hmm" seemed to come from his nostrils.

Qu Fan couldn't stand being treated so coldly by him and lowered his head, "Then I'll leave first..." He turned around and was about to leave when Miao Jingrong's voice rang out, "I've already disturbed you. Why don't you leave without making your purpose of coming clear?'

Qu Fan bit his lip and said in a weak voice, "Actually, it's nothing... I just want to reconcile."

Miao Jingrong was probably very angry at his attitude. The joy he had just aroused settled down. He stood up, closed the door first, and then walked to Qu Fan.

The height difference between the two of them is a bit big. Miao Jingrong was wearing a long gown and had long hair, as if he came from the set of a costume drama. Qu Fan was not used to his dressing up before, but after watching him for a long time, he felt like this The outfit is really nice.

Miao Jingrong glanced at him casually. Only the tight hands behind his back betrayed his concern. His eyes fell on Qu Fan's belly. It was still flat and there was no trace of anything inside. A child.

Thinking of the child, his heart suddenly softened. When he noticed Qu Fan's chin had shrunk, his tone softened, "Have you not eaten recently? You have lost so much weight that there is no fat on your face."

At first, Qu Fan thought he would laugh at him, but he didn't expect him to say such caring words. His heart skipped a beat, and his eye circles turned a little red. He said in a low voice, a little aggrieved: I couldn't eat before, but I got better in the past two days. "

"That's a shameful reaction. It's a normal reaction. You should try to make yourself eat more, or eat whatever you want. I asked Awen to take good care of you, but you still ended up so thin."

"He's taken good care of..." Qu Fan bravely raised his head and looked at him. When he met his eyes, he saw the concern inside, and his eye circles suddenly turned redder. He held it back for a while, but still couldn't hold it back. , stretched out his hands to hug the man's waist, and said in an even more aggrieved tone, "We just had a few quarrels, but you avoided me for so long, it's too much. '

Miao Jingrong hugged him back and apologized for the first time, "I'm sorry.. He missed this person too. Every time he walked to the door of their house, he wanted to go in, but when he heard the voices inside, he hesitated and walked away.

Miao Jingrong patted his back, and when he heard the sobs getting louder in his arms, his whole heart softened, "I'm sorry, Fan Fan, I was too stubborn back then, and even the family law was actually broken. It doesn't matter. The only one you like in your heart is Awen. We are forcing you. What you said about me at the time was right. I didn't actually put any obscene poison on you. There is no such thing in the world. It's just me. I just deceived you. I will let them come back and discuss with them to annul the previous marriage. You can live alone with Awen in the future.'

Listening to his long words, Qu Fan became more and more confused. It took him a while to realize it. He pushed Miao Jingrong away and looked up at him in shock, "You mean... you are no longer my husband." ,'

Miao Jingrong found himself extremely reluctant to make such a decision, and his heart ached a little, "Isn't this what you and Awen both expected?"

"Are you going to marry Miss Chen

Miao Jingrong was a little helpless, "She has married someone else and will never come into our Miao family again."

"Then you want to marry someone else? Miao Jingrong, how could you do this? You slept with me, and now you say it doesn't count? I still have a child in my belly, maybe it's your seed, and you actually... . Qu Fan never expected that when the thing he looked forward to most happened, he would not want it at all.

Miao Jingrong was a little confused, "Don't you want me to do this? You quarreled with me for this reason. If it is really my child, I'm sorry. Although you don't seem to want to be pregnant with my child, I still I hope you can give birth to him.”

Qu Fan even doubted whether this person who kept apologizing was someone else. He just had the appearance of Miao Jingrong, but in fact it was not him at all. Qu Fan stared at his face, looking for a long time without seeing any flaws, and found it difficult to persist. He said with difficulty, "So you...really don't like me at all, that's why you want to push me away so much." .

Miao Jingrong frowned and asked, "Don't you like me at all? Is that why you want to escape so much?"

The two looked at each other blankly, and it took a while for Qu Fan to laugh out loud. He hugged the man's waist again and chuckled: "We are really two fools. Miao Jingrong, I'm sorry, that time I said you were tampering with me out of anger. I was surprised that I was really pregnant, so I was so indiscriminate. words, and the words you said after that were all deliberately said because you said you didn’t care about me.

Miao Jingrong was stunned for a while, slowly digesting his meaning, and said in a light tone, "Really?"

"Well, actually I already like you very much. Maybe not as much as Awen, but I will definitely become just as much in the future.'

Miao Jingrong stared at him, then a smile appeared on his lips, and he stretched out his hand to twist his nose, "You will fool me."