Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 46: Be honest


Xiaowen drove them to the high-end apartment where Pei Tingsong had been renting before. Fang Juexia looked out the window, and it was more than two years since he had never been to the place where Pei Tingsong lived. Their intersection is only company and schedule. Even when he was working, he was extremely indifferent to Pei Tingsong, when he didn't exist, when he didn't have this person in his eyes.

They can even maintain this two-way patience for two years.


Fang Juexia responded and opened the car door to go out first, but Pei Tingsong didn't know what to do, so he just couldn't come out. Seeing him like this, Fang Juexia bent down and looked in, "Pei Tingsong, here it is."

Pei Tingsong raised his head, shook his head again, and crawled out of the carriage unresponsively. When he got out of the car door, his center of gravity was unstable and fell on Fang Juexia like an uprooted tree.

Probably the wine spirit is coming up again, and he feels that Pei Tingsong is worse than just now.

"Hey, slow down, couldn't you just talk?" Fang Juexia reached out to support him, and called Xiaowen for help again. The two people walked him downstairs in the apartment. The entrance here was face recognition, but Pei Tingsong seemed to be sleepy and couldn't open his eyes. Xiaowen threw him on Fang Juexia and took away Pei Tingsong's with both hands. Eyelids, forcing him to recognize the camera.

"It hurts." Young Master Pei Tingsong got angry and pushed Xiaowen away with a slap. Fang Juexia didn't know anything, so she could only coax him, "Look at it, you have to recognize it before you can go up."

After listening, Pei Tingsong turned his face to face Fang Juexia and blinked.

"It's not me." Fang Juexia turned his face to the right, pointed at the camera, "Look here."

It took a long time before they finally got upstairs. To Fang Juexia's surprise, the apartment Pei Tingsong lived in was much simpler than he thought. He originally thought that a child from his family would live in a high-rise mansion with hundreds of square meters. Facts proved that he was not luxurious enough. The house was beautiful and beautiful, with two bedrooms and two halls full of floor-to-ceiling windows, but the furniture was pitiful. The living room had almost nothing but a couch, and it was empty everywhere.

It's not like a home at all.

"Jexia, you can stay with him today. This is the change of clothes and toiletries I brought you from the dormitory. I used it to go to the hotel, but now it happens to be fine," Xiaowen hurriedly listened to Pei in a hurry. Songfu sat down on the sofa and checked the time, "I will drive Luyuan to the airport in a while."

"Is he going to record the show?"

"Yeah. I'm too late, let's go first."

Fang Juexia escorted him to the door, "You drive carefully."

Close the door, only two of them are left in the house. He changed his slippers, took another pair of slippers, walked to the sofa and put them on the floor, "You also change your shoes."

Pei listened to Song, kicked off his shoes, and took off his jacket, "It's hot." He took off the innermost black wool sweater with one hand and threw it on the sofa, wearing nothing on his upper body. , Leaning back on the sofa.

His skin was also white, and his whole body turned red after drinking.

"You will catch a cold." Fang Juexia sighed, took the coat over and put it on him, Pei Tingsong tore him off as soon as he put it on, "It's really hot."

"The woolen sweater is hot, and the coat won't be so hot." Fang Juexia pulled him up, helped him put the coat on, and zip up the zipper, but Pei Tingsong's last stubbornness still moved his hand and pulled the zipper down. Expose his abdominal muscles.

Fang Juexia looked at his figure and wondered when Pei Tingsong worked out, his abdominal muscles, chest muscles, and mermaid line. He only has abdominal muscles when he dances every day.

"You are looking at me." Pei Tingsong tilted his head and blinked at Fang Juexia.

"No." Fang Juexia stood up, "You take a rest here, I'll go wash first."

The bathroom is quite big. Fang Juexia didn't worry about a drunk person being outside, so she could only take a quick shower and wash it out in the shortest time. He wondered whether he should wash out the clothes he wore today, even though he was wearing the clothes provided by the modeling group for the show today.

Pack up first. Fang Juexia picked up her jacket and shook, a piece of paper fell out of it, and it lightly fell onto Fang Juexia's slippers.

He bent over to pick it up, took a look, and stuffed it into the pocket of this pajama.

"I have run out of the bathroom." He wiped his hair and came out, only to find that Pei Tingsong, who was still on the sofa just now, stood up, holding the floor-to-ceiling windows with both hands, as if looking out.

Fang Juexia walked over, "Are you awake? Go wash and go to bed early."

Pei Tingsong leaned on the windowpane and nodded, turned and walked toward the bathroom. Fang Juexia was a little worried, reaching out to support him, but Pei Tingsong refused. The tall man nearly 1.9 meters tall walked up and down, and Fang Juexia was frightened, for fear that he would fall to the ground next.

But it seemed that he had been worrying too much. Fang Juexia felt relieved when he heard the sound of the bathroom closing. He walked around in the empty living room, and suddenly thought of the problem of sleeping at night.

Fortunately, there are two rooms.

But this idea was quickly verified as his naive hypothesis. There are indeed two rooms, but there is only one bed. The other bedroom was converted into a study room, two large bookcases, a desk and workbench, and various musical instruments such as a guitar keyboard.

"What to do..." Fang Juexia had a headache for her home tonight, but couldn't help but walk in. This study is the most life-like place in this apartment.

No, not the breath of life. Fang Juexia denied her judgment in her heart and made a revision.

It is full of the breath of Pei Tingsong.

He walked in, and the room smelled of a paper book. It was amazing. It was obviously late at night in the cold city, but he felt the warmth of the sun basking on the pages of the book. There was a mess on the table. There were unclosed books, a thick stack of papers, various notes, and a very bright note, sandwiched in front of the lamp, with a few large characters written on it-please don't tidy up here.

Fang Juexia's mouth couldn't help but aroused. He guessed that this house should also be cleaned regularly by the cleaning aunt. Otherwise, the little young master who can't even make the bed, I'm afraid I can't keep it tidy by himself. Just looking at this little sticky note, he could imagine Pei Tingsong swearing to protect his messy desk, writing down his request in words that looked like English translation, and chanting Please.

There is a piece of paper on his desk, with his writing and drawing on it, there are many repetitive words, as if he is practicing calligraphy. Fang Juexia felt a little cordial, like a draft paper for a literary lover.

He sat down to identify the handwriting on the paper, mostly the signature of Pei Tingsong's name, and some scribbled English.

A few words were very interesting and attracted Fang Juexia's attention.

[The taste of coffee is coffee-colored, and the taste of cream is soft white.

Add ice cubes, the taste of ice cubes is transparent and colorless.

After drinking, the air-conditioner cuts through the esophagus.

Ice is a diamond dripping into the throat. ]

His mind always seems to be whimsical, unpredictable and unpredictable. Fang Juexia opened a book and wanted to continue reading, but he accidentally dropped the book on the ground. He hurried to pick it up and found a photo on the ground, as if it had fallen out of the book.

The center of the photo is an old man sitting in a wheelchair, wearing reading glasses and smiling kindly. There was a child squatting in the wheelchair, 13 or 14 years old, holding a newly-born little milk dog in his arms, smiling crookedly, full of juvenile spirit.

When he was a child, Pei Tingsong was like a cactus seedling, even the thorns were soft, not like thorns, like light radiating in the clouds.

Fang Juexia put the photo back in the book, stood up, and suddenly realized that a long time had passed, but there was no movement in Pei Tingsong.

He couldn't help being a little worried, Pei Tingsong seemed to be surviving, but he really drank a lot. Besides, the last time he drank the fragments, it was also before and after Pei Tingsong took care of him.

There was indeed no movement in the bathroom, not even the sound of the shower. Some unfavorable possibilities emerged in Fang Juexia's mind.

Will you faint

By the way, you can't just take a shower after drinking!

Thinking of this, Fang Juexia slammed into the bathroom door sideways, who knew that the bathroom door was not locked at all, it was just a virtual strap. He hit himself on the ground with such a collision and almost couldn't get up.

"... It hurts."

Fang Juexia frowned and raised her arms, looking inside, Pei Tingsong was actually taking a bath.

Taking a bath is even more dangerous! Fang Juexia didn't care about the pain, so she ran to the innermost bathtub with bare feet. Pei Tingsong leaned his head against the bathtub, closed his eyes, motionless.

"Hey, Pei Tingsong, wake up." He patted Pei Tingsong's face, and saw that the other party slowly opened his eyes, and the heart that was about to jump out stabilized a little.

The social news headlines of the men's team member's sudden death in the apartment popped out of his mind just now.

Pei Tingsong's eyelashes were covered with moist water vapor, he blinked slowly, and finally focused on Fang Juexia's face. The corners of his mouth were raised, his hand was raised with a smile, and his palm covered Fang Juexia's entire face.

"What..." Fang Juexia held his hand and pulled his arm to stand him up, "Come out quickly, you can't take a bath if you are drunk."

"I'm not drunk." Pei Tingsong's speech was much slower than usual. It seemed that to prove that he was really not drunk, he stood up forcibly by supporting the edge of the bathtub.

Fang Juexia was already squatting by the bathtub, but Pei Tingsong caught him off guard at this stop and turned his head abruptly. He doesn't know what's going on with him, he also has what the other party has, and it doesn't matter if he sees it.

But his heart tells him clearly what is there.

"You really..." Fang Juexia was speechless for a while, so she could only get up and pull a bath towel, tilt her head to wrap him, "Don't move."

"Hello... Fierce." Pei listened to Song's words slowly, sounding out of the usual hostility and sharpness, and it sounded a bit wronged.

"You were disobedient." Fang Juexia wrapped a bath towel and walked toward the bedroom with his arm, "Be careful not to knock."

Pei Tingsong said slowly, "... I, I'm not stupid."

After finally getting him to the bed, Fang Juexia took a breath, helped him lie down, and said, "Yes, you are the smartest."

Unexpectedly, the next moment, he was dragged down by Pei Tingsong and fell on him.

The distance shrank suddenly and the oxygen froze. Fang Juexia held her breath and stared at the person under her.

His brain was blank, unable to issue any effective emergency instructions.

Pei Tingsong suddenly laughed, his teeth were white, and his eyes were full of him.

"You finally praised me."

He said this slowly, with his arm wrapped around Fang Juexia's back waist.

Fang Juexia was stunned, he didn't expect Pei Tingsong to say that. He is obviously the most arrogant child in the world, born with talent and self-confidence.

"You..." Fang Juexia wanted to struggle, but was tightened by Pei Tingsong, so he had to tell the truth, "Do you know who I am? You drank too much."

Not knowing what was wrong with this sentence, Pei Tingsong unexpectedly put his arms around him and turned around, pressing Fang Juexia under his body.

"You get up, I'm almost out of breath..."

"I know who you are." Pei Tingsong's forehead fell, half covering his deep eyebrows, "You are Fang Juexia..."

It turned out to be clear. Fang Juexia frowned and pushed him with her hand, "Then get up, don't press me down."

"You are the damn Fang Juexia..."

Damn, this prefix really fits Pei Tingsong's personality very much. Fang Juexia knew that he was drinking too much, so she didn't want to worry about it, she just wanted to wrap him up and close the door with a quilt and go out on the sofa and squeeze for the night.

Pei Tingsong didn't give up, he looked the same as usual, but not the same. He mumbled a few vague English words, then lowered his head and leaned against Fang Juexia's collarbone.

The heat sprayed on his skin, Fang Juexia felt her chest compressed so that he could not even have the strength to beat her heartbeat, "Yes, I am Fang Juexia, damn Fang Juexia, let me go out after you finish cursing."

Pei Tingsong muffled on his chest, "You... Do you admire others?"

Fang Juexia was inexplicable, "Who?"

"Those people, screenwriters, Brother Xi Qing, and a lot of others..." Pei Tingsong's voice was originally low, and he was even more serious when he was drunk.

Fang Juexia didn't understand why he suddenly said this, and he didn't even know what it had to do with Pei Tingsong, "Yes, they are all excellent and amazing..."

"Am I not good?" Pei Tingsong suddenly raised his head, his neck flushed, "Am I not good today?"

"You..." Fang Juexia's heart beat violently, "Of course you are also very good, very powerful."

The most powerful is you, brave and strategic, and put the whole game into the game set by yourself.

"But you didn't praise me at all." Pei Tingsong bowed his head again.

Fang Juexia was too surprised, he did not expect that Pei Tingsong would be entangled with his evaluation, or even unhappy.

He marveled at Pei Tingsong's ability more than once during the game, but he didn't know how to say it to him. He could easily express his praise to other people, but when facing Pei Tingsong, he smiled as if he needed a lot of courage.

Fang Juexia himself couldn't find a reason for such a different treatment.

"Do you still think... Do you think I have a prejudice against you?" Pei Tingsong lay on his chest, "I said that I had a misunderstanding before, and I didn't think about it that way..."

He couldn't imagine that Pei Tingsong would be so frank after he was drunk, so frank that made him feel guilty.

Fang Juexia took a deep breath, "I didn't say that, I know you have changed, you said."

"But you don't trust me, you, you always avoid me..."

He is so right. He couldn't completely resolve the two years of mutual exclusion in a short time, and Ren Pei Tingsong broke into his security field. Even if he had already let go, the subtle keeping of the distance has become his inertial defense when dealing with Pei Tingsong.

Even if he knew it, Pei Tingsong was no longer the Pei Tingsong who had been targeting him everywhere in the past. He had no arrogance anymore, even his youthful and frivolous desire to win was used by him as a stepping stone and placed at Fang Juexia's feet.

Why is it so hard to hand over your heart

Fang Juexia also wanted to know the answer.

"I used to bully you, and I know you hate me," Pei Tingsong stalked, and continued to defend himself, "but I... I now want to be friends with you and you. Don't you see Are you coming out? It's obvious to me. You are fine, Fang Juexia, you are fine..."

He was talking intermittently and strenuously, but the weight of each word was so heavy, he smashed into Fang Juoxia's heart one by one, smashing deep and shallow depressions, and exuding sour juice.

"Be friends, you can be friends." Fang Juexia hesitated to stretch out her hand, covering Pei Tingsong's head, which was a kind of comfort, "but I'm not as good as you think."

"No," Pei Tingsong suddenly raised his head, as if thinking hard, "You are good, you look good... you are smart... you look good..."

Is it just good-looking? Fang Juexia couldn't laugh or cry.

"Also, you are kind, you are cool, yes, your attitude towards life is very cool, and the way you pursue your dreams is also cool."

Fang Juexia couldn't help laughing, "It's cool without you."

Pei Tingsong didn't know if he was following him or responding. In short, he repeated, "It's not cool without you..."

He doesn’t want to entangle any cooler topics anymore, his hands are numb, and now he just wants to coax Pei Tingsong up, "I see, you are not prejudiced against me now, and you have done to yourself in the past. I'm sorry for what I did. I forgive you, and I apologize to you. I also ignored you in the past. When you don't exist, I'm sorry."

Pei Tingsong nodded on his stomach, "Then, then I forgive you."

"Okay, then we forgive each other, can you get up?"

Pei Tingsong was still obedient, half of his body got up to make room, but before Fang Juexia came out, he planted again, "I don't have the strength."

God... Fang Juexia is almost gone.

After being drunk, Pei Tingsong was really just like his dog, clinging to people, unable to drive away, and even his hot body temperature was very similar.

"I used to want an older brother..." Pei Tingsong lay down on his face this time, and the steam wafted over as he spoke, and Fang Juexia's pores resonated with his sound waves.

The word elder brother was originally very simple, but it has been given too many elusive meanings in Pei Tingsong's word games. So that Fang Juexia felt complicated every time she listened.

Does Bae Tingsong want him to be his brother

But he can't say that you can think of me as your brother.

The person who was pressing on him suddenly reacted to something in hindsight, struggling to get up, and reached out to touch Fang Juexia's waist. Fang Juexia was a little ticklish, so she dodged and grabbed his hand, "What are you doing? Itchy."

The captured Pei Tingsong blinked in confusion, then looked at Fang Juexia, "Does your waist hurt?"

"How could back pain if I didn't do anything?"

As soon as he blurted out, Fang Juexia regretted it a little. This sentence is too ambiguous, but fortunately, Pei Ting Songzui is now like this, otherwise he will definitely make fun of him and use the worst accent to ridicule his unintentional remarks.

But he didn't expect that Pei Tingsong was relieved after listening, "You, you told the brother that you have a backache, you practiced dance... I heard it, I thought it was true, you usually It's not a lie."

It suddenly dawned on him, no wonder Pei Tingsong ran over to him and moved his hands and feet, forcing him to make trouble, and almost scuffled together.

It turned out that what he said at that time was true, not an overtone signal, he really came to confirm whether he had a waist injury.

"I'm fine, I'm not injured."

Pei Tingsong nodded heavily, his hair shaking. Then he thought of something, and said sternly, "But I'm hurt." After that, he pointed to his forehead.

Fang Juexia wanted to laugh, he held Pei Tingsong's hand, "It's here, you are pointing the wrong way."

"Oh." He touched, then said aloud you're right, like a fool.

Fang Juexia thought it was too funny, he even wanted to record Pei Tingsong's stupid stupid look, anyway this guy had done this before.

Forget it, the video is always insecure, although they didn't do anything.

Do? This word seems to be very ambiguous, and he has obviously taken him away.

"And this." Pei Tingsong stretched out his hand in front of Fang Juexia's face, "This is also hurt."

The teeth marks on the tiger's mouth have formed a small scab, but it turns a bit red after the bath, and even the hard scab has become soft.

Speaking of it, the injuries on his forehead and hands are all related to him.

Fang Juexia felt a little guilty in his heart, "Yes, I bite him, I'm sorry." To show his sincerity, he also reached out and touched Pei Tingsong's tiger's mouth.

"Yes, you bit it." Pei Tingsong nodded, thinking that this topic was over. Who knew that he suddenly held Fang Juexia's chin with his hand, forcing him to raise his head, and then leaned down with a set of movements. Fang Juexia was caught off guard.


Obviously he was still too docile just now, and suddenly he changed back to that wolf cub.

How is this going

"what you do?"

His sensory system was attacked.

Everything is malfunctioning, I can't see or hear, I can only feel the touch of his soft lips against his Adam's apple.

The lips parted.

"I want to bite back."

Not biting playfully, not biting on his hand. But like a hungry predator, biting the throat of the prey, releasing fresh warm blood, waiting for his life to fade away a little bit, completely belonging to himself.

Fang Juexia recovered, pushed him violently and struggled, but his actions seemed to irritate Pei Tingsong even more. He held his forearm with his backhand, his two wrists were on top of his head, and he tightened with his broad bitten hand. hold.

He looked at Fang Juexia condescendingly, his eyes extending from his eyes to the red corners of his eyes to his unique birthmark. This seems to be a process of identifying prey.

"Pei Tingsong, don't go crazy." Fang Juexia's eyes changed back to the kind of stubbornness and fearlessness, which made the delirious Pei Tingsong feel more familiar.

"I'm not drunk." Pei Tingsong was also very stubborn. "You know, have you ever seen you look drunk? I'm not drunk at all."

Yes, but it's not much better.

I always regret when I wake up anyway.

A faint pain came from her neck dullly, and Fang Juexia curled her eyebrows, worried about how he would appear in the next few days and how to explain to others. He was still struggling, twisting his body while twisting his arms.

Pei Tingsong didn't let go of him, his strength was terrible, and he frowned, "Fang Juexia, you messed up my bed."

"You let me go, it's uncomfortable."

"I do not."

Pei Tingsong was a little upset. He didn't want to look at Fang Juexia's face, so he lowered his head and panted. Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something. The free hand stretched over and grabbed it on the bed sheet. His eyes were dizzy and his head was dizzy. It took him several times before he picked up a small piece of paper.

He squinted, recognizing the words on the paper.

But Fang Juexia quickly saw the Ukulele that was written on the side facing him, and he suddenly recovered, shameless, trying to reach out and grab it but couldn't get rid of it.

"Don't move, I can't read the words clearly..." Pei Tingsong was unhappy, and read a line for a long time, "Who is this, who learns to write?"

This is your word, fool.

"No, it's not right..." Pei Tingsong's brows suddenly stretched out, "I wrote this. This is what I wrote to Fang Juexia before I committed suicide..."

"Yes," Fang Juexia has no strength to resist, "this is your suicide note, okay."

Pei Tingsong suddenly laughed, as if he was very happy, "I thought you lost it."

He should have thrown it away. It was originally a game item, and he didn't understand why he stayed.

Fang Juexia wanted to change the subject. He didn't want to talk about this piece of paper again, nor did he want to recall the shock when he saw that sentence.

"Why are you drunk?"

For a while, the straight ball hits people's eyes with gold stars, and for a while, he looks like a reluctant lunatic.

He can't coax it well.

"What's wrong with me?" Pei Tingsong squeezed the piece of paper, frowning slightly, "I'm much better than you, do you know how drunk and terrible you are? You have to hold me, you have to let me and you sleep together… "

These complaints that have been heard again still make Fang Juexia ashamed, "Don't tell me I know, I'm sorry for you."

"You don't know." Pei Tingsong interrupted him, and sealed his mouth with the small piece of paper in his hand, like a seal.

Fang Juexia's eyes widened.

"You don't know what you did."

He leaned down, like a beautiful collapsed palace, suddenly fell in front of Fang Juexia's eyes, shaking the mountain in an instant.

"You kissed me that night, Fang Juexia." Pei Tingsong's voice was very slow and heavy.

Then he kissed through the paper.

Fang Juexia's breathing stopped suddenly, the ruins flooded him, his body was unable to move, and his brain was blank.

In the next instant, these broken walls recovered and gathered, a little bit by the high sky. He seemed to break away from the kiss of water through the piece of paper, and got some breathing space.

But Pei Tingsong, who left, frowned, dissatisfied with this degree of restoration, so he stretched out his hand to lift the seal that lasted only a moment.

"No, it's like this."

He really kissed it.