Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 107: Awards are presented


This scene made the fans in the audience boil.

Fang Juexia raised her eyes and raised her eyebrows. The red at the end of her eyes combined with the arrogance in her eyes, presenting a strange chemical reaction.

After letting go, Pei Tingsong raised the corners of his mouth and walked to Fang Juexia's side. Amidst the cheers, the remaining four members also walked to the center of the stage from different directions. The lights were all on, the scenery was magnificent, and the six people gathered in a group.

BMA's annual awards ceremony is one of the most important events in the music industry, both in terms of sound effects and stage settings. This is also the first time Kaleido has been on such a grand stage since his debut.

They first performed the new winter song "Xmas&U". The style of this song is not the same as that of the second album and the summer album, and it has a winter feel. It is a dance music made with the style of blues jazz. Kaleido's full open wheat is superb. After singing a song, there will be remix versions of "Broken Formation" and "Last Summer". There is no chance to breathe at all.

The new arrangement gives the burst song "Broken Array" new vitality. The charm of Caledo lies in the strength and appeal of the scene. As long as they stand on the stage, no matter how big the stage is, the atmosphere can be driven, as if it were their group concert. The audience in the audience would unconsciously follow them waving their arms and applauding, even singing in chorus.

The solo in the dance break part of the break is still retained, but this time the music is no longer a pure guzheng solo, but a remixed electronic music. The dance is not a classical dance on the stage of singing, but a new choreography. The six people dance together.

After the music changed, Fang Juexia took off the black long scarf tied around the cuff, blinded it in front of her eyes, and tied it behind her head.

Since everyone knew about his hidden disease of night blindness, many netizens wanted to know how he practiced to the extent that he did not make mistakes, and many people questioned that he was just a slight degree, and deliberately exaggerated the facts for hype, pretending to be on the dark stage. It's really invisible.

Facts speak louder than words.

Fang Juexia decided to dance blindfolded on the BMA stage.

If this decision was changed to him a year ago, he would not make it anyway. It is too risky to make such a decision with a high failure rate on a highly anticipated stage.

But he is no longer the original Fang Juexia.

The blindfolded move once again caused cheers and screams in the entire venue. No one thought they would have such a special session.

With darkness in his vision, no stage, no teammates, Fang Juexia discarded the cheers that came to him like waves, and focused all his attention on the sound of music.

He closed his eyes under the black cloth and returned to the familiar practice room.

Everyone's clothes were drenched with sweat. They were talking and calling Fang Juexia's name.

"Remember my position? Don't hit me."

"Don't disturb Xia."

Everyone's complete face gradually emerged, and memories began to project images. Ling Yi, Lu Yuan, He Ziyan, Jiang Miao...

"He can't make a mistake."

And Pei Tingsong who has been standing by his side.

The heart calmed down in an instant. On the stage, the blindfolded Fang Juexia almost seemed to be able to see things normally. Every movement was accurate, with amazing control and explosive power. He could even complete the complicated movement of six people without any difference.

At first, the audience shouted more kaleido's name. Gradually, more and more people called Fang Juexia, louder than louder.

He used facts to prove to everyone that even if he couldn't see things, he was still the center of the stage.

Until the last bar of the dance break, Pei Tingsong, who walked behind him, stretched out his hand, and instantly took off the black long scarf, walked around in front of him in the next rap, aimed at the camera, and the long scarf He was stuffed into the front pocket. As usual, the gangster youngest took his brothers to the extension stage. There were six people and six colors, and there were exactly six extension stages. Everyone sang the last chorus together.

"Listen to me and break the formation."

After singing this sentence, the electro-sound drop that was more shocking than the original version rushed out, and the audience instantly turned into a dancing scene.

Towards the end, they returned to the center from all sides of the stage. Fang Juexia was standing in the C position, the brilliant lights struck down, and even the sweat beads on the forehead were shining. In a revolving position, he pulled out the black scarf from the front of Pei Tingsong's suit. After the team Changjiang Miao finished singing his own part, the camera focused on Fang Juexia's face.

"My way is no way."

He raised his hand and wiped the "bloodstain" from the corner of his mouth with that long black towel. His sweaty hair was inexplicably sexy, but his eyes were cold. When the fingers were released, the scarf fluttered down.

"Let you lie in wait."

What was left was Fang Juexia's dark past.

The corners of his mouth were curled up in the camera.

The future will only be bright.

This hearty and hearty suite convinced everyone in the audience, even if many of the audience in it were not Caledo fans, but strength can convince everything.

Once on the stage, the six cool and A boys who were just still on the stage immediately reappeared. Cheng Qiang trembled for them in the backstage. As soon as he saw a few people come back well, his hanging heart finally came down, "You are great, you are great, I heard goose bumps in the backstage."

Ling Yi abruptly hugged Cheng Qiang and said that he was a little nervous crying, "I can finally watch other people perform well!"

He Ziyan moved his neck like an old man, "I almost twisted my neck just now, which scared me."

"Hahaha who keeps you sleeping in the car!"

Fang Juexia just let out a long breath. He felt that he had a sense of ecstasy all over, even if they didn't win the award next, Fang Juexia felt it was worth it. At least he finally dared to show everyone what he had been practicing alone in the dark for so many years.

Taking the water from Xiaowen, Pei Tingsong unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to Fang Juexia's hand, "Drink some water."

Fang Jue Xia gave a hum. After receiving the water, he didn't drink it directly. Instead, he looked up at his eyes with a sincere expression that was a little cute.

"Thank you."

"Why?" Taking care of Fang Juexia has become his subconscious action, and he was suddenly thanked. Pei Tingsong is still a little unaccustomed, "Isn't it just a bottle of water?"

"No." Fang Juexia said to him with a smile, "I'm talking about your previous proposal to let me perform blindfolded."

At that time, Pei Tingsong proposed to Cheng Qiang and Chen Zhengyun during a meeting. Before that, Fang Juexia had never thought of doing this. But he heard Pei Tingsong say that he really can, he will not make a mistake, and he heard other members give him complete trust.

So when Chen Zhengyun confirmed to him whether he wanted to adopt this plan, Fang Juexia gave a confident and affirmative answer for the first time.

No problem, I can.

"This." Pei Tingsong laughed, "You should thank yourself."

Thank you for your persistence and hard work for so many years.

After finishing speaking, he used a joke to cover up such a heavy topic again, "And I just satisfy my little hobby..."

Fang Juexia was taking a sip of water, choked by his words. The quiet and well-behaved smile changed suddenly, and he pushed him with water and breath, "Uhhhhhhhhh!"

"Yes, I am a gangster." Pei Tingsong could understand Fang Juexia's scolding at him, and laughed without shame.

After changing to a more formal suit style at the fastest speed, Caledo came to the star audience from the backstage and sat in their seats. Other singers have already performed on the stage. They only watched two games, and the awards section has already begun. The awards are given one by one, and some are happy and some are sad.

Fang Juexia actually doesn't care if he can win this time. He is accustomed to doing anything to minimize his psychological expectations and increase his initiative, so that he can accept defeat more calmly, and when success is about to come, he can also feel a sense of surprise.

Kaleido won a total of four nominations in this selection: the best arranger of the year "Last summer", the best lyricist of the year "broken", the album of the year "Last summer" and the best team of the year. The number of nominations is Third place in the audience, first in the group. This is a very high starting point for them who are shortlisted for the BMA for the first time.

After waiting for a long time, I finally arrived at the first award for which they were shortlisted, the Best Arrangement of the Year Award.

"This award really gathers a lot of outstanding arrangers and productions, and some of the works of quite big-name foreign producers." The award presenter held the envelope with the results, "Let's first see which works were shortlisted. ."

Fragments of the works appeared on the big screen one by one, and the MV of "Last summer" was also mixed in. When it appeared, the fans on the scene gave out huge cheers.

He Ziyan was nervous, but his nervousness would not show up. Ling Yi was not calm anymore, and even started to shake his feet. Jiang Miao pressed his knees and gently reminded him to look at the camera and smile.

Looking at the other selected works, Fang Juexia already had a very objective judgment in his heart, so when the award-presenting guests said the names of other works, he was not too surprised, but said to He Ziyan, “It’s okay, the finalists are already very good. You still have a lot of room for improvement."

He Ziyan nodded, without a disappointed expression on his face, instead he smiled easily, "Of course."

Soon, their second shortlisted award, the best album of the year award, also began to be awarded, but unfortunately, they lost again.

Fang Juexia's mentality was very stable, and he guessed that it would be the result. The winner is a solo female singer with a very deep experience in the music world. The entire album has assembled the highest-level producers at home and abroad, and it is impossible not to win the award.

Although their "Last summer" has also received very good reviews, it is self-produced and sold after all. It is also a mini album with only four songs. It is not wrong to lose.

After two consecutive trophies passed by them, Ling Yi was still a little disappointed, "We won't be out on stage tonight."

Lu Yuan said, "That's good, I'm afraid you will cry as soon as you go up, it's too embarrassing."

Pei Tingsong also nodded, "Second."

The camera swept over, and the six people smiled again.

After several awards were awarded, two more performances were interspersed, among them the group of Zhai Ying. What's interesting is that they seem to have made a new arrangement, mixed with several hits from big hits, and cueed to the chorus of Kaleido's "Last summer".

Caledo, who sat down the stage, naturally followed them very enthusiastically to make dance moves. When Zhai Ying returned before, Fang Juexia had watched their MV, and he had learned all the iconic dance moves in the middle. Although sitting in the audience, he still cooperated with them on the stage to make hand movements.

"Dancing well." Pei Tingsong tilted his head and moved closer to tease him, "You can go on stage."

Fang Juexia glanced at him, but didn't respond.

"If I get the lyricist award, you can dance this dance to show me, OK?"

"Let's talk about it when you get it." Fang Juexia couldn't hide her smile.

These were all recorded by the station sister who focused on filming him.

The awards restarted, and the host took the stage and began to talk.

"Next is a very heavyweight award."

"Yes, of course there must be a heavyweight award-giving guest for heavyweight awards." The hostess smiled and turned her off.

The male host cooperated, "His name is really loud in our Chinese music scene."

"It should not belong to the Chinese music world now," the hostess smiled, "It should be the business world. Come, let us welcome the award-giving guest-Li Luo! Welcome to Mr. Li!"

It turned out to be him. This really made Fang Juexia a little unexpected.

Li Luo wore a straight white suit, his face was not much different from his reddest age, but it was mature and indifferent. He smiled and walked to Limai and said hello to everyone, "Good evening, everyone, I am Li Luo, long time no see."

Cheers and applause appeared in the audience, especially in the artist area of Astar.

"It's an honor to be invited to BMA today as an awards guest. I was here ten years ago. I won the first important award in my life, so I can understand everyone's feelings now. I'm nervous."

Everyone laughed.

Fang Juexia also lowered his eyes and smiled. After the greeting, Li Luo took a letter from the host and glanced at the cover, "Today I will give you all the awards—"

"Best Team of the Year Award."

A huge cheer broke out in the audience, especially the long-awaited fans. Unlike many non-authoritative music awards, BMA does not distinguish between genders in groups, and the winners of this award have always been bands, and there are few boy or girl groups.

"So let's take a look at the shortlisted groups now?"

MV clips of the finalists began to appear on the big screen, a total of four groups, two bands, a male and female chorus group, and the last one that appeared on the screen was Kaleido.

When Kaleido appeared on the stage, the fan seat instantly boiled, and the screams lasted for a long time.

He Ziyan and Lu Yuan have started a new round of betting. Fang Juexia was afraid that Ling would be nervous, so she quietly stretched out her hand and patted the back of his hand, but was grasped by Ling one by one, clenched very tightly, and the other hand held the captain, as if as long as he grasped the two calmest people in the team, he would Will be less nervous.

Seeing that Fang Juexia beside him was still relieving Ling Yi's nervousness, Pei Tingsong leaned against him and leaned to his ear, "Why are you not nervous at all?"

Fang Juexia looked at him, but heard him say, "So calm, I don't have any room to play."

what. He couldn't help laughing. He was about to say something, but when he heard the voice coming from the station, he pulled his attention back.

"So… "

Li Luo on the stage opened the envelope and smiled at the audience in the audience, "The one who won the best group award of the year is—"

After a three-second pause, he looked in Fang Juoxia's direction, "Kaleido, congratulations!"

The audience broke out the biggest cheer in the whole night. This is a historic moment. BMA's best group award was awarded to a male idol group.

Fang Juexia was still a little dazed when he heard their group name. He had the idea that he would not be on stage all night, but he did not expect to wait for such an important award. Sitting on the outside, Pei Tingsong took the lead to stand up, Fang Juexia and other teammates followed him, and they walked from the auditorium to the stage together.

He heard Ling Yi whispering to himself in the back, "I can't cry, can't cry, don't cry..."

Fang Juexia couldn't help laughing.

Such a short ten-meter road was paved with red carpet, and every step he took, he could recall the past.

When the six of them made their debut, they did their best to perform on the small stage of business performances.

Everyone laughed together, stayed all night in the practice room together, stayed up all night together to write and record songs.

Get through big and small difficulties together.

With the past and the blooming reality intertwined, Fang Juexia and his teammates stood together on this stage once thought to be out of reach, and stood in front of the former Bole.

Li Luo smiled and handed the trophy to the team Changjiang Miao, and then embraced the six of them one by one. Finally, while holding Fang Juexia, he whispered congratulations to him.

"Thank you." Fang Juexia responded to him, then turned around, facing the audience with everyone, using their usual way of greeting as an opening remark, "Hello everyone, we are Kaleido!"

Ling Yi was still crying, the kind of crying that he couldn't stop, but he was standing next to the captain who was about to speak, and he would definitely be photographed. Consciously ashamed, he had to hide behind Fang Juexia.

Holding the microphone, Jiang Miao still maintained the calmness of a group, but what he said was not as official as before. "In fact, we did not expect to win the prize, especially after seeing the shortlist. Excellent band predecessors, excellent creative group, we felt that it was the luckiest thing to be shortlisted with these predecessors."

The other shortlisted bands also took the lead in applauding them. Jiang Miao looked down at the trophy in his hand, "Because of being able to compete with outstanding people, this trophy has become extremely precious. Kaleido is not just the six of us, but many, many people. We would like to thank the Star Atlas Company that has always given us the greatest support, our boss Mr. Chen Zhengyun, our best broker Qiang, Xiaowen, and all the Dominos who have always given us courage and confidence. This This trophy belongs to all of you."

After speaking, he bowed deeply, and the other five members also bowed together. When he got up, Jiang Miao handed the microphone to Fang Juexia, but he was unprepared, and there was Ling Yi hiding behind him crying.

Seeing the handover of the microphone and lens, Ling Yi was like a little mouse who had seen the light, and quickly hid behind Jiang Miao.

Fang Juexia thought for a moment, and said to the microphone, "Thank you very much for the BMA review and awarding us the award for the best team of the year."

He used the fastest time to organize his own language, but his tone was calm and his attitude was neither overbearing nor overbearing. "This year is a very special year for our entire team. From no one cares to being able to stand here, there is something in between. A turning point is the transition of each of our members from a singer to a creator."

"Music is precise and free, full of regularities and ever-changing. It is the smoothest medium connecting consciousness and matter. It is also a small world that we are willing to spend our whole life exploring. This time is definitely a beginning. The future steps are more certain, so that we have more courage to face the future."

Pei Tingsong stood beside Fang Juexia very gentlemanly with a hand on his back. Just like in the initial interview in the magazine, every insight Fang Juexia said can poke his heart, sober, sensible and full of romantic idealism.

"Thank everyone, thanks to music and dreams."

After speaking, they bowed again. Taking advantage of the opportunity to bend down, Lu Yuan passed the paper towel tucked in his trouser pocket to Ling Yi through Jiang Miao, so that he could wipe his face.

When he straightened up, the host smiled and said, "Congratulations to Kaleido, does the company have any celebrations for this award?"

Fang Juexia handed the microphone to Ling Yi. Ling flushed with crying, didn't want to take the microphone but had no time to refuse, "Um... I don't know."

The audience laughed.

"No, it should be," Ling Yi sniffed, especially sincere. "Brother Qiang also said just now that he will help him move after he is finished, and eat after moving."

It's really the worst men's team of the year in history.

The author has something to say: (There is also an award. ps: It will not come out publicly at the award ceremony. This is the team's ascending period, and it is also an award ceremony for the gods. It is unrealistic to be open. Fanwai will come out publicly)

——Long-lost small theater————

During the live broadcast of the awards, Caledo Fanquan's Weibo:

[@Kaleido中文First stop: Today's intro and scene are really amazing! [video]]

[Ah, brothers! Our account cancellation card is a perfect match for this stage! ]

[Grass, Quankaimai is too strong, it's worthy of my team! ]

[Uuuuuuuwe think Brother Xia danced blindfolded! Beautiful and strong! ]

[Blindfolded hot search booking, no error in one step is really too strong! Just ask who else in the whole internal entertainment? ? ]

[Xiao Pei's vampire makeup is so handsome, oh my god! Sanshui and Yuanyuan's duet dances are also so strong]

[It’s worth the stage if you don’t win the prize, really]

[@春日狱雪站: Some children who pretended not to understand the women's dance request were very happy to dance under the stage. Grapevine still bites his ears. Quickly persuade your brother to dance for everyone to see. [Video]]

[5555 Is there anyone cuter than a pretty baby? ]

[If I were a vine, I would just grab my brother's swaying hand, what should I do if I am so cute! ]

[Fuck, you look at Xia's look at the vine, that grotesque look...]

[Okay, the sense of hearing is messing with me again. Can I eat this dog food? ]

[Eh? 1 minute 21 seconds Xiao Pei raised his hand, what is the black one on his hand? Was it painted? ]


Awards start

When not winning-Quiet and generous Domino

[It’s okay, it’s okay, the nomination is affirmative! ]

[It's fine! After we cancel the account card, there are still opportunities! ]

[Congratulations, seniors! Seniors are great! ]

After winning-crazy

[Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah