Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 106: Awards performance


Why turned it back again.

"We..." Fang Juexia wanted to die suddenly, even thinking of the feasibility of a tongue-in-cheek suicide plan.

Ling Yi also cooperated, holding the bottle of bozi soda at Pei Tingsong and the others, "Yes! Tell me honestly!"

Pei Tingsong snatched the bottle in his hand, "Explain your size." After speaking, he looked at Lu Yuan, "No, you really want to hear it?"

Lu Yuan covered his heart with one hand, with the other hand resting on the lamp, with an awe-inspiring expression on his face, and swallowed, "You can say it, brother can bear it."

I glanced at He Ziyan and Jiang Miao, both of them were smiling and not talking about the good show. Pei Tingsong raised his eyebrows, "Then I can tell you the truth, do you need a detailed description?"

Lu Yuan patted his thigh, "Hurry up!"

Seeing Fang Jue Xia’s red neck and his out-of-body expression, Pei Tingsong knew he was embarrassed and was unwilling to say this in front of so many people, so he smiled and pulled his baby brother into his arms. Here, "Dream you. What messed up in my mind every day, I said nothing to do."

Fang Juexia thought he was really going to say something, so when he was dragged over and hugged his shoulders, he was stunned.

"Impossible." Lu Yuan pointed to Pei Tingsong, "You two couldn't even match the confession of the movie just now. You must have bluffed us."

"Yeah." Pei Tingsong shrugged, "We didn't go to the movies. It's not good to stroll around in such a big garden."

Ling Yi stammered and asked, "Then, then why don't you go with us and go to the hot springs?"

"Do you still have to ask why?" Pei Tingsong tilted his head, "because I don't want you to see my boyfriend without clothes." After he finished speaking, he pulled Fang Juexia's collar directly up to his chin. , "Not at all."

Fang Juexia slapped his hand away, glared at him and told him to shut up.

"It's all spread out anyway, let's clarify it a little bit more." Pei Tingsong took the soda bottles and pointed them one by one. "You and Fang Juexia's CP will not be allowed to operate in the future. From now on, all of them will be."

"Hey, really overbearing." He Ziyan shook his head, holding his right knee knee, "dreaming back to the Xin Chou treaty."

"Why!" Ling Yi was unhappy, "Before your hearing, Juexia and I were very popular in CP!" After saying that, he wanted to grab Fang Juexia's hand and started to drink crazy again. Jue Xia, won't you go with him, I will sing to support you!"

"Go to the side." Pei Tingsong broke Ling Yi's hand directly, "I can support him without singing."

"Hey, hey," Lu Yuan cleared his throat. "Although I can hear, but you say you don't want to talk about money, this poor young man has been connoted."

He Ziyan lifted his noble hand with a wonderful crisp angle like a big guy at the auction site, "plus one."

Ling Yi hiccuped, forgetting what he said and what was said before, and just followed suit, "plus one."

Fang Juexia really couldn't stand it anymore, broke free from Pei Tingsong's arms, and whispered to him, "Stop making trouble."

"Good, good," Pei Tingsong is of course accustomed to, "This question is over."

Jiang Miao, who has not been following the prankster, said at this time, "Is it going to be so soon? Don't you confess your love story to us?" He smiled, "For example... Who chased whom? When were we together? "

Lu Yuan immediately applauded, "The captain deserves to be the captain!"

Ling Yi also applauded, "Okay!"

Pei Tingsong turned his head and asked his wife, "Can you tell me?"

Fang Juexia immediately turned her head, "What are you asking me for?"

This means it can be said. When Pei Tingsong got here, he frankly confessed, "I chased him. When was we together... I fell off the stage and injured my hand. He was together the day he went to the hospital to take care of me."

After listening to Jiang Miao, he stretched out his hand to He Ziyan who was lying on the ground listening to the story, "I won, give me the money."

The remaining four people were confused, watching He Ziyan sighing and transferring money to the captain.

"What?" Pei Tingsong was confused, "How many more bets did you make?"

Probably more than they have built in private.

Jiang Miao, who received the red envelope, was satisfied, "No, we both think that you are really talking, but there is a disagreement about when you started to fall in love. He Ziyan said it was around Jue Xia's birthday. I said it was earlier, and then I won. "After that, he looked at Jue Xia and smiled deliberately, "But I didn't expect it to be so early. I thought Jue Xia would study hard before agreeing."

Fang Juexia was blushing when he said that she was stunned, and then buried her head in eating potato chips, like a hamster.

"So when did you find out that you like Juexia? Didn't you vowed to tell me that you are boring to be in love? When did you confess?" He Ziyan, who was lying on the ground, kicked Pei Tingsong. He was unwilling to lose consciously, and he insisted on breaking the casserole and asking the end.

Suddenly thinking of something, He Ziyan suddenly realized: "Ah, I know, your kid didn't take advantage of his injury. He played the sympathy card so that the kind-hearted Juexia couldn't refuse you before he reluctantly agreed, right?"

Pei Tingsong rolled his eyes and was about to say what bullshit you were talking about.

"No." Fang Juexia, who had been disconnected, came out to retort at this time, "I don't force it, I just agreed to him if I like him."

This straight ball slapped all the young men on the court, and after the stunned, there was a flurry of restlessness.


"No way, no way, I can't listen anymore."

Lu Yuan put a wave of flavour into his mouth, "Grass, I was raised by dog food."

"No... I mean..." Fang Juexia was still speechless in the end, and she subconsciously glanced at Pei Tingsong.

To be able to be said to like this by Fang Juexia in public, Pei Tingsong can't describe it as fluttering at the moment, and he feels that he has reached the high point of life. When people are proud, they are willing to say anything, feeling very proud, "If you see it or not, you will get a slap in the face." After saying that, he began to recall, "When did you find that you like Jue Xia... It was the day when he knew the song was released," I was irritated by Liang Ruo and discovered it."

Ling Yi's little brain is not enough. He hugged his head and said in pain, "Liang Ruo?! Why does Liang Ruo have a scene! Wait, why is this drama and plot so familiar?"

"Because you found Liang Ruo's number for me." Pei Tingsong prompted.

"Yes!" Ling patted his forehead one by one, "My God! So I, I, I..."

"Yes, you are a confession broker." Pei Tingsong ignored the little fool who found that he almost mastered the script, and continued, "Liang Ruo privately asked Jue Xia to go out to talk. I would call Liang Ruo when I found Xia. He didn't hang up the phone, so I heard his confession to Jue Xia. At that time, I was angry, and I didn't know what I was angry about, it was so angry."

Jiang Miao could almost imagine the youngest's reaction at the time, "It turns out that someone made a pattern and punctured your window paper."

"Anyway, I found out, oh, it turns out that my feelings for this person can be in another form besides friendship." Pei Tingsong suddenly became serious, "So after receiving him, I confessed."

"Grass, this efficiency." He Ziyan applauded him sincerely, "Being listening to you is too good."

Lu Yuan was shocked, "So Jue Xia agreed?"

Fang Juexia immediately shook her head, "No, I, I didn't agree at the time."

Jiang Miao asked again, "Then how did you feel about him at the time? Did you reject Xiao Pei like you rejected Liang Ruo?"

of course not. Fang Juexia said in her heart.

"It's not the same. When I heard Liang Ruo say it, I was just a little surprised, because I didn't feel that way about him at all." Fang Juexia lowered his eyes and spoke slowly. "Later I heard Pei Tingsong say again. Just... I was really dumbfounded and scared, but, in fact, there is one thing that I can’t tell." He frowned, and then smiled weakly at Jiang Miao, "I was too messy at the time. There is no way to think. He begged me not to reject him too quickly, and I didn't refuse him."

Ling Yi rubbed his eyes, "I think you are too easy to talk Xia."

"It's not easy to talk." Jiang Miao's face was looking through everything, and he cleverly grasped the key point. "Je Xia, when you just said Liang Ruo, you just used the expression'I don't have any feeling for him at all.' , But when it comes to Xiao Pei’s confession, he starts to speak incoherently. You are obviously the most logical person. You must have liked Xiao Pei a bit at that time, just not knowing it."

"Really?" Fang Juexia was a little embarrassed to see through with a glance, hugged her knees, and whispered, "Maybe..."

But suddenly he sat upright again, turned his head to look at Pei Tingsong beside him, and said, "But why do I always admit that I like you."

Pei Tingsong laughed at once, and picked Fang Juexia's chin, "Look, this guy's temper is only on me."

This crit.

He Ziyan covered his ears, "If you don't come, you can't come, torture myself."

"I'm OK! Please continue!"

"Why did I tell Pei Tingsong Liang Ruo's phone number at the time! I, I hate it!"

The teammates are nervous, but Pei Tingsong is still paying attention to Fang Juexia's question just now, "Why do you think they discovered our relationship?"

Fang Juexia blinked.


Pei Tingsong flicked his forehead with his hand, and whispered, "I love you, can anyone not see it, Fang Juexia."

Don't know why, Fang Juexia's heart suddenly jumped.

Sure enough, with Pei Tingsong's side, it is difficult for him to maintain a steady state.

Young boys have the hardest time to hide their thoughts, and the hardest thing to hide is likes.

Knowing that Fang Juexia was thin-skinned and couldn't bear to keep asking like this, Pei Tingsong protected him and changed the subject, forcing them to continue playing Truth or Dare. Fortunately, the bad luck passed away. After a few rounds, they both missed it, but Ling. One is the worst, several big adventures in a row, and the last one directly draws the note of [Calling Brother Qiang and saying that he is pregnant with his child]. Several people got half drunk because of him, and forced Ling Yizhen out to fight.

Cheng Qiang had already fallen asleep, and awakened by a phone call. After the call, it turned out that Ling Yi cried and said that he had a baby.

Several other people suppressed Ling Yi, held their breath and waited for Cheng Qiang's response. They didn't expect the other party to hang up directly after being silent for a few seconds.


Hearing this busy tone, everyone let go of Ling Yi.

"It's over, Ling Yi fell out of favor, and no one took care of the baby."

"You are pregnant with a baby!"

Fang Jue Xia sighed and smiled, "80% of Brother Qiang thought he was dreaming, and he will definitely call you back tomorrow after reading the call records."

"Hahahahaha, right!"

Jiang Miao suddenly thought of something, "By the way, when are you going to tell Brother Qiang?"

"Look at Xia," Pei Tingsong said, "I listen to him."

He Ziyan sneered, "You, the devil king of the world, have a day to listen to others. It's really a thing to lose one thing."

Fang Juexia thought for a while, "I was planning to talk this time, but I was a little worried. Although Brother Qiang said that it doesn't matter if there is a relationship, he might not have thought it was a love in the team."

"That was also caused by him." Lu Yuan shook his head, "Actually, it's okay if you don't talk about it. How can you get caught in the team's love? Asking is for business."

"We will help you hold the cabinet door!" Ling Yi looked as if he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Pei Tingsong deliberately said, "Just you, come on, don't give me a megaphone to promote it everywhere, I thank God every day."

"I will never do it this time!" Ling Yi was very solemn, silly and stupid after being drunk, and swore in a loud voice, "I can, I can do it!"

"Okay," Lu Yuan nibbling on sunflower seeds, "Don't scare the baby in your stomach."


The six people stayed in Luyuan's house until three or four in the morning. The first one to fall asleep was Ling Yi. He was still playing poker, but it was his turn to play the cards and found that this guy had fallen asleep on the floor. Lu Yuan dragged him to the bed, covered him with a quilt, and drank and chatted with a few others. Fang Juexia was drunk as soon as he drank. This time the alcohol level was high, and he poured it without giving him a chance to be drunk. It's not early, and the remaining few are ready to go to bed.

Pei Tingsong didn't drink much, and went to another room with Fang Juexia in his arms. For some reason, Fang Juexia became a little more sober, wrapped his neck around him, and kept asking him whether he liked him or not, Pei Tingsong answered obediently.

"If you like me, you have to tell me a story."

"Okay." Pei Tingsong put Fang Juexia in his arms and patted him on the back while telling him the story of Lily and Little Abacus. When Fang Juexia fell asleep, he himself fell asleep.

The next day everyone slept until noon and went to feed the peacocks in the afternoon. Ling Yi didn't listen to persuasion and wore a fancy laser coat, which attracted several male peacocks to chase him and open the screen. This scene was filmed by Lu Yuan and posted on Weibo. From then on, fans nicknamed "peacocks on earth".

Leaving the hot spring resort, Caledo devoted himself to the busy men’s team work. The publicity of the romance in the team did not bring about any changes, but Pei Tingsong had to coerce and lure Ling to change rooms every day, but Ling Yi refused to comply. As an electric light bulb every day, when he saw Pei Tingsong drill into his room, he went in with him, next to the couple.

The end of the year is the busiest time for the entertainment industry. Major awards ceremonies, film festivals, and year-end parties on many platforms are all gathered at this time. On the red carpet, there is a lot of beauty and all kinds of photos taken together. In the past, Kaledo had no name at the end of the year, let alone performing on stage, he couldn't even get a simple admission ticket.

But now it’s different. The speed of Kaleido's popularity this year is almost unmatched. It is an absolute annual focus. In addition, it depends on strength and talent to become popular. It is often long-term. Everyone is willing to be close. It will be convenient in the future. , Even the film festival invited them to participate, but Jiang Miao walked the red carpet with the crew, leaving five other admissions.

When they entered the arena, they also specially rehearsed the new opening remarks. This time there was no captain shouting one, two or three, and he became Ling Yi. With a loud voice, there was an instant feeling of shouting at the scene.

"Hello everyone! We are-Jiang Miao's five oil bottles!"

Even the gesture K has become five fingers outstretched.

The scene instantly laughed. This paragraph was also posted on the Internet and forwarded out of the circle. The entry of #相声男团卡莱多# was once again on the hot search, and the previous very classic stalks were also released together, which is a disguised promotion of the movie. It was originally a niche literary film. With the participation of members of the popular men's group, the box office exceeded 100 million on the first day. Even the director sent Weibo to thank the actors and audience.

Film reviews are gradually released, perhaps because the role is suitable and tragic. The Internet has given good comments on Jiang Miao's first water test, and his reputation has continued to rise. Some people even predicted that Jiang Miao would be nominated for best newcomer and best supporting actor.

Once the film festival is over, all that is left is the intensive awards ceremony. Kelaido has a high degree of attention, holding two explosive specialties in one year, almost sweeping the major music awards ceremony.

"The recent invitations are so many that I can't pick them up. Several of them have to rush to the venue to participate." Cheng Qiang took advantage of the combination of them to film the winter album's main MV, and talked about the schedule on the set by the way, "but there is one If I hit the BMA, I won’t go. BMA has the highest gold content, even if you don’t win the prize, you have to participate."

When it comes to BMA, Ling Yi gets excited, "I beg you, let's get one, let us Europe once."

"How can it be so simple." Lu Yuan sighed, "BMA's judges are notoriously picky. No idol group has ever been shortlisted before. We have been nominated by golden eggs."

Pei Tingsong said along, "No, our black posts on the day when the official nomination list was announced was a blowout. I almost cursed me on Weibo."

Fang Juexia thought of something and turned to look at him, "Didn't you already scold it?"

"Huh? Really?" Pei Tingsong blinked, as if to find some memory, "Oh, I can't remember too much scolding."

Cheng Qiang sighed, "Everyone can't be so discouraged. If you can win a prize at BMA, you will become prosperous."

According to the plan of Star Chart, the mini winter special "Xmas&U" will be released on Christmas Day on December 25, which is also the anniversary of Caledo's debut. Coincidentally, this year’s BMA awards ceremony was also arranged for Christmas. For the first appearance on the BMA stage and to give fans an anniversary special stage, Caledo remixed "Broken Array" and "Last Summer" , Also prepared the first stage of the new title song of the winter special.

Since the official announced that Kaleido will attend BMA, fans have left messages on the official blog every day. Due to the loud voices, Kaleido's stage has always been outstanding, and BMA has particularly extended their performance time. So they specially arranged an intro, and the members appeared in pairs. He Ziyan acts as the DJ and Ling Yi's non-main hit "Ice war", Jiang Miao and Lu Yuan are due to dance, while Pei Tingsong and Fang Juexia sing the non-main hit "Hunting".

The award ceremony was broadcast live on the day of the awards. There were many singers and groups. The opening performance was Qi Yao after Liang Ruo left the team. Fang Juexia listened in the background, sighing in her heart.

"Are you cold?" Pei Tingsong took off his coat and put it on Fang Juexia. Fang Juexia's costume was very thin, it was a white shirt with some European medieval style and a black cloak on the outside.

Fang Juexia shook her head and whispered, "I'm a little nervous."

The makeup he put on today is very special. In order to match the style of "Hunting", a blood stain is specially drawn on the corner of his mouth, and the eyeliner is also very seductive. Using such a face to say such cute words has a weird sense of cuteness.

Pei Tingsong stretched out his gloved hand, "I'll give you a bite, and you won't be nervous after biting."

"Are you a vampire today?" Fang Juexia was talking about Pei Tingsong's makeup and hair, but he habitually wanted to take off his gloves when he saw the gloves, and he didn't know what the conditioned reaction was. But as soon as he pulled it, he was stopped by Pei Tingsong, "Don't make trouble, I'll be on stage soon."

All right. Fang Juexia let him go in her heart.

The time in the background always flies quickly, and it is passed to them all at once. While the lights were dimming and the stage was completely dark, the six of them entered the stage through the elevator platform. He Ziyan and Ling Yi were on the far left of the stage, Jiang Miao and Lu Yuan were on the far right, and Pei Tingsong and Fang Juexia were in the middle.

When the music sounded, the spotlight on the left lit up, and as soon as Ling opened his voice, the fans in the audience burst into shocking screams.

Fang Juexia was always in total darkness. Listening to the performance of his teammates, Pei Tingsong grabbed his wrist. He didn't let go and stand up until he heard the staff preparing to cut the plane in his ears.

The spotlight in the center came on. Before it even started, the screams were already rushing towards them like waves. Pei Tingsong shook hands with Mai and walked out. This time he did not appear his usual rap, but rather slowly. Rhythm, accompanied by music full of ritual, and even a kind of sickness.

"The heat wave oozing from my fingertips is in exile on the mountain range of your back."

His hand pulled open the collar, "The trembling pores are clenched tightly and I will not let go. Whose nerve endings are frantic. The blood vessels are hot and the sweet magma. You said you want me, you want me to release."

Speaking faster following beat, he raised his eyebrows, "Put somebody's blood to cover up my desires, and you can dig out my heart just by looking at it."

Extending his index finger in a circle, Pei Tingsong raised the corners of his mouth, "Keep you high, round and round. The curve is not abstract enough, how can the animal's instincts lie, no matter how sacred it is, it should be dirty by nasty."

The music changed, another spotlight in the middle came on, Fang Juexia, wearing a black cloak, appeared and started the hook part.

"You have to burn all your blood for me."

Fang Juexia is linked to abstinence in many people's hearts, and even his singing is ethereal and does not fall. He seldom used this kind of psychedelic singing with aura, and every ending sounded like a skilled seducer.

"Give me a kiss and annihilate."

"Exhausted for me."

"Destroyed in my body."

He raised his hands to his shoulders, and took off his black cloak, revealing his complete face.

"Who made you fall in love with a hunt."

The music changed again. The ending of the remix took over from the beginning of He Ziyan and Ling Yi’s "Ice war". Pei Tingsong started to recite English chants with his extremely magnetic tone, which is also the lyrics of the intro at the beginning of "Ice war", but They were adapted into a medieval style.

"I'll be your wicked resister."

[I will be your tricky rebel. ]

Fang Juexia sang the harmony for Pei Hearing with the technique of chanting in flowery accents, like chanting the bible, floating like an immortal, and completely different from the charming singing before.

"Your unbroken martyr."

[You indestructible martyr. ]

"Your faithful warrior."

[Your loyal fighter. ]

He was walking forward step by step, but suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked at Fang Juexia who was walking towards him, "No."

"Ain't your innocent younger lover."

[No, I don’t want to be your innocent young lover. ]

Under the camera, after finishing a hunt, Pei Tingsong met Fang Jue Xia Lu, and he held his brother's chin.

"I'm your fucking dirty master."

[I want to be your most inferior owner. ]

The author has something to say: These two songs have not written the complete lyrics, so I won’t put them in the words.

Btw, male singers can sing Huaqiang (you can search for it). However, in the strict sense of professional vocal music classification, there is no Huaqiang tenor, only Huaqiang soprano, corresponding to false voice tenor. But the huaqi in the text is a popular meaning, referring to a gorgeous, flexible and difficult singing in Bel Canto. In reality, there are many tenor singers who are good at this kind of technique. Writing this way makes it easier for everyone to understand what kind of false voice transposition is in this passage.