Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 62: Singing live


Fang Jue Xia thought of the feeling of going to the adoption center when she was a child. At that time, she wanted to take a beautiful and cute small dog, so she went straight to the Pomeranian Chihuahua.

Unexpectedly, there was a little husky next to him, with blue eyes looking at him eagerly, clutching the cage and sticking his tongue out. As soon as Fang Juexia approached, it thumped happily, wishing it could bite the cage and rush into his arms.

At that time, Fang Juexia suddenly felt softened. He gave up the original plan that he had planned for a long time, took this little guy away, and because his black eyebrows were as small as beads on an abacus, he gave him the name of the abacus.

If the small abacus became a good talker at first, it should be said when jumping, take me away, take me away.

The door of the lounge was suddenly knocked twice.

"Calledo!" A staff member with a headset pushed open the door and leaned in half of his body. "Stand by, there are three more of you."

"Okay!" Cheng Qiang replied, just as the last member Ling Yi's styling has also been completed, "Wear the headsets, I have tried them in the company, it should be fine, and the sound of the song program should not be released. Whatever the problem, don’t worry about the results. Anyway, we are here to perform. Enjoying the stage is the most important thing."

Fang Juexia didn't have time to reply Pei Tingsong's words, adjusted the interval of the earphones and glanced at him, and saw that he hooked the corners of her mouth.

Pei Tingsong didn't seem to demand any response, just express himself directly and enthusiastically, just like him in normal times. Fang Juexia had to admit that he had never seen such a person in his life.

People will be afraid of the unknown, but will inevitably be attracted by the unknown.

They were arranged outside the passage connecting the stage and the lounge, and many people came and went. Ling Yi took a deep breath and patted his chest, back and arms like an old man in the park, "What should I do, I haven't been on the song show for too long, I'm a little nervous."

Lu Yuan hugged him, "Isn't it rehearsal? What's so nervous."

Jiang Miao smiled and said, "Yeah, this time the situation will never be worse than the last time the audio was scrapped. Didn't we survive that time?"

In order to alleviate the atmosphere, the group of camera brothers carried the machine and asked them some styling-related questions.

"This time the makeup is so special, how do you feel about it?"

"Thieves are cool," He Ziyan leaned close to the camera, his dyed red hair curled slightly and scattered on his forehead, "Did you see this wound on my cheekbones? Is it very realistic? What the stylist did for us is..." He thought for a while, Lu Yuan continued, "Battle makeup!"

"Yes, there is a bruise on my cheekbone and a hole under the brow bone. Please rest assured that we did not fight. This is makeup."

Ling Yi giggled, "I did it."

Fang Jue Xia suddenly took another sentence, "The team is inconsistent."


"Ling Yi, forget it," He Ziyan pressed his head, "You jumped up and hit my ankle."

Jiang Miao continued to guide the camera, "We are bolder in styling this time, maybe I am more conservative, dyed in dark brown, because the stylist thinks that I want to match the image of the guzheng, my battle damage is mainly the wound on the corner of the mouth, and Injuries on the hands, there may be close-ups on the hands for a while."

"Why?" Lu Yuan asked deliberately.

"Confidentiality." Jiang Miao smiled and walked to Pei Tingsong. Pei Tingsong was adjusting his headset, facing the camera on his side, and raised his eyebrows.

"Xiao Pei has the most eye-catching hair color among all of us this time, platinum, and he also wears cosmetic contact lenses."

Pei Tingsong took the initiative to aim at the camera. His left eye was very transparent, but his right eye was blood red. The wound was near the cheekbones like He Ziyan, with white hair and his three-dimensional features, which was quite eye-catching.

After introducing the youngest, Jiang Miao pulled Ling Yi over again, "Ling Yi dyed a gray-blue color this time. I think it's very suitable because Ling Yi is very white. Teacher Yuan has a pencil gray hair color, which is very cool. "

Ling nodded, "I really like our military uniform this time. There are several sets. Isn't it handsome?" He turned around, "This military uniform is all black, with this kind of chain medallion on it, which is a bit European style. , The design is also designed with a national style, and will be worn in subsequent hit songs."

Camera Big Goth said, "How come the six of you have long and short military uniforms."

Ling Yi looked down, "Yeah, my Miaomiao and Teacher Yuan are short models, and the Huo brother Pei Juexia is taller and is just a coat."

The camera turned to Fang Juexia, "Jexia's coat turned out to be the longest."

Fang Juexia smiled, "Because there are some small surprises."

"Jexia also took the hair!" Ling Yi walked to him and pointed at the hair behind him, "Look, he dyed black to pick up long black hair and tie it into a high ponytail, which looks like the ancient knight son, right? ."

Pei Tingsong looked at him, as he expected, the contrast of black hair and cool white tone was more obvious, which made Fang Juexia's temperament colder, plus the "wounds" on the neck and cheeks, the red totem on the birthmark, the whole The temperament of the person is extremely cold.

"Does the long hair be connected and then removed every time?"

Fang Juexia shook her head, "No, she should keep her long hair during singing."

"How do you feel?"

"Just..." Fang Juexia smiled, "I have never had such long hair, and it still weighs a little bit. I think girls are very powerful. They should be pretty hard doing hairstyles every day, so I feel the same."

Ling Yi was a little surprised, "What a strange perspective."

Fang Juexia insisted, "It's really not easy. I used to wear high heels because of punishment and found that girls are working hard. Our society pays too much attention to girls' appearance, which is actually a kind of pressure. I hope everyone can live more freely. More comfortable."

As they were talking, a staff member with a sign on the other end of the aisle waved to them, "There are two more, Calledo come in."

They were instructed to enter the staging area from the passageway, where the light was not strong, but there were a lot of people. As soon as he walked to Fang Juexia, he felt that someone was holding his arm, dragged him two steps to the right, and attached a person’s arm. arm.

"I'm going to start working." Pei Tingsong's voice was smiling.

Do guide dogs work? Fang Juexia lowered her eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Coincidentally, the performance on stage happened to be Qi Yao. Although the stage was not visible, Fang Juexia could hear Liang Ruo's voice after hearing their return song. They are half-opened mics, and the sound of padding is very obvious. In the two years since his debut, Qi Yao's scene has been criticized on the Internet. On average, most of them are not successful. When the state is not good, there will be more obvious car accident scenes. But in the hearts of most people, idols themselves are inferior to singers. Except for Star Chart, few companies will focus on singing skills, but on stage performance.

Caledo is an exception. Except for the super-high-performance dual vocals, the other members' singing skills are also quite stable. Even the road that entered the company as a dance champion at the beginning, under the training of Chen Zhengyun, singing is now possible. Remarkable.

But strength belongs to strength, and the broad road without capital foreshadowing is rare.

"Is anyone going to the bathroom?" Ling Yi suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom, but no one else had this idea. He grabbed Fang Juexia's arm and said, "Jexia, will you accompany me?"

"Huh?" Before he refused, Ling dragged him and ran. The bathroom was not far from the backstage, just to go through a darker passage. Being dragged by Ling Yisheng to the door of the bathroom, Fang Juexia couldn't laugh or cry, so she had to say to the inside, "I'm waiting for you outside."

He stood on the edge of the dark passage, lowered his head to recall the lyrics, the shadow in the passage enveloped him, and it seemed inconspicuous. The two waiting staff moved the stage props to the backstage and leaned aside to rest, without noticing Fang Juexia's existence.

They also didn't realize that they had dropped a bubble letter card, a book about the same size, and fell at Fang Juexia's feet, chatting with Qi Yao's song.

"Is it really impossible for Qi Yao to listen on the spot? You still have to see people."

"There are so many fans that can't hold people. Hey, did you say that Caledo's return is a blood loss? I just glanced at it. Their new song has already been released. It was released at 12 in the morning. Click and Qi Yao are far behind. It’s been almost six hours, and the music platform has only 20,000 collections."

"Twenty thousand is not bad. The two thousand must be the result of abuse of fans. Where did they have any diehard fans before."

"But Qi Yao's main song has already been collected by 120,000! It is still rising. The card group has just reached a fraction. Besides, this idol's main song is generally not collected by passers-by in the future."

"How can you compare with Qiyao? See if the fan base can be compared? Yes, Fang Juexia and Pei Tingsong are very popular recently, but how many of these are white prostitutes, really because I like your CP to give you Buy albums. The music platform relies on passers-by. Whose songs are out of the circle, whoever’s albums are sold more. Caledo’s demos are leaked out, and they sell farts, and they can’t be saved."

"Yes, you said that Fang Juexia, who looks so good-looking and has a strong ability, is so unlucky?"

"Who the hell knows..."

The person who answered the conversation was stunned, because what they were talking about Fang Juexia appeared in front of him at this moment and passed the letter A they had dropped.

"Your props."

Fang Juexia is tall and born with a cold face with a strong sense of distance, and his voice is also cold, which always makes people feel difficult to approach. The two of them happened to chew the roots of their tongues behind their backs, and they were now guilty.

But Fang Juexia actually didn't take it to heart. He just wanted to return this thing to them. For this reason, he slowed down and followed their voices.

With a very surprised expression on the other person's face, he pulled at his colleague's sleeve and whispered, "Bae... Pei Ting Song."

Bae Ting Song? Fang Juexia was about to turn her head when she was caught by her shoulders.

"I have been looking for you for a long time, dare you to find someone else's lost and found here."

Fang Juexia was about to speak when suddenly he heard another person's voice, a woman with a strong aura, and directly called the names of these two people, "Is working time used to rest and chew your tongue?"

"Chief, Director."

Fang Juexia turned her head, and came over from the side of the stage. She happened to hit this lady in a blue suit, very capable.

It turned out to be the program director of MLH.

"If the props team has a working attitude like yours, I don't think I need to do it." She reprimanded them and sent them to leave. Ling Yi also came out of the bathroom, looked around, saw them, and ran towards them.

Unexpectedly, the female director actually said something sorry to them.

"This is the case in this circle. But I am very optimistic about your stage performance. I was in the directing room at the last evening party. Your rescue is still fresh in my memory." After that, she looked at Fang Juexia, "Especially you, Worthy of being the core of the team."

Fang Juexia lowered his eyes and said thank you. The staff member called back in his ears, and they hurriedly said goodbye to the director and joined the others.

If it weren't for the small chats of these two staff members, Fang Juexia would still not know their sound source performance. The company deliberately did not want to tell them, presumably it was also worried that it would affect the effect of their first live performance.

But Fang Juexia was on the contrary. Hearing these slightly harsh words, he seemed to be more able to integrate into the song and the stage itself.

Because the situation of Kaledo now coincides with this song.

"The lights are in place!"

"Seat No. 1 is in place!"

"Unit two is in place!"

The voice of the staff continued.

Kaleido's stage set is very special. There are cursive military orders and many weapons on the background wall. In the middle is a red Taiko drum with the front of the drum facing the front. Half a meter in front of the drum lies a ebony private string guzheng, which is Jiang Miao's own piano. There are three war flags on each side, and the names of the six of them are written in brush writing.

All the staff stood in a row on the stage, with Ling Yi at the forefront. Jiang Miao gestured towards the director room, "Kaleido is in place."

"OK." The lights on the stage were all dimmed, and the final voice came from the studio, "Kaleido's "Broken Array" recording begins!"

The sound of music sounded, and the accompaniment started with a sampled opera Banyan, and Jinghu pulled out the first melody. There was an odd number of lights in the center of the stage, and the moment the camera was facing the face from top to bottom, Ling shook his wrist and opened a folding fan, and the Peking Opera segment opened.

"I heard the sound of the golden drums and the corners shaking, evoking my lofty ambition to break through the sky." He held the red folding fan and only slapped it twice.

The last few words are high-pitched and tactful, and the prolonged ending is full of charm. This opening stunned hundreds of audience members. Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't expect to hear such an opening on the idol stage.

"I'm going to this to be Peking Opera!? That's awesome!"

"My goose bumps are all up!"

"Is Mu Guiying in charge? Why is the lead singer of the card group so strong?"

"This is the song of Leoqu."

Caledo's fans started the crazy support mode, calling out the names of all members one by one in the gap between the accompaniment.

The accompaniment sound of Peking Opera is still there, but a clear flute sound is interspersed, like some kind of signal. Ling Yi put away the folding fan and threw it into the air.

Command came from the director room.

[The first machine is cut with the fan, and the second machine is ready—]

When the camera came down, the formation of the six people had already separated. Jiang Miao stepped forward with a long voice, "The yellow sands lifted the blood fog, breaking the formation to compete."

Then Fang Juexia, who came to the center of the team, fluttered with her high-beamed long hair, free and easy and cold, with an ethereal tone, perfecting the opening atmosphere, "There is no way for me to walk, and let you lie in ambush."

The snare drum sound began to appear in the accompaniment, and the momentum gradually became magnificent. The whole group danced in unison under the rhythm. The consistency of the movements was amazingly high, and the rhythm became stronger and stronger.

Ling Yi stepped forward, "Thousand waves with one stone, two fingers flicking ten thousand sounds. Ye Yunying walks from the moon, full of bows in the snow."

[Unit three! ]

In the middle of the camera, somersault came to the center of the stage, and this time attracted the cheers of the audience. The most amazing thing was that the doudou turned completely and the wheat did not shake at all. Jing."

The fine drums bring the atmosphere to the extreme, and the impact of the six-person sword dance scene is extremely strong. In the accompaniment, every strum of the guzheng seems to be murderous.

He Ziyan walked to the front with the sound of a flute. The choreographer’s hand movements combined with the skill of wanjianhua. When he closed his hand, he grabbed the headset and started his own rap part, "I have long been looking forward to this battle. Virtue is not worthy, you beware of the quagmire."

The choreography performed by Rap is relatively casual. He Ziyan swung his open military coat back, squatted down and aimed at his camera, with a mocking expression, "Just use it as an aphasia vase and don't interfere with the real voice. I think I am embarrassed on all sides. The fate of you depends on your karma!"

Standing up, He Ziyan shook his head in a faster and faster rhythm, stepping back from the edge of the stage step by step, "A thousand troops and horses have driven me into desperation today. Believe it or not, I will go my own way. Whether the hero wins or loses, Success or failure depends on this." Finally, he made a gentleman bending over and ended his part, "Thank you for divulging the secret, I will be terrified in the future."

This phrase is already clearly in the connotation leak accident, and the eyes of fans from other families in the audience are widened. I did not expect that the lyrics of this song "Broken Array" would be written so targeted.

The transitional verse began, the accompaniment sounded with a sharp blade unsheathed, and Ling Yi stepped forward to sing a high note: "You dare not admit that the new generation has come."

He Ziyan's melody and rap are behind him, "Whoever surrenders will default to flying with a blade to hide his name and body."

The next part is the transitional part of Fang Juexia. He straddled the four people from the edge of the stage to the C position, really walking and flying.

[Push the 1st stand! Cut No. 4 to make a face shot! ]

Fang Juexia's uniform coat was the only one that was tightly fastened, and he was full of abstinence. He turned his face and sang a very penetrating high pitch, "Thank you, hurry up and line up to be my dead soul under the sword."

At the end of Fang Luo, Pei Tingsong suddenly appeared in the camera, grabbing Fang Juoxia's collar, and the two sides' faces slammed close.

Fang Juexia pushed him away, and raised her left eyebrow with disdain.

This choreographic interaction immediately aroused huge screams in the audience. Dozens of fans called out hundreds of people to exaggerate, almost covering the sound of the accompaniment.

The five people walked in a circle, standing at the center of the circle and raising their wrists, the white bandage wrapped around the wrists flicked, "Look at me—"

The rest of the staff was controlled by him, like a rein. The six people sang the chorus in unison.

[Let's interrogate dirty rules without blood

Ye Ben contends against the false world, who made gods

Indifferent, only the hero does not ask about the origin]

The rhythm of the accompaniment is getting faster and faster. Everyone knelt down, leaving Jiang Miao to stand, "No question about the future of this trip."

Everyone got up, and when the rhythm was so intense that they were about to reach the top, they suddenly had no time for a shot.

Fang Juexia, who walked to the C position, raised her arm to make a shot and a spear, reaching her temple in the close-up.

"Listen to me and break the formation."

The hottest electronic sound in the region, Drop, appeared, and the strong rhythm made the audience boil. Really sampled sword sounds and sharp electronic sounds overlapped and interlaced, creating a sense of space with the scene of choreography.

This dance is very open and close, but every movement is precisely stuck to the rhythm of the electronic sound, and the rendering is extremely powerful. The atmosphere of the whole studio is high, like the scene of a music festival for a while. Just when the drop part was about to end, everyone sang again in unison, "Listen to me and break the line."

The formation once again changed into a long dragon. With the plucking of the guzheng, everyone tilted left and right, revealing the last Pei Tingsong. He didn't know when he came to the red frame Taiko drum and beat the Taiko vigorously with the accompaniment. , Once again kicked off the battlefield.

Turning the drumstick in his hand, Pei Tingsong turned the guzheng to the front, shook his military uniform jacket and started rap: "In this world, all fighting and fighting are all laughing and hiding knives. Waiting for advice, waiting for advice, but waiting for evil and no evil and no evil tricks."

Fang Juexia said in his heart that Pei Tingsong would never change his words on the spot this time, but he was still too naive. After less than a second of this thought, he heard Pei Tingsong's second creation.

"Uncle Yu's leaked song is out of tune, do you sound good to this lyrics? If it weren't for the full sneer, how would you know me Heming Jiugao." Pei Tingsong was full of banditry in his steps, picked up the folding fan from the ground and opened it suddenly. Fan a fan.

"The heart is ulcerated and jealous, and this sickness lacks a potent medicine. The original lonely army opened his mouth, and the blood drank while it was hot and immortal."

The lyric has been changed so sharply that I can’t wait to poke Astar’s lung tube. Fang Juexia really admired Pei Tingsong's dirty word without the bloody head that would curse them.

The folded fan was compared to a knife and slashed across his chest. Pei Tingsong showed a sick smile on his face and wiped the corners of his mouth, "However, I was born irritable, and I will bite back when I eat." Finally, he turned his back. Go, throw the folding fan at will, "The sound of the piano throws a sharp sword out of its sheath to lift your head into the heavens."

The murderous intent of this rap was so heavy that it almost shocked the audience.

"Cao Pei's listening song is too real!"

"I almost missed my first name..."

The arrangement changed again, the sound of the horse screamed, and the lead singers stepped forward again, the verse coordinated in an orderly manner, and the aura was stronger than the first chorus. The fans in the audience responded even more loudly, mixed with the war-themed arrangement, quite happy and unrestrained.

[Let's interrogate dirty rules without blood

Ye Ben contends against the false world, who made gods

Indifferent but only heroes regardless of origin

Don't ask about your future during this trip

Listen to me breaking the battle]

I thought it would be an electronic sound drop again, but I didn't expect it to be the background sound that suddenly fell silent, leaving only the killing snare drum, one sound, then another sound. The stage went dark for an instant, without the lights, only the snare drum continued.

When it lights up again, the guzheng sounded, not a sample in the accompaniment, but a real performance. There are only two chasing beams left on the stage, and there are only two people. A bunch of Jiang Miao sitting in front of the Guzheng. The other beam is Fang Juexia, standing alone with her back to the stage.

He had taken off his military coat long ago, and only wore a moon-white wide-sleeved tunic robe next to him. The audience in the audience was all surprised by this unexpected choreography.

"Oh my God!!!"

"Ah this look!! Absolutely!"

"Fang Juexia, is this?"

Following Jiang Miao's piano sound, Fang Juexia began to dance solo, raising his arms and legs, the movements were as light as clouds. The string sounded faster and faster, and the two threw themselves into the sea and turned to take off. The astonishing difficulty of the swallow-style purple gold crown made the audience exclaim in exclamation.

After several consecutive cloud bridges rolled, Fang Juexia came to the Guzheng, sent her hand to her waist, picked up a long sword from the piano stand, drew the sword and danced, as elegant as a fairy.

not good.

Fang Juexia felt that her waist was being violently pulled by some force, and she glanced at the wheat box fixed on her back waist and saw that the wheat box had fallen off, and a thread was pulled and hung in the air. Without changing his face, he temporarily changed the choreography. He turned around and grabbed the black line with a suction leg, flicked his wrist forcefully, and the wheat box was thrown in the air for a week before being firmly caught by Fang Juexia.

This process was very long for him, but it was fleeting for the audience in the audience. Few people realized how amazing the solo Fang Juexia had made.

He hid the hand holding the wheat box behind his back, and only used his right hand to dance the sword. His waist was as smart as a soft sword in his hand. When the sound of the piano gradually fell, the long sword stabs forward, standing on one leg and raising his left leg, standing like a crane. The center of the stage.

After a few strums, the guzheng changes. Everyone returned to the stage. Jiang Miao took the chair he had just sat on before, and the formation behind Fang Juexia, Lu Yuan spoke and started the transitional bridge, "Close your eyes and listen to the sound of fighting on the battlefield. I'm sure this time I will never Confined in predicament."

Ling Yi connected, the treble penetrating power is very strong, "There is no shortcut to this road. I only believe in me, never believe in fate."

The chorus reappeared. Lu Yuan, who was the main dancer, stood in the C position, in an arrow-shaped position, and Fang Juexia was behind him.

[Let's interrogate dirty rules without blood

Ye Ben contends against the false world, who made gods

Indifferent but only heroes regardless of origin

Don't ask about your future during this trip

Listen to me breaking the battle]

The last stage of intense electronic music Drop pushed the atmosphere of the audience to the top. It was not like recording a song show, but more like the scene of a Caledo concert. Everyone’s senses were all mobilized and moved with the music until Ignite is over.

The rhythm slowed down, and the six people walked back towards the stage. The accompaniment once again changed to the guzheng plucked strings and board eyes at the opening, and the background sound mixed with the faint wind and snow.

With the sound of the flute blowing, Pei Tingsong took a black military uniform coat in his hand, trembling in the cold sound of the string, and draped it on Fang Juexia's shoulders. Fang Juexia didn't rush, paced to the Grand Master's chair in front of the Guzheng, and picked up the long sword that had just been temporarily placed on the piano. Several other people made ending movements around the chairs.

Jiang Miao's voice was warm and soft.

Pei Tingsong stood directly behind the chair, his eyes narrowed to hostility. Fang Juexia turned around and sat on the Grand Master's chair, lazily leaning on it. Wiping the blade with his finger, he threw the sword to the ground in front of him indifferently, singing the last sentence of the whole song.

"My way is no way, let you lie in wait."

The author has something to say: We have to rely on live to get out of the circle again

The warning ahead is super long and super long. It is still the lyrics of the whole song, and the lyrics are rubbish. Now it is still too late to turn off the conversation~


"Broken Array"

Composer: xxx/Fang Juexia/xxx

Lyricist: Pei Tingsong/Fang Juexia

Arrangement: He Ziyan/xxx/xxx/Fang Juexia

Guzheng Performance: Jiang Miao

Final interpretation right: Zhichu

(The opening aria is selected from the Peking Opera "Mu Guiying in Command")

(Beijing Opera opening)

Ling Yi: I heard the sound of the golden drums and the corners shaking, arousing my lofty ambitions to break the sky. Fan Wang's clown, what's the point, I can block a million soldiers with one sword!

(Variation on Guzheng)

Jiang Miao: The Yellow Sand and Four Wilds Lift the Blood Fog

Jiang Miao: Break the battle to compete

Jue Xia: There is no way for me to walk

Juexia: Let you lie in wait

(Guzheng strumming, snare drum sound)

Ling Yi: Thousand Waves from One Stone/Two Fingers and Ten Thousand Voices

Ling Yi: Ye Escape from the Moon / Full Bow Snow

Lu Yuan: Burden of Life and Death/Breaking the Cauldron and Tu Qilin

Lu Yuan: Alone riding to cut Yama/Blood body with a banner

(Rap, Ling Yi harmony)

He Ziyan:

Keep a low profile/I have long been looking forward to it/This battle

Virtue does not match / you beware of chaos / trapped in the quagmire

Just be an aphasia vase / less intervention in the real voice

I think I am embarrassed on all sides/Look at your karma

Thousands of troops and horses pushed me to despair today

Believe it or not

Whether the hero wins or loses / succeeds or fails in one move

Thank you for divulging the secrets/I will be a thousand miles away from now on

Ling Yi: The new generation has already come/you dare not admit it

He Ziyan: (Don't blink/Don't shake the gods/Jianguang cold ten steps to kill a person)

Juexia: Please hurry up and line up/be my dead soul under the sword

Pei Tingsong: (Who surrenders/Who acquiesces/Flying to hide the name and body deeply)

Lu Yuan: Let me

Qi: Indulgent / cross-examination / dirty rules are not bloody

Qi: Night Run/Contend/Who made gods in the false world

Qi: Don't hear/don't fight/only the hero doesn't ask about the origin

Jiang Miao: Don't ask about the future during this trip

Juexia: Listen to me and break the line


Qi: Listen to me and break the line


(Rap, Juxia harmony)

Pei Ting Song:

In this world / fights and fights are all smiling and hiding knives

Waiting for advice/waiting to come, but there is no evil and no insidious tricks

Puyu's leaked song is out of tune/This lyrics sounds good to you

If it weren't for the full sneer/how do you know me Heming Jiugao

Heart festering and burning with jealousy/This malignant disease still lacks a strong medicine

The original lone army opened a knife/drinking blood while it's hot

But I was born irritable

The sound of the piano is thrown / the sword is out of the sheath / your head is lifted and the soul is broken

Jiang Miao: Thousands of waves rise from one stone/Two fingers play ten thousand sounds

Jiang Miao: Ye Escapes from the Moon/Many Bow Snow

Jue Xia: Burden of Life and Death/Breaking the Cauldron and Tu Qilin

Jue Xia: Alone Riding and Killing Yama/Blood Body Wearing a Banner

Juexia: The new generation has already come/you dare not admit it

Pei Tingsong: (Don't blink/Don't shake the gods/Jianguang cold ten steps to kill a person)

Ling Yi: Please hurry up and line up/be my dead soul under the sword

He Ziyan: (Who surrenders/who defaults/hidden name and body deeply)

Jiang Miao: Let me

Qi: Indulgent / cross-examination / dirty rules are not bloody

Qi: Night Run/Contend/Who made gods in the false world

Qi: I don’t hear/do not fight/only a hero regardless of origin

Lu Yuan: Do not ask about the future during this trip

Ling Yi: Listen to me and break the battle


Qi: Listen to me and break the line


dance break (Jue Xia solo dance, Jiang Miao Guzheng performance)


Lu Yuan: Close your eyes and listen to the sound of fighting on the battlefield

Lu Yuan: I am sure that I will not be confined to difficulties this time

Ling Yi: There is no shortcut to the end of this road

Ling Yi: I only believe in me/never believe in fate (high pitch)

Ling Yi: The new generation has already come/you dare not admit it

He Ziyan: (Don't blink/Don't shake the gods/Jianguang cold ten steps to kill a person)

Juexia: Please hurry up and line up/be my dead soul under the sword

Pei Tingsong: (Who surrenders/Who acquiesces/Flying to hide the name and body deeply)

Lu Yuan: Let me

Qi: Indulgent / cross-examination / dirty rules are not bloody

Qi: Night Run/Contend/Who made gods in the false world

Qi: I don’t hear/do not fight/only a hero regardless of origin

Jiang Miao: Don't ask about the future during this trip

Juexia: Listen to me and break the line


Qi: Listen to me and break the line


Ling Yi & Jue Xia: Listen to Me/Listen to Me/Yi Song Breaking the Array (Treble)

Jiang Miao: The Yellow Sand and Four Wilds Lift the Blood Fog

Jiang Miao: Break the battle to compete

Jue Xia: There is no way for me to walk

Juexia: Let you lie in wait

(One song and one ending two paragraphs are composed by Jue Xia, so he is included in the lyrics and music arrangement)

(Regarding Mu Guiying's commanding chant, I deleted two sentences, considering the duration and the matching of the words in it, but in fact, the whole paragraph is very exciting, you can search for it, not on the video website ky)