Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 101: The full moon




For so many days, Fang Juexia thought that his endurance was already very high, but now he heard this sudden news, he was still shocked. He didn't even understand Liang Ruo's motive for doing this.

I guessed that Liang Ruo should have also posted on Weibo, so Fang Juexia didn't think much about it. She directly logged in to search. He didn't expect that the hot search that he had occupied for many days had already changed people. Ranked first is the entry of #梁若退队#.

"What's the matter?" Pei Tingsong, who was standing by, quickly saw that Fang Juexia was wrong, "What happened?"

Fang Juexia clicked on the hot search and saw the latest Weibo posted by Liang Ruo. It was a video with 50,000 comments.

"I don't know why..." He raised his head and looked at Pei Tingsong, "Liang Ruofa announced his retirement on Weibo."

Pei Tingsong also looked shocked, "What is he doing?"

While waiting for the styling, they clicked on the video and watched it. Liang Ruo Suyan appeared on the scene and wore a simple white T-shirt. He sat at a table and said hello with a smile at the beginning of the scene.

"Hello everyone, this is Liang Ruo. Today, I want to say something that I haven't been able to say, which may have a certain impact on everyone. I'm sorry first."

Seeing Liang Ruo's glamorous appearance as the lord of the heavenly group, Fang Juexia was about to forget his bare face.

The way he looked at the camera now made Fang Juexia think of him as a trainee.

"The first thing is, I'm leaving the Qiyao group. Here, I want to say sorry to my fans and teammates, and I can't go on with everyone."

He stood up and bowed deeply. Then he raised his head again, "Maybe Astar will continue to fight with me. It doesn't matter. I made this decision. I have considered it for a long time, and there are reasons why I must do this."

"When I was a trainee, when I was 18 years old, I was drugged by Astar executive Jin Xiangcheng. Since then, I have never been able to get rid of the high-level control. Of course, I also got the opportunity to debut. An opportunity that did not belong to me. Everyone should also know that the strongest trainee in the Astar debut reserve at the time was Fang Juexia. After he learned about this incident, he helped me respond to other senior leaders, hoping to get justice, but You all know, what are we?"

There was a bitter smile on his face, "That was when Jin Xiangcheng was the strongest, and we couldn't do anything. Fang Juexia couldn't accept it, so I left Astar, and for various reasons, I couldn't leave."

Liang Ruo's face was very pale, "But if I left at the time, I would definitely end up worse. But every day after my debut, it was a painful torture for me. I took depressive drugs for a long time, and committed suicide twice. Rescue, continue to be abused and assaulted. I was afraid of being known about it and being talked about because I knew that many people would stigmatize it, so I didn’t dare to stand up. But now I figured it out. ."

In the video, Liang Ruo adjusted his emotions and took out a notebook, "I want to expose the true face of this entertainment company giant. I have reserved evidence for many things that Jin Xiangcheng has done to me. Obviously, I am not the only one. victim."

After speaking, he clicked the mouse, and the notebook immediately amplified the other sounds that he had processed. They were recordings of other people, including boys’ voices and girls’ voices.

"These are trainees who have suffered sexual harassment or sexual assault from Jin Xiangcheng in the company. When I was collecting evidence, they took the initiative to provide me with recordings and other relevant evidence. The youngest one was only 15 years old." If there is a pause, "Thank them for their bravery. They are braver than me."

"I will submit all the evidence to the police for processing, and I believe there will be results soon. Jin Xiangcheng's crimes are far more than these. The other criminal evidence in my hands has now all been handed over to the police and prosecutors. After all this is completed, I just recorded the video."

Liang Ruo continued to explain, “In order to avoid unreasonable speculation, let me first explain that the other members of Qi Yao have not suffered special experiences. For the entertainment company, he covered the sky with one hand and almost ruined the entire Astar. Thank you for the company’s cultivation and help. I hope everyone can continue to support Qiyao and other artists in the company. They are very good and hardworking people."

"This time I am not only quitting Qi Yao, but also quitting the entertainment circle." Liang Ruo smiled lightly, "For the rest of my life, I want to live for myself and do what I want to do."

"Finally, thanks to past friends for sheltering me, you have been infamy for two years. I am too timid."

Liang Ruo lowered his head and said softly sorry.

The video stopped abruptly.

After watching this video, Fang Juexia's mood is beyond words. He knew that Liang Ruo was apologizing to him in the end, but in fact, he really didn't need Liang Ruo's apology at all. No matter what happened to Fang Juexia in the past two years, it was his willingness.

Although Pei Tingsong has always disliked Liang Ruo, his first reaction after watching the video was worry, "I am a little concerned about his personal safety now."

But Fang Juexia shook her head, "Liang Ruo is a smart man. If there is no possibility of retreating all over, he would not come out at this time."

This sentence reminded Pei Tingsong that he was able to collect so much evidence and record videos during the unspoken rules, and separated Jin Xiangcheng from Astar inside and out, and specially protected his teammates who were not in a good relationship with him.

He was not alone, but turned to another camp and became the vanguard.

"Li Luo helped him."

Fang Juexia nodded, "I guess so, otherwise the contract alone would be a difficult lawsuit. He can't leave as he wants."

Just like Liang Ruo himself said, he is not a good person, but he is definitely not evil. With Li Luo's desire to completely crush Jin Xiangcheng's heart, fulfill his desire to leave Qi Yao and Astar, and use one capital to crush the other, this is very much like what Liang Ruohui did.

But he was still a little sad, especially after seeing the evidence that so many trainees were violated by Jin Xiangcheng.

After the filming, everyone discussed about Liang Ruo in the car. Compared with Fang Juexia’s father’s drug abuse and domestic violence, popular members of the first-line men’s team have been sexually assaulted by the company’s seniors for a long time, leaving the team and throwing various real hammers. Such an explosive sex scandal is obviously more eye-catching. What's more, the inextricable relationship between the central figures of the two events is even more intriguing.

Fang Juexia, who has always been slandered and encountered unspoken rules, turned out to be innocent. As a two-year all-A ace trainee, the reason for leaving Astar turned out to be unable to tolerate high-level sexual assault.

It took two or three years to really put together the complete plot, and now it has finally been spread enthusiastically by people on the Internet.

The truth comes to light, fight back, this is a script that everyone loves to read.

[@Blank page: Grass... This is actually a serial melon? ? ? Fjx is too miserable, Mei Qiang is miserable part-time job, Jin Xiangcheng is going to die! Any 15-year-old child can do it! ]

[@红豆年糕丸子汤: Liang Ruo is also very miserable, well, after being forced for so long, and committed suicide twice, I am so worried about Liang Ruo’s safety now, I hope he will be happy in the future]

[@Surreal camouflage reply @红豆年糕丸子汤: It may be really forced at the beginning, maybe it will be based on physical capital later, it is innocent, in fact, who knows what it is, and dare to show his face. For this kind of thing, I'm afraid that Jin Xiangcheng is about to collapse, and LR himself has found a new backer. ]

[@MemeryL replies to @surreal disguise: It’s not necessary to think everyone so badly. Since he dared to stand up and tell the story of the year, he also collected evidence to the police and disclosed it to the public, it is already very rare]

[@Today’s Jiujiu is also clocking in: thinking carefully, I’m terrified, Astar’s top executives are like this, the people below...]

[@meiyou: The most innocent thing in the whole thing is fjx, because I can't go with the dirty and leave the company, I didn't expect to be beaten up, fjx is really miserable, and I haven't said a word for so many years. ]

[@我翘 always shining: Please don't even sit on other members, everyone is innocent, and I also hope that Liang Ruo will be well in the future. ]

[@谁说 I like you: I feel that the amount of information in the video is very large, and there are many hints... But my first reaction after watching it is that fjx is really a damn good guy (.]

[Leave to you by @冬冬: Be sure to thoroughly investigate the Jin Xiangcheng incident! Who knows how many underage trainees and artists he has violated, it's not a pity that the garbage capitalist died! ]

[@星空下的吻: I saw an As internal capital infighting melon a few days ago, and now it seems to be true... finally hit the surface]

There are different opinions on the Internet.

The facts are divided into many pieces, selectively for everyone to see, and everyone selectively believes what they want to believe. In the end, everything is far from the original.

Even Fang Juexia, who was at the center of the incident, could only catch a glimpse, not to mention ordinary people far across the screen.

He had been prepared for a lifetime of entanglement with this unspoken rule rumors, because this was the path he chose by himself, and he hadn't blamed anyone. But he really did not expect that Liang Ruo would use such a method of burning jade and stone to return him innocence.

The teammates were very happy. After finishing the work and returning to the dormitory, Ling Yi even planned to celebrate, "Great, we feel that Xia finally got rid of the rumors. I was really angry every time I saw it before."

He Ziyan also sighed, "All the hardships are coming."

"I didn't expect that there would be so many victims." Jiang Miao shook his head straight, "We must catch him."

"It's definitely going to be caught. It's such a big noise. It's so bad. Have you watched the hot searches on the Internet? It's like public resentment." Lu Yuan jumped onto the sofa. "There are also melons involved. A big tiger fell from power not long ago. Now that they have evidence, they can directly find the head of the surname Jin. God can't save it."

"I'm going, really?"

"So Liang Ruo's other evidence also includes this?"

The discussion was full of enthusiasm, Pei Tingsong didn't say much, just silently watching Fang Juexia. He knew him better than anyone, knowing that at this time, Fang Juexia would never feel relieved that she was taken off. If so, he would not help Liang Ruo conceal what happened back then.

He must be full of burdens now.

"I'm going to pour something to drink, and you can help me with Juexia." Pei Tingsong took Fang Juexia to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. As he took out the juice and beer from the refrigerator, he said, "You can call him."

Fang Juexia had just received two cans of cold beer from him, but he didn't expect him to say this. He raised his eyes and was surprised, "Huh?"

Pei Tingsong raised his elbow and closed the refrigerator door, turned around, the expression on his face was slightly twisted, "Although, from the standpoint of a rival in love, I am very reluctant to let you talk to Liang Ruo, thinking that he likes you, I still like it for so long, I'm very annoyed."

He began to speak childishly again, but halfway through, the expression on his face receded.

Pei Tingsong looked at Fang Juexia with sincere encouragement in his eyes, and whispered: "But you should go, or you will feel uncomfortable in your heart. I don't want you to burden him more than a rival. "

Maybe that's what Liang Ruo planned. Pei Tingsong complained darkly in his heart.

"Anyway, he is no better than me." Pei Tingsong smiled and took out a few cups, "I still have this confidence."

Fang Juexia laughed because of his frankness, and iced Pei Tingsong's neck with the beer can in his hand, "What are you thinking about every day?"

"The ice is dead." Pei Tingsong was so cold as to hide from him, and he took the beer from his hand, with a smile on his face, "What do you think? When will my moon be more complete? what."

Lu Yuan, who came over to get the snacks, listened, "What are you talking about? What is the moon? Is it fifteen today?"

Pei Tingsong followed his words without changing his face: "Who knows. Hey, help me get some, I can't get it."

Looking at his back, Fang Juexia's heart lightened a lot.

Pei Tingsong will always be like this, seeing through his tight nerves, and then wrapping him with the most straightforward and purest emotions, warming his rigid limbs. His tenderness and everyone are different. It is not a certain form or posture, but the softness of consciousness, which is a complete understanding.

Is it consummated

Fang Juexia couldn't help asking herself in her heart.

He had to admit that Pei Tingsong could see clearly. In the past two years, he has always felt that he has completely let go. It is because he can accept that the other party owes him, so he can cut off the connection with peace of mind, but if the exchange is reversed, not only will he not feel even, but will even be burdened.

Very strange, but he is such a person.

Looking at the noisy teammates, Fang Juexia finally entered the room, walked to his small balcony, looked down and dialed Liang Ruo's phone.

This is the first time Fang Juexia has contacted him proactively after leaving Astar.

After only a few rings, the call was connected. Liang Ruo took the lead and called out his name on the other end of the phone, with a little surprise and suspicion in the end of his speech, "Je Xia."

"Hmm." Fang Juexia asked calmly, "Are you really planning to leave Qi Yao?"

Liang Ruo was silent for two seconds, "Yes, I thought it over a long time ago. Hey, do you think I came out at this time to keep you out of the limelight and dispel rumors? No, I have this video for half a month. It was recorded before, but it took some time to submit evidence and negotiate. I didn't expect that something happened to you later."

After he finished speaking, he said to himself, "But when I saw your accident, I was really uncomfortable. So I sent it directly, a little earlier than planned." He laughed, "Do you think I am I'm trying to please you now."

"No, thank you." Fang Juexia said lightly.

On the other end of the phone, Liang Ruo’s joking tone faded a bit, "I want to thank you. For almost three years, you have been in front of me. I dare not do anything like a tortoise, and say that I like you. , I'm really cunning."

He actually hoped to hear Fang Juexia say yes, and he hoped to hear Fang Juexia complain about him. It seemed that the distance between them would be closer.

But Fang Juexia had never shown his emotions in front of him, and it was the same this time, "I am willing."

He knew it was so.

How could Fang Juexia connect the motives of her actions with him

"I also volunteered this time, Jue Xia." Liang Ruo maintained the smile in his tone, "you know? I used to be particularly naive to think that you have all gone from Astar, and you are still willing to protect my reputation. You always have a little affection for me, otherwise, why would you rather let others black than confess me?"

He really paralyzed himself like this.

"But I gradually understood later, not because you still have friendship with me, but because you are Fang Juexia and you don't want to change yourself."

Fang Juexia didn't know how to respond. He looked at the spider plant on the balcony, the green leaves curled up, and the tips were a little yellow.

"Thank you for not changing." Liang Ruo continued, "otherwise I would not have the courage to stand up today. It took almost three years before I learned a little bit from you."

When I was a trainee together, Liang Ruo had a poor foundation and didn't know anyone, but Fang Juexia was there anytime he went to the practice room. One day he finally got the courage to ask Fang Juexia to teach him.

In many cases, how Fang Juexia patiently teaches, he can't learn it.

Later, he also lost his only friend.

Fang Juexia felt a little bit sour when he heard what he said, "Let the past pass. What do you plan to do from now on?"

"Don't worry, I have made enough pensions in the past few years, and I took a lot of money from Dong Li. By the way, you should have guessed it."

"Well, I probably guessed it." Fang Juexia knew that Zhai Ying could get his monthly review video so smoothly, "Li Luo wants to completely wipe out Jin Xiangcheng, this is indeed a good way. Although it is also for Astar It will have an impact, but it’s better to recover slowly than to watch it rot."

"Yes, this is a struggle between capital. I'm just a move, but anyway, I can be free, and the pawns are pawns." Liang Ruo said lightly, "I have stayed enough in this circle, and I don't As talented and capable as you, teammates are always targeting me, and it’s meaningless to rely on. When things are done, I will travel the world and immigrate to a place where no one knows me, as I told you before. Yes, open a small coffee shop, that's fine. As for Jin Xiangcheng..."

Liang Ruo sneered on the phone, "The crime he committed is more serious than you think. A few pens are enough for him to stay in jail for a lifetime. It's really worthwhile for me to be a dog for so many years, finally Let me find a chance to take a bite."

Fang Juexia didn't care about Jin Xiangcheng's charges. He knew that this person had no bottom line. Now that he ended up in this way, it was a cooperation of many forces.

"Anyway, you have to take care of yourself." He thought for a long time, but he could only say this sentence.

But when he heard this sentence, Liang Ruo was already happy enough, "I will. Don't worry, a villain like me often lives longer. I will definitely live longer than Jin Xiangcheng."

Fang Juexia was relieved when he said that. Liang Ruo's nature is not bad, he also knows that not everyone in the world can be black and white, everyone is pushed away.

At least Liang Ruo woke up and looked back.

"Hey Juexia, you call me, does Pei Tingsong know?" Liang Ruo said deliberately, "He won't be angry, right."

Thinking of Pei Ting Song, Fang Juexia's mouth raised up slightly, and said, "No, he persuaded me to contact you."

Liang Ruo sighed long on the phone, "Okay, okay. I should have known it a long time ago."

"Know what?" Fang Juexia was puzzled.

You should have known that you would like such a person.

"It's nothing." Liang Ruo smiled, "Don't waste your time, the big star, I have to go to the procuratorate."

"Yeah." Fang Juexia lowered her eyes, it was time to say goodbye. A person who participated in his tired youth, an old friend who parted ways, went round and round and shook hands to make peace, but it was always a separate ending.

Everything is destined.

Hearing the knock on the door, Fang Juexia turned her head and caught a glimpse of Pei Tingsong standing at the door. The other side gestured and asked him softly if he wanted to eat pizza.

Fang Juexia nodded slightly, and said one last sentence to Liang Ruo before hanging up the phone.

"I hope that one day, I can go to your cafe for coffee."

Suddenly there was silence on the other end. After a few seconds, Liang Ruo spoke again, her voice trembling a bit, a cry that was so obvious that she couldn't fake it.

"Okay, drink for free, drink as much as you want." He cried and laughed, sniffed, and added a sentence.

"But if you bring Pei Tingsong, you have to give me a double tip."