Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 59: The rock has fallen


There was an uproar in the meeting room.

Fang Juexia frowned, took out her mobile phone and went to Weibo, and searched for related entries in [kaleido new special], and all of them were indeed discussing the leaks in real time. He just felt his scalp numb and couldn't believe it.

Chen Zhengyun frowned, "When did I find it? On which platform, did you contact the platform?"

The staff put the laptop in front of Chen Zhengyun, "We just checked and we can’t trace the source, but what we can know for sure is that a big marketing account released the song at 9:47 in the morning, in the form of a video, just now We found the company of this marketing account and spent money to do public relations. Now he has deleted it, but his video has been downloaded by many people and is now spreading. Moreover, the other party claimed that he was not the first person, and he also reprinted it. "

He Ziyan also found the video, "Station b already exists, and the popularity is still very high, maybe it will be on the homepage."

Fang Juexia clicked and listened. This is the early second version of the demo. The lyrics are still in English, and it is the previous composer's version.

Cheng Qiang felt very strange, "We have been strictly confidential from beginning to end, and the several composers we cooperated with are also recognized by the industry as people with professional ethics. How can we vent?"

Fang Juexia said, "What leaked was the previous demo, not the studio version. Fortunately, the recording engineer, composer, and recording management department can also be excluded. The scope can be narrowed to the staff who handled the early selection and demo modification."

Jiang Miao also nodded, "Yes, think about it calmly. Yesterday we just finished the recording of the last song. If the person who leaked the song has enough rights, he should be able to vent the full version of our title song directly, which will have a greater impact on us. Big."

Ling Yi was a little worried, "What should I do now? Although this demo is not a song, the early release completely disrupted the plan, and the number of people who bought the album and listened to the official full song will be reduced later."

Chen Zhengyun thought for a while and said to Cheng Qiang, “Call the various platforms and contact them to remove the infringing demos as soon as possible. Now I plan to have two announcements and a lawyer’s letter. The copy was sent out on the Weibo of the Star Chart Company, emphasizing the illegal nature of the leak. Inform the big fan clubs and stations, and call on fans to report against the leak and not to be a secondary disseminator."

This is already the fastest response they can do. But now the Internet is changing rapidly, and the spread of information is so fast that it is unimaginable. Not to mention the leak this time. Obviously, it was prepared. More than a dozen marketing accounts released demos at the same time, with entries that kaleido was still searching for. One deleted one and one, and the major platforms appeared endlessly. .

Chen Zhengyun squeezed his eyes, lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "It's because you are going to be on fire, deliberately, you are going to explode in the early stage of the return, and hit everyone's sound source performance."

Pei Tingsong turned the pen in his hand, and looked particularly suspenseful in the sadness, "Just let it out. They do it deliberately, and they can't avoid it. Maybe it will be on the hot search soon. No matter how fast we move, it will be Can't kill all cockroaches."

Cheng Qiang motioned to him to shut up, "Xiao Pei, don't talk cold words right now..."

"What he meant is that we are better off against the guest." Fang Juexia looked at Chen Zhengyun, "Xiao Pei is right. Since the other party's hands are reaching our company to steal music, then they are determined to let this demo spread. We will definitely buy Hot Search to create momentum. We might as well take this Dongfeng and add fire to it so that more people know that we are going to sing."

He Ziyan shook his head, "But this approach is too risky. If you follow the normal process, it’s better not to exceed five days between the release of the sound source and the release of the MV, so that the heat can continue. As in the current situation, wait until we release the trailer and MV in early April. At the time, the peak of freshness and enthusiasm had already passed, and no passerby would watch it."

"You're right." Fang Juexia's face was calm, but she said astonishingly, "So we must return early."

Chen Zhengyun looked at Fang Juexia in silence. The child has already announced to everyone what he wanted to say but couldn't bear to say it. In the Internet age, the success factor of a song is not only its own excellent quality, but also meticulous propaganda. This is especially true for idol music with smaller passersby. From the first day of the promotion period, it is counted as the beginning of the life of a song. The release of the song means that the life cycle of the song is shortened rapidly, or even premature death.

Many leaks ended up being abandoned.

But they can't just give up, this song is the painstaking effort of these children, and it is also their best chance to comeback. Their only way is to change the itinerary and the promotion period, and rescue the life cycle as much as possible.

This also means that the original ample half a month has been compressed to only three or four days, and Caledo must rush to shoot the MV day and night, and the company must work hard together to return before the heat passes.

"Notify the people in the public relations department to deal with the leaked audio sources as soon as possible. The spread must be minimized. People in the styling group don't have to come to the meeting. All the costumes and styling should be solved before 5 in the afternoon, and the MV will start at 8 in the evening."

Chen Zhengyun's eyes swept over the boys on the conference table, "It's 10:35 in the morning, and you will be in the modeling room at 4 in the afternoon. The few hours in between are your final resting time. I hope you all sleep well, because what awaits you next is a tough battle. Although we are not a powerful company, no matter what happens, Star Atlas will always be your backing."

Coming out of the meeting room, everyone's mood was a little unstable. Cheng Qiang wanted to curse people himself, but in order not to affect them, he still picked it up and said that comforting them in the car was a free announcement. He sent six people back to the dormitory, and hurried back to the company to handle affairs.

When Fang Juexia was in the car, she was silent and did not speak. He turned on the phone and stared at yesterday's missed call.

Of course the people who confided in music knew that their only way to save themselves was to come back early, but once early, they would crash into Qi Yao. There is no doubt that, at least for now, their number of fans is completely incomparable. When the pebble hits the rock, the beneficiary can only be a rock.

Maybe Astar has already written the rolling draft.

Combining with Liang Ruo's abnormality in the past few days, Fang Juexia was even more convinced that her judgment was not wrong. As soon as Cheng Qiang left, he went to the balcony and dialed Liang Ruo's phone.

The other party seemed to have guessed that he would call, with a little regret in his tone, "Jexia, you are finally willing to contact me."

"To make a long story short, tell me who did it."

The other party smiled, "Do you regret it later? If you find me earlier, things might be different."

This sentence hit Fang Juexia's sore spot severely. His throat choked and he heard Liang Ruo reporting an address.

"I have evidence in my hand and I can help you find that person. Although your company is not big, you are in a state of exhaustion and the possibility of being able to find out is too small. If you still want to find the black sheep, come to me. That's right, Don’t bring your cell phone, I don’t want to hurt myself for helping you."

When these things happened, Pei Tingsong couldn't sleep at all. He recalled what he had seen and heard in the company these days, trying to find out if there was any suspicious person or thing.

But somehow, he suddenly thought of the message from Liang Ruo on Fang Juexia's phone.

When he went to Fang Juexia's room, he only saw Ling Yi who was about to rest, "Where is Juexia?"

"He just went out and said to go downstairs to buy something."

"When did you leave?"

Ling Yi thought for a while, "It's been a while."

Pei Listening to Song's heart sank, and then asked, "Do you have Liang Ruo's contact information?"

"Liang Ruo?" Ling Yi frowned. "Are you talking about Liang Ruo, who is stunned?"


Ling Yi sat up and said, "I don't have one, but I can ask my friend, what are you going to do..." Before he finished speaking, Pei Listening to Song left, only tossing a sentence, "Send it to me when you find it."

Pei Tingsong went downstairs and saw that Fang Juexia's car had disappeared. He drove his car, and as soon as he started it, he received a series of phone calls from Hua Ling, a socialist. He put on the headset and was about to dial, then paused, and finally changed Fang Juexia's number.

No one answered the phone. Pei Tingsong dialed again after he opened the phone. It was Ling Yi who answered the phone. "He didn't take the phone down."

Pei Tingsong didn't believe it at all when he went downstairs to buy things. He parked the car on the side of the road and wanted to call his sister, but after thinking about it, he gave up and dialed Liang Ruo's number. After calling it three times, someone finally picked it up.

At this moment, Liang Ruo had booked his hotel suite for two days, waiting for Fang Juexia. An unfamiliar number kept calling him, but he finally answered, "Hello? Who?"

"Pei listen to song." The other party was straightforward, with a bad tone. Liang Ruo was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it, he was not surprised, "Are you looking for me?"

"Who the hell is looking for you, where is Fang Juexia? Did you call him away?"

Liang Ruo smiled, "I will give you the bottom line so soon, he was not such a person before."

Pei Tingsong hated hearing Liang Ruo say that before, he had never participated in Fang Juexia's before.

"Where are you, tell me honestly, don't force me to find someone to check you."

"Okay, I'm afraid of you. Who will make you a young master? You can kill me with your fingers." Liang Ruo generously reported the address, "I have to thank you for coming to me. I didn't directly use your great capital background. Kill my ant."

As he was talking, there was a knock on the door, and Liang Ruo smiled in his tone, "Oh, I feel summer is here."


Liang Ruo didn't hang up the phone, but put the phone in the pocket of the bathrobe, went outside and opened the door.

It was Fang Juexia who was standing outside the door. He looked indifferent and didn't even want to step in. "Leave things to me. I won't tell anyone about you."

"You come in." Liang Ruo pulled him, and Fang Juexia raised his hand to break away and walked in by herself.

"I know you won't tell anyone about me, and I also know that you definitely don't have a mobile phone now." Liang Ruo closed the door, "I know you too well."

Fang Juexia didn't want to hear him say this, his patience was about to run out, "Don't waste time on useless things."

"What is the useless thing?" Liang Ruo sat on the sofa, "Je Xia, it's not just your time that is precious. My time is also precious. Do you know how many paparazzi are staring at me? In order to follow me well. You have something to say, I will book here many days in advance and keep in touch with you, but you are not willing to reply even a word."

Fang Juexia cast aside his eyes, stood still and said nothing.

Liang Ruo also stood up, "I don't ask much. You just stand here and listen to what I want to say, and I will give you something."

"you say."

Liang Ruo seemed to have drunk some wine, his whole face flushed, he took a breath, "I like you, since long ago, when we were trainees, I like you." Seeing Fang Juexia wrinkled Eyebrow, Liang Ruo smiled, "You don't know. There are too many things you don't know. How I wanted to debut with you at the beginning, I dreamed of standing on stage with you every day. Yes, I am qualified. No, let alone compare with you, there is no way to compare with many other trainees, even if you comfort me and encourage me, I know that I can't make my debut."

"I was so anxious that I couldn't stand it anymore. Guess what?" He shrugged. "Mr. Jin said he could help me and let me go to him. I don't know what he meant by helping. I wanted to debut with you, so I went."

As he talked, Liang Ruo began to smile bitterly, "I woke up and when I lay in his bed, I knew how he helped me."

Fang Juexia was a little surprised, he didn't ask too much about the reasons at the beginning.

"I'm scared. But President Jin told me that I must be able to make my debut. For this sentence, I sold myself. But I don't know why other people know, you know." Liang Ruo suddenly fell off He wiped away the tears in a hurry, "As soon as you knew I felt like I was dead. I didn't dare to face you, not to mention that you would report to the top because of me and stand up for me."

At that time, the top leader of Astar was not named Jin. Fang Juexia just couldn't stand the high-level hands on the trainees. Everyone had nothing to do with them. He felt that as long as the fire didn't burn him, he could endure it. But Fang Juexia can't. He knows that it's easy to break, but he can't give up himself for the so-called future.

"I know that when you were in your early days, I went to Mr. Jin and I kept pleading. You don't know what he did to me, but I endured it because he told me that as long as I was obedient, he would let you go smoothly. Debut, I just don’t praise you so much.” Liang Ruo’s eye circles became redder and red, “but I didn’t expect you to leave by yourself.”

He smiled, his voice trembling, "I have called you many times later and wanted to explain to you. But you, you don't seem to care."

Fang Juexia is a person who can quickly withdraw from any relationship and emotion. This is a skill he has cultivated in the dark since he was a child, but in the eyes of others, he is too indifferent.

"I later found out that you are not around, making debut is really boring. Everyone knows that I rely on selling my position. Even if I signed a non-disclosure agreement, they ridiculed me outside the camera. I couldn't live in the dormitory. If I feel that I'm in such a superior position, I'll just be a demon, and no one can feel comfortable."

Liang Ruoshu breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s a bit too much. It was also a few days ago that President Jin was drunk, and I knew he was going to explode you. I knew that I might be finished if I stabbed you in advance. I hesitated for several days. I still want to tell you."

He took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, "There are some recordings in it. I recorded his WeChat voice while he was asleep. There should have been screenshots, but if I send it to you, I might really die. Some people are mentioned in the voice, and they should be able to be detected."

Fang Juexia held the USB flash drive he gave, feeling mixed. He didn't know what to say. He almost forgot all the details of what happened back then, but he never regretted leaving that company. Although no one helped him after he stood up, and even though Liang Ruo seemed to have silently accepted the unspoken rules, all the dirty water was spilled on him, Fang Juexia also gritted his teeth without explaining, because he knew that once he explained, Liang Ruo If it will be pulled out.

This is his last tolerance.

"Okay." Liang Ruo smiled, "I finally said these things. I have not dared to say it for the past two years, and I don't know how to tell you. Don't worry, I confessed to you because I was too suffocated. It's uncomfortable, but I don't need any response from you. You are so kind, I don't deserve you at all."

He took a step closer, "I am not a good person, but I am not as bad as everyone thinks. Juexia, thank you."

Fang Juexia finally spoke, "I didn't do anything."

"You have, you have helped me a lot. You are the best and kindest person in the world. We should have no intersection in the future," Liang Ruo stretched out his hand. "Can you give me a hug for the last time? Just like before."

Looking at Liang Ruo's red eyes. In the end, Fang Juexia was still ruthless, stretched out her hand to give him a hug, and gave him a short hug.


A satisfied smile appeared on Liang Ruo's face. He glanced at the time, walked to the door, and opened the door. Fang Juexia felt strange. When she looked over, she realized that Pei Tingsong was standing outside the door, wearing a hat and a mask, with indifferent eyes.

He was a little surprised, "Pei Ting Song..."

"I told him the address." Liang Ruo looked at Pei Tingsong, took out the phone that hadn't been hung up from his bathrobe pocket, and hung up the call, "It's over, I'll give you one sixth. ."

Fang Juexia knew only then that Pei Tingsong had heard the conversation between them. His heart suddenly picked up. He obviously didn't do anything, but he felt flustered.

Pei Tingsong didn't get angry, and looked very calm uncharacteristically. He walked to Fang Juexia's side, grabbed his wrist and led him out of the hotel. He didn't say anything along the way, which made Fang Juexia even more uncomfortable.

When he reached the underground parking lot, Fang Juexia wanted to get away from him, "My car is over there."

"Take my car back, and let Xiaowen drive away later in your car." After saying that, he came to open the co-pilot door and let Fang Juexia enter. He walked around and got into the car, and said with a cold face, "Fasten your seat belt."

"What's the matter with you?" Fang Juexia didn't move, but looked at him sideways.

Hearing that he was not moving, Pei leaned over to help him fasten his seat belt, and then prepared to start the car. But Fang Juexia pulled out the key, "You are not in the right mood now and driving is unsafe." He didn't understand what happened to Pei Tingsong. Where did the remarks that Liang Ruo said just now provoke him, "Why are you angry?"

Pei Tingsong leaned on the back of the driver's seat, feeling bored, and took off his mask, "I'm not angry."

"You are angry." Fang Juexia's tone was conclusive. He couldn't figure out what was going on, "If you are unsatisfied, tell me, even if you ridicule me and scold me like you did before."

Pei Tingsong smiled bitterly and looked at him, "Fang Juexia, do you really think I can get back to the past?"

Fang Juexia was stunned, and his heart throbbed inexplicably when he saw Pei Tingsong's eyes.

Pei Tingsong drooped his eyelids and looked up at him again, "I am very wrong with my whole person now. I don't even know what the hell is wrong with me. I'm so angry, so..." He couldn't say anything and paused. , Exhaled, "You come to him alone, without your cell phone, so you don't worry about what will happen to you? Do you trust him that way?"

Fang Juexia was dumb, he tried to explain, "No, I was..."

"Why didn't you tell me in advance? Do you know how hard it took me to find here? You know how much I was afraid of your accident along the way. I almost bowed my head with my sister, and my hands were shaking when I drove. Why, why are you..." Pei Tingsong said and laughed, with a bleak smile, "I just don't deserve your trust?"

This sentence somehow pierced Fang Juexia's heart. He was very sad, obviously he was a person who didn’t like to explain, but now because of Pei Tingsong’s emotions, he desperately searched for explanations in his head, "No, Pei Tingsong, listen to me, I just finished the meeting. , The mood is very tense. When I confirmed that this matter is related to Astar, the first reaction is to deal with it, and you know, I have such a character, I..."

He found that every word he said was pale, so he couldn't continue. He just didn't want to make Pei Tingsong sad. As he said, Fang Juexia's own voice shook first, "Can you... Don't think about it?"

Hearing him like this, Pei Tingsong suddenly became out of anger. He buried his head on the steering wheel, feeling like a shameless lunatic, but he suddenly broke down after hearing a confession that had nothing to do with him, without warning. He just didn't expect that Liang Ruo really likes Fang Juexia, and that's what he likes.

How could he like Fang Juexia

Why can even him.

He just listened to each other's sincere confession in silence, listened to their past, and the hug that ended, he couldn't do anything, just like a bystander outside the matter. He carefully piled up so many beautiful fragments related to Fang Juexia, more and more, as if it could be maintained forever, and the "friendship" between them was held high and never fell.

But when he heard Liang Ruo's words, he suddenly realized that he was simply the stupidest fool in the world. He directed and acted the so-called pure friendship, endured the small torture of being close, and didn't even know what he wanted.

Beautiful fragments gathered in my heart, saving a cut wound. For so many days, his capriciousness, his pulling emotions, his heartbeat being affected by Fang Juexia's words and deeds, the torment of being manipulated by desires, insomnia, shame, anger, anxiety, everything is deepening in the backlog, and at this moment, he finally found the source.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken, Fang Juexia's heart was hanging in the air. He wondered if Pei Tingsong still misunderstood his relationship with Liang Ruo, "I didn't expect to hear that when I came over. I've said it before. I don't care about the past for a long time, even if I listen to it again today, I don't know. The details will not change anything."

Having said that, Fang Juexia felt that she was really crazy. He didn't even want to explain the rumors that he was being submerged. He actually talked so much nonsense with Pei Tingsong here and did so many things that were not in line with his logic. Suddenly he didn't want to struggle anymore, he just wanted to get out of the car to get some air, so he bowed his head and unfastened his seat belt.

With a click, the strap loosened. But his hand was held by Pei Tingsong.

"Don't go." Pei Tingsong sullen his head, "I'm sorry, you didn't do anything wrong, there is no need to explain this to me. I was wrong, I just got angry with you."

This is the second time he has heard Pei Tingsong formally apologize to him, and this naturally rebellious child always seems to apologize to him.

"You are not angry." Fang Juexia corrected his words, and instead shook his hand, "You are just sulking."

"I made a big fire in my heart, you don't know it." Pei listened to Song in a dull voice, "so I still have to say sorry."

After speaking, Pei Tingsong raised his head and looked at him, "There is one more thing, if I say it now, you may think I am crazy or feel stimulated. It does not matter, because I also wanted to understand in the past three minutes. Yes. I don’t want to hide it and pretend I didn’t see it clearly."

All this is ridiculous. It's good when you wake up, but it's just this time. Their combination is suffering the most impact, a tough battle is imminent, everyone is tight, this is a moment when a straw can cause a breakdown.

Pei Tingsong moved away the rock in his heart.

Looking at Fang Juexia’s transparent eyes, Pei Tingsong cursed a fuck, wiped her face and raised her head, watching him speak, "Fang Juexia, every word I want to say below is serious, you have to believe it, I don’t No jokes and no pranks. OK?"

Fang Juexia didn't know what he was going to say, but he nodded.

Pei Tingsong earnestly said every word, "I, Pei Tingsong, today I chose a point on the number line, not arbitrarily, but a very serious decision. I don't know whether it is a rational number or an irrational number, and honestly I don't care. But I have an obligation to tell you."

He raised the hand held by Fang Juexia, "That's it."

The author has something to say: Under the proof of Liang Ruo, Xiao Pei finally got the hang of it.

But he still has to chase his wife, and it's a super bu (hai) line (sao) chasing method. This may be the only crazy chasing wife I have written so far.